DON'T ! Jtead This Column less Items inserted under this ,:f the rate of Ten Cents per line. Hay and Corn Chops for sale by . & R. B. Havens. C. F. Harris' Patent Klastic Roof paint is durable, does uot crack and is lire proof. Give him a trial order. He will paint yoow-r-oof at low figures. ?T A nice second hand Top Buggy., c-u be bought at a bargain of J as, E. Clark & Co. jr?" Corn and Com Meal for sale by j. & R. B. Havens. jff A Bargain Anunber one Rice and Wheat Thresher and Separator ,n lour wheels, with elevator, nearly nCw, will be sold at less than half cost, j pplv quick to W P Baugham. . A merry time for a dull season is closing out prices. Thomas still con tinues abreast the times by offering his Goods at Bargain prices, The popular milk shake at Ster ling's Soda Fountain. "KEEP COOL. You can only do tliis by buying your Ice of J. & R. B. Haveus. Ice wairou runs reirularlv. Now jsthe time to indulge in a atii- Call on Aaron Phillips at the ; bridge, he will wait on you at his new hath house, and you will realize a lux ury incomparable at this season. A Bath beats cooling drinks and ice wa ter. ' Try it. S3TJ. & R. B. Havens, Millers and Feed Depot. Grain bought and sold. Headquarters for oalandlce. Large stock of Hay on hand. L E3F Engines and otker fist class machinery for sale 30 per cent cheap er than ever before by W. P. Baugham Correspondence solicited. For sale a complete Photograph outfit. Works wet or dry plates, size 3'bv4I4', for particulars, apply at this It will be to your interest to buy vour summer goods at the Cash Store No. 1 bargains in every line. We are selling out very low, so as to lay in a heavy fall stock. Now is your time. A- W. Thomas. Z3P Don't forget that you can buy Hammocks cheap at Sterlings. Horses are dying daily. Now is the time to msnrc. Lall at the Mutual Live Stock Insurance Co. opposite the Court House and insure your horse. When von want insurance of any Hud, call at Dr. A. B. Chapin's, insu rance and real estate agency, opposite the Court House. ST1 Mexican Grass Hammocks and Stretchers. 52; Base Ball Goods of all kinds; India Hammocks, and f r.25, gold bv W. Scott Frizzle & Son. Ifcv-T: 0 A new lot of Brooms, Baskets, Bncl ets, etc at Sterling's ip The finest Ham on the market is the "Westphalia," kept by Jno. B. Sparrow; always fresh, sweet and wholesome. Try one and you will buy co other. Also fine new Butter and cream Cheese on Ice. Please take notice, Slippers at cost, Pretty and stylish Shoes, pretty and stylish Dress Goods pretty and stylish Clothing, Hosiery White Goods, Ginghams. Summer Silks. Brown and bleached Domestics, Hats in all styles, 1 Cheap come aud mske your purchases of Thomas. tCall and see W S Mayo at J. R. Ross's old stand, when you want New nnd Choice Groceries. Provisions, Cau- ned Goods and everything kept in a first class Grocery Store, cash. Cheap for , A very fine milk cow four years old, for sale" cheap, apply at this office. The Snow Hill Enterprise fiays: For the first time in its history Snow Hill is without a barroom aud there is 110 whiskey sold ia Greeue county. ' Nearly all of our exchanges bring schocking reports of sunstrokes. Our people should be very precautious to avoid the dangers caused by such hot weather. There has been a secret society organized in some mparts of the vState known as the Sons of Rest. Such an organization as this will never like for members. Indeed. It seems tnat tne mnux. Win great tftat it will be the largest or- .. ..1 n. !1 1 1 eamzation extant, ine oons 01 Rest are many. They ca be found almost any time sitting on street corners, loafing in groceries and lounging in the shade, and by virtue of their past record in this particular, they would be entitled to entry as charter members. For energy's sake give them something to do. Concord Times, We understand that the body has ibeen in existence in Washington for a long time. NORTH CAROLINA, BEAUFORT CO Superior Court Clerk's Office. Jacob Swindell, Trustee, FM Swindell et als, ex parte By virtue of an order of the Superi- or Court made on the above entitled cause, which was a petition for sale of land. I shall offer for sale at the court house door in the Town