V Tle Evening Mngei4 J. A. AKTHCBr iti. FUBU8UED KtlCRT At- XET S17NDAT. - ':''' SUN0AV MUSINGS. When we consider the matter seriously we are startled at the shortness of human life. Sub tract ffce years that are spent nobil4t)oo4 f4 earlf youth be fore either the physical or meil tal system is prepared for its great struggle that the coming years will surely bring, and sub tract still further that mysteri ous third of your time which is spent in sweet sleep and pleasent dreams, and there are but a coup le of score of summers and win ters between the cradle and. the cemetery. When we contemplate the above truth which is the expe perience of all who are not con vinced of this short life is all we arc to have, that the Creator has made a grave mistake in bestowing it. Every man's life is made up of alternate smiles and tears. Our happiness re sembles the scattered moments of sunshine on a cloudy day. And what do these tears and smiles amount to if they are all there is for us in the treasury of God, and all He intends to give us? The ordinary life, the average life, has more weeds i n it than flowers. From the time our eyes open to an intelligent view, up to the hour when our friends gather to whisper, MHe is dead'' we wrestle with circumstance, breaking forth into laughter at one moment, and the next shiv vering in the presence of a mis fortune, disturbed by inharmo nious surroundings, and trying bravely to make the best of them at the end wondering what it all tneans, or if it means anything. If there is no more, if the story is to be finished before it is half told, and just as we have become interested into it, if our sweet est relations to each other are honey today and gall tomorrow then we dare say that our sev enty years are not profitable are not even worth having. But let some angel hand guide you to a different vantage ground of ob servation. Let him draw aside the curtain of time and give you a glimpse of eternity. Let him touch your blind eyes, as the Savior touched the eyes of the poor man and bid you look at the things which no man has yet conceived. There reaches out the road you are to travel, and it leads through the cemetery and is lost in the distance, You cannot see the end for there is none. A new life in new sur roundings is to be yours, and in that ether life, you shall be your nobler,-grander self, if you lay the foundation for it in the char acter that is to be fashioned by those smiles and tears, which no longer seem insignificant. Far away in the distance you see the portals of that home, or that house of which the Book tells us, the resting place of the weary, beyond whose threshold there is joy for evermore. It is a house in which the cruel grasp of earth is loosed, by whose doors no hearse ever rumbles, and under whose roof you will h-ive the opportunities which have been heretofore denied you. Look again! There are the lost but still loved the dear ones whose voices were long- since limbed, and they long for reun ion with you. In heaven you and they will once more embrace .We ask, with such a prospect 8pe0lh6t this sh6rtliiejmy aft6r &1? W&afttore ' the tears arid Scn-'rowife of - earth -iut sfcepphfg stones up which we climb? Let storms eome they are as as nothings We inay ven foT low our lost loved ones to jthe grave yet it is nothing. Be cause we have at last realized that this lower life though short is like the turbulent river it flows into eternity and there is heaven. TMg $4S? STANDS f nys. The Populists and Republi cans who voted the White Man's Ticket to restore white suprem acy, aife everywhere congratu lating themselves that they con tributed to the glorious result. Every Democrat in the State and especially our noble women are grateful to have had such hon orable and patriotic allies. They are our brothers in flesh and blood, they have a common interest- and a common destiny with all the other white men of the State. On the other hand the men who voted to make it possible for Russellism to be continued in