Yle Evening Meeqgei4 ,T. A . ARTHUR, Jr., Editor. fUBLISHED EVERT DAT EXCEPT SUNDAY. SUNDAY MUSINQS. If the good man does grow Old what cares he for the pasaatf e of time? If there is a better mu sic to be heard, if there are lar ger opportunites to be embraced may he not be grateful for the hurrying years which can not let him loiter, but bears him swifr, ly on to the next chapter in the drama of life, Time reckoning is simply a convenience, nothing more. The seasons change from fruitage to snow, and are easily made into the landmarks which assists the memory. The earth plunges through space, it is now in the dark and now in the light, t and we speak of yesterday or yesternight. It. keeps its even course about the sun, and when it rea3hes a certain station in its journey, we speak of our natal day, and with a hand clasp for neighbor aud friend hope for a joyour future. Time is only ouc unit of that eternity which i every soul's heritage. So if we use it we need give no thought to its passage. Let it conic, let it go why should we give it a thought? Not even age can b counted bv vears. We are not so many yeais old but so much experience old. Age is not dis covered by wrjnkles on the face for one may be young in heart and old in body. We have seen the. tottering --man of eighty who was still a mere child so ;ar as the deep things of the spiritual life are concerned, and we have seen the youth of twenty who had passed through most of the experiences which a long lite affords. Time has therefore nothing to do with the soul, and though you reckon a man's sum mers and winters, y6u can not guess his age' for that is a se cret with him and God. One of our natural inclinations is to view life only from the stand point of the body, and we get only a very limited view of our selves. We cling to the days and weeks, with the tenacity of the miser who hoards his dol lars.f But there is a higher nd nobler standpoint, and from that we get a prospect which charms dazzles and even oppresses us to the verge of tears. We mean the standpoint of the immortal soul that mysterious something whose wings are hidden in the flesh, but which, when the chim ing bell of death ring out its release, will soar into the upper air and never rest in its flight until it has found the heaven from which it was taken at birth We should be glad when that time hurries us from one year to another, that the way to be trod is shortening and that in a few more summers or winters we shall be invited to a banquet where the loved and the lost will bid us a hearty welcome. But haste and thoughtfulness must see the golden gates in the dis tance and on the far away hill tops the cloud of witnesses who haue7guided us on our way and will take us by the hand when we wake from slumber. The heart need not beat like a muffled drum, as though we were sorry to leave these lower scenes for if we are right minded we shall keep step to the echoing music of a better world and be more and more glad as it grows louder because we are getting nearer the everlasting home. Our religion makes us content to live and ready at any time to exchange life for immortality. THE OYSTER QUESTION. It is to be regretted that what to do with the oyster can not be settled, and settled for good, and not come up every two years in the General Assembly. As long as this condition of affairs exist, no capitalist will lake stock in the industry. A few years ago we in the ea?t thought the leg islature had settled the oyster problem; the State purchased a pittrol boat, oyster factories sprang up in the several towns and the industry promised to be ..me of profit to our citizens, aud to yield a handsome revenue to t.he State and the public school fund. But in this the people are disappointed and the bill intro duced into the General Assem bly prohibiting dredging, opens ip afresh the entire oyster prob lem. We believe we state a fact when we say, the unanimous opinion of onr people is in favor o dreding in certain limitations, namely, in ten feet of water and more. In water of this depth and more, it is impossible to use tongues, in fact as one experien ced cysterman informs us. that tonging can not be. carried on profitably in water that is over six feet deep, and the oysters contained in the water beyond that depth are wasted, unless dredging is allowed. This being true we believe it is only necessary to acquaint the members of the Legislature with the true statement of the above fact to have Mr. Davis' bill defeated and drueging con tinue. La Grippe Successfully treated. " I have' just recovered from the second attack oi la grippe this year," says Mr. Jae. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader Mexia, Texa?. "In the latter case I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days against ten days for the former attack. The second at tack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy as I bed to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck with it, while in the first case 1 was able to at end to business about two days before getting down.'" For ale at Tayloe's Pharmacy. FOR SALE AND RENT. . -i i rn ii go Logeuier. ine naste is mev- .tMbip' nnd the thnmrM fnincc ! 