H. SUSM AN FURNITURE O. ' ; We thank all our patrons for tlieir4iheral patronage during 1897. We shall continue to be headquarters tor FURNITURE m the future, as e have been in the past, and if prices don't suit you let us know and ye will try to make them suit. H. Susman Fupnituro ompamjr Only exculsive Furniture house in the city. t J .. v .... -. .,! .i . K1 .ir (1 Sfcmv4J 2 life. j&t yWvVi . mi mum iufwro Phone call No. 84. Attractions for Tomorrow, and Where Our Patrons Can Be Supplied by Calling or Sending Their Orders. - Oysters clear of grit and shells will be promptly furn ished by W. B. Waters, next to Spenser Bros' Kacket Store. Remember all orders delivered fee of charge. Mr. Isaac Buck, our popular sausage manufacturer, has open ed up his stall in the market at his old stand and is now prepar ed to furnish his customers with sausage and fresh meat. Phone call 94. J. W. M i tch ell's, "Little I Tycoon," Bay View Beer on draught oc glass, Bottle beer 5c bottle. A. J. Mitchell is the sole agent tor the celebrated Atta coa cigar, the best 5 ct cigar on the market. Johnsons Chill Tonic at Dr. J. M. Gallaghers, oOct. per bot tle. Sold under guarantee. No cure, no pay. For the finest, freshest oysters, best measure, ring up phone OS, M. F. Wright's oyster house. Go to Babble's at Stilley's old stand for Christm s Turkeys Pii: Hams for Christrms dinner and Mince Meat for Pies. Iu addition to his qreneral bakery Morgan the Baker-is carrying a nice line of frui s call on him. All hogmeat sausage and country lard 10 ct lb at Lucas Co. Market House. The old reliable huckster 1 stand ready to till all orders given me in the hucksters busi ness. Oysters, chickens, coun try produce, and etc Leave me your order and J will mi it ana deliver ill any part of ihe city. 1 kep on'y"ihe best in th market and guarantee satisfac tion to old and new customers A. T. Latham, Water street. 1 will exchange a load of straw for a load of stable ma nure, or a load of wood during the winHer. J no. II. Willis. AtW. A. Bridgers nice.sta beet and country lard. Sterling Silver Novelties at V. S. Frizzle & Son's. Turkeys and chickens for sale cheap for cash at H. B. Mayo's. Go to J. S- Campbell's foi the latest in jewelery, Watches and etc. Just received a large lot of Sample Shoes at Creagh's Shoe Store. -w nuts and raisins just re o'ivd at E- K.Willis, Water Peed and Griffin has just received a nice line of cheap groceries for Xmas. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Collates & Co , Vioris 'oilet Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored Soap at Brown's Ph.irmuc v . DISSOLUTION NOTiCE. Notice i- hereby g v.'ii 10 all parties C'Hicern 'dthntthe c -)rtr'nersh'i heretofore existing bi.-iwccii V . C, I'll 1 U ;ia I ti. W. Bergeron has ty mutual consent b-en tnis day di-solved. V. (). Dudley has sold h s . utire interest to B. W. Mrveroii 8 d I P. J kso- w no will couduet nit' ou-iueas un H'i tli.- rfrrn -muie of Be'teron it Jaek.-ou All pers.-iis liidebie ; to the firm of Dcdltj V ;r;erou wil. p-ty the saoie to the linn of uergeion it Jackson. The firm of Ber geron & Ju' K.on have agreed to assume and pay all (hi; outstaua'n obligations of iJudle Hyrgeron. B W. BE GERON. Dec. 30, 1&97. W. C. DUDLEY, We, B W. Bergeron and J. P. Jackson, haviug pur hsd the imeres of W. C Dudley id the tinn oi Jiudley & Bergeron, h ive also purchas ed ali of the accounts due to the sid firm, and hiv,' a a eed to assume autl pay all oi th-; oui-!