M wsmNGTci; gazette V 1 h. A. LATHAM, Editor, ' I DRAWER NO. I , WA8HINQTON, N. C. Bol, Enterprising, Democratic. Yu pay a dollar and get the pa perl Strictly in advance. Adver tisulg rates furnished on demand. ' J&bn Sherman can talk .more and say ess than any man in public life. . . I Senator Hill continues to "saw wodd," leaving hia enemies to do all the talking. , f 1 Ureat acott Massacnuseu nas a banfe of "white caps." The old Puitan blood is telling. 'the legislation of the Fifty-third Congress will prove that the Dem ocratic party is the true and only people s party in this country. .-4..- ' ' ' -i ' It is difficult to say when a thing is Ijnally settled in this country. Thfo Supreme Courtis to be given another "ero" at tne Geary Chinese 1 Arvn f A r?nii(rraa tin a nlroorlv bean largely overproduced, but . there are no indications of the shut ting down of any of the advice mijlls. ; vTtiat "proposed contribution for the s-ock-eamblinff, but fighting de riifnlnm stafm lefore the cash "was received, thanks to an outspoken press. Every man who feels the financial pitrch would do well to ask himself anil answer honestly: Have my ac ti&ns tended to inspire or to shake pdblic confidence ? ' i 4 ifbe doubt about tariff legislation wBicn is alleged by republicans to exist is merelj a chimera of their disordered minds. The tariff is go in J to be reformed by the Demo erotic Congiess. The day may come when the sten ographers of the House of Com mobs will put in place of the custo mary "hear, hear," in the members speeches, the number of black . eyes ancf broken noses . oT V oar is iinrlit in cainnnr rnat theptime has arrived when make shifts should be cast aside and defi nito and decisive action be taken in in financial affairs, and that is what thelpeople expect the Democratic Congress to do. me editors are consistent for no betfer reason than that it helps them to whack some of the party leader over the head without call- any! names. Better a little mcon- sistncy than an overstock of that brand of inconsistency. T he re is entirelely too much talk about conspiracy. No sane man really believes, whatever he may y!, that one half of the citizens of thefU. S. are conspiring with for eighers to ruin the other half. It is an absurdity as well as an impos sibility. " New York has a society, formed to further the annexation of Cana da! with a membership of 275. When Canada asks for. annexation there will be no need for societies to o help her get it. We want no unwilling citizen?. Let Canada knck before . the door is thrown open'to her. " As a hair dressing and for the pre-, ventjon of baldness, Ayer's Hair Vig or bas no equal in merit and efficiency. It eradicates dandruff, keeps the scalp moist, clean, and healthy, and gives vitality and color to weak, faded and gray hair. The most popular of toilet articles. I . Bath Items. Misses Fannie and Olivia Patrick, I Chocowlnity, spent Sunday in of ,Bath. V frr. W. L, Davis made a flying visit fo bis former home, Windsor, las week, glad to note his return. fhe Schooner Industry, Capt. C. H.jBrookg-, owner, is being repaired at lis wharf and will soon be ready forjher regular trips. Some of our townsmen are having fine sport with their hooks and lines. Qute a number of trout have been cadght during the past week. ?)ur streets have been improved recently by filling in the low places an "cutting down the hills. Welodfc forfward to great improvements in Bath for the next few months. : ' I - - . : Long Acre Lines. Departed this life on Sunday, July 30th, Mrs. Rhoia A. Windley, in 1 6th year. She was our mother, and shfs was a model mother. She was a model professor of the Primitive Baptist faith. Her pastor said of heir: "X am just as confident that she is happy as I am that I have an exis tence." . Modest, quiet, provident, persevering tender-hearted and just, she has left us a priceless heritage in her example. j More persons tlian usual , we think, attended the August meeting at White Plains on Sunday . Washing ton, Pantego, Bath, Yeatesville and other sections were well represented. We noted Capt. Ellsworth, J. K. Hoyt, our old friend, O.E. Jordan, and many others from Washington, H6n. J. Si Marsh from Bath, and many prominent citizens from vari ous sections. But what we' realized more keenly than eny thing ejse was "that our poor mother was not there and would never be there again . -W. TE Greenville Items. Greenville, N. C, Aug. 8, '93. There has been considerable rain of late but little damage to crops is reported. Crops are good throughout the county and farmers have to com plain of weather and low prices. The two prize houses' being built by the Greenville Tobacco Ware house Company nearing completion. The tobacco warehouses have al ready begun a fair business, and with its increased facilities, (jreen vilie will be a better market this year than ever before. There was a pic-nic at Falkland last Thursday, and a ball at night. There was a large attendance, quite a number from here being present m-w-w . 