Vol. XI. AVasliingtoii, Beaufoit County, N. C., Tuesday, May 26, 1896 .' - 1 1 a a immMT" REGULATOR? atea THE BEST PRiNG H1EDICINE 3 i.M.v.oNS Liver regulator. Dont ':rz-. " 1 1 take iL Now is the time you - -.- . r.vst 10 wane up your Liver. A ...... l iver brings on Malaria, Fever A u Kheunratism, ana many otaer nstrtution TiS r . , . Ji shatter Ui u c.;: health. Don't forget the word !- ; LUOR.. It is SIMMONS LlVEft ;;i ;; ! .TiR you want. The word REG- L r ; JistinRUisnes it from all other rrJ - AnJ, besides this. SIMMONS i a ! i uULATOR is a Regulator of the 1 kcps it properly at work, that your i rn.iv be kept in good condition. 0'rl '; : v". THE BLOOD take SIMMONS iULATOR. It is the best blood iJ corrector. Try it and note wc. Look tor the Kb L) Z . i.K.ije. You wont find it on ..'.licine, and there is no other ..iv iik Simmons liver . ir,z K i.i.jof Liver Remedies. .i 11. .:ii Co , I'liilailelhiu, JP I UI'lii! IirC It e a I rOll AND U Dhclst ered v p by i.-o a large supply of fine po;i3!i for sale cheap, ,v quantity. Don't forgev tbej : ! . .', Market Street between, the i'lsi I-ant'st Church and the i ! ' ll(.::t. Wshineton, N. C. fi Fortune . Ill Prizes I ...GI-EN AWAY IK 55 Separate Prizes . . . ontej rcuzE or... i o e e e $1,000 T116 NEW WEEKLY ROCKy MOUNTAIN NEWS, Denver, Colo.. p---it-3f bna flJe prize effer ver mad fa t::e U i-st or South. Tr.- N.ws is the representative paper of the V'-.t-:t is silver's champion : It In the peo-;-:e s r !v.ate; It leads In thought, as. In news. .' v.vkiy has Just been enlarced and lra-j'-'V.!; it contains the latest and fullest rotn ar.l mininir stock news: It baa special de 1 -.rtn.-f.ti devoted to th Farm, the House V. -men and Children: alt tha brisbtest r-r! - f s an 1 livest comment of the dally edl licn :ir tr. be found In It; It presents In con j,r. i , .n the doines of all the world it la . f.rr.ly atT without a peer. A-. i h- Weekly News Is determined to bar f-1 : qufstion the lantest circulation of y i i; - r between the Mississippi river and th - r i .-i?t. Therefore It olTers to the per ' -. w. : in the createst number of tl year ! ii .n before September 1st neat t:..t5 ur.ctiualleil prizes. ' . . REGULAR AGE UTS' COMMISSION ALLOWED IN ADDITION. CONTEST BEGINS AT ONCE. CPE.1 TO EVERT BOOT EVERTWHERE. I r r rr-rticulars address The News Printlne Co, Denver, Colo. t c orn is a vigorous feeder and re sponds well to liberal fertiliza tion. On corn lands the yield increases and the soil improves if proDerlv treated with fer- :ir a. 1 ! h I i vnrc. r rt . n . T-. et rt fii 1111111 i 7 actual Potash. "A trial of this plan costs but little and is sure to lead to profitable culture. " . Our famphleti are not advertising circular boora in? rcial lerulizen,bat are practical works, contain itijf latest researches m the subject of fertilization, and -e tea'.iy helpful to farmers. They free fot us ailuus-. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nauaa St.. New York. M'OTi4,iir iki;k Sieaih Dye Wriks. Kpress ps.id an paclcagtb. . pin Itm. Ai.dttss. STEAM DYEING CO.. Gotland Nerk. N C 4t am a tmt. T m A .4 4C1nisni and beautifies the ba& Promotes a loaurMUit growth. Merer Fails to Beeore Oray Hair to its Tentkal Color. Curs scalp disraaea hair faiua(. ., HINDERCORNS. 4oniTuri!turetoftrii. BCop U1 P1V COPYRIGHTS. C.A I onTAIM A PATENT f For PrDirt anxwer and an hnnait ODlnion. write I I I SN A: '(.. who hin had nearlT SftT rears' f peru tu l-the xatent business. Conraunls 'ir.s ctrKtly ennfldentt-J. A Ilandbo.k of in--"rmatlon coocernina L'utent and bow to ob aip thKm pent free. TAlsia cats logue of nvecharv CM and ecjenttilo books sent fre. I'at.