'He Evening Messenoer J. A ARTHUR Jr- E4ltor. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Entered as second class matter TttEPftONE-GALL - ... HQ. SI Wuhlagtva, N. C Thursday, Jaae 2. 1198. TRUST THE CAPTAIN. We pimply rise to remark that it is perfectly apparent to us that the Stragetic (?) Board that assembles evening after even ing in front of the Messenger Gazette office is manifesting a growing dissatisfaction with the present conduct of the war, the delay of the administration and the Commanders of the Ameri can squadron. Now that Com modore Schley has wired the department that the Spanish flee t is in Santiago bay, and hps seen them with his own eyes, and Gen. Miles will open an aggressive campaign at once, we hope we may be pardoned for suggesting to the board that the people in charge of this Cuban business very likely know what they are doing. To quote ai old familiar phraze, "Let's stop rinding fault, and trust the Captain." While the Stragetic (?) Board has been criticising the Powers that be at Washington, the Messenger Gazette has not escaped and we are brought up with a kind of short turn for net mentioning the fact that ninety-five per cent of the military forces that will go to Cuba from North Carolina are Democrats, and that if the Populists or Repub licans had volunteered to any great extent the board has not heard of tfc, VJjile this io true perhaps, we hope we may be again allowed to remark, it only shows the patriotism of the Democrats, and the best thing the board can do is to still trust ... . i . . . - captain, OUR ARMY AND NAVY. siaieiueuL jicjraicu kj when the army of the Uni- 1 a - r. -Pnllir m-rrn n 5 y if 1111- Aisting authority, including . 1 for 75,000 volunteers, it .V isist of 278.500 men, videc , vi . w follows: di- VohHrmy , 02,000 j torrid trom &l!lies 'PlJ N ' 200,000 1 hree cavV . at i. ....... XT regimeuis ,000 u . , States volvn- Leers uii ': it large 3,500 Total 1 ins is a demo. t2-s,COO ""trntinn of the vyst reserve force o , this coun try, .b lve months age i i . , we had a navy or the sixth class i X. u an army that was hardly county at tui, a n:3re handful of 25 -v i oaay we are putting into thbl field the largest army in regularlMr" service in the world, and have increased our navy until it com pares favorably with that of the world's other powers of the first class. This has been accom plished in an almost incredibly short space of time. It shows that there is truth in the state ment, 4The best preparation for war is a long term of peace and prosperity." ! The armies that have been called out are small in compari son with the enormous forces we can furnish. As Lord Wolsely remarked, "The American people would, in the end, be victors in a war with any nation. " i Rao on the Bank. By Telerraph to The Messenger. Madrid, June ,2.- -There was aniotricrrbig tdh on the Bank of Spain this Morning: Another Spanish Victory. (?) Madrid, June 2. An Epoca extra states that the Americans were repulsed with sevtre loss es at Santiago. Senor Marcoa la advises Spain to sue for peace. Movement of Troops. By Telegraph to The Messenger. Cbickamauga, June 2. The 3rd regiment arrived here today the 69th N. Y, 3rd Penn., 5tt Maryland and 1st Illinois reg iments started for Tampa. Administration Criticised. By Telegraph to The Messenger. New York, June 2 BigelowlB. a well known writer savagely attacks the war administration at Tampa.' He says for weeks after war was declared not one regiment was fit for service, also alledges the staff officers are incompetent. Senator Butler's Say. By Telerraph to The Mesaenxcr. Washington, June 2. In the Senate today Senator Butler, of North Carolina, said, the war revenue bill presented features not properly belonging to it and deprecated the uuvviliingness of Senators to tax corporotions; that the masses of the people were taxed at almost every turn, and he regretted that lUien of all parties could not vote for the bill as cheerfully as they did for the $50,000,000 war defense! measure. Tluv Senator further! i asserted that 90 per cent of the - subscriptions to the Republican Campaign fund in 1896 came from corporations, whose offi cers were promised special fa voritism in Congress. Reinforcemeatg for Schley. By Telegraph to The Messenger. Kinston, Jamaica, June 2. Advices received from Port An tonia state that Commodore Schley has been notified by the Navy Department that the bat tleship Oregon, Cruiser New York and two colliers have been seut to Santiago. The House Today. 