y i 1 J. A. AltTiil'K, Jr., Editor. PUBLISHED EVERY DAT EXCEPT SUNDAY. COMMUNICATED. SABBATH OBSERVANCE. The command to "remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy, " is a part of the moral law and is binding upon all who ac knowledge allegiance to the sov ereignty of Jehovah: and upon all, in fact, whether they re spect the commands of God or not. A disregard gf ifois com mand will surely bring pualih . . Hut ment to the transgressor. 3UU under the gospel dispensation, the command, like all the rest in the dicalogue is set in a new light. Obedience to the law of God must be on the plan of wil lingness to be acceptable to Him. An observance of any precept of the law from fear of punishment and no finial regard for the law giver, is not in an evangelical sense obedience. The law of God is not designed by Him to be a grevious yoke. On the con trary the law itself is "ordained unto life," and is the condition of life; not of death. Jesus Christ assures us, that "the Sab bath was made for man; m$ eot man for the Sabbath." An ob servance of the letter of the law, while the Spirit of the law Is not understood- or vgaraed. j is not dll acceptable service to God. It was at this point Jesus and the Pharisees parted com pany. They complained of him because his disciples passed through the wheat, or barie fields oti.tU- Sabbath, and bein. hungry pulled the heads of the stan-iiug- graiu. and rubbed them in tl.eir hands and ate them They did uut condemn Jesus and his disciples for pulling t'.u :;raiu, because there was a J..-.vish law that allowed itu traveler to pull and eat euough of the standing grain in any manis held, through which he might pass to satisfy his hunger bi thev objected because it was done on the sabbath day. The Jews and many others have sup posed that Jesus abrogated the law requiring Sabbath obser vance by this act. But that is not true. It simply showed the true meaning of Sabbath obser vance. There are three kinds of work that mav bo done on the Sabbath and these ought to be done. 1. Works of necessity. Those things that are made necessary by the udtar il conditions of this life. Such as providing neces sary food for the sustenance of the body; the relieving those around us who are in such dis tress that they cannot be neglec ted with safety for a day. These things should be done for men and animals. The ox should be palled out ot the ditch etc. No man whose heart is right, how ever, wilLwork all the week to get the oxj in thediich, that he may have t'.i- privilege of pull ing him oui on the Sabbath day. LI. Wor-ics of mercv. The Sabbath is not designed to be a dav of idleness. We are not commanded to "remember the Sabbath day to sleep wholly" bjt to keep it holy. It is to be "a day of holy convocation unto you." Many people are as truly Sabbath breakers, simply be cause they loiter the day away, as they would be if they engaged in doing ordinary work therein. It is the Lord's day, and he re quires that it should be spent in in doing His work Our government has no right to demand that the Sabbath day be observed as a religious insti tution; but it has a right to de-1 mand the observance of the day 5$ 3 pQljeg rC'j!atiQa; for it has been demonstrated that the ob servance or one day in seven is a good thing for public health and morals. The Christian must observe the day from other and higher motives. The Christian in this land should emphasize a proper observance of the holy Sabbath, until there is a correct sentiment touching the matter instilled in the1 public conscience and the government is brought to see that it