Hie Smelting jMeeqi J - THE SURE THING. a NEW ADVKRTISEMZh 'i New flannels pnd small boys are apt to shrink from washing. A dry sponge and paper bottom shoes are apt to swell from wet ting. Oar shoes have leather bot toms and will not swell, no mat ter you wear them. We can fit all feet in any price Shoe, from $1.00 to 4.00. Call on us and see the new shapes in Lace and button. Every pair guaranteed. Local and Otherwise. One Price Store. R. A. KWICHT, 350-Men's Fall Suits-350 Worth from $6.50 to $10.00 Honest values every suit, at the above prices, but for the next 30 days we are going to offer them for 69 a suit. Better call early. 2 50 reCeived a beaatiful of Wool Skirts, fr:m 98c. to H. B. CLARK. Under Hotel Nicholson. High Values! Low Prices! Capes, Capes, Capes. DryGoods, Notions, Shoes,' PICTURES, EASLES PHOTO FRAMES. , The McCai I Bazaar Patterns, 10 and 15 cents. BicyoX Sxxiidrios, at"" " A. S. KELLY & GO'S. kin For tire speedy and permanent cure of better, salt rheum ?ml eczema, Cham berlaiu's Eye and fekin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch scald head, sore nipples, itching piles' chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. CadVs Condition Powders for horses ar the best tonic, Mm id purifier and vermifuge. Price, 2' as . Sold by For Sale at Tayloe's Pharmacy. MISSES MYERS 111 DP B-Hffl nn uii Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored MAGNETIC NERVINE :td flntt-e to Cure Insomnia, Fits, Dizziness, Hysteria, Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, Seminal Losses, Failing Memory the result of Over-work, Worry, Sickness, Errors of Youth or Over-indulgence. Price 50c. and $1 : 6 boxes $5. For quick, jxjsitive and lasting: results in Sexual Weakness, Imnptency, Nervous Debility and Lost Vitality, use BLUE LABEL SPECIAL double strength will give strength and tone to every part and effect a permanent cure. Cheapest and best, loo Pills $2; by mail. FREt A bottle of the famous Japanese Llvet Tellets will be given with a $ i box or more of Mag etic Nervine, tree. Sold only bv For sale at MeKeel's Pharrr acy. asy to Take asy to Operate Are font !- v.Mtliar to Hood's Pills. Small In size, t;ir i s. efficient, thorough. As one man J. & B. B. Invite the public to 1h nr display of beautiful New Millinery FOR FALL AND WINTER. which embraces Novelties in all lines kept in an up-to-date Mil linery store. Their PAT! LtfN HATS are exquisite creations which must be seen to be appreciated. Hod. B. B. Aycock spent the night here. I Mrs. Olivia Carmalt is visi ting relatives at Jriinesland. Uottonf strict midrllino- a a. middling 4, (Jorn, '68 to 40. Ew? 12 cents fae handsome residence of Mr. J. F. Buckman on Second street is about completed. Miss Annie O'Neal returned from Ohocowinity yesterday, where she is teaching, to spend Suuday with her mother. Mrs. Dr, P. A. Nicholson, who has been on an extended visit to Littleton, Airle and Halifax, returned home last evening. Mr. W. J. Ornmpler has re turned from (AiAt.tf he attended the National Con vention of the Christian Church Rev. M. Pittman will preach his last sermon as pastoi of the Christian church tomorrow evening. Ail cordially invited. There will be a meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy at the residence of Mrs. R. T. Hode8, on Market street, next Monday a'ternoon at 4 o'clock. A Convention of the White People of North Carolina has been called to meet in Gold 8- boro on the 28th. It is hcped that Beaufort and Hvde coun ties will send large delegations 4- v, : a. tu uiiu convention. Our people have a treat in store.iDr tnem tor next Tuesday Night. Hon. Claude Ki tchen, of Halifax county, thari whom there is no more elequent and effective camuaiffner in NTnrth Carolina will pek at the Court TT rr i . nouse mesaay night, Oct. 25th Ladies expected to be present. The Washington Light Infan try was out u dress parade yes