V 'f "-a -1 -4 Washington, Beaufort County, N. C, Friday Afternoon, May, 6, 1898 Established 1894 Vol. VII. No. 59 fHE ( Plai n Common Sense FITZHUE LEE REPORTS FOR DUTY. News From Commodore Dewey Momentarily Expected. Should be exercised in the pur chase of your Spring' Clothes and Dress Goods. No matter how poor you are you want the best your money can buy. No reliable house shows a choicer selection of Clothing and Dress Stuffs than that offered in our stock. We are showing in several fab rics and styles Powers Discussing Intervention- French Liner Lafayette Captur edSampson's Fleet Seen Off East Coast of Cuba Citizens of Manilla Apply for U.S. Citizen ship. Riots Near Florence. was brought into port this morn ing. The Lafayette was bound from St. Nazain to Havana with an immense cargo of provisions, amunition and guns for the Span ish army. There were also sev eral Spanish army officers on board. When the ship was hailed off Havana by the gunboat Wil mington and informed that she could not enter the port, her cap tain, who is a Frenchman, made a big bluff by hoisting the French nag to the Lafayette's mast head, but this was of no avail as Sampson's fleet was too shar.p for him. The naval of ficers think they have a very strong case against the Lafayette as she has violated her neutral rierhts. Proceedings in Admi- Spring) Suits ) For By Telegraph to The Messenger. Rome. Mav 6. A serious 7 , nrPH i 1 1 1 1 1 in i Mini a,u kjuuiv near Florence today. Troops rality will be instituted against fired into the mob, killing four, ner at once. and wounding several. Spanish Naval Reserves Captured. That are exceptionally worth the price. If anything is popular in Press Fabrics it is here. The ideal, the substantial, the brilliant color- ing and the subdued effects all are here in pleasing array. See our line of low cuts and 'slippers in Spring Footwear. FRED. V. ROWE, . LEADING CLOSER. $200,000 Fire in Cleveland. By T-legraph to The Messenger. Cleveland. Ohio. Mav 6 Fire By Teiegrapn to ine jnesaengei . I . , , Key West, May 6 The Schr. aesirovea pre peny uu muiuiu a'o RI1M, whioh wpc phtv to the amount of two hundred tured on April 30th off Areleto uioubanu uuu.i.. by the Steamer Uncas, was tow- 18rKhb UUkU,u8 ed into nort lasWeht. She had cry were aesiroyeu. L " . 7 a crew of twelve who are CALL AND INSPECT OUR L.INE OF 75c, Ladies' Slippers, Displayed in EAST SHOW WINDOW, Ladies Department. J. K HOYT, PERFECT FITTING CLOTHIER A Magnificent Com- mem- bers of the Spanish Naval Re- sprves. The rjrize has a full cargo of fish. Tender Their Allejiance. For the Glory of Spain. By Telegraph to The Messenger. Washington, May 6. T h e State Department received its first official news from Hong Komr today, which was a dis- B'i:Tr'laon Prim J patch from Consul Wildmar , , n i which simplv said, Cortes, Kas- De Rivera, late Captain General f1 AJlsf) f ' of of the Philhpine Islands, on his h wealthiest families of Ma- way home telegraphed the fol- nUia, have tendered their allegi bination People. for the A Popular Line of the Latest Spring Attractions. lowing message to a friend here: "The Americans may destroy the undefended towns and vil lages along the coast of the Phil lipines, but they will never cap ture Manilla. To attempt it would but redound to the glory of Spain anfift to the United States petition for citizenship. and Submarine Mines Completed. An Unlimited Varie ty in Every De partment of the Store. 11 V are ott'erina these inducements with the best and handsomest tine of Spring Goods you frer saw. Qualities as you like them. Styles and Fashions the latest. ' As sortment Complete, and all riijht prices. Don't fail to see our splendid stuck of Straw Hals. Thin Coats and Vests, Thin Underwear. &c, uud take advantage of the Great Inducements offered in Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing (ioods, Notions, Shoes, &c. We will take pleasure in showing you-through any line. We have a line Floor Covering that can't be surpassed in price and pat tern. Respectfully. . j: f. buokman. lT Leader in Staple and Fancy Dress Goods, Clothing, soots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks Valises, &c. Sampson's Fleet Bound for Porto Rico. By Telegraph to The Messenger. Kingston, Jamaica, May 6. Four American war ships have j been sighted off Porto de Bans on the eastern end of Cuba, these ships are probably a part of Ad miral Sampson's fleet, which are on their way to Porto Rico. By Telegraph to The Messenger. Portsmouth, N, H. May 6. The work of placing submarine mines in the harbor here was completed this morning. !H1YT & RSIT LL The Oriental Captured. By Telegraph to The Messenger. TTav West .Mav G. The small two masted schooner Oriental was brought here as a prize this mon.in. She was cap- Uured off the east end of Cuba by the gunboat Helena with a cargo .f dried fish. Read About Them ! See Them! Buy Them The 6reat Up-to-date Nev.' Line olf wood coo T0VES ! (Continued on second page.) Whoopinn Coagh. 1 had a little boy who was The Lafayett Captured. By Telegraph to The Messenger. Uew York, May 6. The Even ing Journal sa s, under a Key West date, that the big trans- nearly dead from an attack of atlantic liner Lafavett from whooping cough. My neighbor Harve bounl foi Yera Cruz recommended Chamberlain's wae cantured while trying to Houe-h Remedy. I did not think - t - - " run the blockade at Havana, tnat any medicine would help the ship with contraband of him, but after giving him a few war aboard. j doses of that remedy I noticed ! an improvement, and one bottle Lafayette Carapagnaie Captured. cured him entirely,' It is the i be?t cough medicine I ever had By Telegraph to The Messenger. , f .I- k 'Pu t.otw m the house. J. l,- .vioore, steamer, Lafayette Campagnaie, South Burgettstown Pa For a general trans-Atlantic liner, sale at ia toe s i. Handsome Ornamentntlnn THEY AiiE MERE. We hive received the l.ne of ''Harrisburg" Oxfords and Strap Sandals, aud we think it would pay every lady in town to see them. For quality of stock superior woikmanstiip ana uurduu ity, combined with beauty seldom found in goods undei $2.50 or $3.00, they have no equal. Oar specialties are $1.00 and $2.25 and you can only equal them else whereby paying from 25c to 50c more money. Be sure and gee them before you buy. We can also fill contracts on Straw Hats. E. W. AYER5, 116 Main St. Y W 3SS ' V " ' -' s UNEaUALED. UNEaUALED; Largest Oven fof size Stove ever made. Climax of Modern Stove GonstrUction HOVT Wl ITCH ELL, 315 317-wast Maia St- Phone 5 I