ogress K. JACOBSON, Editor. n3 Dollar a Year Strictly ia Aflrance. C Months 50c, 8 Months 25c. PUBLISHERS' ANNOUNCEMENT, Any subscriber failing to receive the paper regularly in country or c: please notify us of the fact. A . - . - . . ty will fic number of insertions is marked, will be marked "till forbidTt and cnurgea up to dUe of discontinuance iaverusements discontinue K.r f "f time contracted for has ebcpired .H be charged trancient rates for the iime actually published Ko papers will be discontinnrfd nnti au arears nave been paid in ful communications noticed if th a iiue of the writer is with-held. Tuesday, MAr ID 1S9G1 A life of honesty lis the. illustration of true religlor,' only iThe only religion to ' be preferrdd is that which is; capable of prdduc- in an -upright life, for tho proof of the truth of religion is onO v to be found in the way it work not heir i A ln the way it talks, "by fruits ye shall know j them. man may have twenty creells to :... i v. i -' n .3 iiive so any suite of clothe.-, but unlecs jheleah s a eteaii -fe hewi1 have a Trni and unpleasant tbsti future. You may prav n.'l vNery h.the day Stiuday, but if Voa sand your su gar on Mocdajf.thjO sanded A ngar and uoc te. prayers will 4 ettle your fate. When true red gion ets.a, strong hold cn a md n it make3 him honest in a trade or in selling goods by horse SUD- pie and insures the deliverjy of goods that are sorutKin" like in- sample you need tir 't stop t qittro whether t3 Confesei bn of Faith or th, Wethouist discipline ia Denm jt for vou want it yourself and you want, it a J ! the I "the t:ime earliest possible moment,, church is taking up so mvl in discussing what to bfcijene aijd whom to believe that there, is. r.o time left to pursuaee men t live right. A bad I iff .enveloped in a sound orthodox. cretjd. is a iioo! deal like a toitring ruin cohered with ivy apd? honeysuckle It looks wellfrom the outsidq j and long t the ihold a tha you get a fine impression so as vou fail to investigate bd moment you crosa the thrd and get on the insido j'ou sa wretched humbug it is. this sort of honey-uck!e which di-su-iss the con;ni of tiie populace a. id oris; U is IViD" I Kense nates nail or the seveie nti pisms against religion. Tais in a mistake, for a moments th fta kght win b.iow mat religion anta Ihy- pocracy are by no meaps. inter changeable terms- This mhy be a pretty baa world but prea pheis can never alter its cmpl exion by rauglin.i oyer, Us churdh cr that church, but when the J be- gin to. tsll then tha diffe fence between heaven and I13II id the nest difference between I an h aud a dishonest life they wi 11 fill the pews and there will be cjhaiis in thi aisles. Heresy hinting may be a pleasant fanaticisr 1 but hunting the evils of society and tunning them to earth would be a much more profitable business. A learned discussion of free will and fore knowledge may serve to exhibit scholarship but a practi cal debate on how to alle riale the missions of poverty, shu ; up evil rt sorts and make (hi3 tity morally he althly would at ract the attention and command j the respect of Ihe entire commuhity it the church could once see j the necessity of taking up this kind of work, 1 he indifference off the pcopie wouiu cnange to enthusi asm. A. man must make him self honest or he will 'never be- come6o, God furnishes the I ' op 4- :t .1 1 b puituiiiLjr uul notuing more, T-I ' , : . . I ' -inure is more uprignrness now than ever before, but iths subply is not equal to the demand. We need it in public office and pri vate l:fe;on Main and Water streets, in politics, in 1 tlie hbme and in the church. , When ihev fill all our stations then will the new day dawn Small and Large Industrl sj . 