T iU Evening Messenoer J. A ARTHUR Jr- Editor. i l lill PUBLISHED EVERt DXY EXCEPT SUNDAY. -r Entered a second cJass matter TELEPHONE CALL NO. 51- Wnkttoo, N. C. Saturday. Jan. I. 1898. THE RIQHT COURSE FOR PURSUE. FARMERS TO The American Cotton Growers Protective Association recently in session at Memphis adopted the fol owing resolutions: ."The object of this association shall be to educate the cotton growers of America as to their rights and duties and to devise ways and means for the improve ment of their condition. In or- der to carry out the principles of the association we shall strive by the thorough organization of all the cotton-growing States, counties and districts to unite all growers in an earnest effort to reduce the acreage of cotton each year to such a point as will insure a fair average price to every grower. This organiza tion will take no part in nation al, State or local politics ai4 will permit no persons to use it for personal advancement or purely political purposes. This association shall aim above all things to teach the American cotton-grower: 4 'First To reduce the cost of the production of cotton. Q' 'Second To practice the prin ciples of thrift and economy which shall enable him to escape debt and make his cotton a real money crop. "Third--To make all his own supplies at home to the end that the crop w7hen produced may be all his own. "Fourth To hold his crop each year until he can sell it to the best advantage. " Fifth To build factories for manufacturing cotton near the cotton fields, so that the South may receive the largest returns from each annual cotton crop, and' that home markets may be built up for other farm pro ducts." The above is good sense and if the cotton-growers will all unite earnestly and honestly in this movement the condition of the farmer .will be benefitted. "We are glad to note these reso lutions are in line with the stand we 'have taken ever since we have been editing the Messenger-Gazette. We have time and again maintained that the farm er U to be benefitted by rules which he makes for himself ra her than by laws which the government mah.es for him. The f:irm of the country are the back ...one and sinew of the land, and we love to see them inter ested in their country's affairs. It is the duty of every farmer to take part in political conven tions, to vote in every election and to lend his aid in putting the best men in office, to frame the laws by which the country is governed. But When any class of citizens organize them selves for the purpose of getting special legislation which shall help them to make money at the expense of somebody else, they are departing from the cardinal jjrinciples of true Democracy and will always come short cf the benefits anticipated. And this is clearly the view taken by the American Cotton Growers' Association. This as sociation sets out with the dec- laration that it will take no part as an organization in national State or local politics, and will permit no person to use it for personal advancement or politi cal purposes. gery' gopjl for th.e star; . avin fcscKew politics tfce association declares that it will endeavor to organize the farmers into a movement whose object is first to reduce the cost of production of cotton; second, to practice thte princi ples of thrift and "economy; third, to make their ow7n sup plies at home; fourth, to hold their crops until they can sell to advantage; and fifth, to aid in the development of th,e cotton manufacturing industry. We congratulate the farmers of the South upon this sensible movement, this healthy business like organization. If they but live up to the splendid resolu tions which they- have adopted, success will undoubtedly crown their efforts. And our best wishes go out to them. A WORD ABOUT BUSINESS. We trust those subscribers who have nbt yet paid up will now lose no time in doing so. This is the season of the year for closing up accounts, and we expect all who owe us to make prompt settlement. We have on our books a large number who have the commendable habit of settling without being urged, and we want them to understand that our remarks do not apply to them. But we have the names of quite a number of others who are very slow about coming up with the cash, and we wTant these to know that wTe need the money and that they are expected to pay up at once. Many of these simply put off the matter, and do not appreciate the fact that a newspaper must have money to run on. We trust they will no longer put off this important business. If it is not convenient for you to come to Washington, send the money by money order, check or registered letter. You can have a letter registered at any postoffice. You may deduct the fee for same or for money order from the amount due when remitting. Attend to this matter right now while it is fresh on your mind. The progressive ladies of West Jield, Ind., issued a "Woman's Edition" of the Westfleld News, bearing date of April 3,. 1896. The paper is filled with matter of interest to women, and wTe notice the following from a cor respondent, which the editors printed, realizing that it treats upon a matter of vital impor tance to their sex: "The best remedy for croup, colds and bronchitis that I have been able to find is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For family use it has no equal. I gladly recommend it." