i I 5 i J. A. AltTUUH, Jr., Bditor. PUBLISHED EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT. Although the General Assem bly has not been in session a week we are able to give our readers an outline of the bill that with some modifications and amendment that will probably be submitted to the people of the State for ratification at the polls, eliminating in a large de gree the negro vote, and while this is trne, noTvhite man will be deprived of the right of suffrage The bill is divided into ten sec tions, and was introduced into the House by Mr. Winston, of Bertie, Sections 1 and 2 requires the voter to be 21 years of age, and a bona fide resident of the State for two years, of the county one year and of the precinct in which ' he proposes to vote six months But no person who has been con victed or confessed his guilt in open court upon indictment of the following crimes: bribery, burglary in any degree, larceny receiving stolen goods', arson, perjury, rape, sale of cotton in prohibited hours, and etc or any crime whereof the punishment may be imprisonment in the pen iteutiary, shall be permitted to vote unless restored to citizen ship as provided by law, and it shall not be necessary that any punishment has been imposed to bring persons within the pro hibition of .this section. Then again. Every person presenting himself for registra tion shall be able to read and write intelligently, and he shall demonstrate his ability to do so when he applies for registration by making under oath, adminis tered to him by the officer hav ing in charge such registration, or by his duputy, both of whom are hereby authorized to admin ister such oath, written applica tion therefor upon a blank to be furnished by such ofticer. The said application shall contain the necessary informa tion to show that he is entitled to register and vote, and shall be entirely written, dated and signed by him, in the present of the registration officer or his deputy, Without assistance or suggestion from any person or memorandum whatever, except the form of application herein set forth. Section 6. Provides that if the applicant be not able to read and write as above provided, then he sha1! bo entitled to register and vote ii lie hall at the time he boii a tide owner of property as- V ' : 1 1. I. i i to i i : i in t he State ai a ; U . f ' o ii 1 tin . , !. ai. !x oi ihe uuoptiou of this OODSlitU- tion; and no male person who was naturalized prior to the first day cf January, 1900, shall be denied the right te register and vote in this State by reason of his failure to possess the ed ucational or property qualifica tion prescribed by the Consti tution; provided he shall have resided in this State for five (5) years next preceding the- the date at which he shall apply for registration, and shall have reg istered in accordance with the terms of this Article prior to September 1, 1900: and no per son shall be entitled to register under this section after said date Sec. 8. Provides for the pay ment of poll tax of all persons under the age of 60 years; and provides that no such person shall be permitted to vote unless such payment is made on or be fore the 31st day of December of each year for the two (2) years preceding the year in which he offers lo vote. All between the ages of 21 and 60 not herein ex empted come within this provis ion. It is also required by this sec tion that the poll tax receipt for said time shall be exhibited to the election officer in official form, or duplicate in event of loss, or proof of payment of such poll tax shall be produced by the affidavit of the party to whom it was paid. Sec. 10. Defines who shall be eligible to office. Also provides for the submission of this Amend mentjto the Constitution to the voters of the State for ratifica tion "on the Tuesday after the first Monday in May, 1900." The election is to be conducted and Jield under the same rules and regulations as are provided in the law regulating elections in this State and in force May 1, 1899 that is to to say, under the newT election law to be passed by the present General Assem bly. Whether this bill : will pass as above wTe can not tell, but of one thing we may be assured, some measure of like character will be submitted to the people. The lie racket STORE La Grippe Successfully Treated. " I have just recovered from the second attack ol la grippe this year," says Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader Mexia, Texa?. "Id the latter case I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days against ten days for the former attack. The second at tack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this renu-dv is 1 hvd to go to bed in about ix hours afier being 'iruckj Willi it, while in the first w;; a ! to at ';.:! to biiMiu ; Extends New Year greetings to their numerous patrons and customers. The thanks of each member of the firm is offered to each and all. Don't forget that during the year 1899 