tonshington progress. PROGRESS PUBLISHING CO. General Booth, leader of the Salvation Army, is planning an invasion of Zulu land, South America, and, preparatory to the organization of his forces for this forei?i campaign, he has issued a call for 5,00 ) officers to be trained as mis sionarits. The annual wood consumption of the United States for building and other purposes is something over two thousand millions of cubic feet. We still have a large area of forest land, but with a waste-fid and improvident management how long can this last? - It is reckoned that it costs sixty dol lars to keep each of the one hundred thousand families of Minnesota warmed and fc l during a single winter nearly the value of one-third of her wheat crop in ISSfi. Fuel is comparatively abund ant and cheap at the South. The London Musical Standard pub lishes the names of people of note in the musical world who died last year, There arc included 250 names and many nationa ities are represented. The aver gc age attained was high 61 years. There were four suicides, all singers. One cantaft ice was assassinated and another was "hissed to death." The recent long drought in England causfd great embarrassment to the um brella trade, as sales nearly ceased. One manufacturer who was sued for a debt of 5 declared that nothing but the drought prevented payment of the debt, and the Court granted him a month's res pite, ia the hope that rain might come and umbrellas be salable. There are two church bells at Messilla, Mexico, that are valuable. They were cast in 177o, and it is said that just be fore the casting was made at least $1000 worth of gold and silver jewelry was dropped into the molten mass of metal by the devout, who thought thus to pro pitiate their patron saints. The bells are to be melted and the precious metals recovered. The report of the appointment divis ion in the Post Office department con tains the following figures for the past fiscal year : Number of offices established, 3,048; number discontinued, 1,500; ap pointments on resignations and com missions expired, 5,863; appointments on removals and suspensions, 2,584; ap pointments on changes of names and sites, 482; appointments on deaths of postmasters, 589. The total number of appointments of postmasters of all grades during the year was 13,079. The total number of appointments for the years 1885 and 1886 was 22,747 and 9,547 re spectively, making a total for the three years of 46.373. The total number of post offices of all grades in operation on July 1, 1887, was 55,157. Jeffrey Wilson, who died near Mc- chanicsburg, Ohio, a short time ago, was born a slave in Virginia in 1773, and had entered on his 115th year, when he died- le was a slave for ninety-two years Ie had two wives. By the first he be came the father of eight children, three of whom are living, the average of their ages being 80 years, the eldest , being 87 and the youngest 79 years. By his second wife he had nine children, six of whom are living, their average age being 52 years, the eldest being 58 and 1 1 ... tne youngest 41. He had seventy-six grandchildren, thirteen great-grandchil-dron, 'and one great-great-grandchild, his offspring extending through four generations, there being 106 souls. In his veins flowed the blood of three races white, negro, and Indian and to this fact is attributed his longevity. , The Good Man's Creed. i A little thought and a little care, I A little tenderness now and then, A precious speech and a courtly air May give one rank among 4 'gentlemen ;" But he who merits the highest place, ; Though clad in homespun cloth, 'tis true ' 13 one who carries a heart of grace, And is really a nobleman through and througie. asked the question; I might have known. But, oh! I'm so much obliged to you for keeping me from spending my hun dred dollars ; it was very kind of you, very; I don't know how you came to find me. How long have you known about Grandpa?'' "It only came out this morning, and took us all entirely by surprise. But here we are at your door; good-by, my dear; if I can be of service to you in any way, (he had meant to offer her money, but he was suddenly afraid to speak of such a thing to the spirited-looking girl before him,) remember the long intimacy The law time I visited the Polly-wol-ly-winkum bakery, it had moved its quarters to a large, well -lighted