1 r 1 The Novelty Works, CAttTY BROS. PROFS. A Mam Street between Ifarvey -and McNair. Blacksmithing, Vvhitesmith ing5 Pipe fitting and repairing steam boilers, Engines, Ac. . Special attention paid to outside work. Satisfaction guarantee! or 1.0 charge. 1 ' 1 NO- 5. ' t f sr giS fS , : 11 11 II 4 i l JL-ILIW 11 H H I N U -iL VX1 vH A. JLZd II U JL lli 0 ! ... S :":::vr ''"'V ,. .viv.c it known p . . ' ' . ' t K : r: . -. ... ; ,( ,) i,v thismo- - i : ... - ' ; . ' ! ; U , : ; ' . I'.T.m.u suffering, 1 ! ' : - ; : : ' ' ' : : '. i' 3 r0 1 ( inli'sire i this ,;. , . ; ... - !'-;:'V.--'iv:;";V "', ,f:,;.senht Subscription $1 Per Year. "THE OLD NORTH .STATE FOREVER."; H. A. LATHAM, Editor . ; ; ' 1 ,' .'.J'-Y-'! m.nWgtl'ii' . ' ."j.'"' , . ; i - ' " ' " ' ' " '.'. - - ' ,-. !;u-k.- : 1 - ' ' -" ' ' . ' 1 . . . . - l" v I VOL. XVI. WASHINGTON, BEAUFORT CO., N. 0., THURSDAY, AUGUST 10. 1893. " .! T ! .TENNYSON'S DREAM OfI ! Mark Anton v's verv own. 'I ! The Cost of War. ;' POEK CREATES A PANIC. I - f T invaung rower. rarest u. . uov t Keporc u- . WAlg? w,iih rt- i 1 I. - , ' ! I I ii'lal :!!!" -!' I AIR WOMEN. ,; Her cruel taunt to Rosamond I . 1 ' - & ill ' tlVX I'T'll irHirTr oetwna ssay 01 a osries 01 You phouM !ave uiurrg to , k SMSl ill raJXHYII II IllWf Three hy the Students of Fulvia'a waist ud thrust IJ7K 111 - 0-VUMiU the Literary Class of Hen- ' I The dagger th o' her side" ABSOLUTELY PURE S1 J: 1 Im 1 t i- i Ui si ness Cards A IT , UkY-IAT-LAW, i'. 1; w. h.no:k, x-Vl,K.Vi:Y-AT-LAW,- KA1TI1U 1(,i:nkv-at-uw, j v Afll N(1TS, N. - AN OLD ROS1) MADE NEW, Great Improvement in Ii. & O Equipment. NeW Route to the West. Apart from its high literary excel lence, Tennyson's Dream of . Fair Woma forms a notable ' collection of pen pictures delineated with die wonderful inpiration . of the poet and grouped with 'that ex quisite, art which bespeaks him not only poet and painter, but historian gives all too" plainly the Poet's es timate of the: "world's beautious rose passing sweet ere while, now, naught but odor-vile." But History tells us this English Fulvia, Queen Eleanor herself was anything but a tame and. passive sufferer by Rosamond's charms, for, following the silken clew that guid ed the king- to Rosamond's secret bower, the proud queen offered fair choice be- A Wild Scene 011 the Chicago Board of Trade. The friends of peace are wont to gioan whenever the ingenius inven tor devises some new weapon of of fensive warfare and to moralize', Chicago, August. The cloud afresh over the probable result of that ha3 been hanging over the increased capacity for slaughter. ; provision pit on the Board of Trade But if they would view the matter hroke to-day, causing a panic, the angut tuey would see that these in- , iike 0f wbich Wtis never Been there The Silent City. The 'Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has prepared to handle a large busi v!";i:NKv;-AT-r.AW, '.'WASHINGTON,--!. c. 4 UOUTON. III;-. 'P i l l V VAS!llNOTONv N. C.- rl. ak'1 111 . I AL ? . I . -.tl ilitl 1 , ;;T"M.irWft t?reet, 111 "'u.- r Kr H 1 1. n; 1 tlir iiitt-nj i-ui.veniences. viI..MlN(..TUN, N.C. ,,t r ;iii'OiutJi Hotel in the State. and art critic as well What Michael Angelo the painter Rosamond Clifford the was to architecture, this and much tween death by poison or a dagger more is lennysun me poet to his- As a foil to the lurid splendor of ne.s while the World's Fair is in torical criticism, as we shall present- Cleopatra's life and the rich exur Cbieago. The terminals at Chicago 1., .. .. r. are tanable of accommodating a very lv see, as we follow him through berence of Fair Rosamond's charms is grouped a trio, Margaret More Roper, Joan of Arc and Eleanor j the wife of Edward I, of England whose love, patriotism and loyalty have long been famous in song and story. at an a a 11am We are not quite sure when the h e a v y traffic. Important changesfthe mazes of "a dream that was" not have been made