-m, taten thruturn Munn tc Co. TflcelTe JT:'a! noiiceinthe HHentlfie American, and fios are broutcht widely before, the public witn- it peTnre (oe iwinic.iui. att. Tbls splendid paper. F tlluctrated. baa by far tb uit scientinc work In 119 " u"' "x-tly, elegantly -rvw irculafi of a uiliiriB Edit .d, morllilT, year. tlnrl. ; ''"' 'i ceiitt. Wery nnnbor contains beaa lul pla'i H. ir .-do-", t plKhrrapiis of new '":--. w: (j pl.-ir.s, e.-uibl .! V.ii'rlfi' tt rS - UiO ' '-lvr. uml wfciin .;r:T: i. A!-lrt x JAV . 'rjfi .; T4 - - &amiia conies sent free. mm Time to Act. The .recent Republican Cou- vention hdtd in Raleigh that nominated Judge Russell for Governor ojpens up the question again, will the Kepublicans lusetrt . ,. . ,. . . . a Democratic party as anv one, ropuhsts this, year?!.-4 , . - J . . : willx the . . i. op The few oface Kuutiug Republi- cans that a tended the conven tion sa; fu tion is an aeco.uplish ed fact ani the Republican com- reWth bine will c rry tlie State. Un ie Populists ignore their every declaration of principle thee can Ibe no fusion at least witn tne .republican party, imst parfy barJl,ced tiio freetage ot tu or auove every other issue ana it is Known that the Kepub-- hr;tn partylwith McKinley in the lead is uncompromisiuirly oppos ed to silter and is seekiusr" drown the money question in the protective taritF. The Popuirsts favot an inpome tax, the -Repub licans are i s bitterest-. loes, tue Populi&ts who were once mem- bers of the Democratic party be tieve in alwhite maiT-"rbYrnJ: ernment, the Uepublitausnfavor negro supremacy, thoPopu lists , - .- are for the economical ' adminis tration of the government, while rue irecora r J t . r . 1 . . . 1 ; 01 uie neuuuiiciiiis has been one cf exti'avagance and iiselesa expenditure. If the above is trie and the declaration of .Senator Butler is correct that 1 I there will lie do sacrifice of prin- ciple thi- ybar, how can the Pop- uiists tuse with the republican j party unless they are willing tolhumbu " "nd a fraud? what sacrifice evbry principle of honor in the grefed for omce? ivrom what ve have seen of the Popu lists ' in this county there is no desire to fuse with Republicans this year. We have talked w ith some oi the most influential members with one hi . the party and all tccord say there will be no fusiob onlv on the line of principle and thev 'btand readv 1 to co-opera-'te with any party on a just basii that will aid in tolv ing j the fijnancial problem ani giving the (State that stable white -nmeut mat is neces ..... sary to our continued protperity. If principle is to be the controll ing element in fusion, if there ifl fusion, it dan only be accomplish- ed bv a cobibination of the. forces of the Demociats and Populists. With perfect consistencv '.these two parties cau unite their forces and save t ie State from the hu miliating scenes that will be re- enacted shbulda man like Russell be elected, ,i!r Governor. Thesapar- ties' in principle at this - time differ onlv in name, free silver is the battle cry oi both, income tax is the llesire of each, white man's government governed' by while mei dispensing its bless- ! -a .1 ; a j 1 I 4 ini,s to aiu aiiKe is tne slogan oi each. If this is trua why cannot we'eome 1 ogether forgetting the past, pres forward to the future and gie to oi l-North Carolina that continued good government that ha; mada her one of the most prosperous and happy State 3 in the un on? Is it not time for us to rcnie' together, and save North Carolina from Russell and la irjn?3 r- Th Klnpr'8 Daughters. The K in' 's Daughter?, whose onventiin has just been held in Chapel Hill, was first organized in New York January 13th, 1886, and is now spread nearly over the entire world. It first com menced vith ten women For some time this was only a circle5 but soo i took en vigorous life. Every country