1 1. Z witn tne exception oi a suori, m- terr option by a shower of rain , it was a most enjoyable affair. Another batch of excursionists left last Saturday for a ten days so journ at Qcracoke. The County Commissioners were in regular monthly session yester day. Only regular routine business was transacted. Another party leaves tomorrow for the World's Fair. , It will con sist principally of business men who will take in New York for fall pur chases on their return trip; There were only thirteen marriage licenses issued during the month of July, six being whites and seven colored . Work on tbe Presbyterian church to be built on Dickinson -Avenue, will soon commence. The boats were to make a through trip to Tarboro last week, which was the first in quite a while. - We hear that Tom Watson was not at Aulander on the 3rd and-that Mr. Harry Skinner orated a3 usual. iThe thirdites adopt many a ruse to get a crowd. ' ; "Who will be postmaster here?" And echo answers, who? and Demo crats answer, "when?"- Swan Quarter Items. -Miss Claudia Lincoln is in New Berne visiting the family of Mr. W. u. uarringion. We are pained to hear of the death of Mr. Thos. Pugh, of Mount Pleas ant. vTruly a good man has gone to receive his reward. We are delighted to see Mr. S. T. Beck with, of Washington, in our town this week . He was accompan ied by Mr. D. O'Neal. Rev.. Mr. Langston is holding a protracted meeting at, .Lake Uomfort. He is assisted by Jerome, of Fair field. Rev. " J.- B: Parsons is holding a very interesting meeting at Swan Quarter. ,Ha has had. four additions so far. " Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Credle are vis iting Mr. M. S. Credle and family. Mr. GeO. I. Watson, of Lake Land ing, was in our town recently. He is one of Hyde's most .successful mer chants. Horse racing seems to be all the talk among the men. We have a race almost every afternoon. , There was to have been service in the Court House at 8 o'clock Friday morning, but owing to circumstances; unavoidable the preacher or would be preacher did: not show up at the appointed limV Miss Lucy Credle and brother of Haslin, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. J. W. Hayes. Mrs. Ed. Bullock has returned to her home at Belle Porte. Mrs. Mar tha Weston accompanied her. , Winsteadville Items. Our quiet little community has again been made sad with grief and sorrow. Death has taken from our midst Mrs. William Pednck, who departed this life on the 27th, ult. Mrs. JPedrlck was 52 years old and leaves a devoted husband and four children to lament her death. Our farmers have finished laying by their crops and ; are busily enga ged in cleaning out their canals and tributaries and hauling compost in their stables and barn lots to avoid buying -so much" worthless guano that is jsp detrimental to our crops in severe rainy weather. The far mers are still Jgoing ahead . with but few fair winds i their favor. There has been but little of the mortagage system this year, and particularly the chattle mortgage. The mort gage system is not such great burden on the people as some think. The mortgage trust is, in many in stances of great prosperity;1 for in stance, a man wishes to purchase the lands adjoining his own, and he bor rows $2,000 to purchase it. This don't indicate that he is going back ward; it means that he is prospering and has confidence in himself and the future. Our steam saw mills have all shut down. Sand Hill Items. Crops are looking fine. Eev. week. J. R. Rowe lost bis horse last Mr. C. C. Kayton is going in the brick business. ' The Idalia dentist, H. H. Ross can beat Bro. Latham, ol Long Acre with sunflowers. lie has one ten feet high with 64 heads. Who can beat it? A God-end is Ely's Cream Balm. 1 had catarrh for 3 years. Two or 3 times a week my nose would