l cvGimiu tenner J. A ARTHUK-JT" Editor rMp energy, 'and 4f vv sery ice: and who they ouncr men f . . . . J fubwshkd JVDAL 8e0i4&uii who ty youog men iot the JJemocratic party would Dutered at second cla matter TELEPHONE CALL NO. li fe WMklaxUa. N. C Wedsesfey. May 4, ISM. every Interest is with us, a man who is fearless and full of uu- Insurgent Streatii lacrcasiaf. TflE YICTOR AT MANILLA. Our great victory at Manilla will go a long way towards bringing the war to a close. If Spain is still unwilling to make terms the administration will no doubt order a forward march upon Cuba at once, and with the vigorous warfare as we have shown , ourselves capable of prosecuting there can be no doubt that Spain will soon be forced to yield. The victory at Manilla practically wipes out the Spanish fleet of the Pacific, and there seems to be no doubt now that we shall take posses sion of the Phillipine Islands. To deprive Spain of these and Cuba would terribly cripple her, and yet this seems to be the fate in store for her at no distant day. It has been suggested that in the event we capture the Phillipines the United States should hold them for its war in demnity. We have no words to express our abhorrence of that proposition. Before this terri ble business of going to war with Spain began we set about it with the often repeated dec laration that this was to be a war for the sake of suffering hu manity and that our only pur pose was to prevent Spain from either starving or killing our neighbors in Cuba. When this is accomplished we should hon orably retire from the contest and pay the costs out of our pockets without a murmur. For a rich government like this in the face of our declaration made in the beginning of the war to demand an indemnity from a poverty stricken nation like Spain would be in our opinion little short of brutal. Let this be a war for God, liberty and humanity and then let us cheer fully pay its bills. be prguJicllaw.. That man is a son of old itt, QLytj. us a straignt ngnt ana J. i5yan Grimes for our" standard Bearer and I will pledge you that our every interest will be guarded, and our standard will never trail in the dust, and victory will be ours. Respectfully. . F. H. VonEbkrstine. Chocowinity, N. C. I By Tttff Btfito to Tb lieMntr. 1 - t o1 just arrived here, bnntniikr Monir Konir. pa- pers of Apr 1 7ih containing dispatches friifn 'MstiiIIr '."rip to and previous to that day. They .that the, alarm there nasi-: grown almost to a panic, owing to the .rapidly inci easing strenth of the insurgent?, who are advaticiujg upon Manilla and uirig improved cannon. The insurgents have 'already taken ina'av interior tOA-ns k Spanish Flee at Cadiz. I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the j By Tie,rar.h to The Meenor. war and have used all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found one remedy that has been a sue cess as a cure, and that is Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. P. E Lisbon. May 4. -It 18 reported litre that the panioh Cape de Verde slands fleet lias returned to Cadiz. Stalls Bub! The only Practical Shoulder Brace on the market that Is i Easily Adjusted ' AND Worn with Comfort SOLD AT MoKBElv (PHARMACY, Many old soldiers now feel the No News From Dewey. Grisham, Gaars Mills, La. For j effcts ?f the hard service they sale at Tayloe's Pharmacy. )Ge0 0 Andprsnn. nf Rnvin AT 1 . . t- . , iui-k uouniy, jenn., wno saw tne nardest kind 01 service at the front, is now frequently trou bled with rheumatism. "I had a severe attack lately," he says, "ana procured a bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm. It did so much good that I would like to know what you would charge me for one dozen bottles. " Mr. Anderson wanted it both for his own use aad to supply it to his friends and neighbors, as .every family should have a bottle of it in their home, not only for rheu matism, but lame back, sprains, swellings, cuts, bruises and burns, for which it is unequalled. For sale at Tayloe's Pharmacy. Bjr Telegraph to The Messenger. Washington, May 4. The gov ernment authorities are still without a line of official informa tion from Commodore Dewey, the hero of the naval battle at Ma nilla Sunday. They