3y Telegraph to The Messenger. Washington, June 2. Speak er Reed is personally opposing the annexation of Hawaii, but says he will do nothing to tuwart the rule of the majority Representative Henderson re ported -to Reed that a careful roll of the members of the House showed a large majority to be in fav-or of anexation. TluiJ House passed a bill today almost unanimously appropriating near ly $lb,Q00,000 for the urgent Litre u.s ui cii in y iiuu ii;t v y . Walter, the photographer i ciose nis gauery in a ew weekt as he intends making a summer trip. In order to give all a chance to get his finest work, he has reduced his price from Monday, May 22nd until he leaves Cabinets only $3.00 per dozen, smalbr work in pro potion . NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the First National Bank, and the Bank of Washington will close on Saturdays at 1 p. m. until further notice, beginning Satur day, June 4th. J. L. Fowle, Pres. 1st. Nat. Bank. Seth Bridgman, Pres Bank Washington. COURT PROCEEDINGS. The following criminal cases have been disposed of ;u mis term of'theSu: erior Court: State vs C. iio.y q and b. Wa ters, A. & B. Not guilty. Stale v Kliza Tyler aild Rach ael Boyd, A. fc B. Guilty. Rec ognized to appear at next term. Stale vs H. " Purcittde,- G. Par- mele aud Amos Guilford. Not. guilty. State vs W. L. Baily, killing cattle. Not guiity State vs Nelson EasoD. retail ing liquor without license. De fendant pleads jrnilty. Judg ment suspended upon payment of eosts. State vs B. Fortiseuo. man slaughter. Guiity. State vs J. Latham and P. Credle, A. & B. Defendant La th nm plails guilty. fetate vs Jesse -Clark, incest. Not guilty. State vs R. C. Bovd and O. A. Boyd, obstruction ditch. Not guilty. State vs J. R. Alligood, A. & Defendant pleads guilty. Judgment suspended upon pay ment of costs. State vs Carden Daniels and Lizzie Lilly, F. & A. Not guilty. Bad management keeps more people in poor circumstances than any other one cause. To be successful one must look ahead and plan ahead so that when a favorable opportunity presents itself he is i eady to take advantage of it. A little forethought will also save much expend and valuable time A prudent and careful man will keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house, the shift less fellow will wait until neces sity compels it and then ruin his best horse going for a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay, besides; one pays out 25 cents, the other is out a hundred dollars and then wonders why his neighbor is getting richer while he is getting poorer. For oaie a.t xayioe s Iruarmctu.y . True Blue! That is what we claim for our Royal Serge Suits. If you prefer black the color is equally fast. There's no cheap er, more stylish look ing or better wearers than Serges. They're cool, too. Our prices $6 to Sio. We have anything you need in the wav of light - weight gar ments for summer wear. We'd like to fit you with a Straw1 Hat. Respectfully, SPENCER BROS. CO., PROPR S BIG RACKET STORE o-lo-biM: for ifty Cencn. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak aaeD strong, blood pure. 50c, 11. All druggists AT McKEEL'S FOUNTAIN. Slipper Ladies Black Slippers, 50cts., 75c. and $1.00. Ladies Chocolate Slippers, I and &1. -5. Misses Black Slippers, SI and SI. 25. Misses Chocolate Slippers, SI These goods are all reliable JV. r..;V:'.S Pat mL fflCs; UMSi Qa3 P IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. G A LATIA, I LI.S . , Nov . 1C, 1S03. Paris Medicine Co., St. I.ouis, Mo. Gent.emen: We sold last year, 60 bottles o pROVE'3 TASTKLESS CHILL, TON If r-id h.v I'ouirlit three Kros9 already tjiisyear. , In our perienoe of 14 years, in the drug bu: ine.