except Thibet that rec gnizes the Man of Galli lee bs i ioble women enrolled hs workers j under ; its : banner. At therbeginning only women were made members, -but in 1887, the name was changed to King Daughters and Sons. The growth of the order has been marvelous. Last year it numbered 30,000 cir cles. , all doing a noble work, North barolina was one of the first Stltes to enter the work,' its nrsi ci rcle being organized in 1888 at Wilmington.; ISinc'e that time the circles number over one hundred. Yearly they meet f omewbere in i the State The firflA ih Washington has been a blessing to many homes. The greatest River and Harbor bill evr: created has just passed. - I AAA ruin now t.i" lb gives i,iw,wv iui "... I ' . . i i tai nnrt onfi for old contracrs totll $6 200 009. They are pit- ing up ! the burdens on tne tax " - v a 1 A - payer 1 Can we Cet Together. ITT.. " 1 .' . e nave oeen rocKea into a Democratic cradle and believe we are as well ; grounded in the nrinci nlA3 - rmiinciut'til liv' thf out we oeiong 10 mar. wing ci the grand old party who w;sh to devise some means . to save the State and Beaufortcounty from the blight and curse of -Radical I supremacy and believe the only way to do it is to take up candi- dates. that can be supported by Populists and Democrats. It is cerain wltU tlicao tickets in Afield the - cliances are for the succese of tha radical prty With the "Populists." and - Demo- cratVunited ve are" confident we can save xhe .btate". it tuis is true what is the duty, of. every son in North Carolina in whose j veins nows tne pioou ot nis An- slo-Saxon" ancestors? The an- swe? is plafrifthe road maiked out to pave tne orate irom negro tip r em a'ey-; -arid -iR u ss t? 1 1 i s m ' is before us and iki3 in united, ef- fort. The Radicaw do not advo - -: -. - , - - cate a principleijiafc. the Popu lists have held; taand how any member or that parry cn corn- bine or affiliate with the gang is one of thel.enjrmas of the age. ICan'it be done withjut they de setting every't-Hnciple and open- v confessing that they are a trl,iv riAtUl nn of th v-mw4t.Tj-v--..-.v.-.v -, I less of party- for State officers who are pledged agajinst Repub licanism and nejrro rule-. The ! f . A. lssue tnat WU1 corae neareat to our homes in the coming cam- jpaigri, - the one that affects every fireside m the land is Home Rule I... I W Nnrth Carolina. We can live under McKiuleyism and its protective tariff much better uiuttyL.y . than we can live under Radical rule. There is not a middle age J citizen in the State but what re members the dark days of Radi cal s&preaiacy and if Russell and bis cohorts are elected what as- surance have we that the dramas nf'those davff-wiu not bo re-en acted: The nearoiis making . ii f 4.1. i lAn-konna rniB vpir i iin i - I CkvaT ii1 1 ill t ii iiti us ilia ucuiuuo i r.. .1 HnmnnHo 1 . . ? . white Republican: who hayei W0.n ih ,nnfi(1Mr9tiv elmnt in - , ,- . . thenartv he-etofore .is -ignored and he believes the time is au- nj!cous frr hlD? 9 vae the.rein8 of government, anu witn reien ' ! t 4k less hand make square u scores of imaginative injury and re- venire. We do not advise or council the slightest surrender of principle. We i do not asK t 1 I nnv Rafririce of honor, but wc do nsk the irood white People A the D A if thev cannot get together on some honorable basis and save us from the disasters that are surely awaiting us if we remain divided. This is the time for sober, car.did. reflection, the future looks dark, the sky is overcast but by a united . enort we may gild' the clouds we so much dread with a silver lining. The Bingham School situated at Ashevillo is " now offering eleven free scholarships to the young men of the State covering all necessary expenses except