terday afternoon, the occasion being their annual inspection by the lnepector General. We hear their average was ninety per cent, the best record of any company to pass inspection fo far. This is acreditable show ing for which we offer congratulations. Every Drop a Drop of Comfort c TAR AND CRESCENT SALOON! A Popular Resort for Gentlemei AND SOCIAL CLUB ROOM. All the Modern Rejuvenators Served. Phone 91. FINE LINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. BERGERON & JACKSON, Proprietors. Yesterday morning a jolly crowd of our townsmen wer tak en to Grimeslaad by Capt. Rowe on his fine little gas boat Myste ry, his amiable and fascinating daughter accompanying him. Tne trip and the barbecue was highly enjoyed by all, and Capt. Rowe came in' for much praise for his careful attention m th- comfort of the party. Today is the lat day ti e registration book wfll be open and the regitrais will sit until P m- Unless you register to day you can not vote. What are you doing reader to make certain the victory for the white mau's government '! Haw vou urged and tendered the oppor- i unity to all the ahnrer o You Smoke ? Headquarters for all kinds of Tobacco-Smowing or Chewing- Jewel of VJLrgrinio, A mixture of North Carolina Perique and Pine Cut Plug. 33 eafo CCut, Split 811k Long Cut beal of North Carolina Granulated, Durham Unit SI All cheaner srarl 1 o . ill - lViJfc. iFA Xioe Unc cS Pipes. Chewing Tobaccj a Specia. k , j , W. O. BUCKIYIAIV Orders taken for Rubber Stamps. Washington News Agency TT WdlS T Highest Prices Paid Therefor. Please get Bag-s irom us and send us your seed- This will insure you mo(st satisfactory results, unquestionably, Unsurpasspdffacilities Ba 1 -. ; 1 c ill iTiesfor sile at prices tna. d-f ctnpetition Wr also oiler the SAFEST INSUBAXC at L 0 JttBS? consistent rates on all classes of property. Please come to see us or write. 1 "-wtfkJP" I cm tl.lt- M UU'lTh J FASHIONABLE i IZ,& 't neighbor? Are you standing b by your race and sect ion? Washington, N. C, Aug. 4,98. WM. BRACAW & CO. H. B. MAYO, Proprietor, i S'W's.'l'e l-Hronage of nil its old customeas-and an- oihe a - v.uuLiuuauou ui uie unexcelled service hitheno xoucu. ulluh sinned by us brings top market pnee FALL AXD W1NTE11 MILLINERY I ill 9 MADAM H0RTENSE LITTLER, Main Street, next to Dr. W. A. Blount's Drug Store. P.iid : " You never know you Lave taken a pill till it is all over." 25c. C. I. Hood & Co., l':-';r?Ptors. Lowell, Mass. Ttu- only pills to take with Hood's SarsaiariUa. oliSs A GREAT ro'-oni or cures, une qualled in iiK-dical history, proves Jlood's Sarsnparil -i 1 ;it un known to any otber MEDICINE. Town Taxes. All persons liable for poll or property taxes to the town of Washington for the year lb9.S-U are hereby notified that the same aie due and if not prompt iy paid will oe collected as thf law directs. J. R. Koss, Town Tax Colleotor, bept. i:, 1698. A telegram has just bee re ceived in this city announcing the death of Mrs Florence Webb (nee Perkins) at her h Lrroy, Ala., yesterday. Mrs. Webb as the daughter of th late Mr. Julius Perkins, or Pac tolu and sister of the late Mrs. C W. Tayloe. After the deatn of her parents she bfCJi'nte 311 inmate of the home of her sister Mrs. Tayloe, and numbered her friends by the scie. A few years ago she married Mr. Harry Webb and moved to 'Jrn , A1m., were they lived happily until death claimed her for its own. With h er fflanv friends in this city the Gazette Messenger ex tends ite sympathy o thf be1 reaved husband and rel lives in their reat sonuw, with the Tope they may all meet again. ' iorijvi. M .u,LiiDcioi;. D. C for t..e;r .soo pr'"1. ara . rK , . y Seed Cotton and Cotton seed Wanted HIGHEST PBICES CUAUAN I'K :D. AuKst 5th, 1898. Wal,IK,0, N. we are SOLE-AGENTR For the MOST 5TJLI5H -LOWESTJPRICES -DEStTmiNG SUfiicer tocos (Jjiapauy 1 . ..1 V

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