r OS The Novelty Works. CARTY BRCS, PROP'S. Itetween Harvey and McNair . Blacksmithing, hiiesmith ing, Pipe fitting and repairir. g steam boilers, Engines, Ac. Special attention paid to outside work. Satisfaction guaranteed or io charge. s, ' t Subscription $1 Per Year. 'THE OLD NORTH STATK FOREVER." H. A. LATHAM, Editor. VOL. XVI. WASHINGTON, BEAD FORT C0.r N. 0., THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1893. NO- 5. WISIIIlt E GAZETTE A? 0 in ,ha " simple :.veget.ible 11,1,1 ' , t ho iMriii'ilH "f . mnMt cure 01 w'f f r t l"'1' B' ,V ar?h Asthma and e,iy I , Vn' -'''.VrMioiw alio posit - '"""' 'I ,.') j miis! "I,L ' "' ' d.'bility andiall , Tl,T..Ht ; ,.,...: . i m Jested its h... . , .ui..ts. f 'thousands of ;;'' f,!t it a.? 1 ',., .ated by this reo- "V: f. r''lu' who desire i this a!i; 'fn o ' h:1':. . , KLglish with , ,.r.f"r f" ' .tarn,-, naming tb V 1 1 Highest aii i" f m Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report !Pwdler JsBSQWTEDt PURE S mil iiiitl Ittisiiujss Cards . - - m , , ,., KI M. -m A 1 ' M .V- " ? C. -h VjI' 'v . , , v l- - a t t . VV WASHING TON, . o 'K K V IT! I. ATfOHN EY-AT-LAW, Washington, X. AN OL'J ROU MADE NEW. SENATOR V ANCE'S LETTER. ; GOMBROON,' ) Near Black Mountain. N. C.v V Julj. 19th, 1893. ) It. W. Elliott I Esq., ' , Sec'y Mecklenburg Co ."Alliance. I Sir 1 have the resolutions Great Improvement In B. & O. ;Eqaipiuent. New Route ! to the West. received a copy of of Mecklenburg Al liance, adopted at arecent meeting, urging Senators; and Representa tives to stand by the present silver law until some satisfactory siibsti- lute shall be adopted. ' A MOST VITAL 1SSUK. ' less continue so long as we treat one metal of fixed and standard value and the other as a commodity. It is not necessary to go over all the graoundo on which my conviction was founded. I simply wished as sure you that my opinions) are unchanged. THE SHEKMAN ACT. Since then all the enormous re sources of modern science, steam, electricity, preserved foods and the experience of centuries have only J. H. A n 0 J N K Y - A T- LA W , . WASniNOTON, N. C. V AT I oi:nky-at-laW, WASHINGTON, N. C J AT'lullNKY-AT-LAW, : '-i,i-cial utti--i.i- I'tnato collection of hu..,.. , - Market Street Hoiei. ,i.i:i;in. NEW lifcKNK, N. C : All tin- mo'leni cur-veiiienres. 1 II K t-si a j 'I iilM'uX. WTI.M !" TON; N'. C. oiutfd Hotel in thebtate. H ,1 K. MUUIIAM, l'KOPUIKTOli KL1ZAI1KT1I C1TY.N. U In bii.-ii.t s l'iut of city Mt.dri boat.-i iuid trains Fre3 hack THE K I X IIOI'SK, 1 (.liKlN VH.I.K, N. G. HUS. SDKKIFF KIX'O, PllOP'TEESS. l'leaHiitly situmed in business paitct tie t it v. QVV.l.NDELL HOTEI, J SWAN O.UAKTEB, N. C. DiiiN Utio, Proprietors. . "'lelitttxlaiid refurnished. Bett Bote in Ihdc cfHiuty Table well supplied -f i viuits attentive. t 111. I'KXUKK. iV, iOXftUillAli AH 1 1ST, I MAIN ST., WA.S11INOTON, H. C. ''I. Dibble's Old Stand. 1 ii. Ji(i.-S, TA 1 LOit. AMi lM.'IOX. X. .'. .ami u.aK.iiij; t- 1 1 1 Mi Hoik (iiuirunteed.. ;ini lcs: UHice it ' .1. I 1 1 n 1 1 la A V. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has prepared to handle a large l busi ness while tha World's Fair is in Chicago. The terminals at Chicago are capable of accommodating- a very heavy traffic. Important changes have been made for the handling of a lar&e freight and passenger business to the West from New York, Philadel phia and Baltimore. New equipment lor largely increased passenger busi ness and an extensive stock of freight cars have been added. The various roads of the system are being im proved ty. stra'gbtened lines, reduced grades, extra side tracks, .and inter locking switches. The new line be tweeu Chicago Junction and Akron hns; shoiiened ' the distance between Chicago and tide water twenty-rivo miles, and between Pittsburg and Chi cago nity-eight miles. The distance between Chicago and Pittsburg and Chicago and Cleveland by the construction of the Akron line and the acquisition of the Pittsburg and Western line and the Valley R. K. Uhio, is about the same as the Lake Shore from Cleveland to Chicago.. The alignment is to be changed and grades reduced to a minimum of is6 feet. It is expected that within twelve months the old Baltimore and Ohio through line between Chicago and the Atlantic Ocean will have passeS away and the new line Via Pittsburg will be estab iisne i. with no greater