1.: I The following editorial from the Wilmington Messenaref! is so nearly in line with whall we have from time to time peen advocating that was necessary to our prosperity we reproduce it heie : j Some twelve years ago Connecticut editor was 4n yil mington. He made ah off-hand talk that was instructive in he I he Washington Pr Sunday Musings. j Mayor's office. He told his hearers that his own little State was rich, and had been made so not by the great millsbut by the indefinite multiplying of the numerous smaller indus tries, He said a visit to that State would show how Connec ticut had a vast number of man ufactories and that almost eve rything used was made. He told of how the oyster i'nteresi had been developed in Long Island Sound. He said origi nally the oyster was not found there. The oyster boats (pirates perhaps) went down to Chesa peake Bay and loaded them with oysters, and taking them to ong- Island Sound Wanted then. This'industwas dili gently prosecuthxroni vear to year. He suj ?tiiat as he spoke was wortfr to Connecticut so ?2,.aOO,009 or $3,0C0,X0 per annum. Here is a lesson of thrift arid enterprise. i The Messenger has long' been persuaded that North Carolina needed very mucJi a multinlv ing of the smailey industries, which are vesy many. Wil mington to-cJay ought to have at least terv etjtton. mills' alone. It ought to. have ffr,v cotton manufacturing establishments. Look 30 Char) 0tte. Behold whktha inla nd town, with Inofecne half t'ae natural, ad van iages of ov r city, has accom plished. 7 t has some nine cot ton mills and scores of other in dustrial enterprises. Whit has dono it l? There is but one ans wer "her men of enterprise. Other towns in our State have gone rapidly- ahead under the same spirit. In Souh Carolina and. elsewl iere there are striking object lossons to be fouabN towns Lhat hav sprnng up almost in a night, and. simply by manufactures. Whart makes Augusta, Ga., the go-ahead city it is ? Its great 7itanufacturing industries. Wtiat pushes At laaiia. to the front so rapidly ? To a very large extent it is her smaller industries as well as large-manufactories. Washington has railroad and waterway .communication into the iuterior and is near the ocean. Why shall it not go bounding and booming ahead? There .an be but one answer, and every intelligent citizen knows -what that is. Capital ists should come this way and look around and view the situa tion. It is most; excellent for situation. It is but a few miles by water from the ocean and the summer resorts. Good in vestments might be made here. Tnere, ought to be here now one or more large furniture facto rii. There ought to bea half hundred establishments here that are not here, Whyshould there not be a shoe- ancL boot manufactory, and so on ? Every plough, every vehicle, every bit of furniture, every harness and saddle, every farm ing instrument should be made in North Carolina. Let all unite in the good work. Pull together and not against each other. Talk up 'A ashingtcn ! The Republican State Ticket. Democrats will view from dif- fereat standpoints the probable eTect of Judge RusselPs nomina tion for Governor by the Ilepub lican. There are thoe who will maintain that his nomination is the beat thing that could have happened for the Democrats; that .he is weaker than either Dockery or Boyd would have been ; that many negroes will re fuse to support him on account of the many mean things he has said about their race, And that many white Republicans will re fuse for various reasons to fol low his lead in short, that he cannot begin to poll the full strength of lus pai ty ; and fur- ther, that his vii-d"ctivtuess and bitterness will inflame, consoli date and harmonize the Demo crats as nothing else would1 have done it. This opinion, toav it may be said, is shared by $ojt)& Re publicans. We devoutly hop- that this view of the case is, the correct one but to be entirely, candid we must say that we do. not believe it is. The Messen.gek can but regret Judge Russell's nomination. We had hoped; that either Dockery !or Boyd would win. They may be stronger with their party, but considering the possibility of the election of a Republican Govern or :and such a possibility