bleed. I thought the sores would never heal. Your Balm has cured me. Mrs. M. A. Jackson, Portsmouth, N. H. 1 I was so much troubled with catarrh it seriously effected my voice. One bottle of Ely's Cream Balm did the work. My voice is fully restored. B. F. Liepsner, A- M. Pastor of the Olivet Baptist church, Phila. Pa . Firemen, Reflect. Members of the Phoenix Hook and Ladder Fire Co., No. 1 are hereby no tified to assemble in City Hall, Thurs day evening August 10, '93, at 8 o'clock sharp. Important business to be transacted . Absentees wi 11 be fined. . T. P. HowABtv Foreman. IrT. Kinnin, Secretary. Like a ship without a rudder is a man or a woman without health and the necessary strength to perform the ordinary duties of life. When the ap petite fails, when debility, and a disor-; der condition of stomach, liver, kid ney, and bowels assail you, take Ayer's Sarsapaiilla. - I Proceedings Board County Com missioners. . . The Board County Commissioners met in regular monthly-; session Jklon day and Tuesday. Members all pres Pint. . 0. W. Craige was allowed to list his taxes for 93. Mary J. Woolard was allowed a $1 -50 poor allowance. A nn I'evton allowed to usi ror '. C. W Bonner. Jr., having applied fnr iha arlmlaainn . nf hia Bon. D. D. Mnnnpr to t.hfi A eriultural and Me chanical uoiiege, or mis oiaie, was re ferred to the attorney or Doara ior in vestigation and answer. retail spirituous liquors in Pantego township ana waB declined. Hsnrv Rnnner. C. M. Brown. D. W aBkiil and J. T. Winfleld were an- nnintpfl a committee to examine and ascertain the manner or constructing a new Driage across jjurnams crees, juau below Jos. Edwards' water mill and re- nnrt same at Sent . session. The usual ; amount of claims were audited and allowed. Takboeo N. C, Aug. 7, 189:. To My Washington Fkiends: Through this medium I take great pleasure in recommending Mr. w . is. Wilkinson, of Tarboro, N. C, Princi pal of Wilkinson Female Institute. My daughters, Rosa and Mamie, both were pupils there last session, and i I was very much pleased with their progress. Mr. Wilkinson will explain particulars as to terms and tuition. Wishing him much success in your midst, which be richly deserves, i I remain your old townsman and well wisher. . W.M. Morris. i How's This? "We offer one hundred, dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by flail's Catarrh Cure. . ! F. J.Chenet & Co., Props. i Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 vears, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transaction and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug ' gist, Toledo, O'. WALDING, KlNNAN AND MARVIN, Wholesale rruggist, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, . acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Get Your Money Orders at the SO UTHERN EXPRESS (JO'S EXPYESS OFFICE Monet Orders Safe and Cheap. . Payable at all offices of this Co. and by every other responsible Express Co. in U. S. and Canada and in Cuba. RATES: Not over $5 Over $5. not over $10..-. - " $10. " " 20. . ' 20. " " 30..' " 30. . 40... : 40- . 5C.. ..5c. .....5c. 10c. 12c. .....,15c. ..20c Apply to E. J. HOCUTT, Agt. So. Ex. Co. At Coast Line Depot . Washington, N.C. Day & Hedges Livery, Feed. Sale and Exchange ' Stables. TARBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Our 'Bus meets trains and - boats. Best i rigs in the city aE : moderates rates. . r Noith Carolina, Beaufort County, " li Superior Court,! Clerk's Office, Charles M. Brown, vs, Eugene Bolsseaux, William G. Grieves and wife Celestine, W. J. Hall, Florence G., Wil liam E., Samuel N., Rosa B., Pala., Mary and Sarah E. Hall. Defendants, 4 . r Th above named defendants will take notice that they are hereby required to appear before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Oourtof Beaufort county, on Monday, September the 25th, 1893, at ten a. m. and answer the com plaint which will be filed in the office of the said Clerk of the Superior Ciiurt 'of Beaufort county, at the Court House, in the Town of Washington. That tke plaintiff in the said act Ion is Charles M. Brown, that the defendants are Eugene Boisseaux, William Grieves and wife, Celestine, W. J. Hall, Floreuce G., Wil liam E., Samuel N., Rosa B Pala., Mary and Sarah E. Hall. That the purpose of the said section is to sell for partition two certain tracts of land which was the property of Enoch" Ste- Ehens at his death