for the hanming or a j t v lriri frpicht. and nasspiicrpr business to at a11 a Qlfi the West from New York, rtiiladel- for largely increased passenger busi- Poet 3 arm was lllted to hew down nesa and an extensive stock of freight a cavalier bearing in his saddle bow roads of the system are being im- a lady from a leagaer d town, that proved hy .straightened lines, reduced Mary Queen of -Scots was shadowed nrin (1 tivfra aiio traota und inf or- . i locking switches. -The new line be- forth, yet the hint is so , suggestive to her good and gifted father is a ventors are really the friends of humanity in truest sense, and that all these improvments which have been made and are making in the machinery for whipping armies and navies out of existence are the best protection the world has against war in the future. I The truth is that war is to be so costly and destructive that nations can no longer afford to in dulge in it; and every forward step of the inventor only( makes it more costly and deadly. In the olden times when two armies . could fight for weeks at a nominal cost for sup- getting such life-long 1 1 I 1 I. M KKKi AM. ,r l i l . K 1! I A M , 1' uoriciETOR " ' r'l.IZAr.hTH (J 1 T Y.N. C I f .i;i;k. A llU-E, N. c. ..E. .,1 .. i- iV'.k iiild'tP l'HS Tieft it - 1 ' QlNlKI.l. HilTEI., O I SWAN U.IliTKU, N. ;. i'.iiiNN luo"S, Proprietors. ' 'Js.ttiMi iui'l refurnished.--Best liote ii BmIk ctniiay Table well supplied i vmits atleiitivp - tween Chicago Junction and Akron of the strange, sad story nas unnr cued inft nisiance neiwefin , ... ... Chicago and tide water twenty-rive OWLlou h"". nowhere except m her miles, ana between rittsDurg.aiHi cm- torce believe it was she and not the cago nfty-eieht mites. . ' ' ' At Th.--w . miL The distance between Chicago and "l j""" ""v Pittsburg and Chicago and Cleveland waked the poet's ire. ! by the construction of the Akron line oueen before she was a week and the acquisition of the Pittsburg A queen oeiore sne was a weeK and Western line and the Valley li. R. old, betrothed "when she was six,' a Uhio, is about the same as tbe laKe -f . s:tppn wp mv (kRsU' ,,p fShore from Cleveland to Chicago. The at sixteen, we mav easily be- alignment is to be changed and grades lieve after the training'she had re reduced to a minimum of 26 feet. It 'znA n?0-. ; (;U is expected that within twelve months - the old Baltimore and Ohio through olous, intriguing court of France, line between Chicago and the Atlantic .., rs.,ii ,.,,i ,i Ocean will have passed away and the hat Ma.y would not scruple to in new line via Pittsburg will be estab- dulge illicit love for Rizzo, to be usne i, wun no greater giaues ui cui- f. inrArr nt flomlov t.ho i;. l'LM)ITt, i , . TON SU RIAL A It 1 1ST; MAIN .ST., WASHINGTON, JN . C. ' l.rnbie Old Stand. a 1. fl a! .t'V V IMs, TA 11.011, V AM1INOTOX, N. (.- (.ii 1 iii':tii( liiaKing suns in -Ui.---." U 01k ! (iuaranreed. :ihr , ..luviples, jOIlice' J. love have found a place. "Her murdered father's head" plucked at her own life's risk from London Bridge, kept near her life through, and finally buried with her, attests the strength and depth of her devotion More like the creation of the poet's funcythan a veritable actor, arises Joan of Arc. that Light of ancient France. In the threefold character of saint, warrior, martyr, she fulfilled her mission. By years im nts consist of additional second and of Knox, and, lastly, the promoter Gf holy vigils and prayers she was third tracks, a? general correction of f t1ip onn-mirQOxr fl(yn;nef v,;TQWu L... iJ. .... , , the alignment, and completion of the " " j - """,ul'u' iraineu lor great wont; at tue neaa drove arid re- the Belt line Mary s peer and prototype in stored Charles to his i.hronp. IW 01 uaitimore, port and with scarcely an yV loss of ivr 4 nf r j t- men or munition, war was a pastime Margaret More Roper s devotion I i . ' . i- in wuiou tue uusiesi uauuus uuum for years. But in these . modern times when the cost of eauiD- own heart j . e ... , TTt piag an army is something frightful, and in her ather s .Ltopia could v 0 J . . anu wueu wits arms ui pieutaiou niuw men down like grass, when there are ? 