must be considered God knows we prefer the reign of either of them to that of Russell. We believe Judge Russell is the meanest man in the State. It is no new opinion with us; we do not say this now simply be cause he has been nominated, but we have thought so for vears. II a is vicious, vindictive and malignant. If hois elected Gov ernor it wi?l bo lis chief joy to use all the power he can employ to humiliate and degrade th le spectable and intelligent people of the State and to elevate and exalt the vicious, the ignorant aDd corropr. Totally unscru pulous and filleit with Jbitter hatied of 1enioeratP. all the malice and venoi that h:is filled his soul duriog p-H thet' ye.-rs of Democratic cvmtroi i "Nonli Carolina will ba roj'ieI "Hit cn hia j political enemies, if ho "it elected,, iifi will be well-nigh in-toio-ruo-lo in North Carol? na 1 or some of us. These nrethe tlnr ;s that niako us say that y.e regret li is nomtr.ation. "iittt ho must. nor. ha fleered. Tbs is die thing lor jvet l)en:- Ovrryt every mo n who leves his State to say. and having saiil it, se'; tliat tho wo-d- come true. But we want ;o ware those Dem ocrats wli believe that , Uassell is 11 weak candidal a. id will be easily beaten, agiiit over-conli-deuce. H is being ennied now by f-omo of his party, but before the harvest is past a)'d th' sum mer is ended those who rail at him now wilt have rallied to his standard almost as . one man. They -annot do otherwise and they will not do otherwise. A few here and there will refuse to vote for him -but they will count as nothing compared with the hosi that will inarjh under his banner. Just why tlje Republicans namevl lam for so responsible a position is unexpla5nable except on the theory the Republican pvvrty in North Carolina is un worthy to be trusted with the 'Stte government which is true. Ex-Chairman Smith's Views. ; Ex-Chairman of the State Dem ocratic Executive Committee Ed. Chambers Smith, on being asked the question, "What course do you think th- Democratic State convention should pursuo as to nominations?" said :. "It. is certainly the wi-e -ourse it seem? to me, for. the State con vention to e'ect delegates- to the national conv.ert.tion and a State comnsittf ., a. an then adjourn until aftet, the national cjnven tion. We in.She present state of afairs ahouhiQ'it make a platform end nomjjiiiit? a, ticket, inciudi.-ii; electors v ho are State officers,, until ater we know what the national platform is; otherwise we rgjght b' nlaced in the posi tion, of nominating (State) elec-t-3 on a platform antagonistic to the national ilmform, and this nvht- b3 a little awkward. If we adjouri;, as i nuicf-tf d' i. i ove we have the wholn .'-ituation fore us when we write a platform and nominate candidates, smd can act in melt a way. as wil1 ieT Jdound to tho advantage of the Democratic party and the Stte, and this all patriotic citizens wish to do." . When. Women Vote. An exchaue discourses as follows on what will happen I; when women vote : Itockaby, baby, 3-our mauaaa- is gone ; she is out tc a cascus and vill be 'till dawn ; slss has worn., papa's trousers and in them looks queer ; so hushaby baby, y our papa is her: Rockaby, baby, your mam ma's a terror ; .she ha& run three conventions, declared for their fellows ; she's great on a strad dle, "way up" on a vote: so hushaby, baby, 3 our papa's a "gots." Rockaby,. baby, the dishes are clean ; papa's done scrub bing and put. on the beans ; your mamma is late, she seems always to lag, but heaven help papa if she coiries with "a jag." Rockaby, baby, I'm glad you cant talk, for papa got lone- fsocae and went out for a walk ; be was met by a widow, a regu lar dream, and your papa's a dandy but not of the scream. So hushaby, baby, for flirt ing's not sin ; your daddy was tempted she tickled his chin ; she was so plump, so pretty, so trim ; so hushaby, baby, your dad's in the swim. A Distrusted Northerner. The Fayet'.evilles Observer says : A Northern raan and a Repub lican, a Mr. Baker, ot Fall River, Mass., arrived ia the -cifv last niht with his eyes opened'. Mr. Baker was sitting in front of the LaFayette Hotel listening to a number of centtemen dlscnssing politics. He suJdenly arose from his seat and said: "Gentlemen, you are all strangers to me, but if you will allow it, I want to unburden my mind of an humble thought. 