North Carolina, and the turning over of our eastern towns, to negro rule, have plac ed a blot or blemish on their names that time will not efface. Dudley Acquitted, The case of the State vs Ade Dudley for the murder of Henry Wilkins came to an end at one o'clock this afternoon by the ju ry returning a verdict of not guilty. From the evidence presented to the jury we cannot see how they conld have done otherw ise. We believe the verdict meets the approval of the public. Al though the parties who were en gaged in the affray were sur rounded by a number of witness es, not one could testify that Dudley fired the fatal shot, or that he had a pistol in his pos eession at the time, and the tes timony of Byrd, that he saw a man whether white or black he could not tell, running up the the street just after the shooting with something like a pistol in his hand, throws a doubt as to who did the killing, and is a cir cumstance strongly in favor of Dudley's innocence. But the fact remains a human life has been taken in a place surrounded by the police and the murderer has escaped, a fact that does not reflect very credi tably upon our police force. With an ethcient police force the murderer ought to have been lo cated. VIOLATERS BEWARE. The Attention of the Mayor beino; called to the fact that cer tain persons for reasons un known, have bees ni0htly xci ing in a disorderly manner, turning off the as lights and firing off the pistols on the streets of the town in violation of law. Notice is hereby served on all such parties, that these offenses must cease at once. That special niijht police have I been put on the streets and all ' 1 . . 1 . .1 perjons caugnt so vioiauog me law will be arrested and pun ighed to the full extent of the law. W. M. Chauncey. Mayor Notice to Stockholders. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Washington will be held at their banking house Tuesday, January 10th, 1899, for the purpose of electing directors for tho enduing1 year. A. M. DUMAY, Cashier. TALK IT OVER. A 1 1 merchants i i have become so ac customed to exagger ating values in their advertise :n 2 n t s that we'er inclined to sim- jply ask you to come here and see for your self what we offer It's more satisfactory to ex amine the Little Giant School Shoe, also Ladies Pine Dress Shoes. We can show you some thing of the grade of our Shoes. RACKET STORE, SPENCER BROS. CO,, Proprietors LOOK HERE! 2,000,000 Choice Cabbage plants for sale. Immediate de livering at $1 00 per 1000 in 10,000 lots, or $1.00 per 1000 in 1000 lots, or 25c t per 100, at Cottage rrove tr Hon,y Pod Truck Faiuis. Varieties: Extrn Early Ex press, Extra Sari v Jersev Wake fipld, Early Char'tr.r Wakefield, Extra Eniiy Ecun pes, Extra Early All Heads, Early Sure Heads. Call ct farni3 or address W. P. Baugh;n Washington, iS. C. 'V:rv JBI001 fOlbON ptrnianentlj .-. i ' ii w'.du) lays. ionc.";r urdat i'';. -'.- ) ice ''"i '. .r- -.. . -. an lv. it you u .1 'l e toe .iCativi i. , cor i':jiC:- "T-ljW.-.i--' !';"'. Tv' ;nc enry, lou.de potash, jtl si.u n.i s u anc in : i'c:!" iT-r-'o - r-- -it'v '- r: 1'.: i : 1- UfM s'fnis.. Jicrs or out, it 33 t'lis bea-.u cate cases anu ctt.Llei!trc case we cam "t jut-. . i. ,.. :. .. , w, baffled tho skill of tbe r'- r-riuen Ciang. 8500,000 cuuul ueiiiiia our uucoadi tionnl pnaraiity. Absolute nrfofs sent scaled 01 EPpUection. Address COOK ItEJIEDY CO. 907 JUaatmio Teuiple, C ill C AGO, ILL Wanted: -A tirst class Dress maker, single lady preiered. Ap. ply to M. B. Thomason at J. P. Buckman's SStore. CHARCOAL. Excellent for fire place and cooking stoves. For sale at Gas Works. C. W. BILFINGER. Edarate Your Dowels Wtrli O.scaret. Candy CatnankVcure co-.stinavi.vi foi'iver Kic .