t' THE GAZETTE A HUMMER, Gazette and Atlanta Constitution both one year $1.50. Address, H. A.LATHAM, "Washington N. C. 3 ' ' ti i ' Subscription $1 Per Year. "THE OLD NORTH STATE FOREVER." DR. H. 0. HYATT'S Sanatorium, Kinston, N. C. p-Diseases of the Eye and Gen- H. A. LATHAM, Editor. . i 1 VOL. XVII. : f t eral Surgery. ( WASHINGTON, BEAOFORT CO. Ni 0.,-TEURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1895, NO. 34. j--r -.r - i . , II ii II ii j uu u ft i ii ii ii i iiiii -Txi y ii r a. i ii i i ii ii n i i ! j, I WYNNE & CO,, . :Q U'JN. tfanaxr. fl&OYSIER DEALERS. J Washington, North Carolina. The oldest and largest Fish dealers in Washington. tOur facilities are bet for shipping fresh fish than ever before. We have our own nets and seines and are therefore prepared to All all orders daily with the fredbeat IhIi of all varieties that inhabit these waters. All orders receivsd either by wire or letter will receive-prompt at tention. Orders filled within two hours after feeing received at our office. d7?. BLOUNT & 0 Cotton B actors -AND- Gen'K Commission Merchants, For the sale of Cotton, Corn, Peai, Peann Lumber, Tar, Shingles, IggB. Poultry, and al kiuds of Country Produce. Highest Market Price and Quick Returns, Cash advanced o 1 receipt of BlU of Lading. Correspondence solicited. 19 ROANOKE DO NORFOLK, VA feEFERKNCKs: CltlrenB Bank, it. Tredwel . and Williams Bros., of Norfolk, Va.; any Baal neRg man of Washington. N. C. Miles' Coach Shoo , I have removed to T. W. Phillip's oia stand.- wtncrr l have l ntted up in first class order and am now ready to do all kinds of repairlne and buildiing WESlEKJf BUGGIES AMD ROADCART& All who desire anything in iny li n will do well to call and see me. -, S. MILES. WILL WORK, , Etc. 0 ru in S Mm in u QV Vvnr I N rVT : r"l n in pi n sifi e a i ii lsKl : 4 oi i 11 U u ra n n Mm Bab hi km9 ' i taies A New Danger. A great danger threatens the peo pie of the South. An evil that is steadily growing, and unless checked will cause great misery and suffering. Liver Medicines, called by all sorts of names, are being sold to the drug gist to be handed to the people when they call for Simmons Liver Regu lates. Beware! There never has been more than one Simmons Liver Reg ulator en the market Take nothing ing else. The . person who tries to persuade you that anything-1 else is just the same is not to be relied upon nor is the dealer to be ; trusted who tries to sell you another article n its stead. You know what Sim mons Liver Regulator is, because i has done you good. No; don't be de ceived into trying anything else Highest qf .all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report V- n - o BCOlKUirEILV PURE Future of Artficial Foods. ' The chemists of Amtdea, wks have jusf held a general meeting in B otton. do not think, chemical beefsteak and other, foods in sightfor the human race just at present, though chemistry has aone mucn to aeveiope in sciences ol cookery, and given great variety to food and drink bythe many essences f flowers and fruits -that have been, elaborated in the laboratory The colleges of agriculture, and the agronc mio , experiment stations, of 'which h e rc ' are now fifty- sevea , have : done so much to increase the prodn6tiven8l pf the soil, and to reclaln. unproduc tive lands, that Dr. Wilcyv the retiring Wait until the Old Friend, Simmons' President of the Chemical Association, Liver Regulator, has failed : you, laHw" r . J son for lookine outside of scientific then will be time enough to try agriculture for the production of something else. Remember , Simmons human food.'? On the ether hand T. t Bertheiot, an emmeni European qosBi Liver Regulator is what you want. QcUlms;hIs, eoryj jftat It is put up only by J. H. Zeilin & artlcflcial tobdsjare In time to suppre at T y eovertoff of the earth will be forbeau- j package tv. at in a plea3ure-park. and! not I "defaced byt agricultureVNewTtrk WEBSTER'S Aiwinu to wi v I JrOSt. Raleigh, N. C. L; T. BROWN Prpp'r. The Elegant Home of the Drummer.1-; . ' .; The Rendezvous of the Politician. The Favorite of all the Traveling r Public. , Thoroughly re-fitted-rSplendidly appointed The Yar borough is the H9tel of the Capitol. Mattings,, Clothing, Slippers and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods and Notions TJBLROP. A UNIVERSAL REMEDY. i . mine, rona ir Axuavv i ''u""'v jstejithe greatest 'man home rtmedy .gnAit o? boil, sweliiugs, w miand' 60 1 in anv barber's itch. bruises, sore neck, back Ml!. che, tttotiiache and many other dis- A Lesson of Experience, ln the The writer of thU letter certainly; juursii scuooi ox experience man must Dave moagai. w u learns the rlpess wisdom and as a cure, for everything. 