clothing. One of these scholar ships will betaken from each Congressional district and two from t-he State at large nina-of the recipients to be - chosen b the Congressmen from their dis tricts and r two by our - Senators from the State at large altera competitive examination on Eng lish grammar, spelling, arithme tic, Geography and History of the United States. The exami nations will be held on the 15th of August in such place and be fore such , committer as eUher the U. S. Senators may select for his appoiatee, or as the Congress man of any district may select for his appointee.- :.The"J scholar ship in each case being awarded to "th applicant who stands the best examination Any of . our I brigbt vouug-men who desire to avail themselves of-this liheral . . ... . . i. fFryf fr -.h-lini ouei i ". would do well: to correspond with uoi ixarry omnuer meuiigtess 'man from this district. 4i T-w KZI A. U a. I 1A Bayboro Road. We called the attention of our fiieuds in the section of I-lalia and Aurora to the opportunity that was now offered to complete the long needed road from head o. South creek to the Pamlico line. The mere calling their at tention to it and its importance to the section through which i : it will run and the surrounding, country will accomplish nothing 1 1. l : 4i. :..:. uuie, , w vv " yxciuLy are willing to move in the mat ter. The parties q wnom the lands belong through which the road wi.'l run and open up,; to market are ordy interested in the matter from a business , stand- print and they are aware they are JjsiBg nothing by delay I as lands have rapidly increased l in valuation ia-that section in the last few years So true is this that we dr not believe xny por- m ion of Beaufort county has ad- vanced so rapidlv in wealth'from natural, causes as this Lection Lands only a tew years ago that could be bousht from ten to twelve dollars pr acre ars now worth from fifty to seyenty-llve dollars. The people of this sec tion must learn the work of the conviets are not going a begging, that the Commissioners are re- cBiviDg numerous - applications 1U1 irui" various pans 01 the county, mid if they want them to"build this road they must mase some ettort of their own to get them. We are sure they can get the hearty W operation of the . I l " " i xne-new roau win pass. LJut our Board of Commissioners will naturally want to knov what the Commissioners of Pamlico county are disposed to do. ; If they are ready and willing to act at once , it wiU be a strong in- ducement for our board to PO ODerate. but if thev are disposed mi . i i4 . to delay their end of the. work i . ... i mucn oi me wont mac we mignc , -,. , t . W1U De . inrowa awa - - 13 useless to delay this work untU winter as it cannot be successful- done at that season of the y vear. JNow - it tne neome w lio I . . l are tc be the benefitted ones in this "new improvoment do not take some interest in the matter who will? - The people ought to git together :inn I :i I iimi r npin:i i: f i it 1 1 rn fit i n i .i. j t i r a. i I . . . - 1 Tnm m i ecuinors and i cnmmitfPB v " ....t..-. Muv. fc . . i nrwii r rani t r rr r tha f :nm mi j I sjoners of Pamlico county in con lnciion -witn a iiKe committee from -that county, If some meas ures like this were adopted then our board would be in a position td"dicide in an. intelligent man- ner fof the begt interest of all concerned. There is. an old adageand it is a true one, unless you blow vour own horn no one will blow it for you and if the people oi mis section 1 ar At Z .4" have not interePt enough u this matter to Push it to the front it will oe a tomorrow before tbe road is cut This road has been Jn coutempla- tioii for twenty years, delay majT delay it twenty years more. The Output of the