oqt awn hearts., - what we give to others which XMAST J. A, ABTBUR, JiS -Editor mafces, usfcappy rather , thai what we demand irona them. I: a word, life i "hot worth living unless we ourselves make it so. Maybe you can find it at PUBLISHED EVfcRT DAT KCEPT f IUKDAT. . 1 There is no doubt? SUNDAY BUSiKfiS. We have yet to see the qaan that is perfectly satisfied with his surrouodrngs. There seems to be no station in life which can fusnish us with contentment. We often wonder what kind of creatures we would "be if we had just what we wanted and all we wanted. Would we be happy or miserable? We confess we are uuable to answer the question. The condition of affairs would be so different from anything we have experiencee that it Is im possible to say what the result would be. Even when we think of heaven we can not understand why there should be no longing, and even apjcietiesi provided there is progress, A soul that has nothing more to attain which feels it has reached the end of its developments is to us incon ceivable. We like to think of the other life as a continuance of this! life, and of ourself as step ping from nrrrow to large op portunities when we die, and if this be so, We must be brave and strong in heaven in order to make use of .the gifts of God "Which the angels shall lay at our feet We lav down this princi ciple therefore that so far as in us lies we must influence oar au roundings instead of allowing them to influence up. Just as a bed of ruses throws its perfume in the air. We have known men crushed because their homes & were not as they should have been, and many women broken hearted because of the inharmo ny in the household. The truth of the matter is, if we worry over what we cannot prevent we simply waste our time, and in the end make ourselves misera ble. The question to polve is not how to make way with the dis greeable but how to become in dependent of it and to live your your own life in spite of it. All this means that you are to de pend on yourself and not on your surroundings for happiness. If you can get comfort from the out side enjoy it in the consciousness that you are doing your duty as you understand it, and are help others whenever the chance is offered. You must manufacture your heaven in the woi kshop of your own heart. Take what comes in the spirit of one who feels that the dear Lord with is with you, and gives you not only a full treasure of sympathy but also strengh to endure ca lamity patiently and bravely. It s easy for a man to tell you to rise above the iaaiug inhar mo nies in your surroundings, and o live in your own thoughts and purposesp-but the task is an ex Uemely difficult one we know. He was in the world and He did His duty to the world, and with out He fof nd some pleasure in the world, but He was serene amid adverse surroundings and though conscious of discord, lack of sy mpathy, and even sus- picion ana natrea, tie was m a degree independent, living His own life in the cympanionship of angels. We may not do all that He did, but we may smoothe many a rough corner, and pass "unhurt through many a thorny experience itwe will take our- ielf iu hand and look at lifefrom II is stand point The secret fcof li well is to live in peace, Ij.ivem peace wjuiubt htl vc THE PEKSIOK ROLL. The bill jncreiQgihe pensiop appro piriationsjjOQQpassed the, Hbuse; TJiorsdaS 4: as made the subject of of a can g rat alatoryrfcpeech by Uoogressman Allen, who assured the country that the pension roll had reach its maximum. If this is true it will be an interesting statement to the country but ..we candidljr admit we do not take any stock in it. Experience has tausrht A. Z- ' us of all men the pensioner has a disposition to miiltiply and in crease is slow to die, is the best insurance risk in the country, and his widow hangs on until the "cows come home