1. He i. wrote to best qualified t teaclu. ETerv the Pond' b Extract Company: .'Un-i bumau life bears testimony to doubtedly you have received numerous miaiact." , ; - i testimonials. as ;Ki ma. c .v j v Extract. However, I shau. give you T ' mini Pond 's Extract is a valuable Daniel Webste, cradled on New ; .i.-i " . ."j;,,;w 1 . i acne, looinactio auu mnj century, at the goal of his career, look- . .rrhu nmrht to trr it, ing backward and remembering his I Thev will be benefited,'' H. H. West, (own experience, th as advised Robert 1 908 East Clay Street Richmond, V a. O. Winthrop, then at the very thersh old of that mihlta Ufa whloh or.o 1 &nnin(ir?ia Kanetl. such imperishable lusfre on his name. " w mtnrop, 11 1 was as young as you 1 Y eu're not alone . in your , m mrj are, and just begmning my Congres-I when the cow kicks the miiK over. sioaal career, I woul adop a different You can sympathize with tne cair course from ''that which '.we are all then. pursurlng lh regard to speeches. J This world ia full o sunshine; but "I have lost my tattta in long; labored 1 nlne mea OQt tia. apendiialf .their effort to be printed a week. after their days huntin', for tallow candles, i ucuiroi , uu w ud BtaiLciou over lilo country in pamphlets which nobody eyer reads. I would speak - short and often. T wnnlri rV nmA rinr in I T. firlnnn la confoni.ded by. many every important discussion, and : I feS'flS 75 rnr THE YARCOROUGH Protessional and Basinegs Cards SEYMOUR W. HAJJCOCA, -ATTORKY-AT-LAW, Washington, C S T, BECKVflT, . " ATTORNBT-2 At-LAW. WAaHOTGTOfci N. C. . . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i . WASglWpTQN, v. O. BB. NICHOLSON', ' T LAWYER, , '-'WASHINGTON, N. C. Opposite gazette OtOoe. ... SS,;MANNv . , ATTOIEY.AT-LAW, ' BY? AN QtJARTER, N. C bpecial proceedings and settling of estates a specialty. J, A. ARTHUR; JR. . Special attention paidlio collectioa afclaima. ' 87Makettee.r - i - wAhngtonli C. : HOTEL ALBERTy A;Vfi; sew, BERNE,. sr. c. AJtxbe modern conveniences. A FALSE DIAGNOSIS. would prepare every word 'which I former, These individuals suffer aev- proposed to say', and Write it Out be-1 riv with min about the forehead forehand, so as to give a copy to thef eyes and ears-with "sornesa in" throat reporters the moment I tat down.' Io 1 andflWPP w."" 'it f this way the next morning's paper iJ fAri aitim. These are On pur recent trip, North we examined carefully the stocks of the largest dealers would let my constituents and' the J catarrhal sufferers- Ely' Ureani Balm . V ?,", .' - , . , - -, 1 . 'l1' country see and read precisely what I has been used with the best results in: :imore, Philadelphia and New York, for the latest, the best and cheapest goods on had ,aid; . , f -; iUch,cases. : The ixemedy wiugiv Mr. J.'L. Gardner offers his ser vices to the mill men of North Caro lina who have any kind of mill work to be done. Building and put ting in mills a specialty. Has had years of experience and can give best testimonials. Moving houses building heavy work such as ware houses, wharves, etc. , done .with skill and dispatch. Address him at ' . Washington N. C. House Painting DECORATIVE INTERIOR WORK, GRAINING, & MARBLISG A sptctaHy. Satisfaction guaranteed or no. charge. ' GENERAL CONTRACTOR FOR THIS LINE OF WORK. ls?See ma before contracting. You will save money and get superior work. Reppectf ully, L. H. PADGETT. Vahlngton, N. C. Salesmen Wanted. To sell Pennsylvania grown Nursery . Stock which is ; THE BEST IN tHE WORLD, All new speci.altieB 'as well as the standard Varieties of Fruits and Ornamentals. iNo preyi ous experience uacesaary. Salary and a1 1 traveling expenses paid. Write for terms, etating age, ' HOOPES. BRO. & THOMAS, Maple Avenue ijursenes, Wet Chester,-Pa, - in Baltimore t.Vi o m o vlrof. f : ' - -I . , -7 iti?'l Fred Douglass Legislature Instead o: ' . .... . , I equal emphasis in relation to adver-v - . , ; i " we confidently believe that by