Jjc Evening Jlc&er&t J. A. AUTUVUi Jr.f Mitor. fUBUB HED EYERT DAT CXCEFT v SUNDAY. ANOTHER OUTBURST. We hare had so much to say or late Of the cdmoients made by the Northern press upon The Oause of the Trouble in North Carolina, we had concluded we would say no more, but having seen an article in the North Car olina Presbyterian and the re ply to it in the Independent, if we d not say something more we will burst. , The article in the Presbyteri an begins discussing the bestow -ing of the right of suffrage upon the negro, and in the space oc cupied in the discussion makes a comprehensive statement of the changes made in politics in this State down to the present time. The article is judicial in tone and isanaly sis of the causes of the riot and revolution in Wilmington, as well as the recital of the facts as to these occurances is calm and accurate. It deals largely with the negro's character, sets forth the character of the white influence which has governed the negro in North Carolina iu general, and in 'Wilmington in particular, and is altogether such a paper as should address itself to the head and heart of any man who is capable of weigh ing evidence and whose mind is open to receive the truth. The manner of its reception by this bigoted paper, The Independent is not however surprising. Its reply to the Presbyterian reeks with sectionalism, partisanship and meanness. We just want our readers to read its defence of the negro editor Manly and his outrageous editorial, "It was an imprudent but not slanderous article. It has been republished in Northern papers and simply said what is certain ly true, that there are white women in North Carolina who who allow their intimacies to cross the race line. Every one who knows North Carolina knows this to be true, and it is not so very strange. On the pretext that by saying that this was a fact he had insulted the womannood of the State the edi tor of the paper was driven out f the State and his paper des troyed by a body ruffians com posed, we are told, of the most reputable men in Wilmington. This beggars comment. We shall not trust ourselves to dis cuss this atrocious libel, but pass t another citation from this same infamous sheet: "The war in Wilmington has been a political war betw'een two parties. A doctrine of one par ty has been that the negroes have the same right to vote and rule that the white man has, while tne opposing party has held that negroes have no polit ical rights. For holding their political opinions, negroes have been fired upon andshot by the dozen and white men's business has been destroyed and they have been chased out of the State This is barbarism." It is not worth while to char acterize this statement as it'de serves, without the employment of language unbecoming to this paper. It is enough to regret that the war in Wilmington was not a political war, but a revo lution having for its object the substitution of peace for chaos uk! disorder. That negroes were shot or white men chased away because they held certain political opinions is equally wide of the truth these things were done because these people had destroyed the peace of the city and thPiF prince imperiled life and property. We shall not sac rifice space to say more. The tenor of the Independents arti cle can be gathered from the quotations above. The fact is the entire article confirms a long time conviction of ours, and that is the least charitable and most vicious elements of the North are not the many scurry politi cians of that section, but the oc cupants of its pulpits and tlie editors of its so called religious papers. A GOOD APPOINTMENT. One of the most appropriate acts of the new Board of County Commissioners, and one that will meet the approval of the public was the appointment of Mr. Hiland Hill keeper of the Washington Bridge. No truer or nobler man ever lived, and no one has fulfilled the require ments of tue humble -citizen bet ter. An did confederate soldier who has taken an active part in every Confederate reunion since the war, he bears upon his per son the scars received in the great conflict. Then again Mr. Hill is the brother of Capt, Geo. H. Hill who did such valiant service for the cause of good government in the late campaign and has asked nothing for him self. It is true the keeper of the Washington bridge holds -n humble position, yet, it is y re sponsible one, and one that will relieve the wants of Mr. Hill, the old J,ex Confed" and make his declining years happier. The Gazette-Messenger congrat ulates the Board on the selection and wishes Mr. Hill still many more years of happiness. FOR SALE; One light heart juniper row Boat, for less than the building of the same cost for cash. Apply to Geo E. McCluer. Two Pointed Questions Answered. What is the use of making a better article than your com petitor if you can not get a bet ter price for it? Ans. As there is no differ ence in the .rice the public will buy only the better, so that while our profiits may be small er on a single sale they will be much greater in the aggregate. How can you get the public to know your make is the best? If both articles are brought prominently before the public both are certain to be tried and the public will very quickly pass judgment on them and use only the better one. This explains the large sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The people have been using ft for years and have found that it can always be depended upon They may occasionally take up with some fashionable noelty j.ut forth with exaggerateu claims, but are certain to re turn to the one remedy that I they know to be reliable, and tor coughs, colds and croup there is nothing equal to Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. For Sale at Tayloe's Pharmacy. Notice to Stockholders. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Washington will be held at their banking house Tuesday, January 10th, 1899, for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year. A. M. DUMAY, Cashier. They're Here In all their complete ness, Shape, wear, ing Qualities, Comr fort and low prices. A beautiful line in ladies and misses' Shoes, of the very best makes, just received at RACkET STORE, SPENCER BROS. CO,, Proprietors. LOOK HERE! 2,000,000 Choice Cabbage plants for sale. Immediate de livering at 1.00 per 1000 in 10,000 lots, or : 1 00 pr 0'0 in 1000. lots, or 2t. psr 100, at Cottage ( ii-ove v,r fluuy Pod Truck Farms. Varieties: Extra Eirly Ex press, Extra Early Jersey Wake field, Early Charleston Wakefield, Extra Enrly Etam- pes, Extra arly All Head. ! Early Sure Head. Call l,l farms or address W. P. B iughnm ! Washington, N. C. VIOLATERS BEWARE. The Attention cf the Mayor being calh-'d to the fact th U oer tain person's for reasons un known, have bee . nightly act in in n disorder! v manner, turn in ir oft' the r;is lights and Hrinc off thn pistols o.i the streets of the town in vioiati ?? of law. Notice i hereby served on all such parties, J.li at these offenses must cease at once. That special night police have been put on the streets and all penons caught so violating the law will bt? arrested and pun ished to the full extent of the la v. W. M. Chauncey. Mayor LAS8 CHARCOAL. Excellent for fire place and cooking stoves. For salje at Gas Works. C. W. BILFIXGER. llll, Maybe you HELL'S West JVToixx Streets December Ladies black Capes 85c. to 5.00. Mens Pants 50c. " $4.50 Children Shoes 35c. " Womaus Shoes 85c. " Special line of Hand kerchief s. Horse Millinery. I have opened a First Class Har ness Shop on Market street, one door from City Hall Hand-made and Machine HARNESS Kept in stock. Repairing a .Specialty Full stock of Leather, Curry- combes, Brushes, Saddle-pads and other fixtures kept on hand. rrompt Work, Moderate Prices Respectfully, C M. DAN"! E1j.. Old Club House ABLAZE! WITH C!i01CE; Wines, Liquors, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Being burned out on Water St. we are now located in Union Al ley, where our old patrons atiu friends are welcome. A share 1 your patronage is solicited. Respectfully, W. B. FARROW & CO. Notice r ntfv:r,rn tbpVJ'li "f Nov 03 h . 189s, tiu-d fi r .'mi ist s Nu ll ''T' t) ps'i (it .J'.st Is l?'vf-rt, Wit Lifcthnr pe, iit-cescl , helore H e ;krk of tJjp SuptM i'"r ( nun of Beanfoit county nctf1 is iif-ev g'venfor II prsne hdebled lo tit s--id (State to make P'oinit pam-pt, i-i-d all person tr. wbom the saw! ttte l indebted ar hereby notified to p-esent t heir laiuis for payment, pr.tpeily certified, within twelve irwt'ii lit fiom this tiau, or tbi notice will be plead d in br of their recovery. This Nov. 15! h, 1898. J. B. MilTTLETHAJtPE, Aominiaii ator. ha.. F. Wabren, Att'y JNew Secret Remedy Absolutely Lnknovm to l)i -rofeiou. Periranei.t Cares in 15 to Jo days. W efund money if we do not on re. You can to treated a jnie for the same price 'e! with tbde who vill contract to cure and the same cuurun prerer to cocae ueif w. them or pay T.?nse 'ooiin g, nd hotel it ate bg e tail to rauroac Charge, i cure. ! till have aches and . n m ou t h , 8ore T h roat, ed Kputu, Uli-er onarj Kjebrows foiling est, S?cadary or Tertiary usrHiitee to cure. We ate on and challen cuiBDi cure. Tliis U;. tie skill of tle nmt 7. lwllie IK-' ' ' - ' 'iKirtof thctu;.. .li.-i,-..- 31oo4 PeUon tHat we t'a'3 1'riniarr, foljeirthi- most obcttu I he w or ii! fir b.-o- vre lea.se n: :- always bQu 'eminent plyIclunm. ivatmp tins Uisea witn our C.rIIlLkE and ; ..ave .f!o,0f cvpital benlnd our uncondilioiyi r;iarantee. Wriceusfor lOO-puce fccR and -olate proof. Address COOK. KJ1S)V ??.. 483 Masonic Temple, hieairo. lllluolx. y year-- e tiave can find it at PHMICl Jfcatureey $1.50 $2 50 TAST LI iB p i Q 11 so IS JUSTASCCOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE GO etc. GALATIA, Il.I.ti., uOT. 1C, If '. H. Parle McdieJne Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: Wo sold last yorr, CO botUcp r .UOVE'S TASTELESS CHn.L TONIP and h.i-e. oupht tkrve gross already ttia yc.i. In all njr rx "rienoe of 14 years, in the drug business, fc;ive tiever nold aa artiel that envo sucn unlversul bUtJ tecuoa a your Tonic- Yo'iratnilv, Aun v. r Aaa &. ex P. , u.-orm yoi'r reaaers tnutl have absoiu.e remeJy for Consumption and aS Throat, Chest and Lun Diseases; also for Loss of Flesh and all -Conditions of Wasting By its timely use thouuirk f hopeless cases have already bed Phi-'manlmtly Cwedl So proof-positive ar.i 1 of its power, that to increase its usefulness and make known its great merits. I propose to St'ND FPEE. TWO BOT7" utiS, to re.v:te s of your paper who vflt write me giving their Exp;- s and Fostolik address. - Siroerely, T. A. F I 0 UH, M.C., !i3 Pec St., New York. We take the Hbery of pt; blichinj? the Doctor. communk'iition in rvll luc the benefit of out readers. Nothing could h more philanthropic. VVhen writin?, pi vase st.it. ye ; read hisleftef in th'.S paper and s;r-.n'.iv ,'bl:e --EditO? THE ONLY True Blood rurifier promiucntiy in the public eye to dav is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Therefor get Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S HOOD'S Sarsaparilla is the On True Blood Purifier, Great Nerve Tic, Stomach Regulator. To ihou gands its great merit Is KNOWN Our brick will be on pale b the 10th of Octohr. Any par ties wanting brick will do wel) to see us before buy it Wil) sell cheaper than ever sold it the city befote. Delivered te any part of city. Busman & Williams. 117 Market 8t. J fijERVOUS Troubles are due w l nnpove'iisiicd blood. Hood's Sur sapariila i- Tiie One True Bloo Puriiiei and NERVE TCl'sfC. 1 HOWES

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