of Washing ton on the 5th dayjof Sept., 1886, at 12 o'clock, m. a tract of land in Beau Xort county on the north side of Pam lico river, in Long Acre Township, East of Lourinton's run, on the new Plymouth road and known as the Frank Swindell place, adjoining the lands of R L Brown and containing fifty acres more or less Terms of sale cash. G. A. Sparrow, Com'r. Washington, N. C, July 25th '87, WASHINGTON PROGRESS, i PUBLISHED BY THE PROQEESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. TUESDAY, JULY - 26, 1887 OUR RATES. t Year, in Advance, Entered at the Post Offictat Washing. j ton, X. C, as Second Class Mail Matter. ' i LOCAL ITEMS. -There is no wisdom save in truth. I Every one must think in his own j wav. Prmio to the Normal if von want Lome to tne isormai ji you want to be a teacher. Jcssc Griffi Depntv Sheriff, made J , 1 The bridge and memorial grounds j are favorite resorts these warm even ings. inesearetne uuyj, lur cnSd8c- ments, for all the girls are in a melting Atai il.. -I r, mood Is it a wise nolicy to make a state 1 ment eoJH:il to the existing state of affairs Mr. B. F. Rodman informs us that he has five members of his family on the sick list. Show us a man that pleases every- body, and we will show you a man that is not worth a penny. The schooners Willing and Wahab carried a goodly number of people to Ocracoke on Saturday afternoon. -We regret to learn of the serious illness of Mr. Wm Walling; also of Mr. Alf Kelly, who has taken a relapse. r.4 m,., ninv r ,Mni , VT1w.tLi.1. 1 iiv. ihuuk.. .v..w teachers enrolled at the Normal is 5cS. Bro., will you please publish your list ! The Alpha, has lots of room for j an excursion party We nope tnat she will conclude to run to Ocracoke during the camp meeting. Whv do some people take every thing that a paper says to themselves. If it don't fit you then don't make yourself fit what is said. George Tankard, who was serving a term in the county jail for an assault with deadly weapons, died in that in stitution 011 Fridav night last. Vance said once in a soeech that the reason it did not get cold up . . 4 . TTA 1 . . i, . - . .Nortli was tne ar uo short. not tne same rua-.W. here a, to neat. Plentv of watermelons in town ' heaas oj those wlio would nave oeen now, and we have concluded to send 1 otherwise quiet. When the baud fail the Progress to the man that brings j ed, to give sweet music the glee us the largest melon during the sea-j club sufficed us abundantly while oth- sou. Bring them on boys. ! Bring them on boys. Died, in this town, on the 22nd, inst, Miss Annie C Gallagher, daugh ter of Charles K. and Olivia Gallagher, i" 17th year. A suitable tribute to her memory wul nppcur next week. The negro who stole the butter from the warehouse of the Eastern Dispatch Line has been captured and lodged in jail. A portion of the butter which. belonged to Messrs A. G, Hoyt & Br0 ? was rccovered. Mr. F. S. Han-ell called in and gave us a fine description of his trip on the Str. Alpha to Baltimore. He tells us that the trip was fine aiuHhat t frnm Pn1titriVm LllV e 1 11.4 Li LU II L 1 i .v--. to Norfolk several miles. The little son of Mr. Walter Jones died, Tuesday night and was buried Wednesday in Methodist Church yard. Rev. Mr. Ware couducted the services. This little boy was the idol of all of its relatives, to whom we extend our sym pathy. Dr. D. T. Tayloe was called by tel egram to Ocracoke, on Saturday to at tend his sister, Miss Lizzie, who was reported very sick. He chartered the steamer Edith for the trip, returning ou Sunday night, ith the iutelligence that his sster was much bettc.r The State Librarian says, that from many inquiries he is constrained to ask, if we will place our paper, the Progress, upon filei that office. Pa pers on file are carefully bound and kept for the use of visitors. The Pro gr. 6S can te found the hereafter, The business of the undertaker is sombre at best. But we sometines feel that it would be a pleasure to es cape this hot weather by being laid away in one of those beautiful burial cases which W. W. Cordon keeps in stock the question is, would we escape it ? Deputy Sheriff J. H. Hodges left here Wednesday afternoon for Golds