0ne P'lir fine Mare Mules, two is a duty. There is no harm in running if a person knows what object he is persueinir. It is the belief in a dav after death which m ikes all the days before death joyful. The. difference between a tomorrow of' sunshine : and a torn rrow. of darkness,- and a rer I adjoin iiig, t$ wn. , Washington well bred Sows and Pisrs, and one tine Bull. Several tine hogs dressed at 5c. per pound. A small quantity of Hay. A lot of Corn Shucks. Mules, Sows and Hogs fat and in good condition. For sale cheap. Terms strictly cash. Also for rent, one Farm, 50 . acres SULKS ANP VELVETS We are just in re ceipt of a most hand some line of Silks and velvets, all shades nd desiens. La w i tfir trood frttiidi ris s4- newed vigor of health untouched by disease, and of opportunities never dreamed of, is so great, ill N. (J., January -20, 1899. E. S. Simmons. Agtfor Wife. dies, now is the time to call and see our handsome display. BIG RACKET STORE, Spencer Bros. Co. Prop. Seed Irish Potatoes, cheap. V. P. Baugham, Propr. , Cot tage drove and Honey Pod Truck Farms, Washington, N. 0., make a specialty of growing second crop seed potatoes. All who want to buy at $2 per bar rel f. o. b., Washington, had better send.their orders in im mediately, as prices will ad vance soon. Send your orders along and seed will be shipped where you wish. Prices sub ject to change without notice. NOTICE. ' Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the General Assembly to incorpor ate a public school at Aurora, n. a J. B. WhITEHURS'T, and oters. Ml NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I will apply to the General As sembly for amendment to the Charter for the town of Wash ington, Wm.. M. Chauncey, Mayor. LOST. Horse Shoe carf Pin, mount ed in imitation pearls. Reward of $1. paid to finder. Leave it at W. D. Buckman's store GALLAGHER'S ANTI-fflALARfAL Dyspepsia, Indigestion, LaGripps, and Bilious or Liver Troubles. Per Bottle. NCQQCB .uu p b 0 j ROQfHS! RUBBER SHOES -FOR- J Men, Wo m n oncl Hildien Tobacco Cloth at TKOMA NOTICE. ADMlXI.vniATOIi-'S SALE. Notice is hereby yiven that! Having ihi !;v qualified be npplication will he made to the ; fore the rh-'-k of the Superior General Assembly to have ! Court of Hrnufoit crunty as Dutch net stakes removed afier admihis; r;itor of the e-tate or :)ets are mken up out of Pamli- Isia 1 Black h'jje, deceased; all co riyer and tributaries. j persons who Imlii claims against B, H Thompson and Others ! said e-ta e an- herehv notified ; to ores in, Th. same tor pay ment to the undersigned within NOTICE. Notice is hereby kiven that one vear from 'his da e or this application will be made to the notice, will te pleaded in bar of General Assembly for a stock their recovery ; all persons in- aw in part ot Kichland town debted to said est He are re- ship on the west side of South Creek. B. H. Thompson and Others. Still in the Swim is the TOINSORIAL - PARLOR OF tVof. J. S. onuori. Market Sr., nxtto J. W. Mayo's. Polite nd competent assistants. Vour patronage solicited. Call. FASHIONABLE FAXjIi AND WINTER MADAM HORTENSE LITTLER, Main Street, next to Dr. W. A. Blount's Drug Store. TjiLot, Having located in this city and secured the store nxt to Dr. J. M. Gallagher 't drugstore, I am prepared to do all kind of tailor work, and know, after an experi ence of 30 years, 1 can guaran tee satisfaction Give me a call. Yours for business, ( C. JACOBS, d9-Im Merchant Tailor. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that application will be make to the General Assembly for a stock law iu the district on the e.ist side of South Creek. quested to make immediate payment. this Dec. 23rd, 1S0S. Joshua Taylof Administrator of Israel Blacklege. ADM IN In l . a TOR'S NOTICE. TTvingr qualified this lav as admin istrator of the f statu of Dr. I D. Me Cormick, oeceasrd, before the Clerk of the Superior ourt of Beaufort county, all prrson? holding claim1 against the said es'at are hereby noti fied to present the same for payment to the undersigned within one year from daty or this notice will be plead in bar of tapir ..rt.roverv. All persons indebted to the said estate are request ed to make immediate payment. This 15th day of November 1898. . T. NICHOLSON, Administrtrr of J. D. McCormicfe. T0NS0RIAL PARLOR. The latest designs in hair cut ting and trimming. Barbers up-to-date and polite. Customers receive every attention. Your patronage solicited. No change inour artists. S. J. NOBLES, Prop., 117 W. Main Street. 1 WANTED ! A gro-1 nll-round farmer t fnka rliarr- o- m frt m A g-oorl situation lor he nht wu A1are or call on H. t.. i sf a v. spiritually, that it cannot be ex- fflfONDERFUL ar the cures uy ' j pressed.- The years mav come ' ' y V Sf Panla and yet they p. 0 1 ..." are simple and natural. Hood's Sarsi , anci go as vney wi i, it we only pan 1 la makes PURE BLOOD. For testimonials write J. M. GALLAGHER, Box 93. Washington, N. C. To the Editor : I have an absolute Cure fo: CONSUMPTION and all Bronchial, Throat an. Lung Troubles, and all conditions of Wastirj. Away. By its timely use thousands of apparent ly hopeless cases have been permanently cured So proof-positive am I of its power to cure. vrill send I-REE to anyone afflicted, THK1-3E BOTTLES of mv Newly Discovered Remer.-c -upon receipt of Express and Postoffice address Always sincerely yours. T. A. SLOCUM.M.C. iC.; Pearl St.. New Yo-V Whm vnLiw tae Lk-toc- nUMe mention this pDer. IH&i tev?- i.r .ttL