-taud .ug obligations f the said firm of Duliey fc Bergeron. B w. BE iOEROV, Dec. 3", 1897. J. P. JACKSON, Administrator's Notice, HaviDg qualified as administrator of EHj ih Woolad, decease1, all pprsoi1f! are notifled 'o tile any claims thy may have against snid estate with me on or before Dec. 4rh, 1998, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will settie same "t one1. This Dec IS, 1897. W. a. Hlount, Adm"r. Administrator's Notice TTavino nualifipd as admi oist r itor of ! the estate of the late Kipard Wilder on the -20th dny of Noveiubt-i, 1897, be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Bt-aufort county, notice is hereby giv en to all persons indeb'ed to said estate to make immediate payui-nt to the un dersigned. All persons havinsj claims ! against the said estate will present them to the und-rsigned within twelve months from this date, or this notice will be pieaded in hr of their recovery. Ihis 14 h Dec , 1897. um. a. Blount, Adm'r S C. lKAGAW, Att'y. John W 1 ray lor House, ign and Ornamental Painter Washing ton N. C. Graining in Oak. as he, birds Eye Maple, Cherry, Walnut and etc. Artistic siijns, Decorating, Lettering umbrellas. Repainting Buggies and Furniture, executed quickly and neuth , first class work guaranteed. Orders left at Pamlico Iron Works corner Water and Bon ner streets promptly attended to. REPORT Of the Condition o f the First National Bank of Washington, N.. C at the close-of business-, Dec. 15, IS!) 7. WELLS. Dentist, Opposite Gallagher's drugstore, Washington, N . O. NOTICE. Having qualified as admi nictritor of the estare of the 1 te .I')seph P. Urown on the -24rh dny of November, 1897, be- j tore the Clerk of the Superior C urt of Benufort cau'.ty, notice is 'rph v. i nn ..It n . , r t .-. ...I .r . t ' C LI IU nil 111'ir.UkCU III 3 to make immediate paviunt 'o the un dersigned. All person having cUims against the said estate will piesent t iem io th undersigned within twelve m!iri from this dat, or this notice will p'eide I in ha- of their re overy This 2tifh dy f November, '97. T. F. B.JA'N, Adm'r- RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, . Overdrafts, secured and unsecured, Uc S.. Bonds to-secure circulation, Premiums on U 8. Bonds, .... stocks, securities, etc., .. .. Banking-house,, furniture and fixtures,.. Due from National Banks (not Reserve Agents) Due from State Banks and Bankers, Due from approved rserye agents, Checks and other cash itemsr Notes of other National Banks, ... I ractional paper currency,. nickels and cents, LAWFUL MONEY RESERVE IN BANK-, VIZ! Specif, $2,209.50 Legal-tender notes, ..... 8,41000 DOLLARS. $70,979.09 881.28 12,500.00 1,250.00 5.593.48 1,940.84 4,999. S6 975.25 728.43 355 13 - 3,500.00 24 16 10,019 50 Redemption tund with U. 8. Trtas'rs (5 per ct. of circulation) 562.50 Totul , .. . . LIAUILITIKS. Capital stock paid in, Nurplus fund, ... ... Uund.vidrd proti s, less expends and taxes paid, Natioi al Barik r.oies outstanding,. Due other National Banks ..... Due to Mate Banks and Bunkers, . ndividual deposits subject to check erlitied Checks, - - Cashier's checks outstanding,. . . . - United Mates deposits . . . Notes and dills rediscounted,. .... $114,909.52 DOLLARS. $50,000.00 500 00 3,375.11 11,250.00 221.39 349 05 . 48,956.65 48.30 9.02. 200.00 r w mmm, Total,. ........ 1 14,909.52. JbTAE of North Carolina Beaufort Co. ) ss. J, A. .3d. Dumay ler of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tne above statem. nt is true to the best of my knowledge and belief- , A. M. Dumay, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to be ore me this 20th day of Dec, 1897.. Correct Attest: T. F. Brown, Notary Public. J. L. Fowle, fc. T. Nicholson, v Directors. E. Peterson, ) m -jii ' lV-'-J4r Statement of Condition Of Bank of Washington, Washington, N. C, at the close of business, Dec. 15 1897. (Condensed from report to State Treasurer.) RESOURCES. TABT' A beautiful line of Hal!, Librry and Stand lump at Browns Pharmacy. Rinnan's Ke'iabh1 dried Chip Beef, on sale at .d. .). Wright's. Nice lino of Cologate . To's Riltt So;is and Perfumes just rjeived at Fields Drti Store Htel buihl:n. .Just received by W. '('. ilal !iso:i & Son fr'sh fruits, tih!e and seed-l raisins, rleLitu d cur r jnts. citr n, nuts, prim s and ii3v buek