J. A ARTHUR, Jr., Editor. PUBLISHED fM&X A. E?T wore tae gray, and-who a. re QO'Am? .- M&t'x- jfe-t -f- .,. : florae ruts: to their gr&x& snair? ;r 1 lf -THE OLD C8NFEDS.' We have intended for some , time to refe to the action of S e flat or nuti erjn -i n w ou e j u - President uttered in his Atlanta speech, they-will we hope never consent that theold fellows who jmt ijfttef?SuHS!lating ".jefltiQ which fall from the table of the veiraTisrfteoTtlrr It is now in order lor most poo pie to brush up their lock of resolufioii's, 'ami turMo.Ver-ii nehvfc leaf, ict the qtiei'oi isf: hov long wllKhaKesdilufai)s faaiaii: unbrolferfeand :ih$ m3v iejaf un soiledf )urhami:SnJ v g but in most of the cases it is per- 3 - -- - ' -7 5? 3- lllSlMJt 1 $TB ffiS COOSCii ded tli--. at the SlOU lift . years :i the lis! -pensiui! a initio, ... disg-usi , have c hand. South have, w ; provider o&efe, 'ilu pensions better than they knew themsel ves. As they tiled our, one by one," on the last nigh t cf t lie year with New year resolutions on their lips, he washed the glasses and said confidently to his assis tant: "Dey vill all gome pack' somedime alfeaty. " . .rNQgreat.demonsAitio.n bh te' part Of lof : the Cuban?! jwa-si. tal lowed at Havana Siindav :at the Iraising of the Americati n;ij: ankl the dissappearahce of Spanish sovereignty. No Cuban flags were permitted to be unfurled, but an ingenious native, who seams already to have caught the spirit of Yankee1 readiness, tied the one-starred Cuban ban ner to the tail of a kite and flew it .all afternoon high in the sky and directly over Morro Caslel. A clever trick. It makes us more hopeful of the Cuban than we hare-yet been. A Beautiful Home Weddinj. billS;;thrSenafte tgfnsicm fbe Cofeiieiat saldie atidrt-jatier our, arovafehfe isc-iiemo. Evr ifsincl $ Cvi riipwe hai &sire tjhajt tie?Nrtrn people1 shall aiway tliinltt'of ur Southern braves as heroes and not as pensioners. ;euavcai- haps on) v a question of time, ways believd.4n,takimr-e The? errnait.iiloot IkSeper in the worn veterdnd, b&h U oryd hf&44tomers the Nojth and South, but there is some thing utterly repulsive in thef thought Which is o brutally suggested by Butler and others al&ng with the pension giabbers that the srovernment should give to-the veterans a sum of money for -the part they took in the great conflict. In the Northern arms,, as is1 iwIl knowjv there weri muny hired;substitutes, and therfe were many, others whpd fougiit simply for the jpay they received. :Ve recall this fact of history not in derrogation of the manv others who shouldered arms'conscientiously in defense of the Union. But in the Con federal v army thero were no hirelings and but few conscripts. There were many hot head d secessionists. who believed that the ifnion should be' destroyed, and there were many others who were primarily Opposed to the disolu'tion of- the Union Bnt after the tir -t gun was fired at Fort Sum pter all such differen ces dissappeared and there was nodisti.etion m our ranks be tween ori.nual secessionist and original tUr.ionist. They were all Sou; ut.vu patriots then, bat tling for t!u.' rigiit of their States and the fi.ught as no other peo ple had i';n,-ht before, distinc tively foi principle If any went injt4p tle irmy for pay he was 01 1 i Ti.u : p 'jpointq, ,;ior pn dpv r4(ceiVed jap ?pfiy, ?ut rtitnei in :ragec and jhujgry fro'os-4 'k-i '4 &$:ir uSitjilf: tho "&d