1 f iua .u. tw .;i inauige vrc Kilo 1 i.in.'iiiF wnr iv hi v iihii fir iihihm i w before. Pork was ?, the cause of it all. At. the opening this morning Secretary Stone announced that the provision brokerage houses of J. G.' Steever & Co., E. W. Bailey & Co., and A. C. Helmholz were unable to meet their contracts. The sound of his voice had not ceased to reveberate in the lofty room when bedlam broke loose in the provision pit. The other pits were deserted; the complained-of dullness in pork vanished, as a roar went up from the widely excited crowd. September pork, ; which closed at $19 per barrel yesterday, was first offered at $18.75, then $18, then $17.75, $17.50,. $17, $16, and so on down by quarters, halves and dollars till the price tou2hed $10, a clear descent of $9 within a little over half an hour. Brokers shouted themselves hoarse and red in the face in their frantic efforts to protect themselves, and fairly tumbled over each other in the struggle to let a bidder have Vtit nre than on any of the trunk lines- part- Woik is progressing rapidly east ol ner of ROthwell's night from the PUtsburg to meet improvements mak- 44eaguered town the bitter enemy mg west of Pittsburg. These improve- o v tu T" Wl,iw;' -7 guns in the nary which cannot be fired except at a cost of thousands of dollars, rulers are extremely cau tious aoout going to war or pro- meS3 pork at uis own price) jn quan voking tneir neignoors to . ao so. tities to suit At tbe bottom the And the more deadly and costly Aaaia t.n h nhnnt. all sAttlpd. warrare oecomes tne less aanger is and tbe market for the first time there that nations will resort to it. Su0wed any signs of strength. Op ! let it aoes seem as n the nations erat0rs began to see that pork at might come to some agreement as to $10 per barrel with hogs at the rul the point where progress m aeaau- in rice wag che3p) and tuey be ness and costliness shall be assumed Many stories have been . written about mirages and ; delusions, but none mora -interesting and curious than that of the Silent City.illusion, which makes its appearance near the Pacific Glacier, ia Alaska. The discovery of this wonderful mi rage was made by the Indians who of ten tell of the city which was built in the clouds. Tha mirage can be seen in the early part of July -from 5 to 6 p.m. It rises from the tide of the Pa- cific glacier. It appears like a heavy mist and soon becomes clearer and one can distinctly see the Bpectre city, well defined streets and trees, spires, huge and odd-Bhaped buildings, which ap pear to be ancient mosques and ca thedrals. It is a city large enough to contain 25,000 or 30.000 inhabitants. As yet no one has been able to indentify it, although, several have claimed to rec ognize the place There' is no city like it in Alaska, nor in any country about it for thousands of miles. Some claim it is a city in Russia others say it is a city in England, but no one can tell what or where it is. .- The mirage was givan the name of 'Silent City," as it appears to one like a dead city," there is nothing to indicate that it is the pictured re -flection of an inhabited place. Ex. Is Life Worth living? That depends irpon the ' liver. If the Liver ia inactive the . whole sys tem is out of order the "breath ia bad, digestion poor, head dull or aching, . energy and hopefulness . gone, the spirit ia de pressed, a heavy weight exists after eating, -with general despondency and the blues. The Liver is , the housekeeper of the health; and a harmless, Bimple remedy that acts like Nature, does not constipate afterwards or 1 require constant taking, does not interfere with business or pleasure dur ing its use, makes Sim mons liver Regulator a medical perfection. 