Lr J Si . ' J. A . ARTHUBt, Jr., Editor. FUBLI8HCD ETBRT DAT EXCEPT SUNDAY. NEGROES SOLIDLY UNITED. "An organization of colored ladies" write a card in in the Wilmington Daily Record (the rabid negro sheet that so vilely slandered the pure white wom en of the State) in which they r.esolve "that every negro who refuses te register his name tha he may vote, we will make it our business to deal with him in a way that will not be pleasant. He shall be branded as a white livered coward who would sell his liberty and the liberty of our whole race to the demons who are even now seeking to take away the most sacred rights vouchsafed to our people," The Card goes on to set forth numer ous other resolutions in line with that printed above. TheKinston Searchlight (colored) sometime ago printed an appeal to the col ored women even to leave their husbands if they didn't vote the fusion ticket straight through. This is expected. The negroes (who compose nearly all the Re publican party) are as solid as a rock, and will vote the fusion ticket straight through because they know that it was through f u sion that they came to held offi ces over whites and play a large part in the politics of the State They expect to get many more offices and extend the boundaries of their dominion if the fusion ticket carries this election. They believe it, they know it. All the efforts of the fusionist to cast off the incubus of the ne gro will not avail. They are trying to charge the Democrats with furthering the interest of the negro, but this will do no harm as every man with a grain of sense knows it is a fantistic lie. Ask any negro which party is his friend, and ask him what ticket he is going to vote. That will settle the question. But to defeat the' negro' the white people of the State must unite, The negro vote is solid; if the white vote be divided, then the negro will win. How any white man can for any mere mat er of party name vote for the negro party (the Republicans) or for the fusion .' element of the Populists who are jn eague with them is more than we can under stand. The wThites who does it is making himself the tool of the aegro. WHAT NEOBO RULE IS, Governor Russell, of North Carolina, quotes tigures to show that there is no danger of negro domination in this State. He ays that the whites are in the majority almo everywhere and that in the State at large, there are seventy white voters to thir ty negro voters. That is an artful dodge. No body is afraid of the negro vote per se, and what is meant by ne gro rule is the rule of the party that is composed of negroes and anean white men. A white man who holds his office by virtue of the negro vote is usually more objectionable in office than a ne gro and North Carolina has been cursed time and again with such officials. The negro vote is not danger ous if left alone. It is only when led by white men that the ne groes as an organization become obstreperous and offensive As things have been in North Car- ' olina for the past several years, the negro has held the balance of power and he has dictated terms to f usionists. Alone the negroes could acccomplish nothing, but in league with the Populists and white Republicar s they were able to carry the Sta e and it is a notorious fact thi.t they are always most trouble some and insolent when the par ty with which they are identified is in power. Fusion rule in North Carolina is negro rule and Governor Rus sell cannot smother the fact with figures. MAKE NO NOMINATIONS. Repobli$ao in New Hnnnover Will Name no Local Ticket. Wilmington, N. C, Oct, 29. VTfce Republican caucus of delegates to the county conven tion held today, decided to tnake no nominations for coun ty offices for the lower House of the Legis ature, and to run only tickets foV judges, Congressman and State Senator. There is however, a condition attached which is under consideration by the Democrats but nothing definite yet has been done. The action of the caucus was sug gested by Governor Russell whose home is here. The past week has been a history-making period in North Carolina. The tide which has set toward the Democratic par ty for two j months past, rose higher than it had yet done, and if there is no recession this week the victory of November 8th will be overwhelming, As the case stands we've got 'em and they knotv it. They are dispirited and on the run. The white people mast force the fighting yet more aggressively this week, and this done, the end for which good citizens of the State are so earnestly seek ing vill be gloriously accom plished. A CRITICAL TIME. DURING THE BATTLE OF OF SANTIAGO. Sick or Well, "Twas a Rush Day and Night. The Packers at the Battle of Santiago dc Cuba Were all Heroes. Theis Heroic Ef forts io Getting Ammunition and Rations to the Front Saved the Day. P. E. Buttler, of pack-train No. 3, writing from Santiago de Cuba, on July 23rd, says: " We all had diarrhoea in more or less violent farm, and when we land ed we hii1 no time to see a doc tor, for i . was a case of rush and rush night and day to keep the the troops supplied with ammu nition and rations, but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remerlv, we wore Able to keep at work and keep our health; in fact, I sincerely believe that atone critical time this medicine was the indirect saviour of our army,' for if the packers had been unable to work there would have been no way of getting1 supplies to the front. There were no roads that a wag on train could use. My comrade and myself had the good fortune to lay in a supply of this medi cine for our pack-train before we left Trnnpa, and! know in four cases it absolutely saved life." The above letter was written to the manufacturers of this medi cine, the Chamberlain Medicine Co , Des Moines, Iowa. For sale at Tayloe's Pharmacy. ETcrvboily Sayg So. Canrets Candv CuU;ut r, tl" r.ios! t-ou leilui medical u ;sil( try of ti -j j-r-":;t and refivsinn:: to the tn.s;e, act lti r.tiy pos'tively on kiiue s. li ve and U weis, dean sit) iT the entire svsrm. nicuel cure headache, fewr, habitual -onstiiatior i ind b- lonsnes. Please buv ;;ri'i trv n. bci s'ua--kUc : lc. urA Wi'dru '.x&l ? ( (.'