J. A. ARTHUR, Jr., Editor. PUBLISHED EVERT DAT EXCEPT SUNDAY. THE CANNING FACTORY AND OUR ERS. FARM- The re-opening of the Canning factory i qqt7 an jissuredx fact investment All will be benifited and oar town boomed as it ought to have been years and years ago. The Laurinburg Exchange tells of an Eeatern Carolina plantar who had been in the to bacoo business several years and had averaged $100 per acre dur ing the whole time and of anoth er gentleman from the same sec tion, who rented his tobacco and on the 20th of this month, to a tenant and realized S56 per 4. acre for his portion. At that rate, tobacco culture is the most profitable business one can en gage. This is very attractive to a farmer wno raises cotton for six cents and sells it for five. JTHE PUBLIC SCHOOL FUND. The Public School Fund of the county apportioned at the Jan uary session of the County Board of Education $9,266,31. This amount was divided as folic ws. Richland Township, District 1, $1,837,91. Chocowinity Town ship, District 2, $1,171,10. Wash ington Township, District 3, $189,84,. Long Acre, Town ship, District 4, 873,92. Bath Townahip 5, $1,438,78. Pantego Township, District 6, $993,04. of Washipgtpn, $1,768,60. It will be noticed th&l th & portionmnnt for 1899 is ffiUCh less than in 1898 the county difference being $1,213,81. This is caused by a decrease Mn the tax list of property and polls as well as in specific valuations, such at railroads etc. The State in '98 gave us $7,05,78. Nothing this year. Burton Stilley, Sec. to Co. B'd of Ed. (January), that part of our city where the plant is situated will be all bustle and a sceheof ac tivity. For the past several years this factory has been idle due to the repealing of the oys ter law then in vogue by the General Assembly. To say the repealing of this law allowing dredging was a grave mistake needs no comment .time has proven the error. Its an old adage and a true one, "Time at Jast sets all things even." The legislature of two years ago modified the bill, so as to allow dredging upon a limited scale :to this modification is due the determination on the part of the proprietors of theoyster fac tory to start up again. The ben efits of this factory to our town and this eastern section Is f ai' reaching. We speak from no mainary basis but from obe servatlons gathered whoa the faotery Wafe in operation several years ago. More money was paid out for labor while the plant operated, than by any two enterprises inaugurated here. Every kind of business was more or less benifited. Homes, where desolation and want had been dominant, at last had the clouds brushed aside and the smile of happiness rapidly took a firm grip. "If the oyster factory would only open." Could that Screech owl whistle ;break. the .stillness these quiet mornings at the can ning factory, we would haye better times, " has often been said in our hearing, by some laborer who is dependent upon the sweat of his brow and the xercise of his muscle, not only kas such expressions issued from those in the lowly strata, but heard to come from others sta tioned a little higher in the walks of life as well. Ou peo ple should rally as a unit and see to it that this prodigious enterprise continue to operate. Our farmers and truckers can play a conspicuous part in this drama if they Kyi 11. The canning factory can operate at least nine months in the vear if our farm ors will boin at once to raise tomatoes, peas, linr beans, stiing beans etc This scheme will not only be a roat benitit to our farmers, but it will place monev in their hands little dreamed of; not only this, but the factory will be placed on a paying basis, and not dependent upon oysters alone to ran. Our reporter interviewed Mr. Ford, in charge of the factory, and he tells us, if you people will omy raise vegetables, your ateoiu.e .redely tor Consumption and all .j ihroat. Chest and Lunjj Diseases; also for La Grippe Saccesifallj Treated. 