to fcvtjnino Messenoer J. A AKTHUK Jr- I Editor- Published every day except SUNDAY. Kntered s second class matter TELEPHONE CALL NO. 51 Washington, N. C, Saturday. Jan. 8, 1898. SUNDAY MUSINGS. If in all things else the good is being changed into the better surely religion is not to be ex cepted. If we put on new gar ments elsewhere we ought not to wear the same old soiled clothes when we go to church. If we are continually learning some of the startling secrets of nature we must needs be discov ering new secrets in the soul. One cannot say of the religion of the New Testament that it -is fenced within certain narrow limits that our fathers have loug since entirely explored and there is nothing more for the children to know It seems to us that there is nothing more wonderful than the progress which has been made in our knowledge of spiritual matters during' the last few generations. There is no subject on which inquiry is more acute or which appeals more urgently to the attention of mankind; Men and women . everywhere in every walk of life are acknowledging the necessity for longer and more implicit faith and are seek ing for it. There is a prevail ing conviction that 1898 will bring forth some glorious dis: coveries and we catch ourselves straining our eyes trying to get a glimpse of the future. than this, we believeithere never was a lime when the Bible was read with more intense curiosity than now. It is not being redd as in past da s in the search of but as a repository of truths which have not been hitherto understood. We have regarded the Book as a tricity chasing all doubts and fears away and cause us to look confidently to the future tor our reward. The truth is we only need to know as He is revealed in all of His simplicity to catch a glimpse of the real Christ, then we will live in a stones throw of heaven all the time. Let's put our dogmas away and learn that the gentle Jesus is love and knows our infirmities The progressive ladies of West -field, Ind., issued a "Woman's Edition" of the Westfield News, bearing date of April o, 1896. The paper is filled with matter of interest to women, and we notice the following from a cor respondent, which the editors printed, realizing that it upon a matter of vital impor tance to their sex: "The best remedy for croup, colds and bronchitis that I have been able to find is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For family use it has no equal. I gladly recommend it." 5 and 50 cent bottles for sale at Tayloe's Pharmacy. Gobbler And Gobbled- A clear case of gobbling is go iug on out orient-way. Germany is the gobbler and poor old Chi na is being gobbled. The Rus sian bear is preparing to reach 6ut a paw and gobble a slice, while the British lion, never back ward in the gobb iug business, also keeps an eye upon a juicy portion of the ancieut empire. HOT Soda Water is as good on a day like this a3 the cold article is in summer I HOW ABOUT THAT PASS? As strange as it may seem, nevertheless, if we are to believe the papers, the new Railway Commissioners returned the free passes sent them. One question before the house is, Did Gov. Russell also return his? Echo answers, if not, why not? In this connection we cannot re frain from asking Beaufort coun ty's Statesman, Did you ever, since elected to the last Legisla ture, ride on a railway pass? If so, was it a free pass, or did you return some compensation? More i Take vour own time about an swering, brother. The question will keep all winter. dogma, great MR. STABLER SAYS Local Treatment For Catarrh Does No Good. Mr. E. M. Stabler, Payne, O., writes: "I had catarrh, of the IiajiH T tried n. Inrn7 rntnvr-li treatise of theology ; since the- j rempdy and it dld me no good. T tried two differei.t catarrh snuffs v. 