4 " I have tested it nrnnal1v and VnAw.tli.t DrsDCDsia. Biliousness anil Thmhhincr Hnriirh. It is the best medicine the worlj ever saw." rH. H. Jomks, Macon, Ga. Take only the Genuine. Which has on the Wrapper the red SB Trad, auxk and Signature of T J. H. ZETT.TN A CO, 'h Summer Suggestions. Do not make too many visits, and where you go be sure that your vis it Is a convenient one. Do not en tertain too generously; summer should' be a time of rest, and it is J. D. CORDON, Wholesale and Retail GROCER -AND- COLILIISS'II LlfftCHilll, difficult to rest with a house full of gan to buy. The price began grad- a i 1. I . . o tu uave guue lar cuuugu w juawi.y uv he2an to Crawl Up. tOUChmg BUYER OF double track on the Metropolitan which brought Mary's own 'Lead to of the armies of France she iiianeh. Another impo-tant enter- the clock in 18i7 " ,- , prise o the Baltimore and Ohio Co.," l"e diock in ibo. back the imghsh invaders a is the fonstruction oi the ueit line Mary s peer and prototype i .....j.,- i. iiit;,.,n..n i luiinn umw iiitiyiij AVO nnH.Wn w anVl micfArtnnn i .. x. x,. . which U intended to.unite the H ash- mission compieieu, sue ien into tne rngton Branch with the ptiiiaaeipnja neien or lroy, that "daughter of hands of the English to be bv them uivisiuu.auuuuitw.lv wuii inc yico- xt, j. ,v xii . j . A: . , ent line via Locust Point. Forty new tlJC &wo uumtiy tan auu must ui- Durned as a witcii and sorceress, 1 : 77 Tj" 1 , . J 1 . .. or an agreement to dispense j with war then 12, an(j at 11 o'clock the ,a A (.:. and powerful locomotive engines Vinely fair have been recenfeiy added to tee equip inent, and others are in process ot con strirctioii. The permanent Improve mentis now under way and in contem libit ion involve the expenditure of tiome live millions of dollars. For her, many drew for the future. Otherwise the na tions will go on long after war be comes a practical impossibility, con structing impenetrable armor for warships and irresistible projectiles to pierce it. That is the course that pit was again quiet and the steady at $11.75. market BIG FAILURES ANNOUNCED. Just jas matters had settled down, and things began to look sorene, a series of hundred claps fairly shook. Before going for a mid-day sail rub your face, neck and hands with a simple cream and powder gently with cornstarch. Wipe the powder off, and on returning wash the 'com plexion well in warm water and with castile soap. Camphoryice and buttermilk both give relief from sunburn. Place a large dish of water in a alt Fish. r.i.i. a n i uuo v " W .SiUNGT;'. :: . N V , v igwiitunil anx lssnys -w d cnnK!Mfi-f-i aiii'-is, i.liiVr.oloiii'v.l jr.iir cutters j U . r. i lt t -t- I iif lll:ll'lls. v liv; !..-! ii'ini.-ahv executed. 'Si iluoi . ( iulL.'rin i-,s Dr. irstore. D! V A iO UiVjiext door V t :( -:i I ', TON, X. O. i-l::r's Diiig- H ' si J- c i 1 1 i: , . u n. 1. 1 il WIN' KK.N'l 1ST, :'A A-HlX(iTOX, X. C. A. M . K IMTUY.Vice , ( UMliLT. nnnrnnT rfHiMiu niiif. D lUtUnl lUUilil dfllln. i c.hi.u, io,io i f nil lianUin ami Collectiiur riisjncs Conducted. i '.KUl.sl'(iNlKNTS: "vi-.r N:.V- Ikuik, New York. N'j-..fk xat.rUfiik, Norfolk-, Va; Wixklemax's Special. The need of a relia ble remoily for disease?! of sn;nmer is universal. For the houshoM, 6i!i. e, farm, travelers by sea "and l ir.il. Wintleman's Diarrhoea and Chole ra Ri-medy has proved its inestimable worth. is the prompt cure of all disorders originating in the stomach and digestive system. Cholera morbus. Diarrhoea, Cramps, etc. Serviceable to all conJlLt'ons audi always ready for use. LIST OF PATENTS. Granted to Southern inventors this week. Reported by C. A Snow fc Co., Solicitors -of xVmerican and Foreign. Patents, Opp. U. S. Patent Office; .Washington, D. C 0. II. Allen, Sr., , Chattanooga, Tenn. Boiler-furnace. P. P. Amb ler, I)e Funiak iSprings, Fla., Pro peller. G. K. Bagby, Newbern, N. C, Dental articulation-cup. J. F. Davidson, Edgerly, La., Car- coupling. "W. II. Havens, Gaines ville,Ga., Churn-dasheri W. H. Fitzgerald, Monroe, N. C, Bed- brace. L. S. Franklin, Parkers burg.W. Va. , Horse-checking de vice. 0. M. Graves, Eddy'vtile Ky., -Car-coupling. J. F.' Harvey, Green Brier, Ark., Clamp. .1. II . I . 