careful and rignt buying we nave now reaay, tl8inK? if the great. . orator uakea !'one l.yeintt!n they , promised, nas, oreawa, offices and run up the appropriatlont at-nr fn-nViQv. ma aliatrA nrA ton .on nrifliAii avovaratinn niialitv nnnsidftrfld. . Wfl haVft aS in the Bwift tide ' even .tne-'i dol- MIUA A UAIUA , W C2 U IZtfXD W - W fd lLJ-L riOi V VV X U;j.U U. UAbVVti W A U UAVMI lAnAA w.W W W T - - . I . , m . . " ' " 1 - w - - . i main ner or tne n me. Heam ntteo. n i lart. cneau a slock as wasninerton nas ever seen 11 nou tuu uuBaucat wo xo uiwu vu ....u..,.,u.pUUUUu8uta Bw, i . w.. , . I if th TTiArrhnnt n.H nnA crmrl linnlav stock and we are anxious to have you see it the following prices picKea up au rauaoni md does nothing ihe rest of the year. stand for the whole stock: rest of the year. OLD PEOPLE. or only appears in print occasionally, Old Deoole when required medicine people forget and turn elsewhere the to regulate the bowels and kidneys will DIBBLE AND BROWN, -WASHINGTON, N. C. Crincutural abscission andcraniolog cal tripsis, phrenological hair cutters : and hydropathical shavers of beards, Work phyaiogBomically executed. Under Martin's Corner. CREPQNS. This is the goods to be extensively used this season the price ought to be ....... - - more but we say Hi. Allthe colors are here its lovely goods, ;is servlsable and we ask less for it than any house in town. . H AHBXXBOS. '.. -' HATE YOU ANY MILL BUILDING, HOUSE MOVING, ; WHARF CONSTRUCTION. Warehouses to build or any special work in this line ? If so, see oi write m. Have had may years ex pei ier c . on. difficult jobs, and cai l'resei t bet testimonials. Work done w til care, and skill Rt-spfct fully, . JEHU FOREMAN, AVa Liagton, N: C. CALICOES. IJo season for ten, yean .part. at produced so many beautiful concep tions in cheap wasli goods this Rtandarid nrints are 4 11 5 and 6c, the yard. This includes both 'the tolids and fancies. Best standard wee tret of Glngb was are 5,6, 7, 8 andL 10c our line of Ginghams has no , equal in town- quality and prices, considered. We have just got in another - lot of that Hamburg put up in 4 yard pieces -wi sold ajarge. quantity pf these last season and have not been able to get more untlLnow the price runs from 10c to 1.60 the piece of ii yards if they were more-they: would etill be cheap we could only get a limited quantity so advise you to get what you want at once. ; Laces. - ? . Last season was the greatest lace sea son evet known, but the present, will be still greater we bate a magnificent lint of lacea the prices are marvels of ehetpness, the range is from lc the yd up surely we can trade with you in lacea. I Silks At 25c the yd 18 styles to choose from bright new goods figured the shirt waist kinds you'd think it was 50c the yd but we say 25e. Hosiery. About 20 new kinda but we have two specials, like this fast black- sizes 6 to 10 seamless, full regular made the price was to be 15c the pair we hand them to you at lOe the pr We snapped up 50 dz at auction, regular 10c goods black or tan bet ter value tbanfsome 10c sox price 5c the pr. Another in men's Hermsdorph dye full regular made sold last' season ln town here at 20c the pr we could easily close the lot at 15c the pr but we price them 10c the pr. : Art. About 75 of the" most beautiful pic turesoil ; paintings, etchings steel engravings the prices are marvelously low what Is home without pictures? R..t.' iof fhA h.ii. J find tha trne remeav.in jsiectnc xm.- AMV 1V eu. unaij i ' - - n. m columns proclaim his bargains ; in an kie attrfictive and novel manner, and the er intoxicant, but acta as al tonic- and tide of trade to nit-counters is ceaseless alterative, xt acts muaiy on mua bum. in its flow. It is never permitted to cbe ana oweis, wamwngiu ebb;is Ch.rgedith cins 'Speaki apeak," we . say 'tb;. busiuess J ljet. appetizer and,, aids j digestion. men, "Advertise, advertise.' Be heard V&vrUZ t'ZS iZE'&f hot-' C, . brown, Pres-tGEO, . dupuy. vie often in the right places and thousand tSTc. 4arVs Drui StorV. f CDMAY' c-u oi reaaert win oecome your uauv auai- ence never iQrgeumg wnen to trade. ; ja.avert,ite : ii rays. It has helped make the 'merchant princes'1 of our land, as oratory has proclaimed its foremost statesman. THE ORTON, - -. WILMINGTON, N. C. Beat appointed Hotel in the State HOTEL NICHOLSON", T EU. A. SPENCER. Manirrr liest EauiDDed HotPi in cut tj... meets Train and Boats. THE KING HOUSE, . 