H. SUSMAN -FURNITURE GOMRANY -ft Buggies for Sale. I naive a'!complete Imp of Bug gies which I will sell cheap Ex amine before you buy elsewhere. Parties wishing Loans apply at once. Easy payments. Brick for sale. Opf. Lity Hall. J I. L. SUSMAN, 117 Market Mrcet Two weeks agowe bought lO.OOO Rolls of Wal1 PaPer at just 40 per cent less than the same paper cau be bought lor to-day. This is because a biff trust now controls the wall paper factories ot the country and Twite forced prices up. We propose to fight thh trust with low prices just as lojir as our 10,000 Rolls of Wall Paper hold out. The wisdom of purchasing now must be apparent to all. H. SUSMAN FURNITURE COMPANY. The Leading Furniture House in Eastern Carolina. .iiiiouiiiuuoiii Tayloe lm u litem WHiK. Your attention is now invited to our New Stock of Drugs, latent Medicines and Toilet Articles. A grand array of attractions iD Perfumery, Toilet Soaps and Colgate's Sachet Powder, etc., etc. The best on the market, kept constantly on hand. SfcgrPere criptions carefully com pounded. Phone 30. 319 W. Main street. Notice of Sale. u-vir-Hof ft powor oi saie omu irel I in n wif.'to ti e undersized tru-tr.-. .1 ted 19th of ?, e .v.o ai.d recorded in the Reei-te- nfhco hUn 4r:edK I .h.n offer le housi- door ill the nn0n, at the court 1 ii - i - - - " ftU thai tract or pan eK i mnu - how Mde of creek, and riy do-h rs btMiig the s.me land.on which ori and described in a deed front William A. Blonnt t" . A. B. aeeu ii 1 ... T,u 1Kfifi and n corded in hr.aR,;fst;7,oi'eofBeaufoVt eonm. in book lSi.whicn nee.) s nerr. referred to fiv ,f Bt -a . . r.n i..,r.of the srid tract of land J . '"fm 7 certain tracts of 'and v , ww -rv.:: i.x- id Branch to Lews H Ad ms a d Tt! Atkinson, which deeds ar I1:.. A;V ,5 Y, ho .aid twister's office, iu book ryj 174 and iu book 63, pa?e 403 respective ly end are he. em referred to tor , - iption of 'he two e cepted tracts of lnd. The So '"' 1, -rein conveyed contain nine hundred acre, m-re or less, affer deduc .n,- meiyvo v ....... mircb.aSer at isotice is lteiewj ' awth of ..- u b (iesiex. may oay one-sixtn oi : ' 'TC ..,,,c i c.ah and execute note "W navabi; in five equal annua, ...,..i,.,..ic ith interest, payable wi'hVho p vle t pay allot nou-s at tSie ef re-uaturity. and upo-. cooditiou flhat tfrai a fH're to pay any one of iJ notes .vr ime-st. shHll cause the whole tj-ere-.f to fall An" all f " nnw to be secured by deed in trust opouaid laaa. Tais ioth day of &AKZLYm Tflwtee. Stall fed beef at W. A. Bridges fnrthfl nfiYt ten davs. Also coun try lard. Is a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of faking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle. Jud'ana, says: "For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many pstent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I era'duali, crew worse until I was un able to take my food or handle myself in any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re lieved me so that I was soon able to move my right arm; before long I could walk across the room, and when I had . finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well as ever. I now weigh 170." A Real Blood Remedy S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If yo have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine S..S. (guaianteed purely vegeta- table) is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else, forces out the poison matter permane ly. We will send to anyone our valuable books. Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, GOnPTlON To the Editor ; I have an absolute Cure for CONSUMPTION and all Bronchial, Throat and Lung Troubles, and all onditions of Wasting Away. By itstimely use thousands of apparent ly hopeles cases have ben permanently cut cd. So proof-positive am I of its power to cure. I will send FREE to anyone afflicted, THREE BOTTLES of mv Newly Discovered Remedies, upon receipt of Express and Postoffice address. Alwavs sincerely vours. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C.. ri Pearl St.. NTew York. When writin a the Do'-w ilaa c mp"'"""! t hi papr. daiby RToiniel Every mother feels an inde scribable dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER'S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing- con- ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. is a blessing to zvoma?i. ANDY CATHARTIC CHRrcbftSTlKffit) 10 25 50 ALL DRUGGISTS t IDPAT TTmPT V fniD!WTPI?n cure atiTca of constipation. Caaearets are the ldal Laxa 'flDOVliUlEiijl UUiillrtili tire. neTPr jrnp or srript.but ra tmn or snot, out rsaae easy Hamrairesaiu. ddib e and booklet free. Ai. Sin: I TXC 1 1 F! I I V (0.. Chiraso. Montreal. Can. . or New York. lH.fr rr- Iron-Clad 1 t to STABLES 1 T . :roof 'urf I ihl'l Co in iu tr--t to rn mirmtti n v 'taMe. ?aid to be fire t cotvlucta Feel, Livery an 1 Et; iahe btdbl . j . -i -llr, A 1 T mill nl a a c tn V r ,,r rurr.