and descended to certain of is heirs-at-law, a part of whom have conveyed their interest therein to C. M. Brown. The other part of which is owned subject to the widow's dowtr by the above named defendants. That unless they appear and answer or demur to the said complaint judgment will be taken against them. G. W ilkbns, Cl'k Sup. Ct., of Beauf irt Co. EXECUTORS NOTiCE-1 Having this day qualified as elector of N, C. Hughes, Sr. .notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of said N. C. Hughes to pay same at once . All persons holding claims against said estate will present them to me within twelve months from this date or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. N. C. Hughes, , Cboeowlnity, N. C. Positions Guaranteed. Money can be deposited in bank, for tuition, until position Is secured. Sena for 72 page catalogue of Draughon's Consolidated .Practical Business Col lege, Nashville, Tenn. No vacation. Enter any time. (Mention this paper ) E,K. WILLIS, Wholesale And Retail Agent for Diadem : Flour ! Star Lye and Good Luck Baking Powders. Proceedings Board Education. Bord of Education met in Court House, Mondav, August 7th. Ordered that L-alah Allieood be transferred from district No. 48 to dis trict No. 19, white. . Ordered that Den nard Krinn De ap pointed a committeeman in district No. 12 white. Ordered that O. L. Wilkinson, tt. C. Waters and D. D. Everett be ap pointed committeemen in district NO. 64 wldte. Ordered that J. H. Buck be appoint ed a committeeman in district No. 33. white, in place of F. D. Barr and that Ous Adams be appointfd in said dis trict' in place of Je-se Wh'tley. Ordered that. Jesse warren be ap DOinted a committeeman in district No. 36' white, in place M, B. Cox resigned. Ordered that II. O. JSvett and u. C. Cratch be appointed committmen in flistricfcNo. 34, white. Ordered that John Reddick be ap pointed a committeeman in district No . 4, col., in place of Savage deceased. Ordered that school committees deeming it advisable and for the best interests of the public schools in the several districts may purchase the American school book charts to be paid for out of the funds belonging to their sever. 1 districts, and that the ct air man of this Board and the County Su perintendent of Public Instruction be and mi e hereby authorized :to approve the orders so given. Ordered that district No. 16, colored, be divided as follows: Beginning at the Annie Buck place and running thence with tbe old Newbern road by Trinity church ' and John Dixon's farm to Bear creek. All west of this line shall constitute a new district to be known as district No. 38, colored, and that Samuel Green, Geo. Small and Joseph Grist be appointed a commit tee for the same. Ordered that, Thomas A. Pinkham be transferred from district No. 17 to district No. 16, white. The Board then adjourned to meet on the 1st Monday in October. Notice is hereby given that the next public examination will be held at the Court House on the 2nd Thursday and Fri day in October'93. Nat. Hardino, Sec'ry. Sccblasd Seek Milita.r7.Asa.dem7, SCOTLAND NECK, N.C. Fall term begins August 31, 1893. Full classical, mathematical and commercial courses. Stenography and Typewriting syste matically taughtfc A strong faculty, disciplinary train ing, excelleut equipments. Large brick building, beautiful drill ground and a Virginia Military Insti tute drill master. For catalogue ad dress, AIjUHjSX, supi. LA FAYETTE MILITARY :-: SCHOOL, Tarboro, N, C- 1 A first-class High Grade Literary Institute and Normal bchool. r A complete and thoroughly equipped Commercial College. A Facultj composed of Educators of unquestioned ability. For particulars respecting courses of study. Terms &c. Address - J. W. YEREX, Supt. ELON COLLEGE Located on the N. C. R. R., in Ala mance Co. ; ! Elegant new! buildings. Large an increasing patronage. Both sexes Faculty of twelve members-" Curriculum Equil of male colleges Academic department, Music Art Commercial. ,j j Moral of students unsurpassed Onens Anffust 31. 