came. i'nSy iisked fcFfe:::no Re ward, - i. 1 plaudits of tl&'ir When the war en . . s a great scraaible . ! Lo get on tthe peu . i now thirty-three close oi the war 1 :--r than ever. Our -.ii has been, and is . ..race and scandals, d without number ' o light on every . has it been in the ; ner heroes? We our limited means - . s for our disabled m hae; given modest. : and there to such a$-were i ) ".ed. It has been our desire! .e our pension roll airollof 1 j r; and our veterans havepr- . themselves as no- oL'thy in peace as i war. But every n soiiie politieiau- Sou; h has bob- 1 PA Ma m f 23 Jf US Extends NTew 'Year greetings to their nn'merbus patrons and ciistocners. The thanks of each memberbf the. firm .is. .ofrexed to each and all. : -: ,.: Don't forget that during the year 1809 pur purpose will be to please both in: price and quality of goods. We shall handle Dress Coods Notions, Clothing and Furniture upon a larger scale than ever before. j Blt.KAtKtlMUKt, Spencer Bros. Co. Prop. ft' Li I C Vi IUh S B S B B S k m H g 1 B h d eira W Ltaca Ifi fe3 lW 6aa fi . ? . .. " I v- iftW.'.V i'...i;v'. SI . , ', l-l ;i h JLi Hn?l Ladies black Oipjfel Bli:tq .OT ' Mens Pants ' " ' oCfc: Children Shoos J35ic. " $1.50 Wonians Shoes 80c. .Qft Special line of Hancl tocMe . w. xi o x as. MORTGAGE SALE. x vji t i e of t hp power of sale con ble and thev v: Lip-w . a; ; lifee l?: r bed u; . The residence of Mrs. Polly O'Neal on Bridge street, was the scene of a happy marriage Wednesday evening, the con tracting parties beiM her daughter Annie Lawrence to Mr. John Spencer. resi dence was tastily decorated with holly and evergreen-: a:id Jong befoie the appeared hour, coue; lya(J ssenriirl.;: $?v. M prf orini jit tiSn c&'e - moiifj tti.t;a-Hde t!ien:foifie. ;Ihe ')riS(Vneei lor)ked iivl&r. -ihe room hai&sm(r. S 7 little Ruth Phillip and Ada Rhode were the bride? only at lid'-inrs.' Irnniejfliately after Hie cer- m -ny had been consum -raited -ritkk and cream were, served. Miss Annie is one of our nv-r popu lar young ladies, prert-. and fascinating. Her lov.-iy ' trails o' character and xirbap.ity of manner fits her to j:vv,c anv position. Mr. Spe'-c r is a young man of sterling worth, energetic and popular He is an engineer by profs-ion. The Gazette-Messen oifers congratulations and bef wish es to Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, with the hope their wedded life will contain on v. surrshine and their last days the best and sweetest. ESTPtffiiir.T - TO BUY r ni Oranges, Apples, raitiefl in h mm Ura' 'Ipp-' from Allied !: forMh6 --Oi k t- tW. .,v5.Upe.uK 7;!: iffT-mbe"; Court of Beaufort.county r isViCh.mi uq, jiu.l u B.'ok :sq piie administrator of tnc estate 1.M,' Bp ox; T C U'.vtv r-.-otdf,, 1 tM)l F ulv, i-nil j 1 ? , 1S)9, ofEtr for s-!c ; t ri.hlic tiuctMHi nt .th-:omiti 1 sh.usp door, m iitsavifoji county th:i!, I ctri aiji t r ct or p -rctl of land ' h 'iiig fb:d bpiDg in f eaufrirf ' ount,'StHtp.of 1 vorh Cnvolina, aiid in BichlHMl.'1ow:- f-hip, bpRiunina: at thp mnuth or reiprs H( t'k oi, the south side,' rxins iiyv rli e ;tei'k tht'.HOuthwest proiiar, and up .ttV cut to swt-erirum near the ii'r, and i debted to said est tie are re- NdrO:i 15 Kaai 10 t:Ut, thejt a . .wijf,l SHid gjr,.to id Cvtidv, with said Cwk 10 Goose Creek, and wiHi Gfo'rfpo i'itek 10 the boirimiinu:, beiDS -t lie Sv.U!a tract ot latMj Hmvtyed hy .'J- vv. "c,;i1ii, t 'ied Fa i son, by dePti 'ni'Hr-'fl-d in Hook-77, y:tre 2S, -in BMd'ort coivutv recnd?. 