i 'J . f HE iV5 5 '1 VOL. IX. NO. Washington, Beaufort County, N. C, Wednesday Afternoon, March 15, 1899. ESTABLISHED 18U . u 0 Simpon Eollows Hijjinson's Example. Will buy a beauti ful all wool Suit trom F. V. ROWE. Better made, bet ter fit, and better style than any suit made to order for .The are the choicest and the latest. We have just received our SngLpantsF Call and seetheip. F. V.ROWE patterns Washington, March 13. Sec retary Long has received a let ter from Rear Admiral Sampson, in which the Admiral after re ferring to the allegations that the list of the officers recom mended for promotion, for gal lantry off Santiago haa failed of confirmation because it includ ed his name, asked the Secre tary to immediately re-appoint these officers omitting his own name. The text of the letter is as follows: "U. S. flagship New York, First Rate. Havana, Cuba, March 9, '99. ''Sir: I respectfully ask your attention to the facts contained . m lii 1.1 a . 9 A in this letter ana mat it ma be officially filed as part of my record n the United States Navy. "When the late war was threatening, 1 was placed in command of the North Atlantic fleet, and after the declaration of war, was appointed by the President a Rear Admiral and confirmed in my command. This duty and responsibility came to me entirely unsought, nor had I any especial wish for it, though recognizing the groat honor then conferred upon me "My sole aim was to achieve success; to blockade Cuba, de stroy Cevera'g fleet and to main tain an efficient war flee'. kIt is not necessary to dwell upon the incidents of the war, granted in simjlar circamsi aa j ces to others. - "1 therefore respectfully sug gest, Mr. President, that your appointment of these officers about whom there is no dis cussion, should at once be re newed, in order that they may thus secure their promotion under the Personnel Bill to which they are entitled, and without creating" ' nfusiou. "Very resp-.-.... . . , Signed) W. T. s !'v "To the Presides ... the United States of America. "Through the Secretary oi the Navy." Spring 1Rcckveat -o IMPERIAL SCARFS. Aurora News. Leading Clothier. 30! W Main St. NOTICE OF S1,E. . By virtue of a power of sale contain ed i)i a mortage deed execu'ed by ftmjaniin Braddv at d wife to W. H. Worynn, dated T)e . 10th, 1895. and re corded in Book N .93, paielS9, Reg is! ers office of Beaufort county, the same being referred to, I will otter for sac to the highest bidder for oa?h at tbf mint bouse door ot Beaufort county in the town of Washington,. N.C.. on Saturday the 1st day of April 1899, at 12 o'clock noon, the following mnnPTlv. to-wit: "A. certain part of lot of land situated in the town of Washington. N. ., ard in that part of town called 'MacNair town,' it Viti;; rm-tiirn Part of lot 'L'as shown In the division of the MacNnir land?, which is of record and herein refer? ed to. Tb & 27fbday of Feb' it, WJ. W. 11. Morgan. Mortgagee. Mr. Jim Ewell brought in a nice lot of horses and mules Monday. Mrs. Crawford Bryan has re turned home after a visit of several months in Hyde county. There has been 500 tons of guano sold here th.s season for potatoes. There is more eggs bought in this place than any place in the State the same size. Dr. Montague Bonner of this place will move next week to Dover, where he goes to prac tice his profession. We hear tha$ Dr. Peterson formerly ot this place will re turn here to practice medicine About twenty oyster shuckers passed through from Bell Haven They are well named. In size they are "great" and they will tie once, twice or thrice over, and produce a new effect every time you tie it, vary the forma tion by a kink here, a wrinkle thoro to every whim of your taste. The silks just to hand are the richest in material and pattern that we have yet secured. The designs are striking and exclusive and include some very bold and strikin figures. cr KNOTTED SCARFS. which are all now well known, i to New Berne, the season being Based upon these incidents cer tain officers, distinguished for faithful service, were named by me, in the qxercise of my natural duty as commander-in- chief, for promotion or such . ed John other reward as you, sir, migni i vacancy deem desirable. "Those names you have been pleased to nominate to the United States Senate for pro motion, and you have done me the honor to add my name to that list of officers. "Tf. now annears that the over. Daniel Sawyer, constable elect for Richland Township, failed to give bond and the County Commissioners appoint W. Clayton to the Don't hesitate to wear a scarf ready-tied if you do not want to bother with tying one yourself. Art often excels in this respect. The highest skill in Neck woar business is exercised in making up scarfs in natural or graceful knots. Nothing handsomer can be imagined than the new Sailor Knots and Spring Puffs just to hand. They combine the dainty and the opulent in form and the richest lot of silks we have ever shown. Prices SOc. xJ. H. HOYT, Perfect Fitting- Clothier. Major Williamson has moved in the country on his farm. Dr. Chapin is confined to his bed with Grippe. GRIMES REAL ESTATE COMPANY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE BLOOD CURE SENT FREE. Cure for Blood and Skin Diseases, Eczema, Pimples, Scrofula, Blood Poison. Cancer, Lie, H vpu hnvo tried fftrsfln-iriUws, patent .inedi-ciut-'s iiui doetcrc . ! s-till t'uve old peiisi ciHMrts. pioii-k'S, imtn siiii? eruptions of tln .