l)e tfven Areeii?et'iopwratioilof our foplhe 1 it.ic enterprise una pusa J. A. AKTHUK,-.Ji Editor.C PUBLISHED EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. WANT OF CO-OPERATION. A gentleman who came to Washington some years ago and is now thoronghly identified with our interest, said: "Wheu I first came to your town the first thing that struck me forci bly was the many natural ad vantages surrounding the place and the observance of a varied manufacturing interest. Ever since that time I have been care fully studying the situation co see if I could not find the caus-' and awaken an interest m the remedy. I believe after wait ing these many years I have found the cause and am now able to suggest the remedy. When I first made your little city my home and asked the ques tion which I frequently did, wh had not the town embarked in manufactures? I was told th people thoroughly believed in manufactures, and believed one or two cotton factories would be followed by great results, but the people simply did not have the necessary capital, and un less outside capital could be in duced to invest in a cotton plant the building of a cotton mill was just simply impossible. A the first I admit I was struck with the force of this argument and believed it true, but since 1 have been a resident of the town and seen the large number ol buildings for rent erected (and by the way many of them are vacant now) by individual capi tal. I am convinced the absence of a cotton factory is not by rea son of the lack of iunds, but from the want of co-operation, and if the amount of money tha has been invested in tenament Wl ile enterprise and pusn ot one individual may not accomplish much a combination of deter mined en can remove he great est of obstacles. Lets turn over a new leaf and bring about the long wished for prosperity and resolve we will in the future co-operate with each other in upbuilding the manufacturing interest of our city. DR. NASH'S BOOK. nouses which are not now pay ing a sufficient sum to keep them in repairs, had been invested in a stock company to build a cot ton factory, we would today have a factory second to none in the State, the business of our mer chants would have increased, and instead f the whole com munity crying hard times we would be rejoicing in renewed prosperity. So you cm see from the above that I have come to the conclusion that it is not for the want of funds that Wash ington has not taken her place among the great manufacturing centres of the State, but the whole cause is because our peo ple refuse to co operate and pool We -have just been highly, and we hope, profitably entertained by the reading of a neat little volume lately issued from the presses of the Southern Method ist Publishing House, Nashville, Tenn., called "Spiritual Life,'' by the Rev. L. L. Nash D. D., and an introduction by Bishop Fitzgerald. The author divides his subject into twelve chapters beginning with a description oS Man's Spiritual Sphere, and step by step takes his reader along the path of true Christian experience until the end is ac complished and the saint enjoys the full fruition of the Spirituai life in the resurrection state, and closes with a thrilling des criptionof the Millennium period which js alone worth the price of the book. So impressed are we with the merits of this work and knowing the author inti mately as we do in this day of false doctrine and error, we be lieve this book should not only be in the hands of every ad vanced Sunday school scholar, but every one who is seeking a higher Christian living. The venerable Dr. Kingsbury, editor of the Wilmington Messenger, u refering to this book says in part: "Bishop