1 Xt X!..'t , xxxaix.y men inus oass n? tnrouffu toe. nre s , w . ; O 1 . ... . . . . a i .ii 1 . . ' . I naval architecture ann the art or jrun snui5 ttUU uieui aimer, an Greece deal to a-Canomzed saint's reward. " " : tua Tjrt0r r Tmrlp 'hnilrlino- Tho r. i , ner y are taking. First comes the u w B Eleanor, worthy spouse of the u r , s ; . t ! failures of the North American Pro- waters of the anthus were red noblest and best of the Ageuin rul- Tvcuwl " BIU1U1 vision Company one of the great room where the heat is very Oppres with irojan blood; yet, with all her ers of England, is intentionally and i mu";iu,;s1"1 Uarkino-firms of the citv of 'Jack' sive. Change once or twice, and faults and frailties, we could ill af- artisticallv reserved bv the Doet for ner wim a SQeu lo Pierce V tue inuications are mat n a truce is -AND- Country Produce, In any qtmtity iora to lose her trom the prescious i setting wherein . poets and painters, from Homer to Tennyson, have en shrined her. Had there been no beauteous Helen, the stolen bride of Paris there would have been no Iliad and ed where no nation will dare to trust the strength of its armor through distrust as to the force of the other nation's I shells or to trust in its the most effective olace in his Dream of Fair Women. This t called this will go on adtinitum chaste queen, this loyal wife, this lon after the Point has been reach- holy woman, in her tripple charac ter, is left with the captain of the Poet's dream shining refulgently uoon her. to be to us. whether Homer, that morning star of song queen, wife or woman our model ,.ne"8 iest 113 opponents may nave in ancient Greece, would have been and ensample forever. achieved newer and more impene Iiitti'k oa wail ikii iv; t u a . I trable ar .nor . I it ixixi u tw . nv.ii exo .uniiv-i . iiibu uu .... x. , . . . i j y t i "jxot learueu.periiapB, Baveiugrauiu u Sll.. aooma f Ko Hl aaann , f1Q company, ana wnen its lauure was of tender recent trial of armor nlates at Wash- announced that of Cudahy in-ton wheii. at 850-oound steel l00ked Ior ana 11 was not. long, to n .i- i.ii . wait till it come. After that the and shippers of grain, were an nounced, creating the utmost con sternation, and prices began to tum ble all over the floor of the Exchange. L. Jackowfsky ! Helen, there would ba no fiery Achilles no dauntless Hector, no stern Agahiemnon.' With no Helen, t there would be no tender Audrowache, no faithful HeCuba, no chaste and chastened Iphigenia, who alone in pagan myth and story is worthy to stand on the light-kissed peads of the ages with that fair Hebrew maiden who knew, "How beautiful a thing it was to die For God and for her sire.'' Just as" the daughter of Agamem- household ways Not perfect, nay, but full wants; Xo angel, but a dearer being all dipt, In angel instincts breathing Paradise, Interpreter between God and men." AND THERE STANDS DIXIE. a a packing firms of the city; of 'Jack' .AUlt I - i A 1 A A 111 1 !U1 Cudahy, the heavy packer and dar- temperature win ue precepnoiy ing operator in hog products, and of lowered, says a writer in the Ladies' flarJ(Qt Stfe8t. NeSf Mafke PlBl Wright & Haughey, heavy receivers Home Journal. Sponge your babies with cold wa ter at bed-time. Give vour children water to drink during the, hot weather They need this to make up for loss Cudahy was largely interested in ot perspiration 1 t i f r l : xi the North American Provision wasumg summer irocris, n uie colors run, put half a cupful of Next door to Gallagher's Drugstore, was salt iQ the last rinsing water For inromnia in , summer time take a cold bath at bed -time. Press towels, folded as usual, through your clothes wringer and in his deals. save VOur laundress. Have mercV on your cooks in KHAIIT TAILOR. was WHT THE SOtTTH HAS NOT FELT THE HARD TIMES AS THE KORTH. It is pleasant to know that the South has .learned the leison ot bus- 1 1 1 X 1 iness bo wen, ana applied tnem so nickel-steel plate 17 inches, thick iauuiB Ui M iluu """ with a sufficient force to move 21,- not unexpected, as tney were inter 000 tons through one foot of space. estea Wlin aa&u7 Tkni.i..;. a x VI Cudahy has been carrying a large J.Wl.W!! f,A . am0unt of lard, and in addition has you arrangement of meals for hot i J r j.