Kangaroo Black . and . Tan. . The Messenger has all along insisted upon two things first, that Russell is "the brains of the party," and secondly, "that there would be, finally, tusion between the twe faction, as was the case two , years j ago. I The Messenger furthermore insisted that Russell "would get there." He has "got -there," twit just how is not yet fully known. It was charged in the ; Jumbo meeting at Raleigh that he had bought up negroes who . were delegates. But he is the candi date. He is, by odds the ablest man in his party. He is ; veiy shrewd, bold, aggressive, and not very popular any where It was because ; of that fact that the Messenger all along has been favorable to his nomina tion. It believed him to be in tellectually the ablest and'per- sonally the weakest candidate that could be nominated. ? He is. not any more "Of a demagogue than Dockery,-and. has many times his sense. We are very glad that the Colonel ha3 been drawn from his farm and put forth as a Gubernatorial? possi Kit;fv: - TTo ia a hitrop- no Vina. tileaVuncompromising a Rad- .Ani no k?iiceo 1 10 f nr hn navar V. XV1U . uJ - There is a movement on foot to or protested against any of to put Dockery up as a candidate . w Ml l-Vlava-w . i - 1 a.1 a. 1 X A 1 tne villainous ana nign-nanaeaiior senator. outrages that were perpetrated in North Carolina by the Black and .Tan gang marshalled by the scallawags and the ca pet- baggers If Russell cannot be defeated there is no other Republican nnv t,rftm;n0nn ,U elected . rp,n(,n W f nil his uncommon abilities, his par- tv manaromrnt his crpnin for makfng the worse appear the - - ' " better, but compared as a can- I ... 1 didate needmg votes he is weak. If the Democrats, aided by all good and true men who would save North Carolina' from the ploughshare of ruin and the "besom of destruction" cannot whip out Russell, they cannot defeat any other man who might have been chosen. . " Russell knows the need of fusion and in his speech in the Jumbo he showed it His elec tion may probably depend upon tho Populist vote. - Can the Populists who be lieve in a low tariff tax for rev enue only support Russell who ia high robber tax advocate nnA umA i u- u"u ouuncu uis tyiuis 111 UlSl snppch ' Can the Populists who bp- lieve in silver sunnort t.hfi Mn. didate of a party thafc ig red hot for gold and dead against sil- ver ? If populists vote for gold and robber tax candidates they should take down thoir Rio-n and nasa OVfi. infn th ftrrns nf the most vicious, the most usurnin th mnst tvmnil n mrtCf. TtMvaM-f cf w v x-a. vs. UC.UU U V11V lllUO U venai uariv Known in ATnAnpan 1 X t a. A nolitins Wilmino-tnn UfAsen ger. Prltchard's Straddle on the Money Question. 'We favor tbe use of sold and silver as standard money and .the restoration of silver "nona and dimity as a money metal . Ane aOve is tne piatrorm ut prance of the Republican State - - - , - Ition that: is to hn tho Ip.irhnrr f'li ii v fwt t nil rivi i n (4 rr rout nil liaoiAC "x " 8t!addIe tha wiU . Pase no" b 11 Yas. penned by bena- rnr .Prirphnrn ann mano nir : tor Pritchard and made Posel7 ambiguous to make it In aarmonsy with the i variegated views OI ciniey. As a matter of fact, it was doubtless written in this .shape at the of the Ohioan. If ouLticoiiuu lAlpotA - l Mr - IfpKinlflv will onn ww - - strue this plank exactly as John Sherman dictates, and every honest man . of .every party knows that it will be a con struction that will be hostile to the free coinage of silver. . The people are tired 6f this " "- no more "miseraDie maice shifts." The gold men and the silver men, who are honest, agree upon demanding that there shall be an end of sham, a termination of double deal ing, a repudiation of straddles, and-a frankness and