grades or cur- va tire than on a-iy of the trunk lines. Work is progressing rapidly east of Pittsburg to meet improvements mak ing west: of Pittsburg. These .improve ments consist of additional second and third tracks, a general correction of the alignment, an,l completion of the double track on the Metropolitan lirancli. -Another important enter prise of the Baltimore and Ohio Co . . ; ...... nfH..A.;nn ., f .u nu i: me tuunu ucuuu ui me ieiij line tunnel under the City of Baltimore, which 13 intended to unite the H ash ! n g ton Branch with the Philadelphia Division, and d away with the pres ent tine via jjocust point, torty new and' p werful" lociMiotive engines have been recently added to the equip ment, and others re in process of con struction. The permanent improve ments now under wy and in contem dalion involve the expenditure of ome live millions of dollars. Von DUWil.K. AN D I'.lfil" .. w asi!1X(;ton, x. . rniciitural ;ii-i.sioii and cr' niologi !i ip-ii. I'liifiiolotjical hair cutters j 'M liviiioi;itliical shavers of beards. W iik A .-.nigiiomi'callv executed. Nrxfc door io (tull.igher's Dr;'gstore. - - . t :: A. S. W Kl.l.S. SITUiKOX DKXTIST, : V . v .WASHINGTON, X. C. ' i i'i'i e next-door to Oiillahcr's Drug- St !! . ' . " D' i;. 1H)'. WILLIAMS, i nt;i:u.v KKNTTST, -:- WASHINGTON, N. C. . Otlict'm Main St., Over Gray's Mil in.cry Iviijioiimn. " I'. M: BilO A N, ITi'Vt. ,K(). R. DITUY, 1'ivs t. Ai. M. l'L'.MA V, Cashier. Vice 8if0 BROOM-Bill 1 QPiTAL, $10,000 ! ii' iit nil r.ankinjr anil Cbllectimr lusiiiiss Conducted. 'Oxford Female Seminary Ox ford, N. C. i This prosperous school will open its next session on August 30, 1893, and the prospects for an increased patronage are very bright. ' Besides doing the most thorough work in the Literary Department, and furnishing exceptional facilities in Music and in Art, it has an In dustrial Department that supplies the needs of the times. In this are taught Book Keeping, Type Writ ingj Strenography and Dress Cut ting and Fitting. - Much attention has always been given to Physical Culture. . -',i;kksconikxts: Hanover Nst. Bank, New York. . Norfolk- Nat.. Bank, Norfolk, Va. - - 7- ... MID pons. WASHINGTON.K.C. Blotches, Old Sores, Ulcers and all skin eruptions cured by P. P. P.'sth greatest blood purifier of the age. 1 Rheumatism and Syphilis yield readily to P. P. P. (Prickly Ashe Poke Koot and fotassium). . 1 If are you troubled with Dvspepsia Stomach Disorder, or Liver or Kidney complaint, try P.P. P., and you wil rejoice at its magical workings. Fe males are peculiarly benefitted by 1 I'.jr. it expeis disease, ana gives healthy t etion to every organ. Lost manhood, lost, energy, weak nees. general debility are all cured by P. P. P. New life, new euergy are infused in the system by the blood purifying and cleansing propereties of P. P. P. , the greatest blood puri fy er of the age. TlietV.f 'Coin W, panies represent- our patrons their risks Suirinti',' t., -1 1 . .. i t l- . -1 ' im;, uil.'s. ()f r? A h kiiully. consideration ..... j u pr: xunui ' i. li V,'. J. Crumpleb. xv. . Potts. j i Mil A fi-V ii mm clear 1x6 Apply-to T. H. sM0U2rHSBREVITO! : Pure HayanaXJigar ! S:'!'! fH!y -l.y - C M A LL! SOX, Wellington, N. C. ."-PPy-.andcon...-.. weiie,.- i umn ' :l a nom with ''The Ro. titett-ampCo.,NwYoi THE RICH MAN S PANIC. Recent developments which seem to have unsettled so many silver ad vocates and make them give way to the repeal of the Sherman law, has rather strengthened me in the de termination to yield nothing to the I observed this action with great mono-metalists, whose schemes I re- pleasure for two reasons: It is the ornrd as absolutely selfish and unDa- . 0 . J - -m exercise of one of the most valua- triotic. The "oanic so indnstri ble ana legitimate . functions by ously advertised, is know now to which the Alliance can be made to J have been created by them; and will subserve the interest of the farmers be known hereafter as "the rich the concentration of their whole j man's panic:" the explosion of the influence upon the issues of the day. Indian bomb is already discounted n view of 'jthe notorious fact of las the grasping by the government the combinations among all other of the profits of coining silver ru branche3 of industry and in every pees which heretofore had been reap form of capital I years ago urged ed by British