" S& Eve VOL. IX. NO. 32. Washington. Beaufort County, N. C, Saturday Afternoon. December 71, 1898. . ESTABLISHED 1894 'I We Save You $2. On Every $12. The public is not dull. Their faculties arc wide awake to the big buying advant ages we offer. No stock in Washington is so complete with little and big gifts of the kind that are most acceptable. Large showing of everything oa mod in an up-to-date Clothing and Furnishing Store, and we save you $2. on every $12. you spend with us. Do your buying in season. We will take care of packages for you until needed. F. V. ROVVE, Leading Clothier. Catch on! For now is the best opportuni ty of a lifetime for buying cheap without any fuss or fnnny business, without any noise or nonsense. We are going to put prices sc low on our goods for the next thirty days, that it will m.rtke goods jutnp.j Its a quick iiwn on very small .margins to oiil'y a lively demand there is some money in it for us. But more for you. and friends who are quick catch ou. The fact - ' i is choice new seasonable goods can now be bought at such low azures a-"i never before. Clothing, Dry Goods. Shoes, Bed Clothing, Furniture, Car pets and Rugs ail have prices marked oc them that will please vou. Call and make your selection. Respectfully, J. P BUOKM.AN. C. M. E. Aaaul Conference. THIRD DAY'S SESSION. The conference was called at 9:50 Rev. G. W. Flack opened the services after the approval of the ministers the Rev Dr. Nash of the M. E. church South and Mr. Moore wee introduced. Dr. Nash made one of the most instructive and soul stirring speeches that has as yet graced the conference. He 8ated he loved Methodism wherever found it regardless of color and of all colored Methodist youis seems the dearest and closest because it was bom of m church (M. E. church Souths and we have never been asham ed of you. The Dr was full of fire and the Holy Ghost anr; said many good things to us. Bishop J. A. Beebe made some interesting words in reply, com plimenting the doctors address and staled: Dr. Nash whenever you can say one good woid for: the colored man do it. we are dependent on the christians for our succor. There is no strife between you and I and I believe that the race troubles that do now exist if left tc the convert ed, religious whites and blacks in the South, it will soon be harmonized. In all the riots and lynchirgs that have been, there has never been a member of t'.e C. M. E. chiirch impli cated or lvnched. It is much to say, yet thankful it is true. Dr. Nash arose and bore wit ness t the fact. A vote of ihanks was tendered the doctor for his address. Rev. J. J. Scarlett was introduced, and made some remarks to the con ference. The reports were con inued, Rev. B. E. Stroud P. E. of Washington District made a gooA report and on recomenda tion of Rev. J. W. Roberts his character passed. Rev. Green of the A. M. E. church and W. A. Moore were introduced, and made remarks. On adjourning the conference went in a body to Mr. A. T. Latham's to an oys ter supper given them. The night services was im pressive Rev. W. G. Alston preached a reviving sermon from the text "I am not asham ed of the gospel." Aftei the srmn Mrs. J. W. Robert President of the Woman's Mis sionary Society reported the work of the society and give us a fine lecture, so did Mrs. Dr. i L1 n - o -sbom. ineamouat reported by them was supplemented by a collection of four dollars raised by the pastor. Confer ence gave notices and adjourn ed with benediction. NOTICE. Not'-eis h r-')V i:v.-i th. AD'Xi : . fion will be m trie to the next (leuera! A - i e M'iy ior h -h .rrer of ru Bo;tufort ih-i lViiiiMc R,i! Koau Compmy. U-c 15 li, '98 3 W VV. R. RvbYim. CHRISTMAS. We have a line of Holiday Gifts that we want you to look at. Toilet Sets, Work Boxes, Collar and Cuff Cases, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Etc The Prices Will Not Hurt You Either. Come and See Them E W. AYERS, lift Main St, There were fought during the civil war just two thousand and one battles. The number of marriage li censes issued in the Srate dur ing the fiscal year ending No vember 30, 1898, was 16,294. These figurei were obtained from returns received at the Auditor's office and for every license issuei the State received one dollar. The estimated population of the State is 1,800,000. The ra tio of marriage licenses issued is 1 to every 110 persons. In other words, 1 out of every 55 persons was : married during the past fiscal year. Vhat is not such a bad "record and if reports are true it is like ly to be largely increased dur ing the coming year. LOST A cow about three weeks ago described as follows: Head and neck white and body brindled. The cow was pur chased of a boat from Hyde Co., and do not remember the mark. Any information in regard to a cow of this Idescription will be grea-ly appreciated and a lib eral reward will be given to de liycr her to my pas'ure. W. B. Windley Jr. 22C Second St. Lock Box 230, Washington N (J Services at Mie C. M. E church on tomimiw. Bishop J. A Beebe 11 a. in S lvery Anui versary services at 2 p. in., wi-h Essays on the Ecluotknn i i;: rarest of ihe church, Grow.n o thchuhja&Ttd- Publishing In terest. and an address on th lives work and usefulness of the three old bishops. Anniversary sermon at 7 p. rn., bv Rev. N. C. Round ree. The white citizens of the city are cordially invited to any and all of these services by the pastor J. W. Roberts. Advices received at the .Navy Department confirm the leport from New York that the dam ae to the battleship Massachu setts from grounding near Gov ernor's Island, is mere serious than was at first thought. The ship hs been injured along the keel for a length of at least 200 feet, and xepairs will take sev eral months. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can al wave be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For SUe at Tayloe's Pharmacy. Pains in the chest when o person has : cold indicate a 'endencv toward pneumonia. A piece of llannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly relieve the pin and prevent the .learned att-ick of pnoumon ia. This same treatment will cure a lame back in a few hours. For sale at Tavloe's Pharmcy. )"Big j gifts fi er or Hats, Gloves, Hosiery, Neckwear, Hanrlkere I dels, Collars and cuffs, Capes and Cloaks, Pall and Winter Specialties. We are receiving by every freight large supplies of the above, consisting of Seeded, Cluster and Layer Raisins, Cleaned Cur rents, Leghorn Citron and Foreign and Domestic Macaroni, etc., which will be sold at quick sale prices. Also a large supply of Heinz' Celebrated Mince Meat. Last season s price, 12 1-2 cents per pound. We are only charg; lag 10 cents now. Now is the time for BUCKWHEAT We have it prepared and unprepared. Also a supply of Genuine Green Moun tain Maple Syrup. Give it a trial. COFFEE. Iu Coffee we excel all others Justreceiv lot of Green and Roasted Coffee in all g at prices to win your patronage. COD FISH We ll:lVG the G"eauillft Georgie Cod Pish in the w rough at 7 1-2 cents per pound. Ocean Gem Cod Fish, prepared, at 10 cents. C p;i ( it, t.mlriy i;i 1 C marry IV I i a .- i Careful Attention Best Quality Fair Market Prices is our motio Yours anxious please, M. J. WRIOHT. hone 117. Watch This Space Little Girl Hello Santa Claus! I Santa Claus Hello Little One! i Little Girl Please dear Santa, tell jme where the best place to buy mr Christmas gifts? Santa Claus Go to J. K. Hoyt's Store," where you will find suitable for mama,, sister, and at very 1c papa, broth- ow prices. 1 would suggest that you select from the following list of which he has a choice and handsome line: K. HOYT, Perfect Fitting; Clotbv r. ed a 1 arge i -a,