-Sc. If C. C C liil, drugu- rtf LtaJ monej UP PlliP II IV? Miiybe you mm West Main December Ladies black Capes, 85c. to t!5.00. mens irauis Childrens Shoes Womaus Shoes Special line of Hand kerchiefs, Horse Millinery. I have opened a First Class Har ness Shop on Market street, one door from City Hall Hand-made and Machine HARNESS Kept in stock. - - - . Repairing a Specialty." Full stock of Leather, Curry -combes, Brushes, Saddle-pads and other fixtures kept on hand. Prompt Work, Moderate Prices Respectfully, BUS C I. DANIEL! Old Club House ABLAZE ! ITH CHOICE Wines, Liquors, CIGARS AND TOBArOO. Being' burned out on Water St. we are now located in Union Al ley, where oiir old patrons aud friends are welcome. A shar! of your patronage is solicited. Respectfully, W. B. FARROW & CO. Notice vr. ISS, q ivlifi'.' -' i i-.5t:?i' iijin'' i e tt-!f (it Bo-rt k'i tittharpe. dtce.cd, betore i,:e i-k o t Stippi i r ( iuu of lieanfort co'inty not i hPrphy piven for all paeons irdebiO lo t.1-4 8id f state to iunk tiouu-t pam' i, f-itl all pcui to wboni t lie f-Hii t"te l - iriflebted nr, herebjT notified to jnefnt their laiius tor payment, prupeily cernfied, witluu twelve mn'it from this ate. or thi I'Otice will b pleaih d in t r of their icoverv. This Kov lo'h, 1898 J. ti. rKITTLETEAKPK, Adiiiiuioii&tor. Cha. F. Wabbek, Att'j Tievf Recrft RrmcJy Abotafelj InVauKD to th rofcsssion. It rirtneut C'oroi is 15 to ii& days. Wc . o me f o r the san price runa money it we ao not rare, iobcub treats a' and the same gvurun ee ; witii tacrse who viJI contract to cur prefer to come b.jt w them or paj e'-'vueo rn omin?, .id hotel dake bo 'e fa!l to ri iroac Char&r, i cure. I m mum ou have t -n urr till hare chs and. .1 mouth, Pore Throat, ! fpots. l iters onanr . t trow fulling; out, -ecund.irr or Terti.f 'uaruntee to cure. "W 'e ,tc cant and challenge iinnjt enre. TniS di ne skill of tle moKt or many yetirs we hu i c cary, ioUidepoich an'.' -UJS. Mocoua 't-- '- PlinplcaXoppv -', I i partof theboi.' . !! S it ii! this Primary, 3Iood PoNon that v.' solicit tlx- r.i'jst obstln tiro world for o cone we etum na-j always baffled emheut phytr4ana. :r:u.r- a ri . ".aiiy . t riatict this disease oe (C0O.O0t lopitjvl our t 1 1 II 1 Lit. ir. ana e behind our u;K-'jnditioral :uarantee ritp us for 1f0-paee toei: anil a''olote 4 S3 3i Hsonl'- leiLitle, Vhicajfo. llliaola. can find it at PIlAGi eature8f ow. ipi.w 35c. " $1.50 85c. " $2 50 TAST 11 r 1 TS e3 l3 . IS JUSTASCCQD FOR ADULT WARRANTED. PRICE GO ctrj. GJXATTA, TT.r c., NOV. 1C, 1 ... Parts Medlelne Co., 8t. Ixjuis, Mo. Oentjemen: Wo sold Inst year, r-w bott'- . i f" :7ROVE'3 TASTELES8 CHILL TOMC antf ,:.--)vutrht Lkre cross alre.idv rhiA perienre of 14 years, in the dru business ";: ijevcr hold an article that pavo such uuivccsaJ .... UCtiou M your Tonic. Yo'irs truly. T. j i.. orm your reaners tnut 1 have aa absolu.c remeJv ior Consumption and all Thro.it, Cliest and Luntj Diseases; also for Loss of Fleih and all Omdiiions of Wastine By its timely u: e tho-.rK'" c f horelei cases have already be.':. k.manlmly Clreu So proof-positive am I of its power, that to increase lis ufahess and mnke known ity gret merits. I propose to StND FREE. TWO BOTTLES, to r-idci s of yi.ur j arer who wilt write me givin; th.ir E?. -. . , a: id i loifiCt. address. s - riv T ?'.r um'.'m.c, 1 i3 Iul.. St New York. We take the Tberty of n 'i.iiin? tho Doctor comniiinication in t;iM the b-nefit of our readers. Xothinjf cov.M b- more philanthropic WhenwntiTi- pl-as-: st:o- vo . read his letter in tn.a paper and ?r-u.-;v ihii.-c . i,'i.tt-t. - J . IS k V." - THE CKLY True Iilood Pirrlfier proiaincntiv in the public eye u day is Hood's Sarfaparilla. Thereforr get Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S MOOD'S Sarsaparilla is the On " True BJood Purifier, Great Nerve Tonic, Stomach Regulator. To thou-' tiaiidt its great merit is KNOWN. Our hrirk will be on pale the 10th of Ociobf r. Any par ties wanting brick will do well taseeus before buyit.. Wi') sell cheaper than ever sold i& the city before. Delivered te any part of city. Susmin & Williams. 117 Market St. RKERVOISS Troubles are erne tj f iiiipoVL'i-isk.'d l.-lood. i f2z nn ran nm rr i a i v mm- m m w m- e TO'WiiT! u i i w vi u ukuy t!ii One True Bk4 NERVE TC!'.?C. Puriiioi and