She Evening ftfesenoer J. A ARTHUR Ar' CEdl tqjv' , PUBLISHED EVEIJ DAT'B3EKC Entered as second class matter TELEPHONE CALL nasi' Wumttou?H:CllWiaiidy, Jta. 12. 189S HOW HAVE THE MIGHTY FALLEN. Another of the fusion gang has fallen. The other day it was Dr. Kirby Smith of the peniten tiarv and Sheriff Aldridgre, of v Pamlico. Today a terrible ac cusation is made against Presi dent Hancock of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad by his niece, the report of which will be found in another column of this oaDer. How have the XX mie-htv fallen. Mr. Hancock is one of the leading Republicans in the State, and the acknowl edged leader of his party in the House during the session of the last Legislature. It was through his . influence, more than any other member of the Legisla ture, that Newbern, Elizabeth City, Greenville and Wilmington were placed under negro rule, and his fall' is but retributive justice. To say we are surpris ed does not express it, we are astonished, and admit the charges are so terrible in their character that we do sincerely hope they yet may be false. But they arein line with the eternal fitness of things as they exist in this State today under the blight ing influence of Russellism. We are not surprised to hear that the Governor will immediately remove him from office if the charges are sustained. He could $Q nothing else Jforth Caro lina lw sown fusion and is now reaping Xiv? reward; A reward that all good citizens predicted when a combination was made to defeat the Democrats, that Was devoid of principle and only had for its object the making of while the sun shines. If hatched out an idea which, if adopted as, happily, it never will be-woulget the black jnan inttrpaqle where'Jie-is & no troublitfall 'now, but is e f rees &rtd befit contented element of our population. He could well afford to tell its. met ropolitan, guardian, who wants to put a gun .in his hip pocket, that if it will kindly withdraw its friendship he will be able to take care of his enemies. DEMOCRATS NEED HAVE "NO RUTHERS." Tiay .Mr, Hancock is guilty of these terrible charged against the law of God and humanity, no punish ment is too great, and like Cain, he ought to be branded with the brand of infamy for all time If he is innocent no one; will re joice more in his vindication than the Messenger-Gizette. A FOOL FRIEND.? Having in mind, doubtless, the recent Georgia postoffice case, the New York ? Press, Republi can, demonstrates what a fool it is by suggesting that "negro office-holders in the South should be armed and made ito under stand that they are as good as white people." Whereupon the Columbia Register "would like to know what the; New York Press has against the negro." The inquiry Lis pertinent. The negro office-holder in the South is1 not disturbed fn the discharge of his duty. On the contrary, there is quite general acquies ence in the idea that, the negro constituting almost the entire strength of the Republican par ty in this section, it is right that he should come in for a share of the offices when his party is in power; Democrats are more ready to concede this to him than the white Republicans are to grant it. But Linden would see another sight if I the black office-holder "should be armed'' and go blustering around the country, asserting his equality and inviting somebody to ffetep on the tail of his coat. The New York Press has The Greenville, S. C, News says that "whatever may be the sins of Mark Hanna, his defeat, if he is defeated, will be attri buted to no higher motives than the envy and spite of enemies in his own party. Hanna may be a very bad sort of politician, but he will not be kept out of the United States Senate on that ac count. J. B. Foraker and his tools hate Hanna and are knifing him, and the Foraker crowd are, to put it mildly, no better than Hanna. " That is the real truth about the matter a truth which we must all admit to ourselves when we look at the Ohio contest broadly. While the Democratic impulse as to Republicans is that of the greenhorn in the side-show - concerning snakes to kill them wherever he finds him and while as to this par ticular case a Democrats first wish is that Hanna may be de feated, it really makes no differ ence to Democrats after all. The schism in the Republican party of Ohio, resulting from long years of factional strife, and ac centuated by this Senatorial