in the morning, "There are now on the pension roll eight widows of Revolutionary soldiers, a n a some of them may be drawing pensions in 1916, and upon the same basis of calculation the year of 2002 will find some of the widows of the civil war drawing pensions. The fact is, there is nothing to confirm the statement that the climax has been reach ed . On th contrary the pension office shows a steady ii. creasing roll as the years cuiue and go which contradicts it. Last year ftlQBV -50,191 new pensioners wer . ; added to the roll, although it i.3 thirty four years since the war. Frofil our stand point the secret pon of longevity is hid away in the U S. Pension roll, and the only thing we have to do to be on hand at the blowing of Gabriel's horn is to get on the rolls and live for ever. No we have not seen the end of this pension business, and it will be many a day before we do. Two Politcd Questions Answered. What is the use of making a better article than your com petitor if you can not get a bet ter price for it? An 8. As there is no differ ence iu the price the public will buy only the better, so that while our profiits may be small er on a single sale they will be much greater in the aggregate. How can you get the public to know your make is the best? If both articles are brought prominently before the public both are certain to be tried and the public will very quickly pass judgment on them and use only the better one. This explains the large sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The people have bsen using it for years and have found that it can always be depended upon They may occasionally take up with some fashionable noelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but are certain to re turn to the one remedy that they know to be reliable, and tor coughs, colds and croup there is nothing equal to Cham berlain's Cough Remedy For Sale at Tayloe's Pharmacy. Notice to Stockholders. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Washington will be held at their banking house Tuesday, January 10 th, 1899, for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing veur. A. M. DUMAY, Cashier. CUR rheumatism by taking f lloovi's !Sai:iarilla,whiehby ik'U ! Utilizing the av id in tlie bloo'l perina- na.-iuy relieves aches aud PAINS. you will find some thing to please, the chances ar that you will find some thing that will exact ly fit uour t&ncy. Anyway, come in and see our stock of gift articles before you puzzle your brain over the question, The people have confidence in the Big Rackot Store They know that every dollar's worth of merchandise offered by us is thoroughly reliable in every re spect. This accounts for the large trade and increased patron in the midst of hard times, - - t ; t . ' - i . ' - t , hip T i rUfT OTWlF ! KAIKM MUM, SPENCER BROS. CO,, 5 Proprietors look here: , 2,000,000 Choice Cabbage plants for sale. Immediate de livering at $1.00 per 1000 in 10,000 lots, or f 1.00 per 1000 in 1000 lots, or 25ct per 100, at Cottage throve v.r Iloujy Pod Truck Farms. Wakefield, Extra Early Etam- pes, Extra Farly All Head0, Early Sure Head. Call pr farms or address W. P. Bughm, Washington, N. C. DfCT 'Dllff 1 Sill I i I II (III I M 1 j 33 W ULUf . I Oi . Ill . 3 Wife TO BUY- 0ra)igr. Apples, ,.-,' Citron , I 'dies FIGS & CJIHDIES All kinds of fresh Fruits, in fact everything kept in a first class grocery store. Give'me a call. Respectfully, E. K. WILLIS. VIOLATERS BEWARE. . The Attention of the Mayor being called to the fact that cer tain persons for reasons un known, have been nightly act ing in a disorderly manner, turning off the pas lights and firing off the pistols on the streets of the town in violation of law. Xotice is hereby served on all such parties, that these offenses must cease at once. Tiiat special nhcht police have been put on the streets and aU' per.ons caught so violating thej law will be arrested and pun1 lehd to the full extent of the law. V. M. ClIALWCEY. I Mayor. mi 1 s 133 39 1 Vl yl I c ik HELLS West Main Street. 