J. A ARTHUR, Jr., Editor. (PUBLISHED EVERY DAT EXCEPT 1UNDAT. THE LAW AGAINST CONCFALED WEAPONS. One of the laws the present Legislature will be called upon to amend so as to make it more stringent is the law now on the statute books against carrying concealed weapons. Every now and then, and it has been the case ever since the law was enac 1ei, someone has his indigna tion aroused to the highest pitch by the murderous use of a pitsol which the murderer carried con cealed on his person, and comes out and demands the enforce ment of the law. ' Nearly every -one of these citizens always make the point that if the law is to be regarded as a dead letter it should be repealed, but if it is to be retained on the statute books it should be rigidly en forced. We have always had an opinion of out own in regard to this law, one of which is, this law will never be rigidy enforc ed, and very much doubt if it accomplishes any real good pur poses. There is really no harm per se in carrying a pistol, and the constitution gives to every American citizen right to carry arms. Many a man has carried a pistol from his early manhood to the day of his death without ever having shot a human beincr and many a good citizen, al though we think they are mis taken conscientiously believe that it is nescssary under some circumstances to carry a weapon in order to their personal protec tion. In view of these facts it is aimply impossible to make it in the estimation of the public a great crime for a man to.carry a pistol. Therefore it is impossi ble to get the Legislature up to the point of providing suchpun- ishmeut for the offence as will have the effect to break it up. The law as it is now administered and the penalties it imposes, just does not debar any man from pistol toting. He knows the chances of detection are small, and those who are ad dicted to this habit are so much in love Trith it, they are willing to take the risk rather than sac rifice the priviledge. Therefore when we talk about enforcing the law we simply make the pistol toters smile. We do not believe the practice can be broken up ! by law,4 and if the Legislature was to follow the advice " of At torney General Walser and make' the currying of a concealed weao L on a ft'.),- y, it von M not be en forced by i he courts betv.us" p'lV'v si-:! i 'M;;t w oa LI r.o! . tain it. Tln'jv are those who h" : ' ha! : - ! i.:! ';.:;! I,,. , tueo iet the names of the per sons thus licened be published in the locai papers. This would turn revenue into the county, and at least carry oat a law that public sentiment would approve. As faras the present law is con cerned, it is a dead letter and has not and will not be enforced. MEWBORNE'S REPORT. Mr. Mewborne,superintendent of the Penitentiary for the year 1899 has submitted his report to the directory, preparitory to its going tD the LegisJature. We will, do Mr. Mew borne the justice to say that his figures in dicating a "profit" of more than $4 i.OOOare admittedly basedly on "expectations," and, also,accor ding to his admission, his "ex pectations" are based not only upon the failure of the institu tion to support itself the past year, but a certainty of failure hereafter, unless very different methods are persued, and condi tions change. The administration of the Right Hon. John K. Smith fer the year he basked in the grace of Governor Russell gave the expense account of the institu tion such a painful boost that Mr. Mewborne also admits it was impossible to recover in one short year. Mr. Smith was evidently a fi nancier on wheel i. But what a sweet-saented af fair the "maDagement" haa been from the day Governor Russell took charge to the present will soon be developed. La Grippe Successfully Treated. " I have just recovered from the second attack ol la grippe this year," says Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader Mexia, Tea?. "In the latter case I U-sed Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days against ten days for the former attack. The second at tack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy as I had to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck with it, while in the first case I was able to at' end to business about two days before getting down.' " For gale at Tayloe's (jharmacy. Rheumatism Is a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure it. many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastlg. Indiana, says: "For years I ave suffered with ciatic Rheuma Lijin, which thebest physicians were un ',',2 to relieve. I took many pr.ter.t medicines but they did not seem to resell mv trouble. I rrr ad i: a 11 T rr e w wrrre until I vr." r.r.