) (it; Evening Messenger war i J. A ARTHUR" iy JEdUo tf PUBLISHED E&RXVJLX EXCEPT sundait: Entered as second class matter TELEPHONE CALL NO. SI- 1 WMfcfflftoa. N. C. TaeUty. Axy 17. ISM. THE POPULIST STATE CONVENTION. The question whether there will be any honorable co-operation between the Democrats and the Populists for the return of good government to the State will depend largely upon the action of the Populist, conven tion that meets in Raleigh to day. Whether (the Populist party in North Carolina will thus break away from the degrading influ ences of Republicanism and take its stand with the Populist par ty of the West, where the Demo crats and Populists work to gether harmoniously, is a matter to be determined at their State Convention. The contest is on between those who desire to have dishonorable fusion with the negro and gold party and those who desire "to be deliver ed from the body of death' It is only in the event that the sil ver element wins, that the Dem ocrats would consider co-operation, and not then if it involved such dishonorable dickerings as the Clevelandites and the Pritch ardites engaged in to elect Mc Kinley and Pritchard in 1896. There is co-operation and co operation. It is dishonorable for any two , parties to act to gether unless they are agreed upon the paramount issues. The Democratic, Populist and Silver Republican parties co-operated in 1896 to carry out the greatest declaration penned since Jeffer son wrote the Declaration of In dependence. Failure on their part to have acted together would nave branded tnem as fajsp tq their professions Or dolts lad idiots? C.MJi'Wtttkm l?e- tween Republicans and Popu lists is iDConsistent and dishon orable because the professed principles of the two parties ore! diametrically opposed to each other. Those Democrats who hope to gee the better element in tne Populist party repudiate the Republican contingent base their hope on the beiief that such a seperation will open the iloor for re-uniting the white men who, prior to 1&Q2, stood together and prevented the evils of Radical which now disgrace the State. If this opportunity is presented to the Democratic State convention the dictate of wisdom will be to embrace it. We know of no Democrat who believes in the Chicago plat form who does not rejoice in the tendency on the part of many Populist to break away from associations which made them partners in bad government and negro denomination. They bid them God speed in their attempt to expel from leadership those who seek to make their party a permanent annex of the gold standard party. The contest is on and from one end of the State to the other will the action of the Populist be watched with interest. CURE rheumatism hy taking Jlood's Sarsaparilla, which by neu tralizing the acid in the blood perma nently relieves aches and PAINS. Fleet SUII at Crfiz. BjFTUfTmpMoThMMfttirtCr - s eJoxiIWpatche8 received, here say according. the latest advices the Spanish Cruiser&jnen tioned as lea v ing Cadiz, are still there and pot ready., for. sea- It -is- -thoaght the report was circulated to de tract attention from the Cape Verde fleet. The Fint Regiment Leaves. By Telegraph to The Meuenger. Springfield. 111. May 17. The first regiment left for Chica mauge, today, and is due to ar rive there Wednesday afternoon A British Steamer Chartered. By Telegraph to The Mewenger. Kingstown, Jamacia, May 17. Consul Deot has chartered the British steamer Adula to bring refugees from Santiago. Chauncey M. Depew Speaks, By Telegraph to The Messenger. New York, May 17. Hen. Chauncey M. Depew warmly score the Philippiau craze at the mammoth Republican meeting held last night. He said our desire for colon :es would lead to all sorts of evils snd extra taxation. 25, 000 Me a to jo to the aid of Dewey. By Telegraph to The Messenger. Wash'ngton, May 17. Gen. Merriit says re will need at least five thousand ;men of the regular army to accompany the volunteers to the Philippians, as that number of seasoned and trained men will be necessaiy. The War department this morn ing decided to send that num ber of regulars, which will swell the expedition to 25,000. Hawaii Annexation. By Telegraph to The Messenger. Washington, May 17. Chair man Hitt today reported the Newland resolution to the House for the annexation of the Hawaii Islands, with i's favor- jable recommendation by tne committee on Foreign affairs. Therepfilt Of the committe is very long, it reviews the nego tiations that have been ging on fcr annexation with the U. 8., its stragtic importance and the statements made by Gen. Scofield and Admiral Walker, and says the native Hawaiian can not control the Island and it must fall to some foreign power in the natural course of events. kisurjcots Active, By Telegraph to The Messenger. 