our purpose will be to please both in price and quality of goods. We shall handle Dress Goods Notions, Clothing and Furniture upon a larger scale than ever before. BIG R ACkET STORE, Spencer Bros. Co. Prop. TUB BEST.'PLACF.IH.TOWH TO BUY Oranges , Apples, Raisins, Currants , Citron, Dates, Nuts, FIGS & CMDIES All kinds of fresh Fruits, in fact everything: kept in a first class grocery store. Give me a calJ. Respectfully, E. K. WILLIS. FOR SALE. One House and I.ct, Morehouse, Stablrs and Barn. House contains 3 .ooms. Nearly a whole lot Situated on corner of Fifth and Bonner sts. For cash cheap. Apply to J T iVAlN, 121-lw Washington. N. C. HTflOMZE l HCDQCDIorD LU J IRRfilS! s2)ecembcr3feature6r Ladies black Capes 85c. to ?5.00. Mens Pants 50c, " $4.50 Children Shoes 35c. " $1.50 Woinaus Shoes 85c. " 2.50 Special line of Handkerchiefs. . T. THOMAS. MORTGAGE SALE. Rv virtue of the power of sale con tained in a mortgage dee from Alfred j Faifon nnd wile Annie, to jonn 5. Hodge?, dated tl.e 21st of September, 1S9-4, h1 recorded m Book 8-', page 111, of Beaufort county records, 1 will on Friday, January 13, 1S99, offer for eale at public auction at the Court House door, in Beaufort county, that certain tract or parcel of land bin? ai d beirg in Ktaufort ounty, State ( f North Carolina, and in Richland town ship, beginning at the mouth of Peters Creek on the south side, runs up the Creek the southwest prong, and up the gut to a sweet gum near the gut, and North 15 East to a jjut, thence with said gut to sf id Creek, ad with said Creek to Goose Creek, and with Goose Creek to the beginning, being the sp.me tract of land conveyed by J. W Cahonto Alhed Faison, by deed recor ded in Book 77, page 23, in Beaufort conutv records. Terms of sale cash. J.S. HODGES. d!3-:m Mortagee. FASHIONABLE FALL A D WINTEK MILL1HERY ! MADAM H0RTENSE LITTLER, Main Street, next to Dr. W. A. Blount's Drug Store. UjO SilllSltiCl'lOU. V curs' lor m h r ;i " j - - , ti(.-lll'i ...... - . .'.'.' : 'j Having located in this city and secured the store next to Dr. J. M. Gallagher't drugstore, I am prepared to do all kind of tailor work, and know, after an experi- years, 1 can gtuiran (iive me a call. 1 : - i !i 'ss. C. .iACUliS, . lit T-Hi-'l'. ADMINTSTRATOK'S SALE. Having this day qualified be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort county as administrator of the estate of Isiael Blacklege, deceased, all persons who hold claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same for pay ment to the undersigned within one vear from this da'e or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; all persons in debted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment. This Dec. 23rd, 1S98. Joshua Taylof Administrator of Israel Blacklege. ADMINISTRATOR'S S OT1CE. Having qualified this dav as admin istrator of the estate of Dr. J D. Mc Cormick, Geceased, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort county, all persons holding claims against the said estate are hereby noti fied to resent the same for payment to the undersigned within one year f.om date or this notice will be plead in bar of their ifoverv. All persons indebted to the said estate are request ed to make immMliate imyment. This loth day of November 1898. T. NLCFIOLON, Administrate r of .J. D. McCormick. T0NS0RIAL PARLOR. The latest designs in hair cut ting and trimming. Barbers up-to-date and polite. Customers receive every attention. Your patronage solicited. No change inour artists. , S. .1. XOHLES, Prop., 117" W. Main Street. n : . i- - S r ! ,1 a:i-. . . . 1 pro . . - : SllU .,.,Vi Sr. '7. No li. a ;o j r : . win was on Jauuai'V 1, i-''7, or a any date prior thereto, entitles to vote under the Constitution or statutes of any State in tht United State wherein he has re- resided, or who prior to that teme was a regularly enlisted oldier in the army of the Uni ted States, and no person, sou r grandson of any such person HOOD'S 5yraparilla i.5 the Om True Blood Purifier, Great Nerrc Tonic, Stomach Regulator. To thou sands its sjreat mea-it 8 KNOWN. CURE rheumatism by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla,whichby neu tralizing the acid in the blood perma nently relieves aches and PAINS. SciV.lb with u h''X- ' C 'i-J -A ,'1.f .-;. f ' - ti" c . ... 41, w p r '-,. r- Cure to address Prot.V.H.PEESE.4Ccr. - -t c To the Editor : I have an absolute Cure for CONSUMPTION and all Bronchial, Throat and Lung- Troubles, and all -conditions of Wasting Away. By it.; timely use thousands of apparent ly hopeless cases have been Permanently cured. So proof-posuive am J of its power to cure. I ill send FREE to anyone afflicted. THREE BOTTLES of tnv Newly Discovered Remedies, upon receipt of Express and Postoffice address. Always sincerelv vours, T. A. SLOCUM. M.C., i8 Pearl St., Xew York. WHaa woUms the DcMr- uUatc mention this patxz. ana Billious affections. 7afe'Sl. a lid 50 Cents Per Bottle. lagta's 119 1 Main $( i., t. 1 mm I 1 V ?