CGew Store! ' NEXT TO GALLAGHER'S DRUG STORE. Almighty The Many Have Too Few and the Few Too Many. have the pleasure to an nounce the location of an agency , in New York City for the pur ch ase and selection of my stock, in order to enable me to quote loicer prices than others who buy on long time and ask big prices in these days of panic and hard times. My agent has instructions to watch every sale, and every failure, to look after every house on the verge of bankruptcy and ruin, and with cash in hand to buy the lump or the lot, every class of merchandise that we can get at less than its value, so that we can mark in plain figures on my bargains prices that have not been been named in this mar ket, or any other. Not by favor but by merit alope do I expect to make and maintain a reputa tion for cheapness. Big prices will not do these times when even the wealthy cannot afford to waste their money, and the poor require double duty of every dollar. As my prices change with ev ery sale, it will be impossible to give quotations, but it will be1 my aim to name figures that will compel you in self defense to buy of me. I deal in good goods, and not trash, and I believe the masses will patronize that house that sells the best goods for the least money. Among my daily arrivals I shall place before our pleople ! some landslides that are posi tively beyond the whisper of competition, comparison or mo nopolyprices that will teach you in the silent logic of truth the difference between dealing with live and with dead men, be tween the cash and the credit system, between the right and the wrong way. New advanced ideas crowding out the old, pluck instead of luck, cash instead of dredit, brains in the place of cheek, and sceuce and ability beating back and crushing into oblivion these moonshine merchants with their WHigh and tivmenciuus long tim? j i i'U'OS. What is the' use wasting a dol lar, when you can, I -hall offer such unanswerable arguments as no house can match, leaders and specialties at quota tions that no other can offer; tern and stubborn facts that will level your head on the sub ject of genuine bargains, This is the music that shall crowd my store, whilst other merchants sleep on their coim 1 ers, dreaming of the day of dis aster and ruin awaiting all who buy on long time, and sell on longer, who pay big prices, and all at figures that no people can afford to pay. I invite an earl; and repeated visit and inspec tion. My stock will be replen ished every, few days. I do not till mail nor telephone orders; goods not sampled; all goods not as represented the cash will be refunded. Respectfully submitted to the cash trade only. W. H. EDWARDS, Agent for C. B. Rouse, of New York Citv. (Dollar. SEE Haying determined to break tip housekeeping January 1st, I offer my entire outfit of Household and Kitchen Furniture AT PRIVATE SALE In the lot are 1 cook, i gasoline, 1 tvood and several coal stoves. Parties desiring to purchase will please call on me at my resi- ! dence, corner Main St. and Union Alley. MFS. A.E. BELL. Large Assortment of Felt Hats, All Shapes, Reduced to Main St., next to Dr. Blount'B office. P nn EG liUll Ul W hy should you overstock your- self on anything, especially on Cigars, when you can select from TTIV Stoek SllP.h rlpoirnKlri ft mAl.'Ai'i' M Suhnvnco PriJ.f r,i:., . . .. , j. J L XUUlClf Artie, Yorick, Philopena, and the celebrated Peterson's Key West. All of the above are high toned selections of Nickel Smok ers. I also have a fine line ol Twof ers, Cheroots and Cigarettes which you can supply your Show case with every day m IV week ai ine price pr thousand, less freight and l: y;.;e, which is always att u-he! to costs when bought ejsewht iv,. ' One box each ot i v stock gives you a nice asso. , . easily kept up at uomiim. ...... Please pardon me for asking vou .acii time vou buv ciirars. o see mv stock and interview each brand. Thev have no Refuse to buy a.l kinds of brands so often offered you, o r else vou '11 have left on your hands jo profit but refuse. So bear in mind, all times you'll find Jj?y West and other brands, each day your stock you can supply, TyTet suit your trades demands w7 hen once again you are in JliL. need ndeavor U o et he best So to this x nope you will concede "'j 'o try Peterson's Key West. E. PETERSON. MADAME Mb Litller 25 CEIMTS i tr NEW ADYE&TISEM.Ih F. V. Rowe (1st page) Just Now. J. F. Buckman (1st page) Our matrons. Spencfer Bros. Co. (2nd page) 25c. Rugs. J. K. Hoyt (1st page) During This Cold Snap. Harrell, the Confectioner (2nd page) Don't Forget. Local and Otherwise. Cotton 4 to 5 . Corn 30cts. Eggs 15c. Dr B. Stilley, County Exam iner, is registered at Pamlico Inn. Mr. Greely Brinn, of Swan Quarter, is registered at the Nicholson. Messrs. Jack Nicholson and