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale at Tayloe's Pharmacy. A. CUT IN PRICES II . .yhe, times are hard and money is scarce, jjjueref ore, for spot cash we wUl 'Ciprices to suit these conditions. Note the following astonishingly low prices: Ginger Snaps, Sugar Cakes, Soda Crackers, Lemon Cakes, Nic Nacks, Best Lard, 7 1 6c. per lb 6c. 6c. 6 c. 6c. 7c. i i. Full Cream Cheese 12 l-2c Meat from 5 1-2 to 6c. Flour from 2 1-2 to 3c. t ( i i Baking Powder, formerly 5c. now 4c. 10c. cans now for 9c. Other goods in proportion. Call to see us at No. 107 Mark- let St., Washington, X. C. PEED & GRIFFIX. Other merchants may .have j s ; as good, but we believe we we have your money's worth in our 25. IUGS We have them at any price you may want, and as pretty an array as you want to look at. We invite a critical inspection. Respectfully, SPENCER BROS. CO, KNOCKED OUT, A. S. KELLY & CO, KNOCKS OUT C. B. ROUSE. For a short time ice trill give to every person purchasing at our store two pair of 10c. Hose r any size one pair free; or two boxes of highly perfumed Talcum Powder, 10c. per box. one box free. This is purely a Christmas Gift, so come while the offer J i olds good. A. S, KELLY cO CO. DON'T FORGET That I keep on hand the best selected stock of Confectioneries In the city ; also a choice and se lect stock of HEAYY & FANCY GROCERIES. Fruits at wholesale. Apples and Bananas a specialty. Goods delivered to any part of city. Phone 104. HA1RELL S CONFECTIONERY. THE MOST remarkable cures ots record liare been accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is unequalled or all BLOOD DISEASES. Ladies : I have bought for this season soine of the prettiest Dress Pat terns that has ever been brought to Washington, with Trimmings to match. Also a nice selected stock of pretty Dress Goods in Cashmeres, Puff Effects and Serges. An examination will con vince you thatCarrowan's is the cheapest house in town to get your Dresses from. Call and see. Gentlemen : 1 have bought for this season a handsome line of Clothing which I will sell CHEAP, and will guarantee to give you as good Fits and as Well Made-up goods as any house in the State. Do you want a Suit made to order? Covo arid SCP me- I made up more clothine: the j,ast twelve months th;m any olh r house in .Washington, and . had a misfit. Do you want your foot to look neat and nice? Coine in and try on a pair of Reynold's Hand Made Shoes, for less money than you can buy a standard shoe in town. Every pair sold under a guarantee.. The largest stock of medium grade Shoes in town and to be sold cheap. Boy's shoes of all kinds. A nice line of Gents' Furnish-! ing Goods and Neckwear. I take this opportunity of thanking the public for their liberal patronage the past year, a ud ask a share of the same in the future. Always ready and willing to show goods and treat our customers right. Yours to please, T. C. CARKOWAN. Short Hand School KECITATION IIOUKS : (J to 1 1 , a. m. ; 2 to 4 and 7 to 1) p. m. Entire Course5ix Weeks, $10.00 Payable each week in advance. Pupils beginning on Mondays will have the advantage of start ing with others. Enquire at W. B. Morton & C's. 7 FOR SALE. 60 tons Rafting Gear 5-8 and 3-8 Chain, 2,000 Dogs. Also small Tugboat, 4 feet draft. JESSE A. GRAY, 127 Walnut St., Phila , Pa. B. L. SUSMAN, MONEY TO LOAN. 117 Market street. WONDERFUL are the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and yet they are simple and natural. Hood's Sarsa parilla makes PURE BLOOD. New Seen Reined; Ab.4nti-I)- Unknown to the profession. Pcrmjuieut Cv.it in li to 35 days. We refund money if we do not eirn. You cau be treated et- tecnt with those who will contract to cure home f or t he same price and the same arcaran- pref .T to couio ) ere them or pay expanse f coming, and hotel Make no we fail to ran rox; bills, and Charg-e. if cure, if you have taken aeri btill hare aches and in mouth, Bore Threat, ed SpoU, Ulcer on any Eyebrows falling eat, Secondary or Tertiary anarantee to cure. We wry, lo4;d.ep4raehand AiM, Mnoua iatebe Pimples, Oopper-Color-paxtof the body, Hair or it ia this Primary, Blood Poison that t ' o solicit the most obstla tae world for a case we ' ease has always bailed, eminent nhvslclans. ate cases and challenge cunti care. iuis uis the skill of the moot For many years we have made a specialty of treating this disease with our CYPHLLENE aad have 9500,000 capital benlna our unconditional guarantee. Write ua for 1 00-pace book and absolate proofs. Address COOK BE1IEDY CO., 483 MswaontcTemplsy Chicago, Illinois. The Travelling Public Is invited to stop at the PAMLICO INN, 206 MAIN STREET, W iSHINGTON, N. C. We think we can please you and' save you money. Rooms neatly kept, table supplied with the best the market affords. Terms One Dollar per day. a Give us a call. J. H. ORMOND, Prop'r. I SAVE YOUR DOLLARS ! THE LATEST IN Scarf Pins, Brooches, SILVER BRACELETS, WATCHES and other JEWELRY. A General Stock of HOLIDAY GOODS. Values up. Prices down. Ex amine stock before purchasing-. W. M. BELT., Jeweler, 112 Market Street. STATEMENT NO. !. The Royal Arcanum was or ganized twenty years ago with nine members. It lias now a membership of two hundred thousand men, who are enlisted in a cau.-.o for the n ')'. !' of tin widow and orphan. Jh.ring thes twenty years the io.Yca Area num has paid to its heneMciaries forty-two millions of dollars, or an average of live thousand dol lars for every day of its exis tence. It is established on a good foundation and offers pro tection at a minimum cost. ST0R4AL0MJ C. C. WALKER, Prop'r. The Laboring Man's as well a the Sportsman's Resort. nijoicB Wines and Liqyors I CIGARS and TOBACCO. Call at 109 Water St. w wo HARD ENOUGH I

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