kitchen, with a class-room attached. Yes, a class-room ;for Polly had agreed to teach cooking to a number of rich men's daughters at a good round price per girl, and, not to lose the chance of do ing good because she was poor, she se lected a dozen poor girls, to whom she gave another hour a week, without pay. Mr. Paul Mcllwaine was my cicerone on the occasion of my visit and when I had admired and praised until the Eng lish language was exhausted he said According to the latest newspaper directory there are 15,420 newspapers now published in the United States and Canada, of which 11.014 are weeklies. In Njr Siate then- tre 1,591 newspa pers. The total siugie issue of all publica tions is estimated M 30,165,250, from which it would seem that almost everv person in the United States of an age to read p?ruscs pretty regularly one or more newspapers. Gratitude that takes ihe form of dol lars and cents is generally well liked by the recipient. If so, Private Heath of the Fifth cavalry, should feel repaid for a gallant deed he did eleven vears a-o in the Sioux war. Ia that campaign he rescued the captain of his company, who was wounded, from falling into the bauds of the Indian at the great risk of his own life. Now Captain Price is looking him up to give him a deed to a Kansas firm worth $ 9 000. The reclamation from the desert of portions of northern Africa by means of artesian wells, seems to be going on pros perously. The first well has constantly increased its flow, and now irrigates an area of 1500 acres, on which are grow ing many thousand palm trees, besides garden crops for the support of the pop ulation which has flocked to the place, and a second well has been driven about wo miles from the first, which already delivers nearlv twice as much water as he first. If the flow from the second can be distributed as suecessfullv as that from the first, the two wells, neither of which is -300 feet deep, will bring into ultivation an area of more than seven square miles, forming an oasis of con siderable importance, and it seems now probable that the French government may take measures for restoring their an cient fertility to tracts which were once renowned for their fruitfulness. Ah! not to a leaflet here and there Is the lovely scene of the rose conveyed; Nor is there a corner within it where The fragrance lurks, and the treasures laid; But every petal is truly filled Pink or crimson, or saffron hue a J?? 7 dews distilled; between our families gives me a right to gravelv fi,.,v, 6 nelP Jou- 'nevertheless a suit i twiin. ; I iimi i i ...... I O mans you, sue said, simply; it court against the Polly-wolly-winkum was all she had voice for, and, using bakery; it is charged that Miss Ruther her latchkey, she let herself into the ford is dishonestly withholding from all housc the young gentlemen of her acquaintance "Bless me!" said the young lawyer, the time and thought and interest they as he walked off, "but the girl has believe to be their due." pluck! It was very pretty, and entirclj "That is a dreadful charge, Polly womanly, too, the way she thought of winkum," said I. "What areyou -oin others, her grandfather and the credi- to do about it?" & tors. I didn't think little Polly had it T11 engage Mr. Mcllwaine to defend er' roc," replied the little bakeress, running ,c,u xxttiC x uuy ai mis nun- zo look into an oven. But somehow her me, ne might not have thought she had face was red even before she opened the muxx m iiur- sue uau slipped noise- oven door! fGood Cheer CHARLES u. Attorney and Counsellor, Washington, N.c Special attenti on 1-iqiVi i.. 1 l0 Co, claim? ctioj Office iu Court Hou And yonder billow with foaming crest, So bright and sparkling, so glad and free, May seem of a lighter make than the rest Of the mighty sweep of the solemn sea ; But there's not a drop in the crucible, Never a drop since the world was new, That wouldn't the self-same story tell, That the soa is a salt sea through and through. The tree is stunted, the vine is spoiled, There's neither blossom nor leaf,nor fruit, When the sap in its upward reach is foiled And fettered close in the tangled root. And there's nothing sound, and there's noth ing strong, JOHN H. SMALL Axtorney-at-Law. Washington, fQ Office on Market Street E. S. SIMMONs? Atorney and Counsellor. Washington. X. c. Office on Market .Street, m-ur rv , v