i f he Evening Messenger J. A ARTHUR Jr dl6frK PUBLISHED EVEJRT DXT )ixCffiPt SUNDAY. i Entered as second class matter TELEPHONE CALL NO. 51- - Mhlntoa, N. C Friday. Jan. 14. IMS. H ANNA'S VICTORY. The Senatorial contest in the Ohio Legislature ended Tuesday in a victory for Mark Hanna, who thus returns to his seat in the United States Senate. It was a remarkable contest, and while the enemies of Hanna ex hausted every resource in their power to put up a successful fight, he could and would still have beaten them had they been able to have made a stronger fight. His barrel was inexhaus tib.e, but that alone did not do the work. A barrel in the hands of one who is not a politician does not amount to much, but in the hands of a campaigner like Hanna it is almost sure of re sults, especially when material like the Ohio Legislature is the subject of its influence. Hanna's barrel plus his foxiness won for him. The tight in his party against Hanna was not one of principle or patriotism. It was simply spite work, and this won Hanna some sympathy. In no respect would Kurtz have been an im provement on Hanna in the Sen ate chamber. Both are unscrup ulous politicians. If the charge is brought against 'Hanna that his election was bought, it can be charged with equal fcrce that the Kurtz people also bought votes, but did not buy enough. Hanna's election was corrupt, but his defeat also would have been accomplished through cor ruption. The una vailing (efforts to beat Hanna, besides affording an ob ject lesson in the corruption of latter day politics, may serve one good end in aiding the Dem-! ocrats of Ohio to retire both the Hanna and the Kurtz crowd, and capture the State. The animos ities aroused were so bitter that the desire for revenge may actu ate some of the Republicans at the next election, if not to aid the Democrats, to let them alone. If the Ohio Democrats are any account they may find a number of opportunities opened to them by the Hanna-Kurtz fight, of which they might avail them selves to advantage. The fact is, Hanna did the party a certain service and claimed his reward. He was not the choice of the people. He is not the man for that position. But ho happened to be the man who led the McKinley fight to a successful issue and he must have his reward. Party disci pline demanded it. Does not the spoils belong to the victor? To have withheld from this man his reward would have discour aged every "party worker" in the land. If the man who makes a President is not to have party favors, who is safe? And what are wTe here for? That's the doctrine of the spoilsmen of whom Hanna is chief and he got his reward. The only remedy for these evils is the election of U. S. Sen ators by the popular vote of the people. The people did not want Hanna, they were disgust- j -ed at his methods and in a popu lar election he would have been igL-ominiously defeated. But the Legislature was easier to handle and the most powerful influence of the political machine was brought into play. As usual in such cases the charge of bribery was made ancl-Ja great scandal will hang oveihimwhile he sits m"the Senate. ' We admit it is the rule and not the exception tKatih ' -cIoscT con tests of this character there is either a scan dal or deadlock, or both. There is but one remedy and that is the election of Senators in Con gress by popular vote, and it does seem to us that there is positively no argument against the adoption of that plan. REJQICINQ IN MISFORTUNE. It is no uncommon - occurrance to hear some one of the Repub lican fusion combine, approving the law that anticipated impris onment for non-payment of taxes and, boasting that more taxes have been collected and there aie less delinquent or insolvent tax-payers this year than ever before. They go further and say this is smart and the people will be pleased to know it. As far as the Messenger-Gazette is concerned, all it has .to say is, may the good Lord have mercy upon the man who delights to know that the people have had to pay more taxes this year than formerly. If they cannot give a better account of their steward ships than this thev are certain ly in a bad predicament. What the people need these stringent times is, men in office who can show they have reduced taxes, reduced the running expenses of the government and made the burdens of the people less. They say they have collected a large amount, more than was ever col lected before. This may be true, and no doubt is, and still