- The BIG BACKET STORE Extends New Year greetings to their numerous patrons and customers. The thanks of each member of the firm is offered to each and all. Don't forget that during the year 1899 our purpose will be to please both in price and quality of goods. We shall handle Dress Goods Notions, Clothing and Furniture upon a larger scale than ever before. BIG RACKET STORE, ; Spencer Bros. Co. Prop. HIDOMZE THE iBr.'riicnr.TMi TO BUY - Oranges, Apples, Bah ins, Currants, Citron, 1 Nuts, FIGS & GAUDIES All kinds of fresh Fruits, in fact everything kept in a first class grocery store. Give me a call. Respectfully, E. K. WILLIS. Notice to Stockholders. regular annual The of the stockholders of the meeting J El COO LOO n tin Q D R m V SDecembei'3features Ladies black Capes Mens Pants Childrens Shoes Womans Shoes 85c. to o.00. 50c, " $4.50 35c. " $1.50 85c. " 2o0 Special line of Handkerchiefs. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a mortgage deei from Alfred Faifon and wife Annie, to John S. Hod ps, dated t ,e 21st of September, 1S9, recorded 'n Book 8-', page 111, o' Beaufort county record?, I will on Friday, Jnnuary 13, 1S99, offer for sale at public auction at the Court Mouse door, in Beaufort county, that, certain tract or parcel of land Ijiner i d boirg in Peaufort ounly, State f Nonh Carolina, and in Richland town ship, begiunins: at the mouth of Peters ( reek on the south side, runs up the Creek the south west pronir, and up the jrut to a sweet gum near the gut, and Norrh 15 East lo a uut, thence with said gut to ?f id Creek, a'"d with said Creek to Goose Creek, and with Goose Oreek lo the beginniujr, being the same tract of land conveyed by J. W. Cation to A If ied Faison , by deed recor ded in Book 77, page 23, in Beaufort con lit v records. Terms of sale cash. J. S. HODGES. dl3-lm Mortagee. First FASHIONABLE FALli AND WINTER MILLINERY I MADAM HORTENSE LITTLER, Main Street, next to Dr. W. A. Blount's Dru: Store. ftlEicfJY ;-; TiLoql Having located in this city and secured the store n-xt to Dr. J. National Bank of Washington M. Gallagher't drugstore, I am will be held at their banking house Tuesday, January 10th, for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuini; veur. A. M. DUM AY. !:!.'. ! ! prepared to do all kind of tailor work, and know, ai't r an experi ence of .)(') years, . ::i ion 1 can gnaran (' i vo me a call. L v .i ( r.s. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Having this day qualified be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort county as administrator of the estate of Isiaal Blacklege, deceased, all persons who hold claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same for pay ment to the undersigned within one vear from this dae or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; all persons in debted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment. This Dec. 23rd, 1898. Joshua Taylok Administrator of Israel Blacklege. ADM LN ISTliATOK'S IS OT1CE. 11 ving qualified this tlav; as admin istrator of the estate of Dr. I D. Mc Coi mick, oeceased, before, the Clerk of the Superior ourt of Beaufort county, all persons holdinec claims against the said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same for payment to the undersigned within one year fiom dftttf or this notice will re plead xn bar of their rtcoverv. All persons indebted to the said e-ta'e are requjst- ed to make immediate payment. This 15th day of November 1898. . . T. NICHOLSON", Administrator of J. D. McCormick. T0NS0RIAL PARLOR. The latest designs in hair cut ting and trimming. Barbers up-to-date and polite. Customers receive every attention. Your patronage solicited. No change inour artists. S. .. NOBLES, Pnoi, 117 W. Main Street. ' . - . .J.'.' . i . - RCVWInmSIni r v. l.iese l!ihi: wroiig except in the abus of tlieai is to educate public sen timent. Let us try to convince the general public that it is both cowardly and dangerous to carry concealed weapons. But better till if the Legislature would remedy the evil let the act be so amended, that to carry any con taled weapon the party so do- c.ire.- Scrofula. Cane :c.M any i-irm ot blood trou:L-. It von have n blr.r -i U ease, take a blood medi cine S.S.S. (guai an teed pv.rrly vegeta iabe is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else. forces out the poison matter permane lv. Wewill send to anyone our valuable books. Address Swift Specific Co., A U anta, 1 11 1 l' F-JX R PI . i ) .. x.Lt.'e oi'r oUl )alroDs ..; i i it i i-i.- are welcome. A share oi i your patronage is solicited. Iiespectf ully, W. B. FARROW & CO. heard oi cases of 20 Tars' tsinamg cured by him. He publishes a vs2;n able work on this disease, which be sends with a large bottle of his abso lute cure, free to any sufferer who may send their r. CJ. and bxpres Hr'sQ A7p -!v$c irrrrx.s tter??i ft cure to address Prof. V.H.PEEEE.4 Ccc. Ycst To the Editor : I have an absolute Cir for CONSUMPTION and all Broachial, Throat and Lung Troubles, and all onditions of Wasting Away. By its timely use thousands of apparent ly hopeless cases have been permanently cured. So proof-positive am of its power to cure. I will send FREE to anvone afflicted. THREE inVOne 1S23I2 S j BOTTLES of mvXewly Discovered Remedies. ; upon receipt of Expressand Postoffice address. Alwavs sincerelv vours. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., Pearl St., New York. When writiua the Debtor- oleag mention this paper A, V- .' ' ? . J 1