merchants. The coin- upon our agricultural classes the j ing will go on as largely as ever, mportance of such organization as only the Indian government will would enable them to make their pocket the 40 per cent, gain and vas biit widely scattered and dis- not the merchants. England does joiBted strength felt, promptly and not dare to demonetize silver m In efficiently, in legislation.: Now, dia, which alone makes her demone- the preservation dt silver as a part tize it at home. - There is not spare ofour currency is one of the most gold enough in the world to replace vital of all -the issues which our the $900,000,009 of silver in that people have been called upon to de- country. . The attempt to do so cide?for half a century. The ene- wuld bankrupt . half of Christen- mies of silver money have displayed j dom and England well knows it. a wonderful sagacity in their tactics. I The suggestion is pure bluff and Though scattered throughout the can only disturb a politician who civilized world, they have obeyed a holds a very weak hand. Nor have single voice from: headquarters in the allegations so distressingly shout- XNew York the I ea taat the Sherman law was causing the line to all our gold to leave the country, had American capital and the response I any effect on me. From'the begin- is immediate! jWhat is . known as ning I knew them to be false. Gold the Sherman law is the onfy legisla- went out because we owed it abroad lion oe our statute books which and the balance of trade was against inds us to the use of silver, and us. Shipments of wheat have turn- the cry is raised for its repeal un- ed the tide and now it is coming in. der various pretences, all equally I Some of our securities did come false. The 'banks, stock-holders, home and take off gold in payment, (Written for Thk Gazette.) . Public sentiment now seems uni ted in ascribing to. the Sherman act enabled forty miles additional pole- the financial difficulties which affect ward advance to be made: all classes of business. ; This act in- The Arctic basin, occupied by the creased the silver purchases of the Arctic sea, is fringed in by land, Government from 2,000,000 to the northern ccst of America, Eu- 4,500,000 ounces per month, and I rope and Asia forming a roughly I provided for the issue of Treasury circular boundary broken by three potes upon the bullion, which were well-marked channels communica- redeemable in coin. J ting with the ocean. i The credit of the currency rests j Behring Strait between America upon a fund of gold in the United and Asia, is the narrowest; Baffin States Treasury, which on June 80, bay, between America and Green 1890, fourteen days before the pas- land, is wilder, branching into, a jfage of she Sherman bill amounted I number of Ice-blocked sounds to the to $164 ,841,127, of which J100,000,- westward and - tapering,, off into 000 was set apart as a reserve or re- Smith sound in the nertheast,. .The i demption fund for $346,681,016 of widest channel of the three lies be greenback or legal tender currency. I tween Greenland and Europe, and Through the operations of the Sher- this is bisected iust south of 80 de man act, this fund was reduced to grees north by the island group of $89,000,000, and is iow $97,000,- Spitzbergen 000, still below the reserve limit. In meantime, silver Treasury notes have been issued to the extent of $140,661,6.94. In this manner the gold fund has suffered a loss of Allow-me to add my tribute the effi cacy of Ely's Cream Balm. I was suf-v Jerlng from a severe attack of the In. nuenza and catarrh -and was induced to try your remedy. The result was marvelous 1 could hardly articu about $67,000,000, while the paper late, and in less than 24 hours the ca- , ,. ,. . , j tarrhal symptom and :my hoarseness obligations against it have increased di8appeaJed and I was j able to sing a $140,000,000. heavy role in Grand Opera with voice . , , . . . . unimpaireu. x Btruugij reccommeuu n 1 he loss has mainly come about -n anaf.ra wm. H. Hamilton. London. Fi'om word comes down through gold exports, claimed to be due to the fright of foreign in vestors, who feared that the gold fund would vanish and the Govern ment be forced to redeem Its cur rency obligations or notes in silver. The outward movement of fore ii capital in 1891 was sufficient to overcome a favorable balance of rade of $112,000,000 and induce a net gold export of $68,000,000 above imports of that coin in 1881, while in 1892 a favorable balance of trade of nearly $200,000,000 was overcome and gold exported, above imports, to the extent of $100,000, 000. The volume of , gold exports has continued untira few weeks ago, and the movement now seems at Leading Basso of Grand Opera Co. the C. D. Hess To the Sunday School Worker of North Carolina. bond-holders,chambers of commerce, et id orane genus, clamor for its re peal and urge he calling of an ex tra sescion of Congress to sit dur- ing the dog days for that purpose but this hurt nobody except specu lators in tbm, who vvcic fearful that the price would fall and they would lose maney. But even those I which did come from abroad came in alone. Tariff repeal, which formed consequence of the scare got up by the chief issue of the past campaign, thrust to the; rear &rid the interest of capital is placed in front, to be dealt with under the demoralizing a fraudulent panic cre- and called by conditions of ated by capital itself, Mr. Ingersol FIRST the banker's panic. I!CTHE STATE . our own capitalists. Of course ,for- eigners believed the -stories of the ruin and bankruptcy if the Sherman law was not repealed, which our own people told the.ii. WILL ENDEAVOR TO DO HIS DUTY. Finally, I hope it is. unnecessary for me to say that the hope of in- Under thesb alarming circumstan- gratiating my seif with the ad- ces I have listened, and mostly in ministration in order to secure oa- .... . . . .i vain, ror the voice oi tne warmers tronage at its hands, has in no sense Alliance, sounding their opinions affecte4 my opinion of right in the and the wishes of those they repre- premises. How far such a motive sent, , composing fully one-half of may operate in the repeal of that the nation; giving the feeble and law j jjave n0 means of knowing. vascil latin g aoiong politicians- to un- believe, however, it will not go a derstand what they had to expect if great way But jeft things go as they betrayed the people s cause on thev maVj jt san be my earnest en this great financial question. The ,10 vnr tn do rav dut v in maintain action of-your Alliance is the first official utterance on the subject I have seen in he State. It is time your order wU bringing every atom of its influence to bear. It should use every means possible to let it be known that there is yet another and entirely different world in the fields and homes jof toil , whose interest j demand attention as well as that combination of money - dealers, stock-brokers, gamblers and.specu- lators who assume for themselves to - I ! constitute the! "'business interests ing the cause of the people in pre serving the character of their money and increasing its abundance . Z. B Vance in Charlotte Observer. Bugs in the Cotton. Mr. Linney and the Bull. They are having a good joke on Mr. 11. Z. Linney over in Taylors ville. His, political friend, Dr. Mott, some time? ago made him a presmt of a Jersy bull. Onthe day of the coun ty Alliance meeting the bull happen ed to hear a group of "refawmers'' explaining- the financial situation. Taurus got so mad that he determined ti put the advise of the Governor of Colorado into execution on the spot. He was for war right then and there. -ind the first man to cross his path was his master, who is sometimes called "the bull of the brushy moun tains.'' lie made at him with a rush and knocked him out the first round. The lawyer, as soon as he got the dust wiped out of his eyes sufficiently to discover 'whare he was at,"saw that he was minus one of his trouser'a legs, which the bull was triumphant- lywaving from the point of one, of his horns. Newton Enterprise. and Wniskey Habit cured at lionie witD- Bticularssent iH ti; BB B.M.WOOLLEY.M.D rAUuUHta. ouice 1SH Whitehall 8 . .'