' v ...... fHE VOL. IX. NO. 36. Washington, Beaufort County, N. C. Thursday Afternoon. December 22, 1898. ESTABLISHED 1894 Eve Messenger We Save You $2. On Every $12. The public is not dull. Their faculties are wide awake to the big buying advant ages we offer. No stock in Washington is so complete with little and big gifts of the kind that are most acceptable. Large showing of everything carried in an up-to-date Clothing and Furnishing Store, and we save you 2. on every $12. you spend with us. Do your buying in season. We will take care of packages for you until needed. F. V. ROWE, Leading Qothiet. Catch on! For now is the best opportuni tyof a lifetime for buying cheap without any fuss or fnnny business, without any noise or nonsense. We are going to put prices' sc low on our goods for the next thirty day&, that it will make goods jump. Its :a quick t'.u-u o:i very small margins to sr:iisiy a lively demand there is some money in it for us. But more for you, and friends who are quick to cath on. The fact is choice new seasonable goods can now be bought at such Jow figures as never before. Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Bed Clothing, Furniture, Cat pets and Rugs all have prices marked on them that will please you. ' Call and make your selection. Respectfully, News in General. Th pronounced sentiment in Congress against conferring the office of Vice Admiral upon Rear Admiral Sampson was rrade more noticeable in the bill that Representative Liring ston. of Georgia, introduced in the House last week. The lan guage of tue bill is clear, pro viding for the office of Admiral only, as "prompt and adequate reward to Rear Admiral George Dewey." As Representative Livingston has no mean fol lowing in the House, and as many Republicans sympathize with him, there are now pros pects that the bill which the Committee oo Naval Affairs agreed to report, to create both the office of Admiral and Vic.r Admiral, may be defeated, or rather amended so as to con form substantially to the Geor gian's measure. The Philadelphia Record ob serve that Tagais and Negri tos bf the Philippines will have to be ruled by "lead and colrl steel " We believe it was the late General Sheridan who stated that the best wav to make an Indian e-ood was t,n kill him. It t as taken us about four hundred years to make our Indians good after this style. Are we to be so long employed in se'ting the Filippinos? President McKinley, in his second speech in Atlanta, came out flat-footed for holding on to all our flag has been xaised over. At the same time the party of the President in Congress de clares without reservation that taxes established to meet the of our late war with , expenses Spain will not be reduced. The people, therefore, may as Weil make up their minds to footin heavy and increasing bills, on account of our new possessions, our growing pension list, and jobbery in general. We have mounted the wild horse and must stand to the consequences regardless of cost. The Pension bill, appropri ating $145,000,000, the largest on record, passed the House in just tweuly minutes without debate. This money goes to soldiers, etc., supposed to have had something to do wiih the war between the States thiriy odd years ago. What a multi tude of frauds are covered in thy name, O Charitv! President McKinley's sugges tion in his speech at Atlanta Wednesday that the graves of Confederate dead be cared for by the nation, which resulted ia a bill introduced opening soldiers homes to veterans of the South, tus fUlowed today CHRISTMAS. We have a line of Holiday Gifts that we want you to look at. Toilet Sets, Work Boxes, Collar and Cuff Cases, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Etc. The Prices Will Not Hiirt You Either. Come and See Them" E W. AYERS, 116 Main St. by a bill introduced by Lamb, of Virginia, directing the Sec retary of War to permit clerks appointed by Governors of States interested to copy mus ter rolls of the Confederate army now in the War Depart ment as part of the records of the civil war. Cannon, of Illi nois, saw in tjiis the first step toward pensioning ex-Confederates, and said to one of his younger colleagues: ';You'll be voting, and early in yonr career, too for pensions to men on the Confederate rolls." The Houe Committee on Military Affairs has adopted, with certain amendments, Chairman Hull's bill for re-organization of the army upon a basis of 100,000 men. The bill now provides for one lieutenant general, six major generals, twelve brigadier generals, twelve regiments of cavalry, one corps of artillery, thirty regiments of infantry, eight executive departments in Wash ington andenineer an 1 bignal corps. Regimental organization of the artillery arm is discontin ued, and that branch designat ed as a corps dirided into coast and field artillery. The Spanish troops in Cuba will hivf evacuated the island, by January 1st, and the United , States will be in complete pos- 1 session. j President McKinley and his party nas arrived in Washing ton from their Southern tour. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can al wavs be depended upon and is g IfJV"! Fr i LOST A cow about three weeks ago described as follows: j Head and neck white and body I orinaiea i tie cow was pur chased of a boat from Hyde Co., and: do not remember the mark. Any information in regard to a cow of this description will be greatly appreciated and a lib eral reward will be given to de liyer her to my pasture. W. B. Windley Jr. 22S Second St. Lock Box 230, Washington N C Pains in nerson has the chest when a a cold indicate a tendency toward pneumoa. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneumon ia. This same treatment will cure a lame back in a few hours. For sale at Tayloe's Pharmcy. NOTICE. , Notieeis hereby iven thit appliQ iioa will be made to the next General Assembly for a i;h rter of tlie Beaufort and Pamlico 11 iil Roau Company. Dec 15th, '98. W. b. Rodman. A Sensible hpistmas ift One that will be useful, one that will be appreciated, and be a lasting remem brance of the giver, is one of our Silk jVLuffl GPS OP Hcrndkerehiofs. are large or small, they are white, l)lack or in every color, they are cheap. It is a happy Christmas thought. Better buy now, as they are Spelling VrV fapidR Pick while the stock is fresh. When you give, give 'first choice, ' it costs nothing extra. All gjods bought, kept J. K. HOYT, Perfect Fitting Clotbir-r. Fall and Winter Specialties, We are receiving by every freight large supplies of the above, consisting of Seeded, Cluster and Layer Raisins, Cleaned Cur rents, Leghorn Citron and Foreign and Domestic Macaroni, etc., which will be old at quick sale prices. Also a large supply of Heinz' Celebrated Mince Meat. Last season s price, 12 1-2 cents per pound. We are only charg ing 10 cent's now. Now is the time for BUCKWHEAT W have it prepared and unprepared. Also a supply of Genuine Green Moun -tain Maple Syrup. .Give it a trial. COFFEE. 1Q Coffee we excel all others. Just'received a larg.j lot of Green and Roasted Coffee in all grades and at prices to win your patronage. COD FISH. We have the Genuine Georgie Cod Fish in the rough at 7 1-2 cents per pound. Ocean Gem Cod Fish, prepared, at 10 cents. C O it-, I .ilUv tn I C :i:iti-y Poll" i S;?c?i iltj . Careful Attention Best Quality Fair Market Prices is our motto Yours anxious please, M. J. WRIQHT, hoiic 117. Market street. I Rise To MUk A Statement for thft benefit of iiiy m.uiy customers who are looking for Christmas prints. Ail that shines is not GOLD. WATCH our show windows and you will see many attractions. We have full line of groceries, cigars and tobaccoes, vases and glassware, lamps, candiesandnuts. Indeed everything that is needed in your home, and everything you may wish to - eive - .w.v . At Harrell's Old Stand. GOODS DELIVERED IN ANY PART OFCITY. and dclivi led wIhmi desired I

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