Fred. Ayers left for Trinity Col lege today . The County Commissioners and Board of Education are in session today. Prof. Keesler, who has been the guest of Rev. Dr. Payne for several days, left for his home this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Kugler and daughter, Kathleen Louise, who spent Xmas with relatives here, left for their home in Phil adelphia this morning. Messrs. Rhodes Gallagher and A. C. Hoyt left on the morning train for Baltimore, to continue their studies in Dentistry and Medicine at the University of Maryland. Rev. B. R, Hall preached two most excellent sermons at the City Hall Sunday morning and evening. His discourses ' are always chock full of common sense. He is a power in the pulpit. The colored people celebrated the anniversary of their emanci pation here today. The proces sion was composed of the band. Salamander Fire Co., .marshals mounted, "and quite a number in carriages and other vehicles. M iss Ada Underwood, who has been teaching at Swan Quar ter, is spending a few days with ner iatner, Kev. J. L. Under wood. She leaves for Lake Landing this week to take charge of a school at that place A colored man by the name of Wilson was found dead about eleven miles from here on the Newbern road Sunday. He is supposed to have frozen to death. He was poorly clad. A bottle of whiskey wTas found be side him. Tuesday afternoon On last about forty sweet and attractive . little misses gathpred at the hot pitable home ot Mr. Ed. Long on West Second street. We! have never witnessed a more i ; lovely sight, than these bewitch- ; ' iug little buds garnered together j j to do honor to their sweet nv. : j attractive little hostess, Kath- ! ieen Louise Kugler, daughter of Mr. and .virs. Hurley Kugler, of Philadelphia. Kathleen's invi- tat ions were unique and novel., "Come to my parly" she said aud they went, both little ami big. Mr. Long's palatial resi dence was brilliantly illuminat ed and decorated and each one was given a royal welcome. Kathleen showed us her Xmas tree, which was the handsomest we have ever seen- handsonuly decorated and festooned with ail the latest designs for trees. Games of all kinds were played, a ter which refreshments were served to all. Just before bid ding adieu to her guests, Kath leen presented each one who had called a bag of candy, some in blue, some in red. Alt departed just before nightfall, wishing Kathleen Louise, many happy and joyous returns of Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 28th, 1897. NO CURE -NO PAY. Tbr i the whv ail drjerpits mU GKOVF' P a:-TRLES CHI L. TONIC for Jhi! s and Fc 'trsai)i m 1 forms of Malaria It is i .ip . Iron aiiJ Quinine iu m tasteless form. Ch -iren love it - cults piefer il to bitter, nnufcc g T.mirs. Price. Slc Don't fail to read Attractions for Tomorrow on next page. Be Evening Messcn STAR AND CRESCENT SALOON, 125 Maln sa-eet. The Popular Resort for Gentlemen. Latest BOYS HATS AND CAPS JUST RECEIVED. For the next few days we'll put a knife into onr Cloth in that will cut two ways for your interest and ours l.k. If uv, intend buying a suit come and price ours anyhow. We are going to move goods by the price, and 'twill pay you to help us. A few Xmas presents a t bottom prices. W. AYERS 116 JSSLetlTi ONLV MORE Fancy Goods at J We go by keeping the best goods, and best line of Fancy t a: -.- ' . r ilia :i v." I Staiivi,! ' i "-; hi L 1 Cre.uu Lunch ;$;s ,1! j Cit: Chc Wholesale i 0 i x Vol iiAa.iia3 a Orders tnlccii , . ' . , ifliWp' -A, Si ti ; ,? --'.S! -rZ i 3 r-J5 H Li, V t one of the b; o c BOTH Beavv &Fa IIS COUNTRY - PRODUCE ioc d 3 delivered tc your doors CHAS. M. WALSH, STEAM Marble and Granite Works PETERSBURG, VA. MANUFACTURER OF I illOIIU! gaasiones 5 ALSO IRON AND WIRE FENCINGS For Cemeteries and other purpose. nnnmnnfrt I'dUiil NO, WE'RE N)T VERY WARM, Wut the arrangeixents wb airfe making wo serve all the late&t Hot Drinks Is simply immense. We are Sole Agents for Lewis' Palat Ticklers and Goozle Warmers. ' St yies Street. To &et one of those Beautiful Pictures SUITABLE FOR HOL.'DAY GIFTS. The price, well that's almost "filing, compared with former prices. New styles of Moulding coming every day. J Near City Haii. BOGART, The Glass Man Plain Prices? The largest Cakes and Crackirs IN THE CITY. Jelly Wafers, Snow Drops, Mushrooms, Sultana Fruit, Baby Mixed, Marble Pars, Asst'd Cream & Choco'ats Hall and rc3 an. Specia;ty. W. D. BUCKMAN, mi? it 1 y - st sehcted stock of :e r ! 1 C TOWN. - A PEC! 3,ttV Markeh tJireet. ?none 27 Bargains ! Br gains I I am now offering my entire tock of RIBBONS at 5 and 15c. per yard. Former prices, 12 1? to Silk Laces, 5 inches wide, 15c. Former price o5c. Double width Chiffon, 20c. v'd. MRS. A. E. BELL.

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