- U'OM! of the land. prompt and The effect of this united action cannot possibly be doubted. CONCURRED. WITH HIS . i ! TIONS. OWN CONVIC- Only a short time ago farmers were loud in their complaint of the Cotton Anhide: now the cry is against "a small red bug," which some sav burrow into the stalk causing it to break off , , Some of these red bugs collected in cotton fields around Raleigh prove to be the nine and thirteen spotted lady bugs the insect which have so effectually riddled the cot ton of Aphides. The' Aohide be In the next place I was glad to ing all devoured, the lady bugs find rfnd lho resolutions of vour .Alii- no more food and are starving to ance, because they . concurred ' with death, they will soon disappear mv own most serious convictions. The useful little insects have done Many years ago, alter as thorough and will do no damage to the cot and impartial an examination' of the ton. The claim that they bore into question as I was capable of making, the stalks is unfounded and is a I came to jthe absolute conclusion physical impossibility, as these in-j that the use of silver; as well as sects have no boring or rasping or- (.- .. . . ' . ...'..-. -i gold, on equal terms, as tne basis ox gans. The Twelth Annual Convention of ihe North Carolina State Sunday school Association will be he la in Greensboro, August 22 and 24, next. The Convention will be attended by Mr. Wm. Reynolds, Superinten dent of Organization of the inter national Sunday School Association and by the most prominent and ex perienced Sunday School workers of the State. The representation will consist of DYSPEPSIA Is that misery experienced when suddenly made aware that you possess a diabolical arrangement called stomach. No two dyspep tics have the same predominant symptoms, but whatever1 form dyspepsia takes The underlying cava i in the LIVER, and one thing is certain no on will remain a dyspeptio who will i It will orrel oldltyof tb Stomach, . Expel foul Allay Irritation, AMlat DlffMtl 'and at the Mm time' ::tart the lAver working ami . all bfttiilu ailments will disappear, "Tor tutors than three year I suffered with Dyspepsia in its worst form. I tried sercral eoclors, but they aiTrded CO relief. At last I tried Simmoni Liver Regulator, which cured mt in short time. It is a good medicine. I would at . be without it.' Jambs A. Roamb, Pkilad'a. Pa. !; Sea thai you get the Genuine, wilh red 2 on front of wrapper. FKZPAXCD OKLT ST 4. U. ZKILiN A CO., Philadelphia. Pa, J. D. CORDON, Wholesale and Retail GROCER -AND- COfttS'll LHRCIIMIT. buyer or HOLLYDAS . QUEEII HORSE WASH! WHAT IT IS- WHAT IT DOES WHAT IT SAVES. CrcnRES SCRATCHES OR GREASE, w FISTULOUS OfENINGS, - SORES, ULCERS, GALLS. t COLLAR SORES, WOUNDS, I SWELLINGS, ' ' ' CUTS, BRUISES, HEATED JOINTS. INFLAMATION, ... FEVERISH SURFACES. MANGE, NAIL and BARBED WIRE CUTS. HOLLYDAY'S QUEEN HORSE WASH is a healine and coolintr lotion which beeins iti work of caring the moment it is applied. It Is the discovery of one who hu been with mil about horses for many years; and who became impressed long ago with the idea that there were other remedies besides the hot, stinging lo.ions which were used for horses. He exper imented until he produced the Queen Horse Wash; be has had it tr ied by very many expert horsemen, and it has been proved a most wou I derful healer of sores, galls, wounds, etc., and I a hardener of the flesh. ' Winkelmann & Brown Drii Co-, SOLE PROPRIETORS, BALTIMORE, MD. I , Price, 50 cent per bottle. ONEQDART size. MINOT'S DENTIFRICE, Beautifies the Teeth. '. Nothing ever discovered, whiten- the Teeth o quickly and safely as MINOr'S DENTI FRICE. Iti8 se from acids and ail dangerous substances, a 1 can be used with splendid re sults, even wtere the teeth seem past improve ment in ppen ance. i Whitens and polishes the enamel Deautinuiiy. j wSLlV iJIShii Preserves" the Gums- ten delegates from each county, ex- end. , The prospects of repealing cept Guilford, which is unlimited. tne r.ct ana the promise or gram Deicefttca will bo provided with free exports mthe fall have stayed for enteriairiment by the citizens of a time the outward current or gold. GreehsDoro. The railroad fares If silver purchases are stopped wU1 equal to full fare! going and and further note issues are prevent- ftn(,.third fare returning. Tickets AND- I DOE also render the teeth unsightly. MINOT'S DENTIFRICE is a certain cure for unhealthy gtmt. and hardens and preserves them, thereby preventing tne early loss oi teetn. Sweetens the Breath, and produces the violet-like odor which Is so suggestive ot neatness ana cleanliness, ana leaves a sweet, pure taste in tne mourn. . Country Produce, Safe and Agreeable, a a. under all circumstances. Its components are ed, it is believed that the tide of foreign capital will again be direct ed toward this country and gold im ports in large volume follow. By the repeal of the act relerred to, it is clear from this statement, that he integrity of the gold fund will hearty invitation to the Convention In any quantity. BS.