4i I have jast recovered from the second attack ol la grippe this year," says Mr. Jae. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader Mexia, ;Texa. "In th latter cace I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days against ten days for the former attack. The second at tack I am satisfied would have been equally ae bad as the first but for the use of this remedy as I had to go to bed in about six . hours after being Struck with it, while in the first case I was able to at end to business about two days before getting" down.'" For Sale at Tayloe's (juarmacy. IF YOU ARE LOOKIIsIGc For a good thing in Dress Goods, Cloth ing, Sfpoes, Furniture, etc., we can show them to you. Style may be alright in summer, but now the health is the one im portant thing. You take no chan ces buying of us. We are making room for our spring stock so join the procession and visit the Racket NlflMZE LIE Bf) FQVWBFII LOULlvlDLO J R M V December jfeaturesy Ladies black Capes 85c. to 5.00. Mens Pants Cliildrens Shoes Womaus Shoes 50c. " 35 c. " 8oc. " $4.50 $1.50 $2.50 Special line of Handkerchiefs. Stor e. BIG RACkET STORE, Spencer Bros. Co. Prop. 0 Vhen I say I cure I do not mean merely to "top them fur a time ami then have them re turn aain. I mcp.ri a radical cure. nr.tdt the disease of FIT?, EPILEPSY & ALLING SICKNESS a life-long. study. Iwanant my remedy to cire the worst cases. Because .ithcYS have filled is no reason for not now ;eceivinij a cure. Send at once for a treatise ind a Free Eottle of my infallible remedy live Express and Post Orlice. ;i-of.W.iI.PKEKR F.H.. s Cedar St, K.Y HOOD'S oorsapurilLi i. the Or True Blood Purifier, Great Xeivc Tonic, Stomach Icnilntor. To thou sands its throat ireir. Js KNOWN e k.'orm your readers tuat l nave an tillers of the , soil will find their incomes will far surpass their expectations, taking into con sideration of course, the small amount of libor required. Will our farmers and truckers heed what we say, will they aid. in eeping this factory in opera tion? We believe they will. We appeal to the good sense Loss Flesli and ail Conditions of Wastine By its timely use thousand: of hopeles cases have already been Permanently Cireb. So proof-positive am I of its power, that to increase its usefulness and make known ib gre-at merits. I "propose to SEND FREE. TWO tJGTTl.ES, to readers of your paper who wQJ write me giving their Express and Postoffict address. S"cer?Iy, T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 183 Pe.rl St., Nxv Vork. We take the liberty of pnblLh:rir the Doctor' cormminiextion in hill for the benefit of out readers. Nothing could be more philanthropic When writinjr, please staw 1 read his letter in this paper and greatly oblige EDITOT- BEST .PliCr.lll'.T TO BUY- Oranges, Apples, Rauins. Currants, Citron, Dates , Nuts, FIGS & CANDIES All kinds of fresh Fruits, in fact everything kept in a first class grocery store. Give me a call. Respectfully, E. K. WILLIS. M n fl inHom mt rf nnr nnn l r f s nke while the iron is hot, and impure blood Hood's arsaparilla not' procrastinate. Lets begin ifi Jour safeguard. It will purify, raisiaS tomatoes, beans etc. aud WiS, we will -bi better paid for the ,va 6'cm wn0 ,,qq w awunf. 1 -bj3 tlj aoj oU-X-oa FOR SALE. One Iloie pnd Lrt, -torehoie, Pt8b7f nd Htirn. HuiM' n ntirs 3 onins. A' arly r whol" lot. Situt d on oerrer of Fif h and Bopiierbts. For cash cheap. Apitlvto J. T U'A1N. ICI-tv-- Washington. X. O. GALLAGHER'S ANTI-MALARfAL - JRIXTURE FOR Dyspepsia, Indigestion, LaGrippe, and Bilious or Liver Troubles 50 Cents and $L Per Bottle. - . For testimonials write Dv J. M. GALLAGHER, P. O. Box 93. Washington, N. C. i TAKE ONLY tl .n yo ueeI a medici jMla is the btgt hV i i .ier. nerve nd stomach tot" vxti HOOD'S. MORTGAGE SALE. By Tirtue ef the power of tale con tained in a rnorturage deed from Alfred Faison and wife Annie, to John S. Hodges, dated ti e 21st of September, 189. anfl recorded in Book 8J, page 111, of Beaufort county record?, I Will on Friday, January 18, 1899, offer for ealc at public auction at the Court Houie door, in Beaufort county, that, certain tract ? or parcel of land Ijinpr i d b.