boro with Biggs Little, a colored man who is insane, to place him in the Asy lum at that place. Also with one Ber ry Maready, who is wanted in Duplin county. It seems that he is in colleague with the Obed Maready gang. Mr. Weinberg, wdio makes the popular shake lemonade, has just doubled the size of hls room and en larged his business in proportion. He has erected in front of his place what? e shed no ? an awning no ? Come and see it, if you can tell wdiat it is you will get a cbroino. He leaves in a few days for the ca,"p meeting at 0Tc0.kf,' rwnere ne win nave tiu i-a furnished. Mrs. Weinberg will cou- tinue the business here during his ab- scence. We have learned that some of our good people are very indignant over our criticism on the Normal in last issue. IMS is a puDiic mhuiuuuu, mu J.t. lu w m,r nnP,, for i WllUllJCpv.fl criticism. When we were ;e Urst approaca o. nnnn tlip enhippt we offered our eol- i v.vx I J - I - i I mc fnr wniv tn nnv rbr?o we had made We still extend the same offer and anything has been said which is , untrue or strained then we will cor rect Some seem to think that it is c i. , , is natural. All times might be thought 1 & improper. We would like to see tne Normal a success. -Owing to incorrect information, j we learn that we were in error last is- j sue, when we stated that Mr. Gay- lord drove his horse to death and ran away. From what we can learn it ap pears iuai mi . ucu. u..uiu ed his horse and buggy to. one Simp- ll i. AT- f -.1 A 1,., I son to drive to Bath; that Simpson got arunK, arove tne nore to uwm, -uu tried to sell the buggy and failing then made his escape aud;has uotbeen heard from since. Simpson had been work- ing with Mr. Gaylord. We are very sorry that such a mistake should have occurred, and we think it very unkind and unjust tor sucn misrepresentation:, to be made j We never wish to be misunderstood, ; therefore in justice to Prof. Rayhill, we 'would state that in our item on the Normal in last issue, in refering to 1 his being outspoken, we only referred . ... ke f th couduct 0f visitors and to nothing he had said reflecting W would also state that he, in his lecture on Temperance in the Court House on the 17th inst., referred to blows not as r 1 . .... 1 anv means 01 compulsion auer moriu suasion had failed, but he only refer- red tQ a s ial case' of illtimidation at tbP noils of r. rertniu election, where intiniidators had been stationed. We make this explanation voluntarily. On Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock, the steamer Alpha left her wharf, with a large crowd for a short run down the river. The moon did not gruel us with her silvery light, but, the stars which studded the sky, with held not one rav of light from us. The breeze was perfectly splendid, and as the band discoursed sweet music, all . i. i. i...i. .1 :. . ,n I seenicu lo .;e uaiueu ia j pleasure which suchassociatious always r)ul ,nn n.,1 d-v , )ckcts, wh;ch w,rc coutnnmliy light- ing up the scene, cast sparks on the ers made speeches to n committee ol one. The run was about ten miles down .... : the river, and return inside ol three I hours. We are sure that the appre ciative people of Washington feel very j thauk,-ul lo Mr . j:lmcs F, Clark and i M1t Cf,.rA.i r,-r their pvtrpnip tind- 1 ness in giving this delightful trip, cnioyed it higlilv. All Re-Union Meeting. - The regular monthly meeting of the Reform Club aud W, C. T. P., met at J the Opera House on Thursday night ; last at the usual hour. Prayer was of- ! fered by Rev. Mr. Ware after which ! Prof, Rayhill was introduced, who ! rnmc fnrwnrd and read in his usual .... .... ... interesting and perfect inane r some j two or three of his choicest selections, j The Rev. Mr. Collin Hughes having, been invited to lecture, was now introduced. He is a man for I whom we all have great respect and ' kb'h esteem He held the crowd's at- j tentiou for upwards an hour, and that he made a sound, logical and practica- ble temperance speech, no one will de- ny. He was not radical nor abusive, but a thorough temperance man. He is not a member of the Club , but he j secms to be in accord with its woVk ings. When he 1 Ravhlll was pres had