'Kingstown, May 10. In an engagement several leagues from Cienfuegos last. Mondav the insurgents under Gen. Go mez defeated a force of 1,600 Spaniards, compelling thm to relinquish Jucaro Morantrocha which is the most important one near Cienfuegos, and to retire to the city. The Insurgents also compelled the Spaniards to abandon the outer fortification. The Spauiards notified plan ters that they must defend themselves. A fortnight ago Gen. Minocal passed Cienfuegos with 2,000 Cubans from Puerto Principe and Santa Clara, with the in tention of invading Havana province andico-operatingin the protection of the American lan ding. , WANTED-AN lOhA.' b;m & Co., Pateiii vomers xVshinffton. U. C. for iheir pr . Many f old soldiers hbw-feeL,t$B effectocf the hardservice tney etxdurecT during thfc war. i Mr. Geo'?S. Anderson of Rossville Yorco&ity, Penh., wh saw the hartlest kind of -serviq. at the front, is now frequently trou bled with rhajatissui. hftd a severe attack lately,' ' he.says, 'ala procured a bottle of Chain--berlain:Pam-Ba4ai."vIt did so much good that I would like to know what you would charge me for one doien bottles. ' Mr. Andersons wantW it both for his own use and to supply it to his friends and neighbors, as -every family should have a bottle of it in their home, 'not only for rheu matism, but lame back, sprains, swellings, cutsr bruises and burns, for which it is unequalled. For sale at Tayloe's Pharmacy. Soon You'll Be Fretting, Fussing, Fu rious and Fuming, because the Weath er is Warm. Take a peep in at the Big Racket Store and see the piles of bright, fresh Spring Dress Fab-rics,light-weight Cloth ing, cool Underwear for ladies and gentle men, Straw Hats Low cut Shoes, Slippers, etc In fact anything need ful for warm weather wear for men, women and children. Of course you can't tell whether our prices are high or low until you examine the goods. They are our most con- We carry a nice line of Furniture. Respectfully, SPENCER BROS. CO., PROPR'S BIG RACKET STORE The place to buy Clothing, Dress Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, etc. PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL - For Barb Wire Cuts. Scratches. Saddle and Collar Galls, Cracked Heel Burns, Old Sores, Cuts, Boils, Bruises, Piles and all kind, cf inflammation on man or beast. Cures Itch and Mange. Ths Sore, Cat ei Sara vlU aerer sutkr liter tia cil in tesa tpplisi. Be prepared for accidents by keeping it in your louse orstable. All Oruggists sell it on a guarantee. '0 Cure, NO Pay. Price 35 cts. and $1.00. If your Druggist does not keep it seqd us a cts. in Ps cage stamps and we will send it to you by mail. Parti. Tenn.,Jtn. 29th. 1894. Dear Sin I have ed Porter' Atlpre Hlle Oil 'or lUrntu and Saddle Galls. Scratchen and Barb W ire Cu's -ith perfect latisfactiorii nd 1 Heartily retommead it to ill Livery and Stockmrn. , , C. B. IRVINE. Liyery and Fetd SUble. BABY BURNED. Gentlemen .I am pleaaed to ieak a word for Fortfr'a tntlaeptle U.allac OJI. My baby wii barned a few moiitbf igo. and after trying all ottter remedie I appbed your "Oil md the first application gave relief, and in a few day the lore waa well. I alao used the oil on my stock and find that t it the beat remedy for thia purpose that I hare eyer used. Yours, C. T. LEWIS. Paris. Tcnn.. January 28. 1894 ASCFaCTTRKD BT PARIS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO GREAT SALES prove the grcal merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Sarsaparilla sells because it accomplishes GREAT CURES. AT McKEEL'S FOUNTAIN. ..r. , ... IS JUST AS COOD FO W ADU LTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50ctc GAL2.TIA, Ills., Nov. l, 1SC3. taris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gent.emen: We sold last year, C(V bot'es o GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON IP arid hav, bought thrse pross already this yeur. In all ur cx perince of 14 years, la the drug businc:-?, b-vr never sold an article that gave such universal sat; f&CUon as yyjr Toaig. i'O'vrs trolv, Abxfv. TaHB & 00 All dfalers eTisrpntfe Gn vrs ("hill Tonic U onr0 ri i .is i rd