the question might be asked by some horny handed, hard work ing farmer. What has become of all the extra amount of money collected in fear of this law, and the answer would be, if honest, gone into the pockets of the pie brigade and to support the new offices created by the fusion Leg islature. If this is true the in creased amount of taxes collect ed had better remained in the hands of the poor people. The next election will tell what the tax-payers think aboiut it. The fact is, the Republican Populistic regime that is now disgracing the good old State of North Carolina by all sorts of odious practices and reprehensi ble performances is surely rid ing to a worse and more abiding oblivion than overtook the g. o. p. for its record of 1868. The unholy com bine of Reps and Pops, that, under the leadership of Marion Butler, rode into power in this State, is making history now and such a history! we are treasuring it all up for next fall's campaign. It will make "mightly interesting read ing" then. There are only fourteen sur vivors of the war of 1812, but 3,287 widows of soldiers who fought in that war are drawing pensions. This makes nearly 235 widows to every survivor If the same ratio holds good re garding the late war, we would just as well make out a deed to the country and turn it over to the pensioners at once. The people are tired of all the fraud and sham of pension and the vast horde of mendicants that stand at the treasury door. Grat itude is all right and no one de nies that those who have been disabled in the service of their country are entitled to pensions. But the pension rolls hold a com paratively small number of per sons who draw pensions honest ly and honorablv. lit n keen knife to prun ing prices on all winter-weight Clothing, Dress Goods, etc. Prices were down pretty low at the out set, but we've man aj;ed to cut them still lower. Doesn't hurt the looks of the goods any. Only makes the purchasing power of your dollar a great deal more. An inspection of our immense line of shoes will repay you, that is if you are in terested in quality, style and durability, combined with low prices, Respectfully, SPENCER BROS. CO., PROPR'S BIG RACKET STORE. DON'T FORGET That I keep on hand the best selected stock of In the city; also a choice and se lect stock of HEAYY & FANCY GROCERIES. Fruits at wholesale. Apples and Bananas a specialty. Goods delivered to any part of city. Phone 104. HARRELL'S CONFECTIONERY. Administration. avinsr this day qualified as administrator of the estate of the late Eunice a. Boyd, deceas ed, before the Clck of the Superior Court of Keaufort couuty. uoiice is hereby given to all persons indebted to s id estate to maVe imme diate ay nient to the undersigned. A 1 persons ha vine claims agains the said e'tate wilO pre sent them to me within 12 mouths from this dte or tbfs notice will be pleaded in bar of tneir recovery. This 5 h uay of Tanury, 1898 H.A. WINDLEY, Adm'r. Taylor Pharmacy. Every Dbd Jtment Over'lawing. Four atteciion is now invitee to our New Stock of Drugs, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles. j A grand array of attractions ir Perfumery, Toilet Soaps and Colgate's Sachet Powder, etc., etc. The best on the market, kept constantly on hand. iPerscriptions carefully com pounded. Phone 30. 319 W. Main street. THE MOST remarkable cures on record have been accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is unequalled or all BLOOD DISEASES. on't Tobacco Spit u J Smoke Your Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and torever. be mag Jetic. full 'of life, nerve and viror, take No-To Bac. the wonder-worker, tbat makes weak men strong. Ail drusitrisui,Oc or l. Cure jruaran ;ed Bxiiiet and sarnpie free. Address Sterling Rerpedv Co.. Chicago of New Vork CURE A New and Complete Treatment, consisting of SUPPOSITORIES, CapmWsof Owtrowt atd I wo Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing cure for Piles of every nature and degree. It makes an operation with the knife, which is painful, and often results in death, unnecessary, why endure this ttrribla 4fete t - Vt-fkt -m WfittaMhMrMte 4 II Bex. No Cure, No Pay. $oe. aiid f i a box, 6 for $Sf Sent by mail ., --Samples free great LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOD PURrFIER. Small, mild and pleasant to take: especially adapted for children's use. 50 doses 25 cents. FREE. A vial of these famous little Pellets will be given with a $1 box or more of Pile Cure. Notice Thk cbnuimk fresh Japanese Pius Cure for sale only by - - - McKeeFs Pharmacy. 