closed, Prof, presented again, who was greeted with loud applause. He read i a selection entitled "The Man who Felt Sad," and also "How We Hunted a Mouse." After which he retired, to the regret of all present. The Grange Encampment. We would state for the benefit of the Marshals, Delegates and all who wish to attend the Grange Encampment and Institute Fair at Mount Holly that it will be managed in a style which will much exceed the expectations of the most of our people. Fine new build ings of large and commodious propor tions are now in course of erection es pecially for that occasion, and there is one very large one, already on the grounds which is being fitted up as a hall for sneaking. The managers receiving numerous letters of inquiry j and notifying them of their intention to attend as delegates marshals and make exhibits of grain, grasses, stock, machinery &c. This grand exhibition will ,be free to all who wish to attend and reduced rates will ue given on all of the railroads. It is expected that a very large crowd will be in attendance One of the most interesting aud at tractive features will be the many but short speeches. Nbue are allowed to speak longer than thirty minutes. This will be a fine trip and one that . should not be neglected by our people, We would jirge upon all who can to . attend without fail. Grand Lodge Knight of Honor. The Third Biennial and Seventh ReS"1 Session of the Grand Lodge il';l,f,fU.. ( will meet in 1 this citv on wectuesaav -L T1 ' ' II f Z , I ij.lrv I n 'f A I (If)- will click special train from James-i Xhere win win be a dis. r -. ' cursion aowu tne river at 4 p on & the officers of the Grand Lode: Dr. R. F. Lewis, Past Grand Dicta tor, of Lumberton: L T. LeGrand. Qran(j Dictator of Rockingham; E. M. Nabel Graud yke Dictatol.f of Wilson; g Q DodsoUi Grand Assistant Dicta- tor, Greensboro; Rev. S. A. Bikle, Grand Chaplin, of Dallas; P. C. Calton Grand Reporter; of Statesville; S. C. Scofied armd Treasurer of David- $Qn Coll . N Jacobi) Gmud Guid0i of Wilmington; T. B. Douthill, Grand Guidej ofWiustoil. A P Crabtree, Qrand SentineL of Washington: Dr w. j. H. Bellamy, State Medical Ex- aminerj of Wilmiugton The R of R & membership in . enn . , United SuUes of about Q(XX) Wash. ington Lodge of this place has a mem- bership of 60. Personal Miss Lilhe, daughter of one of our mot prosperous mill men, Mr. D. u ay or friends in town 11' r Hasliu, is visiting Mr. S. R. Fowle was called home from Ocracoke last ".- e Waters and her sister, Miss Olivia, whohnve sncnt finite n while with ,.....,1, 1,:. t., - r--- 1 " - friends in this town, left a few days ago for Nag's Head where they will spend some time .enjoying the refrcs- ing sea breeze. Miss Sallie Carter and sister are visiting friends in town. Prof. S. D. Bagley, of Littleton, N. C, was in town Thursday and called to see us, we were pleased to see the Professor. ,. f.y . . ,-1 Miss lime Springer, of! Stanton, passed through our town en : route to the North where she win : '11 spend the summer. Rev R. M. Saunders, of the Norfolk Female Col- leKeofsuch h;h rcput:Uion, arrived 011 Tbursiklv evening for the delivery of hii famous oclure on the Spectroscope an(1 Radicilt Matter. Mr. Decatur t c it...i:.. : --- 1 ... hursday Mr Jack Crcdlc of sladcSville ctlll to see us the other day aud gave us a fine report of the crops in Hyde. Our agent Mr. J. A. Rob inson, is in Hyde. We are extending our circulation largely of late in thai section. Mr. Hugh Ross and broth er were here last week. Mr. Jos. Butt of Durham's Creek, who has at tended the Normal has called and made it pleasant for us. Mr. Alex Berry, Clerk of the Superior Court of Hyde county. Spent several days in j town last week. Prof. Vr. ('. Allen. formerly of Pantego Academy, but who ! will take charge of the Jamesville High School, called to see us Friday. Dr. Lewis, of the Kmston College, and who is known as a fine educator all over our State, is in the city. , Mr. Jas. K. Clark, left Saturday on Str. Alpha for Baltimore. Mr. S. F. Harrell, accompanied by his wife's sis- ter leit for Baltimore yesterday Mr. Hd Pell, is in town on his way to the District Conferauce at Greenville. Miss Ophelia