W. B. RODMAN. W. U. There's nothing good, and there's nothing lessly into the great handsome front par- true, That is not honestly right along Sweet and savory through and through. Faithfully faithful to every trust; Honestly honest in every deed; Righteously righteous, and justly just. This i.s the whole of the good man's creed. -LThe Earth. POLLY'S BISCUIT. BY ELIZABETH P. ALLAN. The Sydney (Australia) Herald quotes an official report relative to attempts to suppress the rabbit plague in Australia and says: "The evidence goes to show that the present system for the destruc tion of the rabbits has been a complete failure. There has Icon 301,492 spent, and 7,853,787 rabbits have been killed. That is, every rabbit has cost nearly a shilling to kill, while the lamentable fact remains that the rabbits have not de decre ised in numbers, but have rather increased." Europe nas 33 1, 000, 000 people, according to the report prepared for the Interna tional Statistical Congress. This is about rive and a half times as many perons as there are in the United States. This population lives upon 0,233,000 square miles of land. But more than half the land in Europe is Russian territory, and Russia has far less than half the people. Russia lias 3,423,183 square miles of land, leaving for all other nations but 2.809,815 square miles, and the popula tion of all the nations, exclusive of Rus sia, is 244,400,000, that of Russia being 93,000,000. If all Europe were peopled as densely as are the non-Russian coun tries, Europe would have more than eight times the .'nonulation of the United Slates. But the whole area lor and dropped down on one of the low Food of the Turks. cushioned divans, 4 'all in a heap," as the The Turkish cuisine must be tasted to girls say. For two whole hours she be appreciated. The basLs of all culinary Kept Herself hid in the parlor, nobody operations in Stamboul is a certain kind knowing she was in the house, and in of tallow extracted from the broad and that long, silent time, when she heard thlck extremity of the Caraman sheep. only the tinkling little bronze clock, and Tlis tallow has an odor so potent that her own irregular breathing, something we would not use it even for candles, happened to Polly, almost like what The Turks are essentially vegetarians, happens to the moth when it comes out TneJ eat DeeI" very rarely, and never of the cocoon. It happened to the Pork or vcal- They indulge in ducks Pollv that. I lean fowls find firvl!ir Pftllv rlnn'f 1 I J nj luamc VI Ultf 1 J "p, tuu ut'SU P.,),, :.Z;.77r ".T. Io11? that everybody knew: and who of which they cut off in small f UP m(kly shall say but that this great, startling pieces. These pieces are strung upon jcrvuu-j case sim was uenaini' , . , . , o Clianffe of fortune wna n-f cf loner SOlts. wlnrh rpp liolrl onrl 4- A over, and saw Mr. Mcllwaine standing k. . w '. " tulucu mat lusme rony irom Deing smothered Ui awmu minutes over not coals, where and dwarfed by the outside Pollv! tne' are slowly roasted, retaining all When she went to hud her mother and their Juiccs- This what is called grandfather, it was with a bright face kebab a healthful and nutritious food, and steady voice. winch Europeans find delicious. Turk- A few days after this, Polly brought ish Pastl7 is quite varied, and would not up a dainty little breakfast to her e aisaSrecable if honey and sujjar were mother, who was quite overcome by their disaster, as was the poorold grand father. ''Come, mithcr," Polly said blithely, "I made these biscuit, and you've got to eat two. What a good thing it was that you had that hobby about teaching me to do things; don't it fit in nicely now? ' "It was a theory of your father's," UODMav W. B. RODMAN & soj Attorney-at-Law, WASHINGTON, N. c J. B. ROSS, TASL Good Fit Guaranteed. Repairing done at shortest notice ta at reasonable rates. OR at her side. "Why shouldn't I buy to-day?" she cried. "I have had this hundred dol lars in p-nld for fllmncf O ' - v- i j ai , AIL I , Mcllwaine, trying to make up my mind what I wanted most; now m birthday is almost here again, and I am afraid Grandpa will make this do for two birthdays, if I don't hurry and spend it." But Thanks for past patronr age and will be continued. "Mil, T,Jl..'r. l.'iit. 1 1 a vuj guy lUUe laugn . was checked by a look of unmistakable com passion in the gentleman's eyes. The color faded a little from her bright young face, but she would not ask any questions here in the crowded store. "You may put them back to-day, Mr. West," she said to the jeweler. 