1 w Secret Remedy Absolutely Unknown to the profession. Irmat Cure in 18 to 35 days. We refund money if we do not ruW You can be treated at Ladies : I have bought for this season some of the prettiest Dress Pat terns that has ever oeen brought to Washington, with Trimmings to match. Also pj nice selected stock of pretty Dress Goods in Cashmeres, Puff Effects and Serges. An examination will con vince you that Carrowan's is the cheapest house in town to get your Dresses from. Call and see. Gentlemen : 1 have bought for this season a handsome line of Clothing which I will sell CHEAP, and will guarantee to give you as good Fits and as Well Made-up goods as any house in the State. Do you want a Suit made to order? Come and see me. I made up more clothing the past twelve months thnn any other house in Washington, and never had a misfit. Do you want your foot to looki neat and nice? Come in and try on a pair of Reynold's Hand Made Shoes, for less money than you can buy a standard shoe in town. Every pair sold under a guarantee'. The largest stock of medium grade Shoes in town and to be sold cheap. Boy's shoes of all kinds. A nice line of Gents' Furnish ing Goods and Neckwear. I take 'this opportunity of thanking the public for their liberal patronage the past year, and ask a share o2 the same in the future. Always ready and willing to show goods and treat our customers right. Yours to please, T. C. CARROWAN. SHOE SHOP! I have opened a first class shoe and boot repair shop at B. F. Fortiscue's on Market street, where I am prepared to do all kinds of work. I was in the em ploy of Z. Habourn for years, and guarantee satisfaction. Your patronage is solicited. Respectfully, J. A. Harmon. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. home for tseeame price tees: with those who will contract to cor coming, and hotel I Make no I j we fail to L you have taken still hare -aches nl in moocn, Bore i arMi, ed Snot, Ulcer on any Eyebrow fallln mat, Secondary 6r Tertiary g-uarantee to cure. We ate eaaea and ch allelic 'Cannot cure. This dis -the skill Of the moat or many years we nave I BY 11 W T I I I I enrr. lodld acd the same run.rm.m- lefer to come here we them or pay expense or Taiiroaa Vills, and Gfctrge, It are. ir- )otaafcani "MlIcs, Macou4tehc part of the body, Hair or ft is this Prlaaary, Blood Poison that we solicit the most -ob.tin-tbe world fbtaveaae w ease has always baAed einlnenk7lciana. made a SDticialtr of treating this disease with our OYPHILENB and wo have 500,000 capital beTUnd our na&nditionat guarantee. Write us for 1 00-are book ana absolnte proofs. Address -COOK. KEMEDV CO., 483 Slavonic Temple, Chicago, Hllnol The Travelling Public Is invited to stop at the PAMLICO I Rift, 206 MAIN STREET, Washington, n. c. We think we can please you and save you money. Rooms neatly kept, table supplied with the best the market affords. Terms One Dollar per day. Give us a call. J. H. ORMOND, Prop'r. wo HMD 0 I SAVE YOUR DOLLARS ! THE LATEST IN Scarf Pins, Brooches, SILVER BRACELETS, WATCHES and other JEWELRY. A General .Stock of HOLIDAY GOODS. Values up. Prices down. Ex amine stock before purchasing. W. M. BELL, Jeweler, 112 Market Street. STATEMENT NO. !. The Royal Arcanum was or ganized twenty years ago with nine members. It has now a membership of two hundred thousand men, who are enlisted in a cause for the relief of "the widow and orphan. During theso. twenty years the Royal Area num his paid to its beneficiaries forty-two millions of dollars, or an average of tive thousand dol lars for every day of its exis tence. It is established on a good foundation and offers pro tection at a minimum cost. Notice is hereby given that there will be a special meeting of the Stockholders and Board of Directors of the Eureka Lum ber Company to be held at the office of the said Company in the town of Washington, N. C. , on Wednesday, February 2nd, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m. Geo. T. Leach, Pres. Eureka L. Co. G. A. Phillips, Sec. Eureka L. Co. on STAR sacs C. C. WALKER, Prop'r. The Laboring Man's as well as the Sportsman's Resort. noico Wines an 0 yors PERFECT and permanent are the1 PT . DC1 3 cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be- ' OKjAKb and TOBACCO. cause it makes pure, rich, healthv, life and health-giving BLOOD. Call at 109 Water St.

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