-ipg in Beaufort ounty, state of North Carolina, and in Richlawd town ship, beginning at the mouth of Peters Creek on the south Si'ie, runs up the Creek the southwest pr nr, aud up the jrut to a sveet gum near the gut, and Nonh 15 East lo a gut, thence with 8Htd gut to Pi.id Creek, a-d with paid Creek lo Goose Creek, and with Goose Creek to the beginning, being the same tract of land conveyed by J. W. Cahon to A Ified Faison, by deed recor ded in Book 77, page 23, in Beaufort conutv record. Terms of sale cash. J. S. HODGES. dlS-Im Mortagee. FASHIONABLE FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY I MADAM H0RTENSE LITTLER, Main Street, next to Dr. W. A. Blount's Drug Store. ff7EicfiY :-; TqiLoq, Having located in this city and securedthe store nxtto Dr. J. I M. Gallagher't drugstore, I am prepared to do all kind of tailor work, and know', alter an exper5 ecco of o() 3ears, 1 can irnara' tee satisl'action Give me a call. Yours for business, C. JACOBS, ADMINISTRATOR SALE. Having this daj qualified be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort county administrator of the estate ot Israel Blacklege, deceased, all peraonsVho hold claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same for pay ment to the undersigned within one year from this da e or thi notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; all persons in debted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment. This Dec. 23rd, 189S. Joshua Tatlof Administrator of Israel Blacklege. ADMIN IS THATOU'S NOTICE. Hvinr qualified this day ns dn3k iatrator of the Mtatft of Dr. J D. Mc cormick, deceased, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort county, all peraone holding claii Aeainst the a-tid stHt are hereby noti fied to present the same for payment to the undersigned within one year from dt or tbu notice will be plead im t.ar of their rw.overv. All pereOBS indebted to the said etae nre rr'qu-t- pd to make immediate paymeol. This- loth day of Noverrber tHQH. .T. NICHOLSON, A dministrntor of J. D. McCormiefe- T0NS0RIAL PARLOR. The latest designs in huir cut ting; and trimmiug'. Barbers up-to-date and polite. Customers receive every attention. Your patronage solicited. No change inour artists. S. J. NOBLES, Prop.. 117 W. Main Street. dO-lm Merchant Tailor. Iroui life fir Da. ,rTyV JL - J THE o "iSU RESTORES VITALITY Made a VJeY Man Of Me. GREAT oTTu7 FRENCH REMEDY produces the above resnlt in 30 days. Cures Nerz ous ebiIity. 7mpotency, Varicocele, Failing Aleniory. Stops all drains and losses caused by errrr3 of youth. It wards off In sanity and CousHinpiion. Young Men regain Man hood and Old Men recover Youthful Vigor. It gives vigor and s ze to shrunken organs, and fits a man lor business or marriage. Easily carried in the vest pocket. Price f"rt PTC 6 Boxes $ 2.5c by mail, 111 pla;n pack-iJU lJ u.age, witb I written guarantee. DR. JEAN C'llARRA. Paris Oaertiiret. ai"i v Mbiii tio, tlio most -t SiiiU l i ("r : iilll'J- t'n VUt,- t Tir UC! fTjl.t,' ndji'ositiv ly o-i Kk.fi" s.-Un-r-aiid . .iean-siiiir the cutiie msi in. (iisnel roids cur hoa iche. Ji-nr. 1 : ;i -i : 1 ni opctjt alio and hi in')hn--s. ij; aso b:iv and irr a 1 . Of C. ( '. C. t'-.i;M ; lo. -j. ; r.Mict its. an -utjU ' l ur i.y "'l drus.fr; t. ftj ERVES nustbc Ud on pure, 8" bloml. IIool's Sarpaai ilia is ti. best none tonic. By enrirliintf 'be blood ii make-'ho nerves STRONU. 1

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