7.f ' - GREENVILLE. N. O: MES. 8HSBIFF KINaPBOP'T Pleasantlv situated in hiialnAaa Dart o the city. IMiE PURCELL HOUSE, - , NORFOliK. VIROINT A Large, Well ADDointed and (!n . veuisauy xxcatea. TfifrVhome North .CaioUnUns-A Cordiral come and Low Rites. fo 1 SWINDELL HOTEL, ." SWAN QUABTSB. . O. , Bbinn Bbos, Proprietors. Refitted and refurnished. Bat Uat. in Hyde county Table well supplied Servants attentive.- DR. A. S, WELLS, -SURGEON DENTIST. WASHINGTON, N. C. Office opposite Dr. GaUairhr'a Drno' tore. TOMPSON & PENDER, BAitBERS, . . WASHINGTON, N. C, Sharp razors, cleaa towels, skilled workmen and everything first-class in every particular . Ive us acalL. tthop in Union Alley opposite Hauo's Stables. 75,1.00, 1.48, 81.88-but little more than half value. Mattings. We are always on the lookout for good things for you, these mattings 3 ust come in , are ine Dest mings , w; ve gchool gtreetj BOSTON, MASS had in some time nice piece of mat- Mutual Reserve Bldg., ,N. Y. CITY ting makes eyerything look so cool and thai .TWO LIVES SAVED. price is very little more than half PETTINGILL A CO. Newspaper Advertising Agency, FISH, FISH ! ;Seud your orders to " W. E. Swindell The largest1 wholesale, dealer and Shipper,.of Fresh and: Salt JFish of Mrs- Phoebe Thomas, oi Junction I Washlntrton, N. C. il- Til won Ttv ha. Anfnrm iha I what the same goods was last season consumption and that there was iAU orders carefully .."attended to aud 10c l5o 20c and cotton wrap at 25e the g W Ite htr, S- Uii to thipped strictly CO. D. unless Jtti AU 1U"8 UBTr UB . cured her and she says it wred her flV,Aflfl j qh life: MrThos.Eggers 139 Florida bnOeS and Slippers, st . San Francisco, buffered trorn a Good me a trial ai dreadful cold, approaching Consump- and be convinced. 43" Local trade also solicited. Largest and best stock we ever had I tion, tried withont ' result everything .u .i else tnen bought one bottle of Dr. BiBfiut .wcr.-u, ;i0uC1 MVl New TMscovery and in two n icely made 50c the pr. I weeks was cured. He is naturally aii tk. M...,nM 1 no i thankful. It is such results, of which 4 vuv wwva wuww iv ivw Aivf 82.00 the pr. Ladies Dongola button shoe,, , three jPiDgJ- 85 cents the nr. Speaker Zeb Vance Walser. whose Furniture Repaired, BEAUFORT COUIITY BANK J PAID' 131 CAPITAL, $10,000! General Banking and Collecting Business Conducted. ; ''.T " '"'V'' 1 Turkish Bath soap,2 , cakes for 5c or I Ken name Bhould b changed , took the dz for 25c. . 60 dz mens caps, at half pric, all new goods, the price ia 25c each. Next Door to PoStoffice, Washington, J.C. occasion to leave his throne and take the floor to excoriate ReperstnUtive Ray of Macou. Mr. Ray has been a member or the Bouse for five consecu tive terms and is a man of courage, information and fiery eloquence, and the lashing be gave , " Walsef was magnificent. It was the most severe soothing we have read in a Ions: time, and Walser .wriethsi xiad jr it. At the conclusion Walter retracted all he had said. ' Hanging curtains, Repairing locks' and jkeys.ti Will make you a first-class cart at bottom prices." . i ' . .;. .;:..;' Any kind of general wood work done. Shop Market Street, opposite Town Flail - - - '-" V- - Yours Bespectfnlly . ; V JNO. Fi McKEEL. J Washington, N, C, . , , EZFMWJl'S lit ON BfTTtRS ' . Cure indigestion. Biliousness,. Dyspepsia, Mala ria, Nervousue. and (U'Hernl bebilliy. Physt ias recomiiieud it. All dealers sell It. Genalne 'trade mtsk aod crossed ted lloii un .uapsv t3?" 4 per cent, paid upon time deposits of three months ot over on, amounts of over $100. PIIIG DOl'illrPlllilGi For Wharves, etc. TAKING UP WRECKS: Sunken Logs, etc., done in a scientific . and substantial manner .. . Have had years., experience, the best testimonials given. Satisfac tion guaranteed. For particulars see or address, FANCIS GORDON, Washington, N. C. ENGLISH Spavin Liniment remove all Hard. Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood spavins, euros, Splints, Sweney, King none, surnes, sprains, ail swollen Throats, Coughs, -etc. - Save $50. by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known, sold by Drs. . S. T. and P. A. N icuol Son, Druggists, Washington, N. C. Ml i; 4 i ti ,r, S ....