wheat. Go to U. E. Ilarrell's next to Pamlico Inn, for Florida oringes, apples, nuts, bananas, -.andies and first clas ga ueeL ies. Uoods delivered free anywhere m the city. But'er Xuts, lalagra Crapes, Toothpicks, English Walnuts, Almonds, Citrons, Raisins, Iced Cakes, Candies of all kinds, just received at Miss JUollie Vines', Market Street. MAGNETIC NERVINE !?h.i antee to Cure Insomnia, Fits, Dizziness, Hysteria, Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, Seminal Losses, Failing Memory the result of Over-work, Worry, Sickness, Errors of Youth or Over-indulgence. Price 50c. and $1 ; 6 boxes $5. For quick, positive and lasting results in Sexual Weakness, Impotency, Nervous Debility and Lost Vitality, use BLUE LABEL SPECIAL double strength will give strength and tone to every part and effect a permanent cure. Cheapest and best. ioo Pills 2; by mail. PR EE A bottle of the famous Japanese I-iver Pellets will be given with a Ji box or more of Mag netic Nervine. Iree. Sold only by For sale at McKeei's Pharniaev. WANTEO-AN IDEA.S' irj?sz f 'Aotneys. v asMumon. J. C, fcr i:.-;:r 1.0 pr-- rli ttv i, Salt-IIhetiiii r.iid Eczema. Tin idt.-tie iteliinr and t?ni.-u'tin;r. iuci--u: i') t'iu'sedisfars, isinstaikiiy allayed i. , I Clniiiii..rlaiii 's Lye and . . .;In G'ui! nicnt . Many wry ba 1 cae? :. - bet-n permaivauly cured by it. It i. e-pially elaci? nl t'or itching piles and a lav, rite renieuy for sore nij'les, chapft d hands, cinlblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 23 cts. per box. IS JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. FR0C5Oct2- Ga7Jtia, Ills., Nov. 1C, ?nr:s Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. iiem.praen:-V."o soJd last year, W bottles ( ?. ROVE'S TASTELESS CUILL TONIC and h;i. I '-'ht thre cross already this year. Incl'.onrc i iTu'iK-e of H years, in the drug business, hn' iK-vcr sold an artioie that gave sucij universal sutit ttcUua as your T.idc. 1'o'ua tralv, Ibnt V. Cabs. & CjO All, dealers ennrmiite Gr"'TThj fonicTo cure cl ills nd fevvrs and aD forms of malaria FOR A Situation Dr. ( 'atly's Condition Ponders, are jnst what a horse neetls when in bac conJition. Tonic. 1 :' ' l".'.-r anc vermifuge. They a.o- ni ido& bat meJiaire and the be6t in n?p put a horse in piime condition Price 25 cents pt-r package. F r sale at Tayloe's Pharm cv. TIRED MOTHERS find help in Hood's Sarsaparilla, which gives them pure blood, a orood appetite and new and needed STRENGTH. boocsping, Business, PHONOGRAPHY, Type-Writing Telegraphy Loans and Discounts, . Overdrafts, Real Estate, furniture and fixtures, Current expense and taxes paid, Cash in vault, Due from Banks, $23,554.24 61,409.40 Capital Stock, Mirplus and undivided profits, Deposits, Due to Banks, LIABILITIES. Iff aIi 96,105.07. 13.72 6,070.81 - 1,884.11 84,963 64 $189,037.35 150,000.00 11,684.11 124,578.05 2 775,19 $189 37.35 $9,090.00 in dividends paid to stockholders in 18,95-'9 6-'9 7. J, Thos. J. Latham, Cashier, of the above-named Bank, do certify that the above statement is correct. Thos- J. Latham, Cashier. Correct Attest: eth Bridgman, Pres't. W. P. Balgiiam, Jonathan Havens, "Ym. A. Blount, Directors. Address VViLBUR R. SMITH, LEXEMGTON, KY., For circular of his famous and responsible COMMERCIAL G0LLE6E OF KY. UNIVERSITY Awarded ttedal at World's Exposition. . Refers to thousands of graduates in positions. Cost of Full Business Course, including Tui tion, Books and Board in family, about f90. Shorthand, Type-Writing, and Telegraphy, Specialties. JBSPThe Kentucky University Dipioma, tinder seal awarded graduates. Literary Course free, if desired No Taration. Enter now. Graduates Knrf-psgfnl In order to have vour letters reach u, au'Jrtoj only, WILBUR R.SMITH, LEXINCTcn.KY. We are headquarters lor Nice Job Work. Give us a Trial Order: Good Work at Verv Lowest Prices.

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