expected to hear last night, but up to 11 o'clock this morning: nothing" 1 had arrived. The Secretary of he Navy is expecting to hear hourly. Senor Moret and Gen. Carapoi Assassinated. By Telegraph to The Messenger. London, May 4 The papers here this morning- publish a sen sational rumor that Senor Moret, Spanish Minister for the colo nies, and Gen. Martinez Campos, formerly Captain General of Cuba, have both been assassi nated in Madrid. The papers A. A- urther state that Senor Sagasta the Prime Minister of Spain, has sought refuge in the British Embassy. The report lacks confirmation. For Elegance of Fit, Eas-e and Cc ni f o rt , t li e F.-R. Corset Is the best cn the market. It is justly conceded that stock of Spring our DRESS GOODS, Organdies ard Novelties are the most attractive, handscme and stylish that is exhibited this season. THOMAS BARGAIN KCUSE. A PLEA FOR THE YOUNC MEN. Mr. Editor: Will you give me space in your valuable paper to say a few words in my bumble way. As the time approaches for our primaries and conven tions, I can not he!p thinking of the situation in this district two years ago. 1 could not help contrasting that with some I had attended before. Usually there is ho lack of candidates to cirrry our standard in this dis trict, b:t two years ago the Congressional timber seemed to be very scarce, and but for the gallant Lucas I don't know what we would have done for some one to lead a forlorn hope, which he did most nobly against certain defeat, and I for my part will ever remember the distinguished son of Hyde with heart felt gratitude. As the time is again upon us when we will be called on to select our leader, (Therefore these re marks.) I think that the young men of this district should be given a chance. As we have always given our time, money and talents to the support of the grand old party, therefore I do not think it too much to ask some recognition at her hands; aid would suggest the name for our next candidate in this dis trict. A voung man in every way fitteJ, and capable to carry Fitz Lee a Major General. By Telegraph to The Messenger. Washington, A ay 4. Presi dent McKinley has just sent to the Senate the following nomi nations: To be Major Generals, Brigadier General Joseph C. Breckinridge, (present Inspec tor General U. S. Army;) Brig adier General Ewell S. Ottis, Brigadier General John D. Cop pi nger, Brigadier General Win. it. Shafter, Wm. M. Graham, James F. Wade, Henry C. Mer riam, Jas. H. Wilson, Fitz Hugh Lee, Wm. J. Sewell and Joseph Wheeler. Appropriation Bill Signed. Almighty Dollar!!! The almighty dol lar rules the world, especially at the pres ent time. Recogniz ing this fact we cor dially invite you to call and get our prices on that Spring Suit, or Dress you have been laying oft to buv from week to week. Perhaps you mav save that dollar. Nature is now robed in her 121 W'Ky & fat v-m r lift 2 1 Ketr Secret Remedy Aboolatelj Unknown to the profession. Permanent Carea in IS to 35 days. We refund money if we do Ant oupe. , Yon can be treated at i I I Btl home for the same price teea; vnin inoae who will contract, $o sure com i n k.. and botel Make do we fail ta you have ta.on . juvm mil nave achet and in mouth, Sore Throat, ed Npat, deem on anjr, Eyebrows falilnc oat, Secondary or Tertiary guarantee to cure. We ate cases and challenge cannot cure. This dis the skill ef the moot ana tne same rairan- prefer to comehere we them or pay expense of railroad bUI, and Charge, if cure. If loalde Btaah and pains Maeeus Patehea iMmples, Copper-Color-partof the body .II air or it is this Primary, Blood Poison that we solicit the most ohstln the world far a ease we ease has always baflel eminent phyBiciaas made a specialty of IS JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRBCE50cts Gir..TiA, I U.S., Not. K, 193. Paris Medicine Co., St. Ix)ui3, Mo. Cent.emen: Wo sold last year, fiC'"1 b.ttlcs TROVE'S TASTELESS CUILL TON I C vv Ik -.o'tcht't-hree trross already thiq vp:t. l.ir!li;:r Pfru':i-e tf 14 years, in the drns bu ;nc s, ) j'-ver sold an article thatg:ive such universal su. ttction as your Tonic. Yon- ' rnly, ; BXFT. fAEH 'X All (iealors rnx rant e Gn V( Chill Tonic to .'ure obi'N -nri frv r '.iv! -1! for m s of m aln ria i'or many years we have treating this disease with our CA'PIIII.F.F. and we have 600,000 capital behind our unconditional guarantee. Write us for 1 OO-patre boob and absolute proofs. Address COOK REMEDY CO., HHHbsHSHbHBHssbVI1ss9BS' To the Ladies of Wash ington : If you like nice Candies, such as Chocolate Dipped, Walnut Creams, Brittles, Bon Bons, Crystalized Fruit Butter Cups, Roysters and Bloom's Fine Mix tures, go to Harrell's Confec tionery Emporium. Goods fresli 83 Ft?tnd prices way down. Also on m rl " hand Heinz's Sweet Pickles, Ol ¬ ives, Sauce, Mustard, Catsup. Chow Chow, Horse Raddish, in fact the best selected stock of Fancy Groceries aDd Fruits in the city. Call and see me at Bell's old stand. Goods delivered to anv part of city. Phone 104. HARRELL'S CONFECTIONERY. i r"i nn rmm. nn "1 Telegraph to The Messenger. Washington, Mav 4. Presi dent McKinley and Secretary I he ladies, do likewise T 1 1 ,1 l-i ' joui neiu a conrerence wnne strollinor in the White House grounds today. Shortly after the House con vened today Speaker Reed an nounced that he had signed the army deficiency appropriation bill. 8 OF) uyui Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored MAGNETIC NERVINE antee to Cure Insomnia, Fits, Dizziness, HsLeria, ; Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, Seminal I.rxcs, ! Failing Memory the result of Over-work, Vorrv, I Sickness, Errors of Vouth or Over-induigciice. ! Price 50c. and $1 ; 6 boxes $5. i For quick, positive and lasting results in Sexual , Weakness, Impotency, Nervous Debility and Lost j Vitality, use BLUE LABEL SPECIAL-double strength will give strength and tone to everv nart ! and effect a perraaneiit cure. Cheapest and beet. new spring dress, and we say to j looPi!1si2; by mail. j FREE A bottle of the famous lar-anese Lirer Pellets will be given with a $i box or more of Mag netic Nervine, lrc-e. Sold only bv TLi. A. S. WELLS l; De:.tist, Opposiic -a 11 a her '5 drugs.. re, A ash inytoT , N . C nn easiness op freight Military Expedition to the lillipincs. By Teleffraph to The Messenger. Washington, May 4 Prepara tions for the proposed military expedition to the Phillipine Is lands is proceeding rapidly. The assignment of officers and men to the cruiser Charleston, now at the Mare Island navy yard, San Francisco, which is to act as a Respectfully, SPENCER BROS. CO., PROPR'S BIG RACKET STORE The place to buy Clothing:, Dress Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, etc. .-'or rsaio at McKetd's Pharmacy. The War Scare. W. B. Morton & Co., are just in receipt of another line of all grades and designs o Matting, which you can purchase, either for cash or on installment. Re member, they keep constantly on hand a complete line of Fur niture, such as Bed-room Sets, Dining Tables, Chairs, In fact, anything desired in the Furni ture line. Call and examine their stock before purchasing. Bar gains await you there. 1 Notice. ' In order to ;llay tlue 10 wi r ri-k s fhim ed bv ttie Old Dominion ! 8. S. Co., this coinj any h;is de cided to assume th v ai rir-k c 11 all freight hipju bv their steamers. This int ? nutuon is authorized by the !n ; any . 1 John M vers" 1 1:- Act's. I aJOtt New Spring1 Dress Goods and Millinery A. S. KELLY & CO'S. convoy to the transport vessels, lis to victory, a man whose was begun this morning. TIRED MOTHERS find help in Hood's Sarsaparilla, which gives them pure blood, a good appetite and new and needed STRENGTH. RICH RED BLOOD the foun dation of good -health. That ie why Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One True Blood Purifier, gives HEALTH. Town Tax Notice. All persons owing Town Taxes for 18(J7-'9 are hereby notified that to avoid costs of same must be paid at once. J. R. ROSS, Town Tax Collector. BANK OF WASHINGTON. Washington, N. C, April 2, '98. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Washington will be held at their banking house, Thursday, May 5th, prox., at noon, for the elec tion of directors for the fiscal voar and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before the meeting. Thos. J. Latham, Cashier. For sale cheap A lot of furniture the property of Dr. Godwin. Applv to Capt. Q H. Brown Sr.