-ix i i :i -,u ti, (lavs xi. . ix:i xi i. - .l i.. ue&u raiuei ucaviiv m iiua. xuc j ui tne projectile turougu into tue . - wdr, Wkinr whii t.h shil wM sudden slump in pork this morning WASHINGTON, N. C. Makes fine suits and guarantees good fits. Has nice line of samples, clothing repaired and cleaned. All charges very low. Give me a call. in perfect shape to be fired again. The cost of the test was $23,000; i i and the figures may well be taken mmm potts. f ASHINGTQNvN.C. non was the sacrifice of fate and faithfnllv at the rieht Dlace. that , ---j j ;x : :a x: i.J dutv. SO Jephthah's! daughter was when commercial distrust is making imo nuu3 couaiuerauon oy any ' - - I- , I 11 A 1 1 1 - M A the free will offering of - love and a record of failures and bankruptcies sma" na"on wnicn contempiaies faith; the same in outward seeming, elsewh.re comparatively few disasters getting itselt into trim for a naval , x . -.,;:..v ::c . f xl, V.'.l nnnrtoH Irnm thA wcuuh lice 11CSS. il 11 111 . SL'lllliUa.1 . BlKUlUUiUlUCi UI luo aiuu iw -H"'- South. This cannot be because little was ventured, for there has been ac- not in . spiritual significance, the two maidens epitomize the vir- iy.il District No. 16, Obion tuesi of their respective races and tiyity -n a yariety of enterpri8a at the '"t of c, !Upan;.es : rcpresent- v:iii 1 1 illii-s.. Ui" kit) illy whi. hia'v iive our patrons lace their, risks consideration desire Iiinui 'tiallyj.. " .: .M: Crumpled. V'. A. Potts. it? '"W tl. :lMS W ;. 1 feet of olear 1 x G f"V -M'f.l Ai.ply to T. li. '' u. N (j. 4- HSBREVITO! Ilorrir. Ci county, Tenn., post-driver. E M. Ivens, New Orleans, La., Bal ing press. A. F. Jackson, Oklaho ma, Ter., Plow. . J. C. Lodor, Wil mington, N. C, Labeling or mail g machine.. T. J. Mitchell, Vin- ital Ind. Ter., Sickle-head for mow ers. 1. Y. Louisville, lvv.; ripe- coupling. ; J, A. Parker,- Morris- ville, N. C., Cultivator. A. Phil hps, Baltimore, Md., IMilk-can. K. it. Scotes; Knoxville, Tenn., Furnace. J. Y: Stribling, Rich land;, S. C, Shutter-worker. T. A. Teate, Waukeenah, Fla., Fly trap. J. .W. Tew, Rome, Ga., .fe J. D. Iiiggs, Ala , Switch. J. W. Turner, Jones' Mill, Ala., Artifi cial stone. R. G. Ward, Charles ton, S. C, Automatic, supply-tank for locomotives. J. Wylie. Ire land Hill, Ala., Churn. Sleep With Head to the North. Bathe daily. caught him unprepared to meet the nave your nouse gowns maae declines in lard and ribs which ac- with open necks and elbow sleeves. companied it, and he was forced to' Save your steps. the wall. Allow double the amount of time . x. j -i j l in catching boats and trains that ine amounts lnvuiveu, are ub i , w . lieved to be verv large. The jw w ."V"""4 North American Provision Compa- i . ... - Drmk milk slowly. To wash summer silks O. stand tor what is most worthy of imitation among the heroines of Grecian and Jewish civilization. Between these twain, in the group. ing of the poet's dream, stand Cle opatra, the most gorgeous expres sion of effite paganism, the crowning efflorescence of a civilization that died with her. This civilization of South. It must be because the South, under the- same unfavorable condi The old-time superstitious belief i. . .1' TIT . j .. J I i tions that applied to tne west ana that huraan beings honld aleep with . I . K m n.n T r I Ul L 11 w c b l xiam xinix 1.110 uiuucuw 1 .... . . 