is a duty to enforce it everywhere as a police regu lation. No nation can prosper long without a Sabbath of rest and the life of the church of God depends upon, the remem- J berancs ef foe gay, OF THE IS THE T LITTLE -GIT READ, READ! Read the advertisements in this paper and you will see that the men who advertise are the ones who support your schools, help promote public enterprises build your churches, help pay vour pastor's salary, and pay the taxes that support the town rov eminent. If they do all this Tor you and your town, they are ioi only deserving- of your pat t ouage, but are entitled to it, and voa are catering to your own in terest when vou trade at their w stores. La Grippe Successfully Treated. I have just recovered fron; ;he second attack oJ la grippe ibis year," says Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader Mexia, Texa?. "In the latter ease I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being1 in bed a little over two days against ten days for the former at'ack. The second at tack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy as I hed to go to bed ia about six hours af'-er being 'struck with it, while in the first case I was able to at end to business about two days before getting down.' " For bale at Tayloe's Pharmacy. J M v For Misses and Children, Durable, artistic, and up to-date. These goods are unsurpassed. GREAT T In all Winter Goods. Prices to make them sell. Come in and look over. Don't forsret we are the lead in; Emporium for Dry Goods, etc. IC RACfcET STORE, MORTGAGE SALE. F-v virtue of the power of sal con- ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Having this day qualified be- bpercer Bros. Co. Prop. Seed t n n o. q X Is. Pn7 '-it- vr. i Truck Farms. W v, make a speein i second rop seed who want to buv ; rel f. o. b . V IVl Tot- Fropr. hinu'tch. X. ity of growing nota:oes. All a si) per bar- t-1: i ULT' OP. llP.d niii.Hl in a moirce -iee-i from Aifmi ; fore te Clerk of the Superior Vn-.-nn ; n(J Me A'ni. to John i. ; p t nf Ro-nifort OfilintV as H..,rrc, dated tl e 21st of Sen' ember, ; urt . ot bedUTort couniy as i9rnMi uc.-n'cd ' d B-ok S', paae j administrator of the estate Oi 111,0' r,Miifort cmntyri'i-on!, I viii i Isiael Black lege, deceased, all il Fi wj iv, J-T!ury l?., 1S9. -fi-r f,r 1 pPre0ns vvho hold claims against :: icat Hih.ic action a. th, t said herebv notifie(I vi hinsr lo prest ni me same lor pay ment to the undersigned within one year from this da e or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery: all pr-rson- in- c-r ;im. i -ct or itc 1 o' X.i-h ';itn!:" !, h!,1 ii ivc!;i iow ' i ( k . ;i ! I:" j.nl!i run.: i:p tl c i;..- !: '.. t ' ; r i i 1 1 i '('! r '.l.' -ut, nv 'dfbted to Raid estate are r N"' iiii;- a li-. w wi: quested to make immediate ::! - ;. 4iV,ivV-l.l1l;.f?;,.",(l ! pavment. Hs-L- i.; it,,, , i-.r. I...;. s the 1 Ihi? Dec. 2:)rd, ls-.'. s :; , t ii i'!" v v,-.; i fl I- :t-ii 1'. i'AjOti i i , p:;e c i! lit v rvv i: ci. '1 eru of -;il;J ia:-h. J. better send their orders in im mediately, as prices will ad-vance.-oon. Send your orders alonr and seed will le shipped where voa wish. Prices sub ject to clume without, notice. (113 - .'m t ; t- : i (.() - . 1L1 UeciU' i.:i t i HODGE UM;J.:e,. 'ASHIONABLE FALL AND WINTER I MM XOTI'JE. .no .ice ..ereoy Liven inar MADAM HORTENSE LITTLER, ajjiJi.aiiua v j i i tr" iiiiii-f iu Lilt; General Asseraljly to ineorpor ate a public school at Aurora, X. C. J. B. WHlTEHrnST. AND OTEK?. NOTICE. Jos::: a Taylof Adminii-trator of Israel Blackleoe. ADMIM i ilA'l'Uil S N (J f H ; E. II" vino- qMn'ifip; fl ir; "lav as (lm;n-i-trator .f the -s'Hr- of Or. t D. M Cormtek, ceCPis i!, lieforn the Clerk of the Superior " ourt -i Heaufort county, a''l prson? holfiinz cl e!tn aea-nst the siiil -riis are hereby uoti lietl to i resent the ;irae for payment, to the iiiK-er?:jriied v itiiin one y-ar from flnt,. or Tlii ntli.