2ecembei3fcature65 Ladies black Capes 85c. to 5.00. Mens Pants di : f u ;' . . i iildrens Shoes Womans Shoes Special line of Handkerchiefs. I A, W. THOMAS. Horse Millinery. have opened a First Class Har ness Shop on Market street, one door from City Hall Hand-made and Machine HARNESS Kept in stock. Repairing a -Specialty. Full stock of Leather, Curry combes, Brushes, Saddle-pads and other fixtures kept on hand. Prompt Worlc, Moderate Prices Respectfully, C M. DAVIELS. j " : Old Club House ABLAZE ! WITH CHOICER Wines, Liquors, CIGARS AND TOBArCO. Being burned out on Water St. I we are now located in Union Al- ley, Wnere our Oia pniruuis huu fripnds are welcome. A share ot I T-nnr n-itmnio-p o'icired 1 your pati onag e is boacuca. leSecttulJy, VV. . t AKKU w & bu. Notice Hsv'H" on tb VJrh '1 "P Nov"!; h) r , 189S, quMlifipil x fj'ministrMtor bp n ihe frsiit- t h l-'vert kit tlethnri'P, deceased, before the. riri? of tbpupMr court ( f Heaufoit county. tut.H ! hei efy sriveu for all persons ibdebfnd to th sid tsr:ite to m;ikp M'ompt pamei t, Ht (J all per?on to whom the Raid -tHtM i indebted are hereby notified to present their claim for pHYmf't, properly certified, within twelve-months from this date, or this notice will be plead' d in bar of their recovery. This Nov loth, 188 J. B. KITTLETInRPK, AtiLniuisit ator. Chas. F. Wabren, Att'y T0S0R!AL PARLOR. The latest designs in hair cut ting and trimming Barbers up- to-Uute and polite. Customers receive every attention. Your patronage solicited. No change in our artists. S. J. NOBLES, Pkoi, 117 W. Main Street. , . Vr'i r ).u i-i-i i ' ! ft ., : ... i ;itti-r' . c : , . , . pi' j , . ; -.--' I C. C-aJ. Vu uruijists rut uuu uioucv PIIICI 50c, $4-50 $1.50 3 oO 35c. " 85c, " n5 IS JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULT 5. WARRANTED. PRICfe'SOctG. 6 L ATI A , i l.LSr. v lio a. K, r-... Paris Medlchie Cft., 8t. Louis, 51o. Gnt.emen: Ve sold last year, W bouir- .re r.ItOVE'S TASTKLES8 ClirLIL T -Nir .-.rMf i iiffht tkrte gruss already thiB year. Iu 1J oc, . . porionre of 14 yenrs, n tbo (iro? bivl'x?-. .. Dever sold an article that gave sur-h univereti f-i-iiw-UcUon m your Tonic. Yonr r-v, A j.. - ('.VMM ii ii..orm your reaaers mat i have a& aMon..j remedy for Consumption and ad ,hroat- Chcst ar'd LuS Diseus; also tor , Qss of Flfish nd Condi,ions oi Wastiw By its timely use thousAn,-- hoPtlcA- cases nave already peen r eha afxtly Cuufix So proof-positive am I of its power, that to inrrease ils usefulness and mnke known' it$ greut merit?. ! ro;- -e to SLND F1T.S, TWO BOTTLES, to renders of yoc- paper v ho wifl write me giving; their Expre s 'and Potofik sddress. - T. A. si.o m, M.C.' S3 Pea. : St., Nw Vork. W5 takf tl Ibcrtv of jci V;chiritr th Doctor' communication :n t-.ii) for t! e benefit- of c.I r adf-rs. Nothing could be n; rephiiai:thrmic Wht-n writing. p!. ase sta'o v.- : r-n his letter in tLls paptr anl ijruilv .-i.ic KtrfTOi- THE ONLY Trne Blool Purifier prominently in tlie public eye to day is Hood'g arsapariTIa. T h- reforr get Hood's and OWLY HOOC'S HOODrS Saraparilla 1 tlie ''Ob True Blood Purifier, Great Nerve Tonic,- Stomach Regulator. To thbn sands its great merit Is KNOWN., Our brick will be on sale b the lOih of October. Any par- ! ties wanting brick will do we)) to see us before buying. Wi) sell cheaper than ever sold m the city bel'oie. Delivered U any part of city. j Susman & William e, ! 117 Market 6c. ERYOU8 Tioubl-s r.rc cue u tpovtMisij i blood. Hood'-Sar Supai'iila is t:. Oi "r'- ''."tx .Pur.iic't and KERVE TwliC iiHfi m:)q ib-od ii a (U :llilf ""tast tt-.iis lull f i . sra. mmmmmwmvm I I mm ill f -r-w i