-kin, H:r,fnl sore n hp.n i, arms or k'gs. itchiut; m n-a ion. irrit .tir. skin ir HiNks, ec- 7,i n,a, M-roi'ula, ul( ronlauious blood r ois ,ni lever, fever suns mercurial rlu umatistP. cn'iuni. boils, face rovereJ w th little sores, ;.er r nv Meo ta;n then sive K.R.B.a tna:. s:iso K. l . 11 Hot mie lJIo ! Ral"'. is uiKtir for j-it s'i-h c s..'s, ant it ctir-.;s; to h;Y (iiuii, i:o-e s'ibiitrii blood d;sea that wh-.T mil. cr R-;'-d . i,u - fail ven to blue tt t Ai abovo H-ti'-t-'t r-i;lv arc eY'ilonee of bad. d; :icd i..t.,1 it t!:o dy. ami I. H. B. i-t)it' b- c.-oisv it -r.- -Ml; tin po'feun or im- j iir o- b.ood Iv.nu rs oa: of ih b dv. bono uini .....;. .mii. T'1 ovo nil .iuuV'tof ii. i-T".'., ' : , ,r, - tier tu n";'i to r.tiv siiUVr- "-r a .- uij-Ie t. . of B B. B. aboluudy free. H. B B. is nil old. well iriiil riuK'Jy hcnei wo Kv.ow ihai u lines to slay cu'ed, lortli'j people i nroi in i'. B. B yea-s a.qo arc wt-ll today and 1 r iron1 all bl'.ood inipuri;;es. Cancer, Bleeding. UatinK Sores. (lieer ri Nose, lip. fmcfr or rect, exter oal or inH'ri:al ci.e.-r, tl. i. .line, cat;: g sjres, are i!l mreo by B 15. B, th" most powerfu. tltaid sunlit r "n adv A A dri:'. isis sell B. B. B. hi 91 r 'arp-e lttle. For trial bott.c, oi B B 15 will be -ei t by rttirn mail. Ai drcs v.l.(.Ul) HAl.M ( 0.,'-:Su j-litehell Street. At!ni-. t.a. lusirile y ur sinpionis and free persoual med'.eai aov ce wdl be civen. T7a xr no- nil alifipd before the Clerk of l rie supei itu tuui ' "auiun cuw Senate, though well disposed to , ty a8 executrix to the last Will and mo.t of the names on that hat T.ment y Z; has, for reasons not necessary pers ,n3 indebted to his estate make to be here discussed, objectea ; roa. 7rt""blr; wi.. to my promotion, and has simi- , present tliein witbin one year from larly failed to confirm the de-jdat be plead in bar serving: officers about whose March nb. lsufl. . i rtirtKr! KL1ZA M. ARCH BELL. merilS llieie lias ueeu uu uuuuu . - Exacutor. or discussion. "Hitherto, Mr. President, un disturbed by any eager desire Real Estate Bought and sold on commis sions. Titles investigated and ab stracts furnished. Properties managed for nonresidents. Insurance. We represent some of he strongest, safest FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANIES in America. A share of your patronage is solicited. NOTICE TOWN TAXES. We have calls for a number of small farms also timbered lands. Parties having such properties for sale are asked to interviews. FOR SALE. Cbcs!' r rflh, m v Tun-out. r rnr.oso.1 oi a t-i 't rae.uiK Ma".s Hud Top t y. a!o oDt Suit- Hr Top Kuvgy, "t'e toukj!f riartu .--, end t ii tu-w s-i i 1 e lixnitss, oi e I.ao Rol".'. twoJois.- Blankets, "alter and Whip. ?ell yh.ortePa,U,ly W B.NV1NDLEV Lock Box 230. Vahi .goii, X' C. Tnsivnid costs of collection, for advancement, or any other an persons owing town taxes form of reward fordoing myiiorme yeai 7 n n ! same on or before March 0, 99. duty I have not especially con- . JnQ R Rq cemed mvself wi'h rr utters Town Tax Collector. outside of that duty. I have ; felt that 1 have done my duty j An Honest Medicine lor La Grippe, in the conduct of the West In- dian naval campaign to the ut-, . s . tL have had lh2 most extent of my ability as yf0r$i cough, cold, chills and gnu thoroughly as I was able, and if , and have taken lots of trash of no no reward" should come, I could ' account but profit to the vendor. be satisfied with the conscious- I Chamberlain s uougti uemeciy is u s,tl-lsl1 lue ouiy thing that has done anv nets of having done my best, j good whatever x havo u,ed one 1 did not, however, anticipate . 50-cent bottle and the chills, cold that dissatisfaction with any j and gup have nil left me. 1 con it , ' o-vatulale i.he minnf-.ic'urers of an act or acts ot mine would cause : -Iaiu,-llt' . honest medicinn. hoc sale at the Senate to withhold trom , TaN l0e v p,,.,, m other othcers a promotion which thev have well deserved, LOtO and which has been promptly ,For Sale: My residence on East. Mctin siivcc. Apply to J. M. Gray. Mrs. R. E. HARRELL, Proprietor, 206 West Main Street, Washington, N. O. First-Class Accominodatiou for tlaeTraveliug- Public. locatsl in ttie GaMen Soot ol tin Worm (or Soortsmen And Bridal Tourists, k - PLEASANT - SUNDAY - HOME - FOR - C0MMER0ILISTS Terms Moderate. Porters Meet all Trains and Boats.