-inatre and askia? a continuance ot th same G. H. HILL. Notice of Sale ( Haluatile Steam Ii tor Sale Bv virtu ot the power container! f f ti h need n hhm' rAs.v.uv " Covington to C. V. Aycock. dated 3ecembei 17, 189$, and duly record ed, I shall offer tor sale at public Kuclion for casli at the court hous? toor in tlie town of Washington, in . C, on Monday, October 3, 1898. r&t noon, one Sleam Tug, named the A. P. Covin&;top." lbisuig was lvuiti in 18i3. and is a valuable bovt. The pun-baser will be required to tiay 10 per ct. of the purchase mon iiunmdiattly alter the sale is ap proved, ai.d uie remaii del uponde livcvyof the bill of sate. This Gth Sept., 18(.)8, C. 1. AYCOCK, Assignee t :uieiiO, N . C. Bottled Dp! I $1.00 PER BOTTIJ2 at all Dm? Stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. BOOKS Containing ravalnabl information of Dr interest to all women, will be sent intt to any addTess upon application, by The EBADFIELD KLGULAT0B CO., Atlanta, G. Te'.ter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly all ayea by applying Chamberlain's Eys and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases havfi been nermanentlv enred by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and ' a favorite remedy for sore nippies, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bite and chronic sore eyes. 23 cts. per box. Dr. ( ady's Condition Po'vders, art just what a horse needs when in bac condition. Tonic, blood purifier anC ! vermifuge. They are not food bat j medicine and the best in use io put a ( horse in prime condition. Frice & cents pr pVeQ D. H. FLEMING & GO Have constantly on hand a choiceand select line of Heavy and Fancy irocenes- FRUITS AND CONECTIONS. Whether in the form of pill powder or liquid, the doctor's prescription for blood diseases is always the same tff'irccry or pc:ash. These drugs bottle ap the poison and dry it up in the system, but they also dry up the marrov in the bones at the same time. The suppleness and elasticity of the joints give way to a stiffness, the rack ing pains of rheumatisnj. The form ! gradually bends, the bones ache, while decrepitude and helplessness prema- turely take possession of the body, and I it is but a short step to a pair of crutches. 'T" comes falling of the hair anu ...of the bones, a con dition truly horrible. Contagious Brood o w 2 fc3 TI 73 o Si CO 1 r O Zl t . CO 9 9 05 ftPOTASH'f 5 3 ' o -I I I a. Z . J CO. r-! T P y 5 5 ft 3 -t n . n o -t GO i i c r I s 91 i' Which they are selling at rock bottom prices. Thareai agents fcr Beaufort ardUyde counties tor the celebrated and renowned standard dewing Machines." NO Bc-TTER MADE. Sold either for cash on on installments. beforepurchasing. Please see them 324 W. Main Street SXOTICBS Havinsr qualified as oxecutrix of Edwiu R. Peterson, deceased, all persons having claims against said -estut-e are notmea to preseut them to the undersigned at Wasa ington, N. C, on or before Sep tember 15th, 1899, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will make prompt settle ment of same. Hattie A. Peterson, Ex'rx E. R. Peterson. $yet. 15, '95. j SB roison tne curse vii ixxa ia a. iii 13 cue i h.ofAr(hfiKmei)ri( most horrible of al! t-; ita the io j; j . , wili contract to cui-e wavs baffled the and hoti roro.in. Pernraoeut Cures ii. io to ria. - H -ri,.,i m.mpv if wedonot rnre. loucanbe ire.-t.'. ana me saiii'- jirccrun prefer to cora- s. jih . tliem or pay er;wnse r7M doctors. Their pot- n f ! bottle up the poison, but it always bieaks von have tu-i i-iiil hare achos aud in mouth, Sore Throat, eJ Spuf. L'lci-rRonany forth again attack- SetonJary or T"rtiavy ' guarantee to cu . J e ute eae and cnnilenyf . ;.Tt cure, itus ine moniu anu rormanvycarswena throat, filling them with eating sores. ing some delicate organ, frequently euro pains, MDCOU9 1 -aifi Pimples.CopjMrr-Cs.lor- j rwirtof the body.llilror it is this Primary, Blood PoIob tkat we t ?oiicit the- most obstlu- the world for cae w dT I 1 "ease lias alw-7?b M , 1 J . . i . . ', the sMli tlie most ? pv" f emiaeni ana ir or many years weiia.e i!aiSui' a ;pt -la'ty ot iwnliac this disca;e'vitn our tiruux. uu -c -M.VO oo,000 c- -vital behind c:r uiu-onditi na. iii-an'tee. Write us lor.lOO.pnce ito r .d a-jlttt IKoof Add-fSR COOK KEMEUV C.. 3JiiHir :-XeM ale. Chicago. iUtnoia. S.S.S., is the only known er.re for this disease. It is guar anteed purelv vege table, and one thousand dollars reward is offered for proof to the contrary. It never fails to cure Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema. Rheumatism, Cancer, or any other disease of the blood. If you have a blood disease, take a remedy which will not injure you. Beware of mercury; don't do violence to voar system. Don't get bottled tip! Our books sent free t aiiy addresst Sift SpecinQ Co., Atlanta, Ga, N0riC TO FIREMEN. ! All members of the Salaman-, der tire company will hereafter j apply to Dr. Joshua Tayloe for ( medical aid, when needed, hej having been recently elected our j physician aud surgeon i Charlie Bt.ackwell. 1 Captain Saiameuaer FireCu. For isate by W. C. Mallison & !on 5- i