'Til come again to-morrow." "Very well, Miss Rutherford," said the vexed salesman, concealing his dis appointment, "I shall reserve them for you Who are the people that leave money on deposit, and fa 1 to call for it ? A lit tle information on this point comes from Connecticut, which has eighty-four sav ings banks at present, not over twenty of the number com inn- under the law re quiring reports concerning unknown de positors. The amount of deposits which have remained without claimants for twenty years is known to be over $73, 000. Of this, '$21,000 is held by the Society for Savings in Hartford, $17,000 by the Xew London Sivings Bank, $12, 500 by the Norwich Hivings Bank, $7, 000 by the Bridgeport Savings Bank, $4000 by the Middletowu, and not far from $4,000 by the Norwalk Savins Bank. Attention is being called to the enor mous los of stock that has taken place on the ranches of Montana and Wyo ming during the past winter, owing to lack of food and to exposure. The cat tle are required to provide for them selves on the bleak plains of these terri tories and where the ranch is over stocked and the paturc3 bare many ani mals must necessarily perish. "This " ys the New York Epoch, "is a matter which sooner or later will require legis lation of some kind, for to permit cattle to starve and freeze to death is surely the worst kind of cruelty. It may also be a question whether any of that region i suitable for stock iu winter, with the exception of a narrow strip under the hadow of the Rocky Mountains and aubject to the Chinook winds." of the United States is 3,250,000 square miles, or rather less than the Russian territory, but a good deal larger than the remainder of Europe. Non-Uussian Europe, therefore, crowds 244,000,000 of people upon a surface much smaller than that held by our 60,000,000. In all Europe, exclusive of Russia, the average of population to the square mile is 190, and in the United States it is 19. For every loaf of bread that a man gets in Europe there is ten times as much struggling as for a loaf m this country. Bread is dear, therefore, and humanity is cheap in Europe. Humanity is more highly rated here, 'and bread is cheaper. Heredity in Handwriting. Do you believe in heredity hand writing? A friend advocates the theory to me with much show of reason. His life has been a long one, and he says that now, in noticing the signatures of children of friends of his, he is fre quently startled by the close relations of their penmanship to that of their par ents. Inquiry does not demonstrate that the children have intentionally copied the handwriting of their sires, but without intent have come into the same peculiarities. In some instances the diffe rence between the two could scarcely be distinguished. The student of heredity and its many whims has here a new field of labor that might prove in the development. Pioneer Press. 1 ii The First Dead Confederate, It is said that Jackson county lost the first son in the late war. Mr. J. A. Wil liamson, who1 belonged to the Banks County Guards, died of measles before any blood was shed in the Confederate army. He was the nephew of our fellow-citizen, J. P. Williamson. Should a monument be erected to the memory of him who first lost his life for the lost cause, Jefferson will stand a good chance to have it. Jackson (Ga.) Herald. Polly left the tempting store with Mr. Mcllwaine, and once on the street turned upon him a pair of frank, ; questioning eyes, which he found hard to answer. Paul Mcllwaine was a friend of the Rutherford family; but not specially of little Polly; she was only sixteen, a mere child to the hard-working lawyer of thirty, and one whom he considered as altogether frivolous ar.d empty. Polly was an only daughter, living with a widowed mother in her grandfather's elegant house, and if she spoiled girl it was not the fault of the doting old grandfather, whose idol she had been from her babvhood. "What did you mean, Mr. Mcll waine?'' she asked, presently, finding that the questioning look brought no reply. And then, seeing how em barrassed he seemed about answering, she said, with a sudden fear, "Have you been at Grandpa's since I left? Is any thing the matter ?" "They are all well," he said, answer ing the thought which he knew was in her mind, "but something has happened, Polly, of course, or I would not have in terfered with your purchase." 