directness that can admit of no miscon struction. -' " " - r- The plaiik that Senator Pritch ard forced'into the Republican platform is a cheap piece of double dealing that will weigh like a millstone : around his neck, and will be repudiated by every frank man of convictions It was made "to look two ways for Sunday," because the Re- publicans have resolved to keep the money question of the cam- paign and put tariff to the front as the foremost issue, Mr, Pritchard agreeing with Mr. McBinley that the tariff is the great and overshadowing issue, and the silver question "insig nificant." Russell, and the Negro. Judge Russell says : "The, ne groes of the South are largely savages. We with Northern ad and sanction kidnapped' them, enslaved them, and by most monstrous wrong degraded them so that they are no more fit to govern than their brother, in Af rican swamps, or so many Mon golians dumped down from pagan Asia." And yet' this is thirty year after the war, and the ne gro boasts of his advancement in education and intelligence. Again ne says : i he negro stench is as great as the rankest bag o mi rt y-a 55 TT? II - T? fifir11 4a-. ilnir : ."v. k" !lis aroraa frof used by spicy He Couldn't Stand the Cans. Goldsboro, May 16. Jas. H.' Holt, -Jr. the young cotton manufacturer who "recently I a. I xl . T" llf of pa" Decause ne .waf an aavo weni over 10 ino ne puoncan W, Ul O-OieU llOIl , UI1U was v maae a "eiegaie 10 me 01. louis f mention, in this city to-day hy chance, and here met and I 3 J 1 . . T 1 viewu returning xtepu on- can forces from the State con vention that last night nomi nated Russell for Goverrfor. In consequence he published this afternoon in the Goldsboro Ar- j ter my eternal and everlasting gus the' following letter which! protest against the effort that spet-ks fdr itself : ..... Editor Argus : It. is , an old saying but a true one that "self preservation is the first law of nature," Acting on this prin ciple from a mistaken stand point of view as to in what con- sisted my preservation as a purely business . question. I have of late lent my aid and in 11 no 11 4T n .- t r r n a tit rr n nrn -i r x xt a 1 ine policy or protection, cnam- p TTi vT tT T v ' . cated by the Republican party , j T 1 , , u,nu. i uati guue u lar u 10 Pernui niyseu zo oe namea as a t ueiegaie lruui tue j?ii'" my I -J T A C A. I ii.; 4-X L resident district, to the St. Louis national Republican .conven - tiori. But, Mr. Editor, , to-day in the city of Goldsboro on my : ii " tl way noine irom tne esyssiou ot tne ivivstic isnnne in mewoero. .-.. ' I am greeted by a, scene that gives me pause and deeper re- flection than heretofore. I have read of the scenes and experiences of '68 as we read of other dark epochs in history, but, reared since that time, growing- up under the benign influence of Democracy and en joying only the pacific bless ings and elevating experience that appertain to its supremacy could not comprehend what "the men of old" endured, nor could my mind formulate a pic ture so dark as their words painted. But to-day in Golds boro I am able to approximate from what Democracy has de livered the State and to what we are again tending. I am greeted here by a seething, surging mass of conglcmerated humanity, howling negroes and exultant white men, arm in 5 1 aa ' 1" arm, oearing aion a Danner with the painted picture of "D. L." Russell, our choice for Governor and with McKinley badges "on the 6ide." And this-4s the party with which I have become allied and to this belongs the negro and all with whic1! I am to cons"rt at St. Louis. , "My God, Abernethy !" Never. ' I hereby recant, ab jure, abhor my affiiliation with this party that fosters and glo riest" in such scenes - in . North Carolina. I believe, Mr. Editor