1 .1 . . . hold credits sufncientlv in check and v ! , . to keep herself solid and solvent. . believed to be based on a soiantific The axpenence of lcyU was uot principal, borne rrenoh savani have thrown away. That ievere attaclj ot exDriment8 udou the bodv of a crim- i' x r 1 . i.1 I tne speculative icer .learea out tue ,al who 8uffered death, and these" oiitT.ntii mn a nri fnrawflrnRd thft 109 I . .. 11 . l.-x I tfikts stq to nrove that each hnmin oifina 1 JnnairtArania sums were iohi. i " o - -- - --. Eat your meals slowly. ny alone is capitalized at $250,000 The John Cudahv Packing Compa- Ao waSQ summer . silks remove ny, which has its main house here al1 Srease or other 8Pots with soaP with branches at Louisville and and water before proceeding. Make Nashville, is owned bv Mr. Cudahy, a solution of a teaspoenful of am- but its affairs are separate trom Mr. monia and a little soaP in a Pail of Cudahy 's privaie affairs, and so far water' and in thia diP thfc silk aSain the Periodicals. Agent for all kinda W. D. BICKMA1N, MAIN STREET, i ' WASHINGTON, - - - N Headquartets For Currants, Citron, Raisins, Fruits AND Confections! ALL there is no indication that it is in volved in his downfall. Philadel phia Times. t,a r -pfi.TYMos t.h.t Viarl Vuiilt. the and manv worthy entemrises will for I body is in itself an alectrio battery. Blotches, Old Sores, Ulcers and all ; j xx-.-xr-J sr,mHm to come suffer from the BadLn electrode haini? renreaent v akin eruptions cared by P, - P. P., the ryramios ana swayeu tue ueotiuies . -.-. . , , - -j greatest blood punner. oi tne age. - : .. . . experience of investors in cornfield iv,av11(i .n(i ftTvftr hr tho f. of the world so long, that was about to pass away, and in -passing, left" us a creation, strange, absorb ing and majestic. : Cleopatra was essentially a woman, and in all the I P Ure Havkna Cigal- V w- -lv. MALLISOX, ludiiugton, N. C, NOW TRY TIIIS. lit will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a CoiiKh. Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest of Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, is guaranteed to gjve relief, or nloney will, be paid hack. Sutler ers from La Grippe found it juet the tning ana under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how gool a thing it is. Trial bottle free at drugstore. Large bottles 50c. and $1. experience oi investors m cornueia the haad and the other by the feet. town lots and electriclighted swamps. . , . , . ,. , ' . , i . e ; The body of the abject ppon which Rrf xka nAnnlA nAvAr Inst, to 1 1 h in 1 their resonrcas or confidence in them the queer experiments mentioned selves and the future. They bav9 above were made, was taken imme- had the good sense to; take a broad diately after death and placed upon viaw f the financial situation. Thev I short .comings and excesses of her have silenced the blatant agitators pivotal board, free to move in any life she sinned and suffered by vir- who roared up and down their land I direotion. After some little vacillation tue of her womanhood, as only - two years ago. .cattenug seeus oi t the neaa portion turned toward the aionary iu6UiiC. uu liu.iuS gvx north and tnen r8D1ained stationary, sense bv the beard aa a slave of the! ... . ' . , , Strangest was, that with only war- money power. The South was not to o tu.e-rixuentere too.: noiu oi riors for lovers; she .worshipped no be driven pell-mell into camp by po the pivot board and turned it ao that god but Eros; strange, that she who imcal guerrillas witn axes to grina. tne neaa pointea soutn, oat upon, ne- ' . Tf lnntpri ahrnad to cer. it h hnftrincs. I : r-A .inx ;j;.xl conquered Rome's conquerors sue- tir them. had. as usual, the r'l 'l'!. 