4Oh! tell me, tell me," said the girl in an agitated voice. "Why do you keep me in suspense?" "What a blunderer I am," thought her companion. "If I tell her out here on the street, there will be a scene; but I'm in for it now, and if I don't tell her I suppose there will be a scene; that's the way with these fine young ladies. "It is a hard thing to say to you, Polly, but your grandfather has failed." "Failed," repeated Polly, vaguely, "you mean he has lost his money? Is that all? Is that what you were afraid to tell me?" "That 'all' means a good deal more than you seem to understand, " said Paul Mcllwaine, impatiently; "it means loss and grief and disappointment and pov erty to one of the best gentlemen in the world; it means hard work to your mother who has no strength for work - to j you " He stopped, and Polly said quickly, feeling the tinge of contempt in his tone: "Never mind about me, but I see now how bad it will be; poor Grandpa! Mr. Mcllwaine does must will any body else lose by Grandpa's failure?" "It is too soon to say positively " he replied, "but I think not. I think he has quit business in time to leave his creditors any appreciable loss." Polly's head was up now, and her eyes shining. 4 'Dear old Grandpa, " she said, "bless his heart; I am ashamed that I not used so abundantly, and if the taste oi rauow could be excluded. Bakalava and ekmek-kataif (thick cakes cooked in honey, perfumed with rosewater and covered with caimak, a kind of cream) in particular, recall very savory memories. Pachas and rich Turks always have at their, repasts a great number of dishes, winch the servants bring in on brass answered the mother, in a depressed Platters and place on the mat on the tone; "I promised him when you were floor or sometimes on small, low tables, a wee baby in long clothes that I would around which the guests squat them- have you taught to do everything that selves- They eat in silence and in a women can do, and of course, after his &rave manner, and serve themselves death, I felt the more bound to do it. generftlIJ with their fi ngers as well as But I don?t know whv you should make with thx'ir forks ancl with their teeth as well as with their knives. Nevertheless so much of it now; you can't support yourself by making biscuits." "I don't know," said Polly, care lessly; "I don't know," she repeated more earnestly, springing up and walk ing about the room as if her mind were oa in her footsteps. they deign to use a spoon to convey to their mouths food that is not verv solid ? like stewed rice, malcbi, a kind of cooked cream and iaourt, thick and bit terish mil:;, of all of which they are very fond. Their drink consists of" clear In a few weeks the Rutherfords had water; but this docs not prevent them moved into a small down-town house, from imbibing before their repast a with all the available rooms ''let," and wllite liquor, raki, which is made of the poor old Mr. Rutherford was tryin" ffum of the mastic tree mixed with alco- fecbly to discharge the duties of a small- ho!l 11 ls an agreeable drink, but it is salaried office into which his friends had USed lite absinthe, the taste and proper- put him. ties of which it possesses. Its use, and Polly's mother seemed quite crushed evea its abuse, does not bring remorse at first, but the girl herself was buoyant to the conscicnt'e of the Turks, oi with hope, as every young girl has a Mhammed has forbidden them to use right to be, no matter whather style of wine' but he forSot l)roI)het though he living is or is not. " was to for(e the manufacture of raki, Thanks to Mr. Mcllwaino ho an mvcntion more modern than his own DR. H. SNEU. Surgeon Dentis Washington, N.c. All Work Executed at Short Notice. Teeth Extracted by the Use of Gas Without Pain, Bank in g House lior V ii n A yrA jl sil 1 - i jjuimiu uuuiins uuvv lo invest in an enterprise on which she had set her heart far more than it had ever been set on the pearls. And along with the hundred dollars she had also to invest in it youth, health, good sense, a brave spirit, and a proud independence. -American Anal vis t. Quicksiml Swallowed the Train. 