-o will he ple.e i'i t ar of tlieir irv-rv. Ail persons uuMite ! In t!;e s.-.id estate are rq'jt- to noaKe immediate pavment. TLiis l.'ktb day of November 18W. S. T. NICHOLSON", Afl.i.inii-trMt. r of.. 1). McC'orrnitk. Main Street, next to Dr. W. A. Blount's Drusr Store. FOR SALE AXD RENT. One pair fine Mare Mules hvo ANT!-WA! APII one tine Ball. Several tine lv:rs dressed at Tic. per pound. A small quantity of Hay. A lot of Having located in this city and sppnvprl the ;tnrp nvt tn T)r .T Notice ;is hereby -iven that I'm. Gailaghe r't drugstore. I aoi will apply to the General As-j 1)rpD;irPd to do all kind of i.iilnr for amendment to the ! ,r,,v!: ,nrU-nnn- ofitlr,0v..-...; erice of dO years, 1 can gnura:; tee satisfaction. Give me a call. Yours for business, C. JACOBS, d'J-lrri semoL v TONSORIAL PARLOR. The latest designs in hair cut ting and trimminir Barbers ur- f to-date and polite. Customers j receive every attention. Your patronage solicited. No change mour artists. S. J. NOBLES, Prop., of Wash- Ch arter for the tov ington. Wm. M. Cit rx ey. Mavor GALLAGHER'S lA urn TmD I u Ci XOTLCK No Corn Shucks. Inles. Sc-'.vs and Heirs fat and in pood condition. For sale cheap. Terms stricrlv C?sh. Also for rent, one Farm. 9 I- 1 ' inereis' v) -acvp wi;h r,no.r D 50 M no better-dav to show mercv thau on the Saobath Wherever any j parson may be relieved in body J or mind, vrho is in distress on! the Sabbath day, i: is not only peraiissable, bat a duty to do the inercifal deed. 3. Works of charity. Every day in a christian life should b idjoimug' town. C, Januarv -0, ouuuinirs Washington, 1-99. S. Simmons. Airt for Wife. ran U- K '' W.'B Kt OMAN. 1C I5:h. 5. full of charitv to ever v bod v. and ' 4.'rar't(nlv fUianic, tl.e most wo& 0- - - i j i . .jen i'! every J J 1 I Jerri'! im-oical u s v trv of the are, pleas, thin?:, but the Sabbath i? V 'M-.f fr ' die uisie, act gently , ar-t r-os ttv.MV .n kl-.ex s. liver anH hnntl Stands OUt prominently among" ekai.:m; the entire Msum. uisjel colds, . . . t, . . . --ro i.ea.iache, ter. r, habitual oa 5 U nation all the days of the week 'n Itlilg j -j d ;.: ir ls. P:fas- b!!v acd try a bos IncI g est ion, LaGrioi3 3 and Bilious or Livei' ; a"oj"i:.;-:: : lavr i! t n side of .i i is hpTvv i'i vr n h.i ion y: 11 n-; ma:ve to . A-e.i::-5 .- r a sio k dl-triet (.n ti'.e -... :. Tl t;-: V.d r HISIDiPO RESTORES VITALITY W 1 Wei' Man TrOUulG?, GREAT -tis to charitable deeds. 50 Outs ami For testimonial vrite J. M. GALLAGHER. . "DRENCH REMEDY produces the aVm.? re-c!t ! i - IB 30 Bits. Ctoes fier-.-(sus j?inJitv,Iin?0iet.cy, i ; Varicocele. Failing Ai emery. Slot s il: drains ?.:.d ! losses caused by errcrsof youth. It s:,ii ttT Id i sanity and CetiSBmniou. Vountr Men reirain M.n- bcod and Old Men rocswer -Yoctbftil .V?jr:r III gives vigor and s ieto shrunken organs, si.d fits j a man lor busjnesSor marriaze. Ea;lv ram( in t tbe vest pocket. Price fTC 6 Boxes :.5C ' by mail, in plain pack- uU j I O. a Ee, xv- - : j vrituaj guarantee. EE. 1LAH ".lAKRA. Puis P. O. Box 03 ua-'iuuj! tc curt by nil crugjUs. LLiDi:ton. x. c. r2 on jjnrp. . i ' 11 1 T T 1. best norve toisic. By enrirhjiijr 'ho blood it makes ho nerv es STR O NU. i i i j 117 u . Main "' t. i a ilniiifs Wy' & tl I ..1:1 MiTiiHiVv'ra ? t y iiffi , -ri