Langscon, of Aurora, is in town visiting Mrs. Dr. J. A. Ar- thur Messrs J B Whitehurst aud M. B. Wilkinson were in town yesterday, They report crops hue in the Aurora section. Misses Annie lusher, budie j Bell, and Miss Portiscue, and Messrs j F. M. Bell, J. R. Fisher, F. M. Fisher, all of Sladesville, are in town for a j few days. Six hundred guests are reported at the Atlantic Hotel Morehead City. The Winston Republican says: Very few towns in the South can claim, as Salem has a right to do, the existence of an organized baud of music for over 100 years. At the July meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Duplin county there was only one applicant for license to sell spirituous liquors in the county, and one for the sale of beer. Of six North Carolina candidates for cadetships at West Poiut ouly three were successful, Carter, of Statesville, Settle son of Judge Settle of Greensbo ro aud Gidney of Shelby. The Newberne Journal says: John H. Young, of Hyde county who was convicted at the fall term of the U. S. . 1 Court for 1885, held in this city for em- bezzliug postoffice funds and sentenced to the Albany penitentiary for two years has been released and is in the city on his way home. His time was shortened several months by his good behavior. On the 15th, inst, Caesar Cox, a ne gro desperado, was killed in Jones county. He was an ex-convict and a very dangerous man. He set fire to the gin house of PL S. Forcham last week and it was destroyed. He attempted to burn the gin house of John Goodwin, but was detected and pursued. He was tracked into a vine swamp Refusing to surrender, he was shot and instantly killed Simmons Liver Regulator, the favo rite home remedv, is entirely vegetable and is the purest and best family medi ciue that is compounded. No error to Kn G,rP,l in ,A m i ., .c t Ari ,1 r n Jnbirv frnm Pvnnsurp aftpr tfltincr; nn Inss nf . " 1 - - time, it is tne nest preventive meai arrive at io o - fo -. fii-n t-Mof.-t- ..-111 cine ana sate to taRe no matter i r . . the sickness may prove to be, and in dy cure. Demand the Genuine, hav- 1 ing the stamp on Wrapper. MARINE NEWS. Reported by IV. A. Harris, Sail Maker. ARRIVED. 15- -Schr. T. M. Thomas, Weeks, Phila; coal to J & R B Havens. 10 Schr, Nelly Potter. Wahab, New York;mdse to S R Fowled Son. 19 jicnr. -vi yuinam, rignt, Phila; to Iv M Short. 19 - Schr Charles, Ireland, Beaufort; to master. 19 Str. Pamlico, Southgate, Norfolk; mdse to Jno. Myers' Son. 19 Str. Alpha, Styron, Balto; mdse to J. E. Clark & Co. 19 Lucretia, Silveithorue, Wysock ing; corn to order. 19 Starlight, Brown, Balto; to G. W. Kugler & Son. 20 Str. Vesper, Hall, E City; mdse to J G Bragaw. 20 Schr. J H Potter, Adams, Wy socking corn to order. 20 Schr. E, T. Weston. Pedrick, Juniper Bay; corn to order. 21 F. S. Hall, Howland, Phila to E M Short. 22 Schr J RP Moore, Gaskill, Phila, to G W Kugler cv: ,Sou. 12 Str. Defiance, Burgess: Balto; mdse to R F Jones CI, FARED j o5'spcr-HaH ueity;mdsc by, 16 Schr. A. H. Ommbv, Kev, Phila lumber by G. W. Kugler S: Son. n 1 Wedmore, O'Neal, v. Beaeham, Phila, 1M I J V A.A 1 r a. j-4 v v. - 1 a vy .. v- v' .. t,uij lumber bv W N Archbell 19 Schr A Wfie lumber by G W Kugler Sc Son. 19 Str. Pamlico, Pritchett, Norfolk;! mdse by John Myers' Sou. 19 enr iv 1 w eston, reancK, ju niper Pav;mdse bv master. .vl V Tl 1 ' T .11 T 19 Schr Lucretia, Silverthorn, Wy- ! crot"iii(T" mr1:j Vf .ii'Kti'f OUI.lll IJ1VJJ I ' 11L.1L1. ..j-,,..,,. Whit .-hurst: Porfufort Dv master. i'l i:.i.L i i?n -. . 1 1 2.1 rcnr r-iariiiu, m'uwu, jkulo, iuui dv vr. Kugler oc sou 22 Str. Defiance, Burgess, Balto; mdse by R. F. Jones. j 22 Str Annie, Steeu, E city; mdse by NOTICE. All Persons liable for property or poll tax to the town of Washington, N. C, are notified to list the same with me during the last twenty workiug days of July 1S87. J. B. Sparrow Town Clerk. NOTICE. The firm in Aurora, N. C, known as S. T. Selby & Co., consisting of S T. Selbv and Thos. W. Mavhew was on j June 20th dissolved. All debts due said linn and all debts due by said firm are to be paid to or will be paid by S. T. Selby. Thos. W. M.whuw J June, 27 '87. ! J. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Groceries. HARDWARE & DRUGS. Exchange bought and sold, aud a general Banking business transacted. 7:5:1V. AURORA, N. C. mm OF MH UUUtt MAIKL HILL, 3. . The session is divided into two terms: the first beginning the last Thursday in August aud ending at Christmas, the second beginning early 111 January and ending first Thursday i in June. Tuition 30,00 for each term. ! For room rent aud service, 5-5.00 per term. Those unable to pay tuition are j allowed to give their notes, secured if I possible. Tuition m the Normal I course free. Post Graduate iustruc-j I take great pleasure in informing tiou also free. The Faculty is now 1 my many frieuds and the public gener sufficiently strong to give instruction j ally that my New Studio is now com in a wide rauge of studies. plete. For terms in the Law School apply! MY LIGHT is on the New Improved to Hon. Tohn Manning, LL-D. For Plan, nearly Ten Feet Square. I have catalogues apply to W. H. Patterson, Bursar, Chapel mil, JN. L. ror special imformatiou apply to KEMP. P. BATTLE, LL. D. ED PhotographGallery I desire to inform my friends and pat rons generally, that I am now prepared to make you a good picture and correct likeness 'in any style. Photographs made by the new Instantaneous Process. Tin types also made at my gallery. All work in my line guaranteed o suit or no charge. Thankful for past pat ronage, I ask for a share of the same in the future. Gallery over Buchanan's Store. Respectfully, F. B. SATTERTHWAITE, SR., 6m Operator. a BiueysHESS Is an affection of the Liver, and can be thoroughly cured by that Grand Regulator of the Liver and Biliary Organs, SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR MAMJFACTURED BY J. E. ZEILIN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. I was afflicted for several years with disordered liver, which resulted in a severe attack of jaundice. I had as good medical attendance as our sec tion affords, who failed utterly to re store me to the enjoyment of my former good health. I then tried the favorite prescription of one of the most renowned physicians of Louis ville, Ky.. but to no purpose; where upon I was induced to try Simmons Liver Reernlaior. I found imme diate beneiit from its use, and it ulti mately restored mc to the full enjoy ment of health. A. n. SHIRLEY, Richmond, Ky. HEADACHE Proceeds from a Torpid Liver and Im purities of the Stomach. It can be invariably cured bv taking SIMMONS LITER REGULATOR Let all who suiTcr remember that SICK AND NERVOUS HEADACHES Od be prevented by tiking a doae as soon as their symptoms indicate the coming of an attack. W. W. CORDON, & CO., PRACTICAL UNDERTAKE R S AND f . AT lr V,' (ii) 1 li L L iVldlvLI , will manufacture and keep on hand odIisiK? B si ran I Cases and Caskets. Having purchased a nice Hearse will give special attention to burying the dead Are also prepared to repair and Up- noisier runuture. rrompt attention given to orders from the country, Shop on Market street, under the Progress Office. H-"30 MRS. A. E. BELL 3EGS TO C ALL YOUR TTKNTIOT TQ AN UNUSUALLY PRETTY AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP TRIM MTNO in Lacks, Ham rurg, ColarItttes, Fichus, Veilings, collars and curus. Abdominal, Corsets," j Ribbons, i SHAPES IN :C, and the latest HATS AND" BONNETS Careful attention given to country orders and every reasonably effort made to please and give satisfaction. Washington, N. C. April 27th, 1887. Njvf AL .TE (Th? i'ho .otpph.. spared neither pains nor expense in arranging this Light, so as to give all my work, the Soft Porcelain i,ffect which made my work so popular in Norfolk, Ya. Every style of Picture copied and enlarged to any size desired. Call early and examine specimens of W a.h i n g to u p e 0 pie . Yery Respectfully, THOS. WALTER, Main St., opp. Clyde Wharf 5:17:1V. arsons, Manufatucrer of Choice Havana and Domestic CI CPA US. All of my Cigars are made from gen uine Tobacco and warranted to be free from all Poisonous Flavor and Paint. Call and examine my stock and b convinced that I can sell you goods : cheap and of as good quality as ai other house. 13:5 W.ashiugtou, N. C. (ft

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