. J. t.-: ir; (). :. r.Oemrg. Sola and Another HIJVTI PT. A iTcn Bin f Made of Buperine material in plaited foldc! Inter lined with souded tampico form, whici MO be removed ibendeered. or niack, No. Ca, K Like t ho J other hints which are eninati from the Big Rack i 'nt StOMj, a J (C-xniatiution is nec- I essary, as tjlio &ut itfa&f ' merries full informailon. Th era's Bicj Possi bilities for Bargain Seekers here now. You can have no idea of the immenseness and cheapness of our stock until you make an inspection. Call and see them. RACkET STORE, SPENCER BROS. CO,, I Proprietors, ll Miwtcet street, Is the right place to purchase CHEAP BRM G- l!S CLOTHING, Notions and Shoes. Call and see him, he will make you welcome, and show you some of the biggest bargains of the season just opened up. rionuments. Gravestones. Our Illustrated Catalogue No. 10, which we mail free, 3ontains a variety of de signs of Marble ann" ?rau ite memorials, and will aid vou m making a-proper se lection. Wri'-e for it: we will sal -i-iy you as to orices. "We carry the largest stock of finished Grave - m one, Monu meuts and Statuary in the bouth and our facilities for the proper execution of memorial work. of any size are unsurpassed. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, Established SO Years. NORFOLK, V A. SEAMSTRESS, ! I am now prepared to do first I class sowing at shortest notice I Terms reasonable. Thanks for ! past patronage. Mrs. J. H Wright. Cor. Third andStfarket Sts. Celery, Maliaga Grapes and Lady Finger Apples for sale by W. S. Frizzle & Son. BOARDERS WANTED. Table Board 3.00 per week, with Board and Room $3.50 pnr week, 108 1-2 Main St. Brick- Building. Near Fulford's Hard Ware Store Mks. VV. H. Edwards. Oct. 4, 1S9S. W W. n K ItT BG DO YOU JELLY If you put up your own JELLY, PRESERVES or PICKLES, they should be hermetically sealed wjth PARA FINE WAX. After the become cool, you simply melt the wax and pour (directly on them) a cap about a quarter of inch thick; it thus excludes the air, and as it hardens SAL& the $ta$s or jar It prevents Mould, and prevents top of jelly becomming Tough and Leathery. Is pvt up in ont pound dikes, One pound will cover forty glasses of jelly. Absolutely Tasteless. FOR SALE AT RJlcKeel's Pharmacy A Handsome Line ot ress Opened for Your Inspection and Choice. Horse Millinery. .J r i I have opened a First Class Har ness Shop on Market street, -one door from City Hall SSee HARNESS Kept in stock. Repairing a Specialty .2 Fall stock of Leather, Curry combes, Brushes, Saddle-pads and other fixtures kept on hand. Prompt Work, Moderate Prices Respectfully, C M. DANIELS. WdClub House ABLAZE! WITH CHOICE Wines, Liquors, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Being burned out on Water St. we are now located in Union Al lev, where our old patrons and friends are welcome. A share of your patronage is solicited. Respectfully, 1 W. B. FARROW & CO. Wilmington STEA W. J. GRUMPIER. Local Agent. Work Done in First Class S4yle Laundry will be called for each lionday and returned each Sat urday. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ref erence those who patronize us. Prompt return of all goods sent. Losses paid for. Give us a trial. i. lad i23 When I say I cure I do not mean merely to top them fur a ant then have them re turn asra::i. I mean a ra.'.ijal cure. ' '. maJe the disease oi' F-T5", hPILEPSY c A L LING SICKNlSS a liie-lonc: study. I w.. nt ivy :-e:ruv!y io cure t'-.e worst ca?os. r. -.-.; others have fa:'. J is no rt.v-on f-r n A no receivi:v.r a cure. Send at nee f r a treatise and a Fr:e Cattle f nr.- i.:ri!!icle remeJ' Give Exp ess a:;d Po.t.C::Iee. Prof TV.!?.P!TTr r - Cc !ar St.. K.T KclorateYoar I'nwi'ls Win. fusi-arecn. Canuy Cathartic, curt- con- ip-u ton lorever XOc.lSc. It C C C. rail, drugis- refund mcuej LAUNDRY. 9 n IS JUSTASCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. f-tfiUE SOctc- I GlXATIA, ILL6., Nov. If - ICvJ. Pari Medicine Co., St. Lonin, M . Gent.emen: We sold last your, 00 bott;. a ;.f 3BtVE'8 TASTELESS CHILL TONIC a:u' h ;ve bousht three Kross already this year. In .ill our v perienc of 14 years, in the dm? business, imve neror sold an article that gave s j; iiLiivuriui ai.ij mcUou m your Tonic Yo'irstmly, K RN'FY. "ab: a- O0 In Re. Incorporation of E. Peterson Co. , Notice is hereby given, pursn ant to law, that the ' E.' PetersoR Company has been duly incor porated under the laws of North Carolina, under the .following articles of mcoip i alioo, to-wit: That the business proposed to be carried on by the aid corpora tion is a mercantile business of buying- and selling goods, wares and merchandise for profit: that the principal place of business is at Washington, North-Carolina, with power to establish branches That the capital stock is $20,000, divided into L'OO shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each There is no per sonal liability as to the stock holders. C. W. Guilford. Oct. 6, '98. Cl'k Sup'r (JV Our brick will be on sale bv the 10th of October. Any par ties wanting brick will do well to see us before buying. WiM sell cheaper than ever sold in the city be'foie. Delivered to any .part of city. Busman &' Williams. 117 Market St. .iil I iolMi .. '((it auii l ,Af lOiif l.irt A.x). T quit t"iy'j.:-'o e 1 1; I ; ' f.jrfv.-r t.i n if? .!'( I i " . iUll (.t ..' c ViL'or, t .la; No Te Un . tbo wuiiUt i v.. r, :;iakf - weu:- men string. A' - -u'isis, '''c o: t;. Curegaarai 3 YorJr

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