con test, is now complete, and will not be helped by Hanna's defeat or his election. The Democratic party will be the beneficiary of this contention and as 'to the dif ference betwe 6B Hanna and For aker well, there i qq choice j among spoiled fish. Hanna is a boodler; Foraker is a flannel mouthed sectiopalist andbloody- shirte. Let them fight it out. Democrats can afford to look on with amused interest, but there is nothing to prompt them to the partisanship which men ordi narily exercise even in watching a fight between two strange dogs. We haveRTtit alorig keen knife : tb prun ing prices on all winter-weight Clothing, Dress Goods, etc. Prices Were down pretty low at the put set, but we've man aged to cut them still lower. Doesn't hurt the looksof the goods any. Only makes the purchasing power of your dollar a great deal more. An inspection of our immense line of shoes will repay you, that is if you are in terested in quality, style and durability, combined with low prices, ' Respectfully, SPENCER BROS. CO., PROPR'S BIG RACKET STORE, (CURB A New and Complete Treatment, consisting of SUPPOSITORf ES,-epsnte of OaUroenf sikUwo Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing cure for Piles of every nature and dejirt-e. It makes an operation with the fcnife, which js painful, and often result in death, unnecessary. Why tndurt thi terrible tflseaftf We jack, a WtittM CvmilM ln ch Si Box. No Cure, No Pav. 50c. and i a box, 6 for -f5.'ScntJqrtail Safeties free OENTMElfT? 25c and 50c CONSTIPATION CurM- y WHO I ITM I IUN Japanese Liver fellett.the great LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOD -PURIFIER: Small, mild and pleasant to take: especially adapted for children's use. 50 doses 25 cents. . FREE. A vial of these famous little Pellets will be pven with a $1 box or more of Pile Cure. NOTWI-HE GENUINE FRESH JAPANESE PlL.H Cure for sale only by McKeePs Pharmacy. n Governor Russell and liis com missioners think there has been a great crime in the fact, if it be a fact, that Mrs. Wilson, a widow lady was given reduced rates on household furniture from Raleigh to Round Knob. Whether it be true or not, the people will be slow to condemn the poor woman who is striving to make a living, or the railroads for giving her some considera tion, when they remember the Governor himself, a rich man, besides drawing a large salary and having the use of an elegant mansion furnished by the peo ple, has not only used free passes since he became Governor, but, had supplies from his farm ship ped to nini by express without any charge1 '- Whatever almost since he Has been Governor If there .be any condemnation, upon whom should it fall. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that there will be a special meeting of the Stockholders and Board of Directors of the Eureka Lum ber C6mpany to be held at the office of the said Company in the town of Washington, N. C, on Wednesday, February 2nd, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m. Geo. T. Leach, Pres. Eureka L. Co. G. A. Phillips, Sec. Eureka L. Co. DON'T FORGET That I keep on hand the best selected stock of Confectioneries In the city; also a choice and se lect stock of HEAYY & FANCY GROCERIES. Fruits at wholesale. Apples and Bananas a specialty. Goods delivered to any part of city. Phone 104. HARRELL'S CONFECTIONERY. Administration . Paving this day qnalified as administrator of tne estate of the lnte Eunice a. Boyd, deceas ed, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Kenufort cuuty. notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to s id estate to make imme diate ayme it to the UEdersigned. A 1 persons having claims agams' the sud estate will pre sent them to me within J'2 mouths from this date, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of tneir recovery. Tnis 5 h uay of Tanury, ISO H. a. N INDLEY, Adm'r. layioe' Pharmacy. Bay Depilinsil Oversowing. iTour attention is now invitee to our New Stock of Kew Secret Reme4y Abrfohrtaly lJuknowa to the profession. Permueut Cure in IS tj S4 days. We refund money it we do ucr cnr You cn be treated at home for the same price tes; with those who win contract to coming, and hotel Make . we fail to you bare taken mer still hare aches and in month, Sore Threat, ed Snota, Ulcer on any. ; Eyebrows falling nt, Secondary or Tertiary guarantee to cure. We ate case and cb alienee cannot