1893. ' For f urthei information or catalogue apply to ! REV. W. S. LONG, A. M., D. D., President. VIRGINIA College, FOB YOUNG LADIES, noanoke, Va, Oppns Sept. 14, '93. Magnificent new buildings, among the finest in the South. All modern improvements. Campus 10 acres. Grand mountain scenery, in the valley of Virginia, famed for health., European aud American teachers. Full course. Mu sic, Art, all brauches unexcelled. One of the most beautiful and attract ive Collesra Homes in the South. Ac commodating terms. For catalogue, address the President, Wm. A.Harris, D. D., . . Roanoke, Va. The North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Will begin its Fifth Session September 7th, 1893. This College is now well equipped for its special work, having extensive Wood and Iron Shops, care fullv fitted up ! Drawing-room, Chemi cal, Botanical and Horticultural Labor atories, Greenhouse and barn. The teaching force for the next year consists of fifteen men. The two courses lead to graduation in Agriculture and in Mechanical and Civil Engineering. Total cost, including Board : County Students, - - $95.50 Pay Students, - - - 123 50 ' For catalogues, apply to A. Q. Holliday, President. Raleigh, N.C. Carolina :-: Institute, MINEOL.A, BEAUFORT Co., N. C. (Six miles from Washington,) L. H.Ross (Univ. of N.C.,) Principal, Prepares girls and boys for college for business. Location healthy. Water excellent. Building new and commodious. . Terms moderate. Third session opens Oct. 2 1893. Wilkinson Female Znsliiuie, Tarboro, N. C. FACULTY: I W. S. Wilkinson. Miss C. Ml Cbeckley Miss Marguerite Hobson. Miss Dora Uheckly. M iss Marie Vonderf our , Miss Minnie Atkinson. 1 The fourleenth term will begin the first Monday (4th) in September. 1893. For further particulars and catalogue, Apply to W.S.WILKINSON, Principal. Road Cart and Har&ess, M! I have a Road Cart and Harness I will sell for ten dollars. But the first man (or woman) who offers me nine aouars win get it ior eight dol lars, not a cent more. i t HA- LATHAM. Call at Gazette Office. I ST RESULT Attend the use of Ayer's Pills. Though prompt and energetic in action, their effect is to strengthen and regulate the various organic functions, espe cially those of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels. Decided benefit has been repeatedly known to FOLLOW even the first dose. Ayer's Pills rank higher in pharmacy and are more generally used than any other cathartic. Sugar-coated, purely vegetable;, and quickly dissolved, this i3 the ideal family physic, and should be in every domestic medicine-chest. They are a sure remedy for bilious-, ness, nausea, costiveness, indigestion, sluggishness of the liver, jaundice drowsiness, pain in the side, and sick headache ; also, for colds, fevers,, neuralgia, chills, and the diseases peculiar to southern latitudes. For . travelers, whether by land or sea, Ayer's Cathartic Pills are indispensa ble, and should never be omitted in the outfit. To preserve their medicinal virtues in all climates, they are put up both in bottles and boxes. THE USE OF Ayer's Pills are everywhere recommended by leading piysicians. "I have been using Ayer's Pills for over twenty-five years, both person ally and in my practice, with tne best possible results, and recommend them in cases of chronic diarrhoea, knowing their efficiency from per s mal experience, they having effected a cure when every other medicine had failed." S. C. Webb, M. I)., Liberty, Miss.: I 1 "After many years' experience with Ayer's Pills as a remedy for the ailments caused by derangements of the liver, peculiar "to malarial locali ties, justice prompts nie'tp express appreciation of this medicine." S. L. Loughridge, Bryan, Texas. er s Cathartic Pills Prepared hj Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Every Dose i Three Masters of Art in Literary faculty. Music Director, a full gradu ate of Leipsic. Everything first-class. 56th year. 21 Officers and teachers. 22 New Pianos. Begins Spt. 13, 1893. Send for catalogue. JAS. DINWIDDIE. M. A., (of University of Va.) 17ESLEYAU FEMALE - , , . , Climate and samranding exceptional. Handsome build- STAUIMTOlM, VIRGINIA, inira, now beinr remodeled, thoroughly renovated, re painted inside and outside, and refurnished with new pianos, carpets, tc. Steam heat, gas light bath rooms on every floor. New Laboratory thoroughly equipped. Excellent Kacnltjr oi Experienced Teachers. Advanced courses in English, Latin, German, French, Ac . 