'Xerixi!! of hale eaali. : : . .1. S. HODGES,:. ADMIN 1 oT K ATO H'S SxLE. Jivi rig t hi r day ou alifi ed ii upenfix ;is ? ot Isia.d Blakteg-e, deceased, all nen-ons vctfri liohl clirti against said esta'e are hereby notified 10 yrest nt., th- same for pay rriqt ,te, Xfi& undersigned wiMf oftif fipm thisd&je '.0t nf44:Pjbe pleade(J ini iliarfT Vfjip cCtpyeo i nil v VP ?wa I CitrO)!. ' " Date's, QEHD1ES 1 1 All kinds of fresh limits, iu fact j everythinir kept in a firs! . (-Hiss 1 -S4 n '-u n a k k. c ki 11 . . n LU-Jjill:Uiirx; li grocery .store. Gi ve me a call. Respectful I y- . - E. K -WILLIS... Notice to Stcckholde'rs The x s.r :;nttilal metdjag 'of the stockh'jlders of the JMrt Nation ;1 Bank of Vshintin V ';-aP;i.i-lif'r,,l. drurst.re; Ia-'in' La Grippe Successfully Treated. V I have just recovered from the second attack ol la grippe this year," says Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader uexia, ,-iexar. riiv the - latter C:i-e I u s 0 d Oifi-iinberkin's ,.rop,.s.l: Cough RciiKdy, aini I liimk on 3i: . i -i . oV ' t :j :. in' 1 H l ' h- V . tiu- . ;. 1 , -li ; -v:xti consi.ieriii'h- -i vi bed a iiti MADAM HORTENSE LrfTLBR, . . . ... ......Main Street, next jpVr. VT. 'A Blount 'ri 'lirug Sto'reV ' :' " q u e s tfid : :nak.f ! immediate payrrrein': ''''?'$ n ': This Dec. 23rd, IS9S. Administrator of Isn a el Blacxleok. a Dm in 1 illKSM ) 1' 1 C ft. Ti-vii'tr q-wj it'i!j ' t! is ;i as Mlmin iti .1" or f t!i- -s':it- of r I I). Me- of the SuntTiit: "O on i! r , a; i j i tm m: - II ' . i i) 1 re'-c ) -1 t.'l the IM(;C ' S' : r!J ' f : ';ii: i1,-.. : r t : - c r . in ;ir of r it ! r I IM It-1! lie ! i l' ' 1 f ! ' . 10 iii;rtf ill. i ' 1 H ,V-.' . LV h (1: o!! Novfitinni'P $:s f ';;iMfort ; 1'V noti "" ivir.ent me yrar ii 1 e plead ! persons This ii ; ov?(i4'(:k. !iqilQ'&i t. !o-dct'e and ' : eliV' ''X-ill bo held at thoir baukiug InrevjariMl to do all kind of laiioi house Tiiestiay, January 10th, Woi:k, ;nio know, aft;-!- an.experi lS'J't), for ilie purpose oi electing directors for the . earning venr. a. m; DUM AY, i Cnshh-r. FORciAljli. One llo.nst and l--t, i-ton '1: M;sf. Stablf-s an 1 KrTi. House C lunins 3 T.ims Npiirly wl olt lot-. SitUHlvd . on corner of Fifth mul j Bor.nerSts. For cash cheap. Apply t J. T SWAIN". (121-lw WahinKtoi!. N. C ' The ii'fK- ? '!''s:::j.i it) hair .citt ti ntLr .and tit'iiiiuii. v: w rixo-;; ux).- ;. ustoniers Having located ill th's.ci'y 'aial i receive evory. ain-n -...l: i oi(u' v. mage o lien. .o cnauge iLiou'r arr i.-t.v 117 W. Mt.'ii -: reared tiie store n--xi" to jliv ,i 5 CGI 1 i j v e r on v CV--0 4 ' . From r. 5. .Tnurr.arr f .VJo ProfAV.KiPesV.e, who m.ik es sneckr - . ty cf Hpi!epy, !:AS Kwrwnt .vr. .,i . enco of ..-() .years, J can gnarat; tce at !fMCtion Give me a e.air. Yours for businCs's," "' : C. JA t'RS, d-lm Merchant Tailor. Old Club Rom ABLAZE ! WITH CHOICE 7J JiLJ.HUlHJ'A k fceii:g biiiau'd om on V.";;t:-r.(St.-es::' a. .-.- l(;i-at vl in I'.i:.,-! . 1i"h . . -' m ( i r -, - i ! r1 t- ' 4 . ' nt " lot .1' fvSiN j i in mi i in i iimmiiMH hi ii mmm nil jM t:;-: )m m-mvrm-i v I . - f - :-v;,;i5:i iX-'i . ;, i ---i !1- t i I -.. W M-'f-. . -.v u i U4i ; Ol 7 i lC :;t I t i . i ! f ' ti) ."it V "6 i 1 1 , :S :ji r. - '.' oi c on'; tliis. t:. - f -

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