-f.-A-flA A tl 1 I I M. n for the round trip will be obtain a-1 0131X61 dUBBl. Ncrtl lYldlKe' HEI ble from all depot agents. The program will be pu Wished as soon as completed. The local committee, on behalf of j the people of Greensboro, extend a p eriectiy pure ana narmiess, ana are tne Deal known tonics for the mouth and gums. It whitens the teeth without injury to the enamel, and is the best Dentifrice that can possibly be , u8ed. M1NOT S DENTIFRICE enjoys the dis tinction of being absolutely pure in quality, promptin effect, pleasing to use and surprising ly low priced. L. Jackowfsky, Everybody Uses it and Everybody be assured, recourse to silver pay ments by tne Treasury avoided, and a far-reaching financial catastrophe averted. - D. C. M. During the dog-day season, the drain of nervous and vital energy may be contracted by the use of Aer's Sarsa- parilla. In- purifying the. blood, it acts as a superb corrective and tonic, and enables the systen to defy malari al and other climatic influences. and will cordially welcome its dele gates to their homes. At this Convention delegates will be elected to the World's and Inter national Conventions to be held in St. Louis, Aug. 30 Sept. 6. Ar rangements are being made to carry the delegates so elected in a Pull MEBGHAIIT TAILOR, Next door to Gallagher's Drugstore, WASHINGTON, N. C. Praises it. Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co., SOLE PROPRIETORS, Makes fine suits and guarantees! good fits. Has nice line of samples, BALTIMORE, MD. Price, 25 cents per bottle. man car,as excursionists to St.. Louis clothing repaired and cleaned. All and the World's Fair at Chicago charges very low. Give me a call. and return for not over $30.00 for If Cholea shonld become epidemic In this country ,or in any section thereof, remember that cleanliness in eating, cleanliness in drnking. and cleanliness of oody , with prop er use oi Place Wkere 1 here Is no East ; West and Time of Day, no the round trip. All counties which have not held Conventions during the year are earnestly requested and urged to At the north pole there is only tak immediate action land' hold one direction, south. One could go Convention before the State Conven- south in as many ways as there are points on the compass card, but ev ery one of these ways is south; east and west have vaaished. The hour of the day at the pole is a paradoxi cal conception, says McClure's Magazine, for that point is the meeting place of every meridian, our currency, was the best for the welfare of the people of the Uni ted States. This view has governed my coarse in Congress. The fact that nature sometimes yielded more of one metal than of the other, thus causing a discrepancy in their intrinsic values, did not disturb me; for I learned from history that for Hews papers in the cotton Jelt will please publish. Gerald McCarthy, j N. C. Experiment Station. GUARANTEED CURE We authorize our advertised agents to sell Dr. King's.New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, up on this condition. If you are afSieted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, nearly three hundred vears duriner Throat or Chest trouble, and will use which a ratio was fixed hv:laws the this re.m,a1y as directed, giving it a wnicn a raup was nxed Dy laws, ine fair triaJ and experience no beueflt, fluctuations in intrinsic value had you may return the bottle and have !, , , vour money refunded . We could not never exceeatd per cent., and make this c-ffgr did we not know that that as soon as that law !was with- Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied upon. It never disappoints. .Irown orpflt nnrl material flnnt.nflt.inns .UK"U' Afc ne - D xnai Dome iree at any immediately began,which will doubt, Large size 50c. and $1. dru'stoie. tion. It is especially desired that counties, at present unorganized, should hold Conventions' and elect delegates to the State Convention. A representation from every county in the State is, greatly desired. We appeal to the Ministers, Su perintendents and every lover of and the time of all holds good, so the gunday School cause though- ua i, uuj, uuur vue carea Qut tbe Stat to begtir themSelTeS TT - l : . i ' w uunuii. uupunutuanuy is uence and see that County Conventions .u.ui.uu.tuuugu Bws are;neld CountiM Where none complex, and its practical ; solution l... h.ld I JVl UClGgauca TV uu . cptvn vvr aw- xo one neeos io go to tne poie tend the Convention, notify E. P, to discover all that makes that point martorif Greensboro, Chairman of uinsren xrom any oxner point or C.nmmm on KntPrtnment, .us . u r,uc ywi, A profitable and pleasant time regions are full of unknown things, mR exneftte(i Tjfit nn .Mnntv . 