'Talking about railroad accidents remarked an old railroad man in conver sation about the Chats worth horror, "the most remarkable one I ever knew of ' ; lit j find T'VO hpnn rnnni'nr. r, 1 j What else needed she for a happy and f , J lucroaunow a,,wi Hf, I Py ana nearly thirty years-was in Kansas Her enterprise began with a visit, basket in hand, to seven or eight of the best city hotels, and as many of the res taurants; to all of them she offered a on the K. P.. not far from Vnrt Wniu ' v - i r wiiuvi. j where a train of cars, including the en gine, was thrown into the bed of a dry creek and never found. That is, the pnorinn nml enmn rC r. - . ..0mV oumu ut uaxs never were OF c. iva . BROWN Main Street, Wshington, N. C. collections solicited and reniittaEffi made promptly. Exchange bought and sold. Any One Wishing to Place A Monument, Tomb-Stone, dftllv WOfHv rr tf!.mnU i r I hor rl'nin v l V' PP 7 Thc engineer and fireman were both lost ner dainty little beaten biscuit such as on , " i i ii JA , , ' The train was a freight, and that's whv she had learned to make down in eastern tw. , y ...... UHeiQ there were no msspnmvM tn k o x iiiru. e disaster OR- ..gmu, from a famous old cook, who At the time of the Tay brid. had in clnvo fin 11 A x !.. "lluo had in slave days father's familv. She to her was successful in Scotland, the train, which was bio MEMORIAL Of any kind at the grave of a deceased friend, will find it to their advantage to k Call On the lindprsiomprl xclin TOVrti' . . - r f it. 1. .! k uum l lit nriMnr-A r- tct i 1 ,i i . . . - o ? j., -ilmniintnUrnn.n ..ln:.. j . dm" luruugii ine ! lnST ODe of the larcrf'sf. mnnnmental or: fa7 bevoTdhc mother's Tad her X, , wMct " . ver in the United Stafes i7 prepared to f ur beyond her mother s, ,md her elation fend because the water and md wr nish any style of monument or head-sto could not but infuse some hope into that ,w " muu were ladVs weak spirit. ep and swallowed up the engine, while me coacnes probablv went out to "We must have a new namp fnr vm,. . ., 7 J wuuine tiae. But there was no tide in biscuit, miss," said one wise old retau- fimf v a , la u u i. i- that Kansfl8 dry branch. The ouick- rant keeper; "what shall we call them?" "Call them," said Polly, hesitating and laughing, "call them the Polly-wol-ly-winkuai biscuit." The Polly-wolly-winkum biscuit got to be tne tashion that winter ; after hir ing one good cook at what seemed ruin ous wages, a second and a third had to be engaged; but Polly put on her great kitchen apron, tied up her abundant hair into a high knot, and spent four hours of every day in her kitchen her self; no plea of other engagements, no pretense that the cooks would do as well without her, no tempting offer of sleigh-ndes, no flattering invitations of any sort could make the little mistress of the bakery break her rule, or neglect her work. Naturally the biscuit grew in favor. j sand just swallowed everything' Chi cago Tribune. Brought to Earth. They were seated in the balcony, and he, the ardent and romantic lover waa breathing impassioned sentiment into the ears of the peerless but practical Priscilla. "How sweet to me is the scent of roses!" he murmurel, in his thrilling tones. "The perfume of that queen of flowers affects me strangely, agitates me, nay, even forces the tears into my eyes!" And Pegasus would have soared to even greater heights had she not brought him to earth with the common, place comment : "Well, d you know, Tve noticed the nish any style of monument or head-st at the lowest possible price. , For proof of workmanship, elegance c design, &c. , see the many handsome speci mens in the churchyards of this tova All Work Guaranteed. R. G. MONTGOMERY. 4 :10 :ly Washington, X. c- A natural curiosity has been discover atSolothurn, Switzerland, the centre ci large watch manufacturing district, is the nest of a wagtail, built whol.y long spiral steel shavings, with the l3:' nart. nf vprrAfuMo r tihrp Ueu its construction. The steel shaving Vol o m;iK i 1 l. 1 ..Knilf twfi' "HlllIIJCU! lllH rV JUKI AW"' . . cuciinuicrs long. l ue ui-i . (iwviivm 111 LUC JllCUUI v History. tritb Saw a Cool Deed. "I saw a cool deed this morning marked Fangle at the supper table. "What was it?" asked his ife. deep interest. . j "The title to an ice-house," r(rie same imng about onions!" ' the wretch, Life.

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