Fitzgerald, a pious and able man, and formerly a git'ted and distinguished journ alist, a native of oar State urn. most worthy every way, intro daces the little volume in words of decided approval which are worth more, because better, than anythiug we might say. We quote a few sentences: "These twelve chapters are written in good, strong English style. The spirit of the writer is rev erent and earnest his buoy ant faith uplifts the faith of the reader. I can and do hereby commend it to the reading Christian public as worthy ol their friendly consideration. Its spiritual suggestion and stimulation will not be small to him who reads thoughtfully and prayerfully. The price of the book is $1.00 which can be ordered from au- Lheir money.'' We admit this I thor, whose postoffice address is is a bad state of affairs, but is it ! this city. not true.'' Have noc a number DANGERS OF THE GRiP. of our citizens invested their surplus money in cluap tena ment houses that if the amoiutj The greatest danger from La so invested had been placed in o j Grippe is of its resulting in a stock cjmpany a large cotton pneumonia, K reasonable care factory would have been the re- ! is used, however, a rid Chamber s-salt? And. what have we reaped by the continuation ol" this pol icy? Manv a citiz.-n's sur- lus money is loci;ed up iu ho jsos that are vacant a iee to remain so. from k . . , .... .. ...... I ciieap id l;a- 'ain's Cough Remedy take., ail danger will be avoided. Amoi.ir the iens of thousands who have i used this remedy for !a grip e we have ye I" . loom of a single case ha ving rvs.iileu in puenino- the lact w.u i-t- .. .. . . . . , . ei v via iii ti re .o c i .m.-.-h dwellings has moved a wax or the want ol i::p:;y men-. Wo venture the ass-.-rt ion m un people of thUcklS !:.;'. !.;. away from the. Iowa In a. w.iH-ii snows conclusive: v ihul this remedy is a .v-i'ia in ; ventive of thtil.-ingei-oas di seas it v. ill erire la griepi iu h-s-;im-than ot h r i red! men,-. I: 1.- n.it 1 1 o i it . -v ,!'.: or t i A a I employment t.Me Ui . i . . iiiuu m iiri nisioi'v. .Nil' lins moving away will , continue un - : less sonu'iliing is done to give' them employment. If the above is trae, and we believe it is as tru3 as gcspel, the future of our' town is wrapped up in the' co . h tV3 0- t'.lCf.:-.v.;t55 v- K i-Ahuvi -, the most won- ' i - ti.e are. pleas ' rt'ir.-vi.ir.ir : ;bo tu?e, act gently : ;;vi iy . n ki.i!:'--. liver a:;d bowels, a me or-tir.j m. dispel eokis. ivo .c.iur.c!!P. ln: t liuuitual constipation : Y i ::,-: -;. PN us; buy i::d try 'a b.;x f ' '. r. (!. t.-.ia": .. .. ;. rents. JSoidaad ft'ANTED-Aii IDEA.r" i-s.Ks t 'loraevs. WasLlLLirton. D. C, for their ftJOO prf Shoes AND- Dress Goods, We must sav our spring stock of Shoes for Alisses, Ladies and Gents are the handsomest and most up-to-date ever ex. hibited on oar count ers. Black and Tan. All the latest styles and shapes shown. We are still the leading emporium for Ladies Dress Goods. We don't claim to be the cheapest fouse in America, but we say we give you your money's worth. Yours for business, BIG RACkET STORE. They are Here. Opening: up our Entire Stock SPRING DRESS GOODS. Dress Q ood AND Trimmings, Piques, Lawn, IV! ulSs, Prints. -FULL LINE Xotji3ixIng: I sr & s s O o o cl Ladies' Skirts in f BLACKS AND COLORS. Men's Shirts all Styles. Beautiful Line of Men and Boys Spring Dress Suits. NICE LINE OF SHOES For Your Inspection. Low Prices, A.. THOMAS. Spencer Bros. Co. Prop. iViter. Sa.it -Tl licum and Ivczem:. Tlie intense itching an i sraartinpr. inci ieut to these dise-ises, isi.istuntly allayeo yy ap-plyin, C'i:;vinberl,ii:i Eye anci ikin Ointment:. Man' very liacT cases aave been permanently cured by it. It. 