2" manlineBS to shape its coarse accord , , , . , m ingly ed until the heaJ pointed north. To The same good sense that took in prove that thia was neither accidental sail when financial storms ' began to or coincident upon muioulartwitchingi blow, and that neither ran blindly M 0mg ha snggested. the board upon the rocks or bankruptcy on the re eated tarned half around and of aerarianism on the other, is mak then freed, but always with aiaaular ing converts every day in the South Msalte. St. Louis Star-Sayirige. to rational, conservative views of the beet public policy to be puisued by the nation m the monetary cuais. Lou8iville Courier Journal. cumbed only to the little blind god's skill, and stranger still that she "who governed men by change, and so swayed all moods" should have loved her Roman Antony, her mailed Bacchus when dead, so abso lutely, so unreservedly that disdain iriy? new trophies, she might have w'pn in winning Augustus Csesar's heart, she balked his fame with a worm and died as she had lived, Rheumatism and Syphilis . yield readily to P. P-P. (Prickly Ashe, Poke Root and Potassium). If are you troubled with Dyspepsia, Stomach Disorder, or Liver or Kidney complaint, try P. P. P., and you will rejoice at its magical workines. Fe males are peculiarly beneutted ny sr. P.P. It expels disease, and gives healthy action to every organ. ! Ixost manhood, lost energy, weak ness, general debility are all cured by P.P. P. New life, new energy are infused in the system by the blood purifying and cleansing propereties of P. P. P., the greatest blood puri fyer of the age. A fact worth knowing is that bldod diseases which all other medicines fail to cure yield slowly bat surely to the blood cleansing properties or P. P. P and again until the dirt is removed. Do not ring out, but press between the hands. Rinse in water from which the chill is gone, end hang in a snaay place until partly dry, when lay between two cloths and press with a hot iron. Hard to Conquer. of Rubber Stamps. BUGGY FACTORY Happy and content la a some with " The Ro chester; a lamp with the light of the morning. Catal0guetiWritaB'v'btttr Lamp Co.,NewYaifr There s the girl who's stuck on fencing, and the girl who's just commencing to be somewhat in terested in the art of sell defense; There's the girl who's good at riding ana tbe girl who takes to striding over leagues oi dale and inoun- ain with energy intense: There's the girlwho worships row ing, and the one who's fond of Showing a markmanship astonish ing in a person of her ex: There's the girl who's always ready, I with a nerve both true and steady, when woful dangers threatens'or or difficulties vex; I have remov ed to T. W.Pnil lip's old stand, which I have fit tea up in ttrst class order and am now ready to do all kinds ot REPAIRING & BTjrirjTonsrQ. I also carry the finest stock ot Hoes. Shoes, such as the Side Weight and Steel Plates. Also a full line o i WESTERN BUGGIES ZJTD ROdDCARTS. CSSSTK VtfJX? Sf'fia: But de.pU.them.nljr crrixge -a v - v ' lVt jv a 1 . a All who desire anything in my lino will do well to call and see me. , S. WILK8. slum). Catarrh originates in scrofula taint. P. P. P. purines the blood; and thus permanently cures Catarrh. . ; Terrible blood poison, body covered with sores, two bottles of P. P. 'P.. cured the disease, making the patient lively as ten year old. l tbe open scorn of marriage, which the independent ladies seem to think so very nice; You may, perhaps, have note'd that they're very seldom quoted as JJ'SSirV hftvina lonr. vmrlofxl v their inVio- I r. Will xn, rent fear of mice. Detroit Tribune. tM.pl r V lbc, bow it ia itt lbx., ATT crrh ax... MyK tKtkm it 151 lbs.. u4 1 frxl m Bach twttar tkxt I mwU mat t back whara I w. I aca botk nrprlaad M nai raeomaiaa TOOT Iraataaaat to all anflarara smm taaity. Will unr aU ioqairiM If atxmp la incloxad lor naJy." PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL.' nBlaaa, and wttk . atarrtac, iaamna'at, ar kj4 tfMtax Wm falllinill mUn: with eauu la lUmpt, il 9i i. r. una rr.ntn num. ;iiuil nu i 4: i'.' " i . . t -. t : i. , i f i 4 l! i

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