in honest money, sound money, if you will, honest, values and in "our" turn -at protection to the infant manufacturing in dustries of th South. But what would industry, however much exerted, amount to in a State dominated by Russell and his mob of howling savages ? Yes, Mr. Editor, there is pro tection and there is protection, and .for that greater protection hereby withdraw as a dele gate to the St. Louis conven tion,; renounce my .affiliation with the Republican party, only just begun, I am happy to say, and return. an humble but earn est worker : in the'- ranks of Democracy for white suprema cy in North . Carolina, "good government-economically ad ministered and home protec tion. : Very truly, . J. II. Holt, Jr. The South Carolina Democratic State Convention met at" Colum bia Wednesday, Tillman was in control and delegates to Chicago were appointed which will -leave the hall if they do not get a free silver platform. It is asserted by soma Repub licans that Russell's name will taken down from the ticket, and that it is practically sure to be done At the Populists at their State convention decline to co operate with the Republicans. The plank incorporated in the State Republican ; platform in favor of removing the office of superintendent of public - in struction out of politics, was suggestion of Maj. W. A. Guth rie, says the Durham Sun. iicGon.ojTrniKi'. pure What Three Leading Neffroe Say of Russell. 'I am no politician," said Dr. Scruggs, ''but I desire to regis was made here last night to ar- ay the black man against the white man. . It is wrong. It is I wrong ; it is unwise, it is unjust, - jit is dangerous and damnable," - thundered the speaker, and the crowd went wild. "Hold your t i t n r xn nil o a tr r x v- i n n irrt ll j f 1 - 1 f i I ' "tJ """ ror jour, cnuaren's . saice, tor "" 8 aHU, .or God's sake, keep down such in- - .... . , ' 1 uauiai-or political uaranges as was aeuverea in tnis nail by in 11 X T 11 1 i - ' 1 i i l amei ij, xvusseii last nignt. j The white nan and the black 1 man live here in this Southland together, it is' our country homes are here, our interests , jreSlS 4. 1 and -our nresiacs are at staico - - .. . . . wo h-w no wnrs witn our " . j white friends. Wo don't want any atl(i it is our duty to spurn Lnv man whn n tf cmnh tn nrniift the prejudices of one race aeafnst the other. I condemn such vile utterances, I despise them and any man or men that utters them; and if I were a god I would forever damn the man who utters them." E. A. Johnson, the colored lawyer, declared that no un- bought, self-respecting negro could support him for Governor. Dr. Shepherd, of Durham, spoke of Russell as the meanest judge that ever sat on the bench in North Carolina and declared that no self-respecting negro j would vote for him. Rev. R. H. W. Leak was the nATt .and last sneaker. He scored Russell , and said that Russell had declared that the negroes always .followed the rascals, but Russell was one rascal they would never fellow. He paid his respects to J. C. Logan Harris, and produced the copy of the Signal in which Harris had said that the ne groes .smelled wprse than the rankest brand of. guano. Ex tract from report of meeting held by Republicans in Metro politan Hall, April 30th, 189G. It is rumored from Madrid that the Spanish Prime Minister has been instructed to present to our government a formal protest against its attitude in Cuban af fairs. The Spanish Minister at Washington denies the report. It is also stated that Spain will send 40,000 troops to Cuba in September. Capt. Gen. Weyler has issued proclamation ordering the a farmers and peasantry during the next twenty days to transport to the towns in tluir vicinity all of the corn and trther grains etored upon