'j: equally'efiicient for itching piles and i favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eves. 23 ct. uer bos. Dr. Cady's Condition Powdfrs, are just what a horse needs when in bac condition. Tonic, blood purifier anc vermifuge. They are not food bat medicine and the best in use Lo put a horse in prinxe condition. Price 2 ;ents per packace. PORTER'S NTISEPTIC HEALING OIL NOTICE, Notice is hereby feiven tha application will be made to the General Assembly for a stock law in part of Kichland town ship on the west side of South Creek. B. H. Thompson and Others. GALLAGHER'S ANTI-MALARIAL r, IIM: Dy.-pepsia. Indigestion, LaGrippe, and Bilious or Liver Troubles. 50 Cents and 1. Per Bottle. For testimonials write D' J. M. GALLAGHER, P. O. Box 93. Washington, N. C. NOTICE $10 REWARD WA-NTEDI SsESa good flll-ronud fRrmer to take charge or my arm. A good situation lor he right nrir . uiciress or call ou B. !. -u-RMAN, TONSORIAL PARLOR. The latest designs in hair cm ting and trim in' -g Barbers np-to-date and polite. Customers receive every attention. Your patronage solicited. No change inour artists. S. J. N01JLES, Prop.., 117 W. Main Street. Ti i e r . ' Notice is hereby given that a rewr.id of $10 will be given to any one for evidence to con vict any barkeeper of selling 1 intoxicating liquor on the Sab bath day without a physicians ceruficate. W. M. Chauncey Mayor. Feb. 7, '99. Hciving located in this city ami secured the store nxt to Dr. J. M. Gallagher 't drugstore, 1 am prepared to do all kind of taiiot work, and know, after an experi ence of i)0 years, I can guaran tee satisfaction Give me a call. Yours for business, C. JACOBS, d9-lm Merchant Tailor FASHIONABLE FALL AND WINTER Tor Ba.rb Wire Cut;-., k:i.-. Ac. Sorc:, C - , 11 ' i? i :'.:u-l nil kir. ' cf inlitir : : r.-;:rv.l or accicrr lonumentr. Gravestones. MADAM HORTENSE LITTLER, Main Street, next to Dr. W. S. Blount's Drug Stoj'e.g Still in tlio Swim is the I 1 TOXSOMAli - l'AHLOB OF- - Pi'of. J. fL honipon, Our lllust-ated Catalogue No. 10, which we mail free, contains a variety o! dn- " . ! It 1 I sinus oi jjar.i'e ai:a ;ra?i- c Market St., i ..' t..J. W. I'olite t it c( n;; i h-i-I ill' S. "Vl.lir I 'H? .r (i;, .-.(- Sol :- T. -1 . '.-il'.. i nneau. Ii -til lolatces no . ; H t v.l '.1 ::J v. j v. i j lection. 'i ite for it; we wiii sat- j Ly you as k, )riccs. t r...- i i vv . i . i ii;; ,r i tuire ( i rove v PlO alia j.-nni. c. r,. ir.v:NE cry cnJ vv-nd ,-. Ci v : ' ;: Vv; -:'' .(.:.( . L 1 I I f i ' - i i ; '.ill )" i . .C i i i tl . ; )" 1 ' Yriiek L i: r 1 .-. exec U 1 j Oli o F; ji i. v. ...rl; u! ! 1 f: '. a ; : ii I :.ii.-c tr;-i.i ;.! . r .ii.- tap;..:.- i I :,.'.Mt: . .-t ': r. a: -: ::s f.-v ' -. -A.-ii. l .'.o u.' I :.! r v st-cl: : r... : i. t!.c L-cst u-a-iTf.ri ! r.ufL..se tli-t I '.-avf- -: " V . :rs. C. T. Ll. par's, Tcnn .. .Tantiarv 2.-. 1-1 v ., 'Ac. rle a j .'.(' I : .ecsaid crop : .v ho want ;.o rel f. o. 1) , 'v. better via i i '! g ' . ii . e! 1 1., 1. 1 : ' hi'.e are unsin i -.ass . a 'jce con. tit- -sTsriiis'uCd 50 lears JARIS MEDICINE CO., - ! THE OtiLY Tnn iv.-:i ' B proinmeutiy m tn: public c duv is Hood's st. lows, mo j er Hood's and CM LY HOC re.-rs 1:1 in; . ' ' - v t i ! ;i i .lions.' ae.tl seed v. il ' shij)p a wiiere .you wish. P.-ice-. sub- i :-) .:v ; ieet U) i irin're vv.ihout r.ot,:ee 5 ICS j ICls, forties. 10 Hood's S;iivaparilia,wl.i.l bvi j 5 m H. ,..'- ,.-. .ap.K ..i. . v.-j : 4 or hale OV VN . ' . u : ng the acid :u the bioe- H-:i: i- : t''-I ' k ' ::- r:t- :.5.d i!ue h;eed :fl!uov. H kali. nently relieves aches tiul pJSfc ' i-.-cn! S .'tcMCTK. ..j. '1 l.( ati, "'5c. llll.-el'L. 1U.: pw 1