'd they did me no good; I tried a catarrh balm and it did me no ology has occupied the pulpit to the exclusion of that beautiful and helpful doctrine that God is love, and not a sparrow dies on the housetop amid winter snows, not a worm is crushed beneath our feet but this Great God watches and soothes its dying agony. And may we not hope Mint the days of dogmas is over and that the Christ with pis simple, yet great truths are com ing into a clearer light. Old things are passing Laway and all things will become new. It is true that .lesus wept, but what a difference between His tears and ours. We are even inclined to think that He wept not so much on the account of the death of His friend as because the suf ferers from this affliction took so low and meagre a view of it. What was death to Him? Only a transfer from the valley to the hilltop. When we stand where He stood, and when -we see what He saw our grief will not be what it is now. Yes, and when we make His outlook and up look our own we shall open the -soul's windows for God's strain ing light to pour in. These pet ty ambitions will dissipate them selves, these pains and sorrows will subside, selfishness will slink away and the dear con sciousness of God's presence and love will make us happy and contented under His providence. Then the world will indeed have the religion of love and the soul that possesses it will find a safe j Now, alter thir-. tale of gobbl ing. iMi' it deasant to look up en another picture, the Big Jack et Store, where, instead of gob bling up your hard earned dol lars in return for small values, they do the reverse and make every purchaser feel that he is just as rich in goods as he was in dollars before making the pur chase. By this method, from a small beginning we have built up a large and successful business second to none in Washington. And now, reader, are you one of our regular patrons? If not we will be pleased to make you a sharer in the profits gained by our experience in close buying during 1898. Respectfully, SPENCER BROS. CO., PROPR S BIG RACKET STORE. We dispense chocolate, coffee, beef bouillon, lenionale and finger ale, all piping hot at McKEEL'S PHAR MACT. good. them ; all good; oar home doctor and his medicine did me no good; I tried a Fort Wayne doctor and he did me no I gave up, for they were doing me no good. All they were af ter was my monev, and they got it, and that was all they wanted. Then I got a Pe-ru-na Almanac. I read it all through and saw that Pe-ru-na was highly recommended for ca tarrh. I took eight bottles and they cured me sound and well. I am 59 years old and I can do a good day's work right along. I think Pe-ru-na is the best medi cine that was ever got up for ca tarrh. I think every one that has catarrh should use it, as 1 believe it will do the same for others as it has dene for me." Send to the Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Colum bus, Ohio, for Dr. Hartman's free book on catarrh. Ask your druggist for a free Pe-ru-na Almanac for 1898. Photographed from life HINDIPO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man of Me. anchorage. This kind of re$g;fvr Uten guarantee ion will be like a current of elec- lilt Jit. OA GREAT FRENCH REMEDY produces the above result in 30 days. Cures Nervous Debility- Impotency, Varicocele, Failing Memory, Stops all drains and losses caused by errors of youth. It wards off In sanity and Consumption. Young Men regain Man hood and Old Men recover Youthful Vigor. It gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, and fits a man for business or marriage. Easily carried in the vest pocket. Price Prt PTC 6 Boxes $2.50 Dr man, in plain pack- JIJ U I O. a ee , with DR. JEAN O'HA HARRA, Paris For Su!e at Mc.Keei's Pharmacy. DON'T FORGET That I keep on hand the best selected stock of Confectioneries In the city; also. a choice and se lect stock of , HEAYY & FANCY GROCERIES. Fruits at wholesale. Apples and Bananas a specialty. Goods delivered to any part of city. Phone 104. HARRELL'S CONFECTIONERY. Administration. lTaviug this day qualified as administrator of the estate of the lute Eunice a. Boyd, deceas ed, before the Clck of the Superior Court of Heivufort county, notice is hereby given ti all persons indebted to s id estate to make imme diate ayinet to the undersigned. A 1 perslons hai-ina; claims agains1 the s iid estate will pre sent them to me within 12 mouths from this date, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of tneir recovery. This 5 h uay of Fanurv, S'i n. A. W IND LEY, Adm'r. Ladies : I have bought for this season some of the j)rettiest Dress Pat terns that has ever been brought to Washington, with Trimmings to match. Also - nice selected stock of pretty Dress Goods in Cashmeres, PufT Effects and Serges. xn examination will con vince you that Carrowan's is the cheapest house in town to get your Dresses from. Call and see. Gentlemen : 1 have bought for this season a handsome line of Clothing which I will sell CHEAP, and will guarantee to give you as good Fits and as Well Made-up goods as any house in the State. Do you want a Suit made to order? Come and see me. I made up moiv elelNni: l!,e pasttwTelve n onths than other house in Washiugt jii, mistit. and never had a Tayloe' Pharmacy. Bfiiy Deo iiit Oil. Zour after. Li 3n is now invitet to our New Stock of Drugs, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles. A grand array of attractions ir Perfumery, Toilet Soaps and Colgate's Sachet Powder, etc., etc. The best on the market, kepi constantly on hand. tPerscriptions carefully com pounded. Phone 30. 