their farms. After the ex piration of the time all grain found upon the farms will be re garded as contraband of war and seized. ... The Supreme Court of Illinois, northern State, has decided that a dealer can1 legally refuse to sell soda water o a negro on account of his color Yet some of the people in that section com plain of discrimination in the South. -- The Republicans are fishing for the Pops by failing to nomi nate candidates for Lieutenant Governor, Treasurer &nd Secre tary of State. Will they swal low the pill, or spew it out of their mouth ? ' With reference to the state ment published that Mr. Julian S. Carr would support his broth er-in-law, Maj . Guthrie; . for Governor, the Raleigh Observer is authorized to state that Mr. Carr will support the nominee of the State Democratic conven tion this year as he has done every year since he has been a voter. 1 T"l1ifl"ol tYinoiiHva mP r An miali I to.'.' he continued, "be Repub- nmi, BilXCtn. ?.h:iv v.:-k. . licans, if you desire to, as I am, I nTZ'.VtnZ. .VXT. ' EVERY FAMILY GHOULD KNOW THAT dcrful la it quick ctioa to rclfrt dlxrcu. tot hickoriu- 7i. """ ruin a . i . . ' ' 1 cv,n Wit-- h, j;;"t7, " m?7m:rZ 'h., 2V""" uu' h'r"lu- IS RETJOMMeMnen ' By JviMfu. by jri,wn, ,r Mmuttr. tr Mhantcs, mr iurin (n Mnttuut, BY EVERYBODY. "T? Port without a sirpply of ft. w.-ffTIl0 family ran ariorj to be wlihnot this lTl?.S? r,m,dy,n ''holKW. its i.rt t.rlnr I r.mir in i !tw.,Si;"',) " " 'n unuaiiy rrmy.' tails nous, bu tha I j.i ii i a. -ruii XJAVia. Ti-ii-,w r- t "-oiioJs Qb, s. T. BKCKWIT11. Attornkv at iaw Washington. N C. RODMAN. ) Attornov-ac-La v wasiiinotos. ;w. t. B, N iciiolsox, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW ' WAlIIV'iTO,'N'. C D"- A S. WE U.S. D II N T I.S T, WASniVQTON,'N. (.'. Officd opposite (Jallaghci's Ini Store, in tho Moton Tmildin; E. S. SIMMONS, ttorney-at-lAw; WASHINGTON-, K. C, Practices in Beaufort, JlyJc so oining Counties and in tl-: Sjpieu' and Federal Courts. BuyinK"Jaid.ji:Maj R j u j.tvstile i piecialtv. SS. MAN 1ST, A f Ijirnov. :i t I .n vo SWAN QUART Kit, - - - N, C Collsctionof Clainn aril Scl tement of States a S;.v;i,ilt y ADISON & '-0.. G EN'L'INSURANCE BROKERS No. 007 13th., Street, Wash rxa ion, - - D. C. Make a specialty of placing insurance on Tobacco and Tobacco Barns at rates from 15 per cent, to 20 per cent." less than thoM' given by local agents. Are in a position to place ir. ance at low rates op all cIu-'hchJ usrof insurable prnperty. Af 1 A I 1 Jorrc8ponu wirn anu repreni in all tho leading Companies. l'orm for description of niopcr- ty sent on application. No business man can allord to be without protection. JJrop us a line before .tokina; out your insurance. Solicitors and agents wanted. MsCoitoiaiy COMPOUND. A rreont dlscornry hr an 11 .tl,Hlclal. UM-emnuUii v'i RumWWy tfi(9tittn'tm f 1st die, if tlmmilr l" ' l tif soil rcllaliln mclt'-lna iiw ov. rl. t.JWaraof lriirlrii-tti."l ladlelnes In t!ao of i h la. Auk fr.'K's nm KooTCoarocsn. tokn rto u?wiwa,r sn I drijirfflats who Wl.r ltif.rt,r eeiUl In postaus In W.tt. and wa will m n.l I I. by tTxarn mall. iul. .nl-l iiiTttculars lu.lai CDTeiofM, U taUlOS OU T. a nni 4VdtUsaa 'oii 1.1l fn mninr. m m m Mm m m m m - - - - - "Ultt'KiitCr ? wall Mad an WlLk- csrtaJatr .f relief. 7 M.ftumuir If ( )! Ca-rrata, and Urado-HarVs oUamrd srvi all l't J cnt bunncsa conducted tot Meocsarc ftts OunOrrieiiaOsostTC U, S. PttTOrirJ and ws cuKrw, pakcnl ia ka Uuim Uiau Iff. . remote from Waahiiictoo. Bead model, drawiag- or pKoto wuh d-vrir-J tioa. WS advise, if patentaijio or t, un re. Our Ice a pat OWta A aaatiLrT. i"w to n fafiita," with J seat in. AAinm, et stutta la tu U . o. ana C.A.GnOl7sC0.5 Os. rarswT Omer, wmmnowii, . Cj nr k I . - t ,..