8peela advantages in Art. Conservatory Course in Music One hundred and forty-one board Ins; pnpils from eighteen States. Terms moderate. For Catalogue of this celebrated old Virginia school, address ' - W. W. ROBERTSON, President, Staunton. Virginia. ItTEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, jJjLllfCtfflOflPf COK. MARSHAL & COLLEGE STS. The Fifty-sixth Annual Session of the September 26th. 1893. and continue sir t- For catalogue or other information write to DR. CHRIS TOPHER TOSIPKISS.Dean of the faculty arid Professor of Obstetics and Diseases of the Puerperal state. j LITTLETOtl HIGH SCHOOL AND ' Business Institute. Anarlpmln rnnrafl. Commercial course. Telegraphy, Pen Arr,nortnana, ; type writing, uliaaate and Location delight ful. Healthiulness unexceuea. .ex penses very moderated More in at tendance last year than ever before. Session opens Aug. 22, 1893 . For cata logue address Li. w. baglet, rrincipai. Littleton, N. C. i F,rminmfint:---Facult of 25 teach ers, 11 buildings, 7 scientific laborato ries, library of 30,000 volumes, 3io stu dents. TnsfrnnMon:-5 creneral courses: 6 brief courses; professional courses in law. medicine, engineering ana cnem istry; optional courses "EYnfinsn? Tuition. S60 ter vear. Scholarships and loans for the needy. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, Chapel H 11. N. C. 1 O&VIDSOII COLLEGE Davidson, IS - G. I Fifty-seventh year. Begins Sept. 14, 1893. Ten professors and Instructors. L Junior and Senior studies elective, i Chemical aDd Physical laboratories. : Well equipped Gymnasium. ! Terms reasonable. Location healthful. Community excellent. Teaching thorough. Classical, Mathematical,! Scientific, Literary, Commercial, Biblical, i Send for Catalogue, J. B. SHEARER President. "I do not believe this irsitution has a- Superior in the South . " So writes an eminent schol ar and Divine of the "Wilson For Young Ladies, C Jolleeriate Instnte, WILSON, N. C. v Established in. 1872.) THIS INSTITUTION is entirely non sectarian, and offers a thorough preparatory course of study, together with an unusually full and comprehen sive Collegiate course. Excellent fa cilities for the study of Music and Art. Healthful location. Fall term, or 23J school year, begins Sept. 4th, 1893. For catalogue and circular, address , SILAS . WABR EN, Prln., ! Wilson, N. C. I : r : Tftrboro Fem&le Academy . (CHARTERED IN 1813 Best advantages ofFervl fnr Hh-rai education. ; The fall term of this well-known In stitution begins Sept. 4th. For catalogue address D. J. GILLESPIE, ; , Tarboo, N.C. OUR NATIVE HJSRBS, the gTeat blood purifier and liver regulator; 200 days treatment for SI. sent to any ad dress on receipt of priee. C. M. Robin son, general agent, Washington, N. C. "I have' never used anything that did me so much good for dyspepsia as Ayer's Pills.9 G. W. Wilson, Spottsylvania C H., Va. "I have repeatedly employed AVer's Cathartic Pills both for liver affections and to correct stubborn costiveness, with beneficial results." Dr. Pareja Garredo, Prof, of Medi cine, Granada, Spain. "For eight years I was afflicted with constipation, which at last be-. came so bad that the doctors could do no more for me. Then I began to take Ayer's Pills, and soon the bow els recovered their natural action." Wm. H. DeLaucett, Dorset, Ont. Mass. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. Effective INSTITUTE FOR YOUKG LADIES, RALEIGH, N: C. INSTITUTE Open Sept. 0th, 1891. above-named institution will begin months. Raleigh, NV C. u FOR GIRLS. Established - In -1842. For catalogue address the Rector REV. BENNETT SMEDES, M. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS ! The very best instruction-in the Classics, Mathematics and English, by a full and able faculty, at a reasonable c ost; .. Book-keeping, including a thorough business course, without extra charge. Modern language a specialty. Total expense (guaranteed) per ses sion of twenty weeks . TUITION: Primary, j15.oo Intermediate,- 20.00 Academic (including four languages) 25.0n Music on Piano, X2 00 Use of Instrument. o'nn Board, (including room rent, fuel & lights 45 00 Washing: 3.00 Incidental charges, j qo Fall session 1893 commences Au gust 28th. Send for catalogue. JOHN GRAHAM, Principal, Ridgoway, N. C. OXFORD FEMALE SEHINARyT Oxford, 1ST. Q. The 43rd Annual August 30. 