kv.rf i-rd el forms cf rr al?ria HI Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored MAPHCTIP UCDIWC isldwitha antee to Cure Insomnia, Fits, Dizziness Hvsteria, 1 Sickness. Errors of Youth or Over-indulgence. Price 50c..and $1;6 boxes $5. For quick, positive and lasting: results ln Sexual Weakness, Impotence, Nervous Debility and Lost Vitaiuv, use Blue Label Special double strenetti will give strength and tone to every part and effort a ncrmanwit cure. Cheapest and best. iooPills$2; by mail. A bottle of the famon Tapanese Liver Pellets will be Riven with a Si box r more of Mag netic Nervine. Iree. Sold only bv For sale ixt McKeol's Pharmacy. Tlie War Scare. W. B. Morton & Co., are just in receipt of another line of all grades anjl designs o Matting, which you can purchase, either for cash or on installment. Re member, they keep constantly on hand a complete line of Fur niture, such as Bed-room Sets, Dining Tables, Chairs, ln fact, anything desired in the -Furniture line. Call and examine their stock before purchasing. Bar gains await you there. Town Tax Notice. All personsowing Town Taxes for 1897-'98 are hereby notified that to avoid costs of same must be paid at once. J. R. Ross, Town Tax Collector. ! Made a nd 8 erre 3 Exactly Right For Elegance of Fit, Ease and tv mfort, the F F. Corset Is the test on the market It is justly conceded that our stock of Spring DRESS GOODS, Organdies ard Novelties are the most attractive, hardscme and stylish that is exhibited this season. THOMAS BARGAIN HOUSE.. New Secret Be4r Abomtlj Unkimni to professipru fyrmn mtJXtr -ia, 1 to. 36. days. Wv refund monj if we dtfiir(yi Yokcaii Jba treated home for the same prtee tee with those who ana -rne same roan prefer to comeber we win contEacx to cure tnem or pay expense or and hotel Make no we fail to uiDini UjlUI (Chai bbukJ onri bflla, and! Caarre, ic you bare taieu fner still hare acbea , and in mouth, Sore Throat, ed Spot, Uloem on any Eyebrow falling? oat, Secondary or Tertiary guarantee to cure. We sarjfrioaJdejpoiaili and - e. iz palas, Maaons.latrh tIniple,tJo part of the b lor- it la this Prli y.llalror- Blood Poisoa that we f olicit the most obntlw (be world for a case we ease has always bafleoS alacot phyalHaaa made a specialty Of arr ate cases ana cnaiiencel ran bo cure. This diVI the sklU of the most i For many years we hare ! treating- tnis disease with oar Crk ilItX.Jb;. ana wet hare $500,000 capital behind mr unconditional puacantea , write as for 1 O.p'txe Rook and absolute proofa, . Address COOK- 2iKM KI Y 483 JUnaonlc Temple, Vhlcago, Mimoia. To the Ladies of Wash ington : If you like nice Candies, such as Chocolate Dipped, Walnut Creams, Brittles, Bon Bons, Crystalized Fruit Butter Cupg, Roysters and Bloom's Fine Mix tures, go to HarrelPs Confec tionery Emporium. Goods fresh; and prices way down. Also olv hand Heinz's Sweet Pickles, Ol ives, Sauce, Mustard, Catsup Chow Chow, Horse Raddish, ia. fact the best selected stock of Fancy Groceries and Fruits in. the city. Call and see me t Bell's old stand. Goods delivered to any part ofr city. Phone 104. UARRELL'S CONFECTIONERY. A. S. WELLS Dentist, Opposite Gallnirher's drug&r Washinf'on, JS . C. Notice. In order to allay uneasiness dUe tO Wf r ri-ks OP fieiyht shipi ed bv the Old D Q Q r. 1.;,. v i , u. vu. , tins ui'iJi pan 1U1S UC- cided toaFfc'UIJH til- War lii?K Oil , f . , , . , . all irellt shipped bv their , rpi - e , Steamers. TllIS Hlff.rmaUOn 16 laUtllOrized bv th fOllinfltiV John M vers' on, Agt. a26tt New Spring Dress Goods and Millinery A. 8. KELLY & COS. Notice Jamea L. Fowle V8 Wahintroii das Light Co. ' LTpy-iPPlication of J .s. L. Fowle ia tbe abere entitlert cause, his. Honor. Geo. H. Prown, Jr.. made an order, appointing the undersigned Receiver of the clefenrtaist 'oi-orntifn1 and di recting that the property of saio corporation be s Id; and that publication be mare fo- a 1 cred itors and stockholders to file proof of their stock w;th the unders)gne1 Receiver on or before Jure is . lt98. Now, therefore, pursuant to said, order, all persons having stoek of the defendant company, or having claims against the delepd aui com pary, will pr Ve said ciairns and file them with the nrdetn'ned Kf reiver, and file proof of otner etotk on or before Jm.e lsi, 189, so that a division may be m-o of the proceeds. JNU. K HOYT. Keceiver. RICH RED BLOOD is foun dation of ood health. That ia why Hoorl's Sn ! Blood Purifier, gives HEALTH.