1 1 A . jf . I J wnicn every Arcuc explorer or tne , ail to be represented. right stamp looks forward to find- orrlr of th vnti rw And ine reward ne iooks ror- m;ttee ward to most is the approval of the xW nnu unacrstanu and love Know- H N g- Secret&TV. 1J M "a .m a a I 1 ieoge ior us own sase ratner tnan Durham, N. C July 17, '93. x l " m . l - - ine noisy appiause or tne crowd W. D. BUCKMAN, MAIN STREET, WASHINGTON - - - N. 0. - Headquarters For Currants, Citron, Raisins, Fruits , AND Confections! ALL the Periodicals. Agent for all kinds of Rubber Stamps. BUGGY FACTORY WINKELMANN'S DIARRHOEA AND CHOI. ERA MIXTURE, ' ; .-' i will prevent this dreadful disease. WINKEIiMANH'S Diarrhoea and Cholera Mixture HINT-Gnard Against SUMMER DISEASES by True Preventive Agencies. ' WINKELMANN 'S DIARRHCEA; 1' ' - -.i - '' AND CHOLERA REM. EDY. The need of a perfectly safe and always relia ble remedy for the peculiar diseases of summer is universal, w nether to relieve me suaaen nu Geo. W. Watts, Ch'm. who would cheer him, after all,' much as they cheer a winning prize fighter or a race horse or - political candidate. The difficulties that make ' the quest of the pole so arduous have A LEADER. Since its first introduction, Electric Bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until it Is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and . al terative containing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxi cant, it is recognized as tbe best and BXTTTj-nrisrq. I also carry the finest stock ot Horse Shoes, such as the Side Weight and steel nates. Also a lull line o i WESTERN BUGGIES AND ROADCARTS. I have remov ed to T. W.PW1- lin'a -nlrl at.Kurl I alarmlnr illness of Cholera-Morbus or to . . . - . I rtollfat mnA rmM ftivnnff. Ailments MT thft stomach and bowels, WINKELMANN'S CHOL ERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY wUl al ways be found a splendid and efficacious ar ticle. It is a preparation of widespread use, acknowl edged worth, and .is recognized as one of the very Destoi its aina on tne marzei. 11 w iper fect remedy for children, and should be in ev ery family, as its timely use may prove of in- calculable worth. ' ! which I have fit ted up in first class order, and am now ready to do all kinds of REPAIRING & For Teething, Cholera Infantum, Summer Diseases and irregularity in All who dealt anything in my line young children, Winkelmann 'a Choi- will do well to call and see me. S. MILES. -w-v era and uiarrnoea rvemeuy prove of great assistance. will been discovered by slow degrees, purest medicine for all ailments of . . 1 SrAmonh I .ivsi a - tc inn atro I r. will aVWIAJUvu SJI V Ci, VTA. AkiUUVI Oe M. W VV tl cure Sick Headache, Indigestion, Con stipation, and drive Malaria from tbe system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be re funded. Sola by all druggists. It is marvelous how soon nearly the full limits of northward attainment are reached. In 1596 Barent dis covered Spitzbergen in about 789; in 1770 Hudson reached 80; in 1827 Perry, by sledging on the ice when his ship became fast, succeeded in J touching 82, 45 minutes. PRICES CENTS PER BOTTLE CONFIDENTIAL EST BROWN'S I liOli BITTERS Curt lndigesuon, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Mala ria. Nervousness, and General Debility, PkyeV jians recommend it. All dealers sell it. Aenaiatti WUaae saai and trossed rd aaas ea y PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. tot el et i. r. unit mentt ntmt eiiuti. u - , , "MBI needing atonic, or children who want boQbV ing up, should take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indf Cestioa. BjiimisBfas and Liver Complaint. Winkelmann & Brown Drug ( i SOLE PROPRIETOKS, BALTIMORE, MD. r IThe above goods for sale by ' all dealer ', V; t '-it f . il ": .f ; -1: , i ii

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