1893 . Session opens All the comforts of Home with- all me advantages of a First-class School at very Reasonable Rates. Phvalcai Culture prominent. Special facilities iu musiB ana An. Apply ror cata logue. F. P. HOBGOUD, President CHOWAN BAPTIST - FEMALE - INSTITUTE, MURFREESBORO, N. C. This institution offers superior ad- vrtutages in literature, Science, Elocu tion, Music, Art, Stenography and TToewritinfif. So far as possible each department is piwcu uuuer me care or a specialist. The health is unsurpassed. With a mort Imnneinrr hn11Airt Inna ted in the midst of grounds of remark- auio ueausy, me situation is one of great attractiveness. Charges are made as reasonable as the class of work done will allow. The Fall session begins on Wednesday, Sept. 6. For cata logue or additioual information address, JNO.B. BRE W1SR, Pres. TRINITY :": SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, UHOCOWINITY, N. C. Rev. N. C. Hughes, Jr., Principal. All boarders reside iu the school Males and Females occupy residences entirely distinct. THE FEMALE .DEPARTMENT &?ndJ5IJh .control of Miss .cmzaDein xwDinson, L-ady Principal. The school year w divided into two sessions, andefrSf)-Per W88on (incloIing light Board and Tuition, - . - $75. Same, with music on piano, - - 90 For catalogue address the Principal MarysS OCRACOKE HOTEL (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT,) pen June D5th, 1893. This Famous Summering Place Promises Greater Attractions than Ever. Finest Surf Bathing, Fishing, Sailing and Hunting on the coast. Table supplied with Oysters. CUuis and Ish right out of the watt-r the best the market affords. ' Hotel Large and Comfortable. ' ST Breath the sea air and get healthy. Transportation by Atlantic Coast Line to Washington, and by sail or ste boat from Washington down the beautiful Pamlico to the Island. RATES. Per day, $1.50; per week, $7 to $10, according to location p. month, $25; children under 10 years old and servants half price. r Write to PANACEA SPRINGS .HOIBL, FIVE MILES FKOM LITTLETON, N. C Finest Water en. Earth.. Drink it as it sparkles and gurgles from the rocks. S top at this Hotel and get health and pleasure. Write or see us. P.,0. Littleton, N. C. SEA SlKlH!lir y. la n t ic :-: Hotel, Horehead City, N. C. The above famous seaside resort offers superior accommoda tions to its guests. J Rates are lower this season than at any. other first-class sum mer resort. SJSgT' Special inducements to families and parties. No Malaria. No' flies. No mosquitoes. Best Orchestra in the Southern States. Surf bathing and fishing unsurpassed. B. L. PERRY, Manager. I1P0BTAWT - WOTICE ! TO ALL WHO WISH TO BUY THE ORIGINAL ! Stock's Diadem Flour, Should see Litchfield Diadem Burnt Trade Mark on Each Barrel. Every barrel contains a Guarantee. If purchaser should not be sat isfied, Flour may be returned at my expense and money refunded. IE. PETERSOIT, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, "WSHXnXTG-TOINy 1ST. b. Albert's Mine Parlor Is tlxe letce. Those who go there are the People. It is the neatest, prettiest, cleanest saloon east of Raleigh. All th finest Wines, Liquors, Cigars, all the fancy dr'nks in finest style. Separate apartment for colored people. Call at '. - ' W. II. ALBERTS, Corner Main St. and Union Alley, . " - Silverware Gold and Diamonds. A big lot. 1 New and Cheap at BELL'S! TRY BELL, bell The Jeweler, bell bell TRY bell bell BELL, belf oell ; THE JE WELER. bell bell He defies .competition. bell bell Beil, the "jeweler, defies bell bell competition. Try BELL, the bell bell Jeweler. Try Bell, the Jeweler, bell bell defies competition. Bell, the Jeweler. bell bell . Bell defies competition. Try Bell,, the bell TRY BELL Jeweler. Work left on hand over six months TRY BELL will be sold for repairs. Fine breast pins, ear rings, Silverware, Watches and Clocks cheap for cash. Finest Spectacles at lowest rates. Special attention give to repairing Watches and Clocks also all kinds Jewelry at lowest prices. Give me trial and be convinced , ; TRY '. BELLI D. p. Bloukt, H. B. Mayo, Washington, N. C. WashingtonN.O D. P. BLOUNT & CO., Cotton Factors, AND GenM Commission Merchants, For the sale of Cotton. Corn. Pps Ppnnntji Lumber, Tar, 8hingleBr Eggs, Poultry, and all kinds of Country Produce. Highest MftrVfit PHn. mnA nnlcV Vatnmm. Cash advanced o i receipt of Bui of Lading. Correspondence solicited. 19 ROANOKE DOCK, Nobfolk, VA. BEnstMCU: Citizens' Bank. A Tredwel- and WilUami Bro., of Norfolk, Va.; anrSnsfl BU Of Washington, N.C I. W. MA.YO, Washington, x q MILES Sc -A-IIjEKT, , Proprietors Panacea Springs Hotel. that it is branded in Blue Letters, with a E. It. IHXOiV, WHOLESALE Tin ani Woodenware Paper Bags, Stationery Twine. Managers of the Washington BRANCH STAN ARD OIL COMPANY WASHINGTON, 2? C.