ewe. This dLi the eklll of the xmo-k H c&re -w mm tnem III lVitry. Iodide I I I I ana inn same nu preies to qpme here w W pay expense or raiiroaa bills, Cre,ir onrr. if MtMaUKi pains. Mueoaa Pntekes IMmple, Copper-Clr-part of the boay.Hmlr or Ik this Prli Blood Peieea that we ry at we solicit the most etl the world lor a ease we ease baa always We emlaent pfiraleiaM. made a specialty of l or many years we hare treating this disease with onr f!YPHrT.F.VE and we hare 500,000 capital behind oar unconditional guarantee. Write as for Ofeae book and abeole proofs. Address COOH KKXEUY CO., 483 Masonic Temple, Chicago, HUnole. The Travelling Public Is invited to stop at the PAMLICO IIUR! 206 MAIN STREET, Washington, k. c:. Drugs, Patent Medicines Toilet Articles. and A grand array of attractions ii Perfumery, Toilet Soaps and Colgats's Sachet Powder, etc., etc. The best on the market, kept constantly on hand. fPers criptions carefully com pounded. Phone 30. 319 W. Main street. THE MOST remarkable cores on record have been accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is unequalled or all BLOOD P 1 S EASES. i.'on't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour Life Arisy. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag ietic. full of life, nerve and vitror, take No-To-3ac. the wonder- worKer, that makes weak men strong. All druisis, 50c o; 1. Cure guaran ie'd Booklet mid sample free. Address Sttrlinp Ksmedy Co.. Chicago or New York Ladies : I have bought for this season some of the prettiest Dress Pat terns that has ever been brought to Washington, with Trimmings to match. Also a nice selected stock of pretty Dress Goods in Cashmeres, Puff Effects and Serges. An examination will con vince you thatCarrowan's is the cheapest house in town to get your Dresses from. Call and see. Gentlemen ; 1 have bought for this season a handsome line of Clothing which I will sell CHEAP, and wm guarantee to give you as good Fits and as Well Made-up goods as any house in the State. Do you want a Suit made to order; Come and see me. I made up mo ciPthing the past twelve months tha other house in Washington, and tttxer had a - - THE LATEST IN Do t 0 . want your foot to look . Conrf Pino RmnpliPQ neat and nice? Come in and try 1 A11555 L upciiev MVesCsoHonhau' SILVER BRACEieTS, IZrT 2m ndeVa ' WATCHES and other JEWELRY.. We think we can please you and save you money. Rooms neatly kept, table supplied with the best the market affords. j Terms One Dollar per day. Give us a call. J. H. ORMONDE PropV HARD ENOUGH SATE YOUR DOXJARti I. ?ry pair guarantee. The largest stock of medium grade Shoes in town and to be sold cheap. Boy's shoes of all kinds. A nice line of Gents' Furnish ing Goods and Neckwear. I take this opportunity of thanking the public for their liberal patronage the jmst year, and ask a share of the same in the future. Always ready and willing to show goods and treat our customers right. Yours to please, T. C CARROWAX. A General Stocft: of HOLIDAY GOODS. Values up. Prices down. Ex amine stock before purchasing. W. M. BEL I,, Jeweler, 112 Market Street. SHOE SHOP. STATEMENT Ng. 1. The Royal Arcanum was or- i nine members. It has now a i membership' of two hundred thousand men, who arc enlisted j in a cause for the relief of the : widow and orphan. During these I 4. Al- It 1 A uvt'uiv years me novai iirca I have opened a first class mira has paid to its beneficiaries shoe and boot repair shop. at B. fortv-two millions of dollars, or F. Fortiscue's on Market street, an average of rive thousand dol- where I am prepared to do all lars for every day of its exis- riiiaio vx nunv. j. u. i Li mt: fin- Lftictj. is esiaonsneu. on ploy of Z. Habourn for years, and guarantee satisfaction. Your patronage is solicited. Respectfully, J. A. Harmon. good foundation and offers pro tection at a minimum cost. FOR SALE. 60 tons Rafting Gear 5-8 and 3-8 Chain, 2,000 Dogs. -SIM SALSIM Also small Tugboat, 4 feet draft-. 12; JESSE A. GRAY, Walnut St., Phila , Pa. C. C. WALKER, Prop'r. B. L. SUSMAN, MOKEY TO LOAN. 117 Market street. PERFECT and jermanent are the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be cause it makes pure, rich, healthy, life and health-giving BLOOD. The Laboring Man's as well a? the Sportsman's ITesort. nob Wines an! Liprs CIGARS and TOBACCO. Call at 109 Water St.

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