-s, L iv Deter sold an article that fiivo Mich universal a'i. ttCUQU &A your Touic. Yo'irs tnilv, AH draVr? eu.iraiit(e Grovfs Chill Tonic to cure i'ls i Tifl ff-vr f.nH pii frirm of jnalnria EasilytQuick!y, Permanently Restored MAGNETIC NERVINE 1! antce to Cure Insomnia, Fits, Dizziness, Hysteria, Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, Seminal I.ossi., Failing Memory the result of Over-work, Worry, Sickness, Errors of Youth or Over-indulgence. Price 50c. and $1 ; 6 boxes $5. For quick, positive and lasting results in Sexual Weakness, Impotency, Nervous Debility and Lost Vitality, use BLUE LABEL SPECIAL double strength will give strength and tone to every part and effect a permanent cure. Cheapest and best, ioo Pills 2; by mail. FREE A bottle of the famous Japanese Liver Pellets will be given with a f 1 box or more of Mag netic Nervine. lee. Soid only by For sale at McKeel's Pharmacy. The War ycniv. W. B. Morton & Co., are just in receipt of another line of all grades and designs op Matting, which you can purchase, either for cash or on installment. Re member, they keep constantly on hand a complete line of Fur niture, such as Bed-room Sets, Dining Tables, Chairs, In fact, anything" desired in the Furni ture Hne. Call and examine their stock before purchasing. Bar gains await you there. Town Tax Notice. All persons owing Town Taxes for 1897-'yw are hereby notified that to avoid costs of same must be paid at once. J. K. Ross, Town Tax Collector. Exactly Ki li Yl A T7 a " . waiter Seile ! and $1.25. Children's Black Slippers, K)e;. 90c and SI. Childrens Chocolate Slipppers- 85c, 90c and SI. Children's Tan Slippers, H)cr 90c and 1. stock, just received. XT. THOMAS. New 8ert Smdy Absolutely rsknv to the nrofeaition. PrrMnut Cure i& li toS dV8. Wn refund money If we tlo po nir. Yon can be treated at home for the same price and the same rnaran- pref er ta eomeliere f them or pay expense or tee; witn loose wno will contract to curq coming, and hotel Make n we fail to raurota. tlils, and:. Oharccvir care. IT you have takon ' pavt still hare aches ' and Tain, Macoua Patches Pimple. Copper-Color partof the body.Halror it is this Primary Blood Poison that we Solicit the most obstin the world for a fane we ease has alwa - baffle eminent oh "rtana ury, iodic leBoiashanc in mouth, Sore Throat ea Spot, I leer on any Eyebrows falling oi, Secondary or Tertiary guarantee to cure. We ate cases and challenge cannot cure. TUia dJ the kill of the moitt or many years we have; made a specuuiy of treating thia disease with pur. CYPHLLEXE and wtv hare capital behind our uneonmuonav guarantee, write da for 100-pag:e book and abnolole proofs. Address COOK KEMEDY CO.. 483 WIusodIc 'Temple. CUicu-iro. Illinois. To the Ladies of Wash ington : If you like nice Candies, sucks as Chocolate Dipped, Walnut Creams, Brittles, Bon Bons, Crystalized Fruit Butter Cups, Roysters and Bloom's Fine Mix tures, go to Harrell's Confec tionery Emporium. Goods fresh and prices way down.. Also on ; hand Heinz's Sweet Pickles, Ol ; ives, Sauce, Mustard, Catsup, Chow Chow, Horse Raddish, in fact the best selected stock of Fancy Groceries and Fruits ia the city. Call and see me at Bell's old stand. Goods delivered to any part oi city. Phone 104. HARRELL'S CONFECTIONERY. . S. VELLS Dentist, r ppoRie Callaher's drui . .re,. vVasliinjrton. N . C. Notice. In order to r.Hay uneasiness due 10 yf r ri-ks op freight shipfpdby the Old Dominion S. S. Co., this co:i':i.sny has de cided to assume war risk cn all freight -hipptu hv their steamers. This intimation ik authorized by tije company. JoHxMi'Ui,' he:.. Art's. a2(;tt New Spring Dress Goods and Millinery A. S. KELLY & CO Notice. James L. Fowle TS. WathtngloD Gas Light Co. Fpo:i application of Jhp. I,. Fowle Li tht aboTf entitled cause, bis Honor, f.eo. H. Krovm. Jr. made an order, uppoimn'tr the undersigned s Receiver of the defendant coii orntiru, and di recting that the property f si.i corporation be 8 Id; 8Dd that pubiie lion be mane 10- 1 creo itors and stockholders tr fie proof of j heir stoc-k-w th the undersigned Per iver on or before T-nels Now. tberefon-.pursimn? to said urilnr. all t'ersor s hnvinir cwwl of th H..C. i..tr,i- ! ( inpauy, or having claims atraiust the defend ant company, will pr vr aid claims and file them vifh the underf-iv'-ed Kr-eivtr. and tile proof of other stovk on or before Jut.e icy?, so that a division may be msdeof the proceed. JNO. K IIOY1, Ke- ivr. RICH RED ELOOD i the foun dation of good hcaitii. That ie why Hood's Sarsaparilla, t!e One Truo Blood Purifier, gives HEALTH.

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