319 W. Main street. THE MOST remarkable cures on record have been accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is uhequalled rail BLOOD DISEASES. fion't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Yoar Ufe Away. To quit U bacco e.iMli aud forever, ue mat ietie. tuil of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-3ac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists. 50o or fl. Cure guaran ..eed Booklet and s.imple free. A'dres? Sterling Keinedy rvy . Chicago or New i'ork Do you w;int your foot to look neat and nice? Come in and try on a pair of Reynold's Hand Made Shoes, for less money than you can buy a standard shoe in town. Every pair sold under a guarantee. The largest stock of medium grade Shoes in town and to be sold cheap. Boy's shoes of all kinds. A nice line of Gents' Furnish ing Goods anc1 Neckwear. I take this opportunity of thanking the public for their liberal patronage the past year, aud ask a share of the same in the future. Always ready and willing to show goods and treat our customers right. i Yours to please, ! T. C. CAKROWAN. I New Secret IteiHy iMAnlutely Unknown to 1hr nrofe sion. Pormc t-ei t '-iie i 1j to 3o days. Wc refund money it we uo ucc home for the same prtee tees; wit a. tuose wae v ill contract to cure coming, and hotel Make no we fail to you have taken mer still hare aches and in mouth, Sore Throat, ed Spot, Cleer on ajiy Eyebrow falling oat, Secondary or Tertiary guarantee to cure. We ate canes and challenge cannot cure. This di the skill of the most r or many years we have Viiti can be treated r and ttie same cuai-un-pjtjfcrtoitome Hi-re e them or pay exivn I l a i iruid DID ChaV;r cure. If cur-, iodide potath a I'd oajms. .Mucous 1'atcBCM i'lmplesopper-t d or- partof the body, Hair ir it Is this Primary.. Blood Poison that we solicit the most obsttn the world for a ease wc ease has always baflSeal eminent physicians. maue a mruu i y ui treating this disease with our CYPI1LLENE and we have $500(000 capital behind our unconditional guarantee, write us for lOO-pace book and absolute proofs. Address COOK BEJIEDV CO.. 483 31 a sonic Temple, Chicago, Illinois. The Travelling Public Is invited to stop at the- PAMLICO INN 206 AJAIN STREET, W iSIUNGTON, X. C. We think we can please you and save you money. Rooms neatly kept, table supplied with the best the market affords. Terms One Dollar per day. Give us a call. J. H. ORMOND, Prop r AD E NDUGH SAVE YOUR DOJ.TjAJES!. THE LATEST IX Scarf Pins, Brooches, SILVER BRACELETS, WATCHES and other JEWELRY A General Stock of HOLIDAY GOODS. Values up. Prices down. Ex amine stock before purchasing. AV. M. liKJT., Jewc U i . 112 Market Street. Short Hand School RECITATION HOURS : (J to 11, a. m. ; 2 to 4 and 7 to 0 p. m. Entire Course5ix Weeks, $10.00 Payable each week in advance. Pupils beginning on Mondays will have the advantage of start ing with others. Enquire at V. B. Morton & C's. FOR SALE. 60 tons Rafting Gear 5-8 and 3-8 Chain, 2,000 Dogs. Also small Tugboat, 4 feet draft- JESSE A. GRAY, 127 Walnut St., Phila , Pa. B. L. SUSMAN, MOiNEY TO LOAN. 117 Market street. STATEMENT NO. 1. The Royal Arcanum was ; ganized twenty years ago wi nine members. It has now membership of two hundr thousand in?-n, who are eiu'-c in a cause for th n-lief of 1 widow and orphan. Daring ' ' twenty year n u.yuf a.--mini has paid to its U-nolU :a r-fortv-two inilln.ii.- of dolla-s, an average of tp. c thousand d( lars for every day of its ex tence. It is established on good foundation and offers pi tection at a minimum cost. 1 1 ! ( C C. WALKER, PropY. The Laboring Man's as vHl a the Sportsman's Ilesort. riice Wines an s PERFECT "d permanent are tho cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be- cause it makes pure, rich, healthv, life and health-giving BLOOD. CIGARS and TOBACCO. Call at 109 Water St,

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