1 was bom and rean d in Massachpsetts, Ihe hot lcd of j abolition, and b ive " been taught to believe.all i.iy life tbat the Rupublicans and negroe3 were bafcly treated by the Democrats of ths South; in fact that they were still little better than slaves. Last Friday I stopped in a Southern city, the ciiy of Ral eigh, for the first, lima in my life. I heard rhr. Uer was .1 Repub lican rat C'nvt iitinn in session and I went,' rhargt-d with sympa thy ior the oppressed Republi cans, f t rood and gazed at that liowiiug. ftetl.ing, cursiag mob, ai:d 1 u ' a few moments was suf ficient f' convinco -me that if t hi- w "R-pubiK-anism in'' the ouil. then God deliver her from it. L" J am a Southern Dem on: at i:i he.irr. wild soinM'f not by rcv.cine Nas3, Oats and Fodder. Tuo Republican nomine j for Go.er.ior. Danitl L. Russell, merits the indignation andpsu prem contempt of every white man in North Carolina. Before hi 1 oniinali'Mi heaouiessed a er.,wd of negroes in Raleigh, ile said with many other things: "If I ran elected Governor I p:mi-o you vhat the nags who pH me there halI have aii the atj and fodder there to give." Think, whilt men, c!: such lan ruage from a man aspiring to the Execuriv ' ffice or. our grand old Jt.ite. Did tho -'savuge'' Rus ell i:ican vh it he said ? If he lid .ofr, then he n n hypocrite of in jneanest and darkest grade, and jo hypocrite should be made Governor r th; State. If he did mear whnt he said and the IViESSBxanR a.-j no right to doubt ,ii-, then he ritmds to degrade h; State. Th- "nags" are n ol :.er name or hi:-. "sav-3gV and means the negroes. He roes not propo?- to give soma oats and fodder t bis "nags,"' hut he promises to giv all not even mui handful of oats or bls.de of 1 folder to b'j'jri vejt tr nior. The Y'ielcerl ''savage'' will make one i the "nag-" hi" private secn-tary ; should Hit' re b t a vacancy on the Supreno Court or .Superior Court the place will be tendered one of the" "nags should "thr re be a vacancy in tl Ilnited. States joaiii'ue. cauPoil ly tiie o-:itn ol t.-re or fllh oi the present Sena tors, then mi of the u.iag:' will bd appointed In fact, all the appointments f the Chitf Exec utive -will b gvveri to the 'r,ags." Ivlark his w rds, avl the oats and fodder wj'iI I-3 given his "?av- !gi-s' t.ioderdiz . th.e term, 'tis" iua:"' who elected .him t ! fli. niii ' office' of Governor. Tlsis ajt j ir.n iisk? tl;e wh'tc I'op'alists re j'itso with his hnn g' horde t assi're his tdection. AV 01 our 10011 lists swallow the j fi te and suppo; t such a revenge- ii ! t Harriet r; lie wants to pun tin 3 democrats and .treks the ftrri ;e of t j:vei aor to umtifv his f-desiro. u'oall ltnse!l extend, i ciPiii I ctern ;ne . 1 7 j. ceded to a white Vii'ld lie be i.npartial in :-M the d'llies of" the' office? No, Mich a man ha 3 too muuh of the i--irit cf the hi serpent to deal ; tstly and fiirJy with those of an opposite political fai'h. lie pio poses to reward the '"nags" re--irdless of cohisequeuces yes, if every man, woman and child in the State rrle disgraced. Re member his words whito men froio now until ihe day of -Iec-tion and w uar. ycu go to the polls kill old ':na"' and all ti e "'sav age"' "nags" with your paper ballots. iSuch "nags" joung or old should not be allowed to oc cupy responsible places in the I old North State. Harrlty's Bold Scheme. Although it is about eonceeded on all sides t hat thosilver Demo crats will control tho Chicago Convention, yet Mr. Jlairity the National 1 K mocratic chairman bays t'e couvontion will be coa xroled by gold men, that his com mittee will i meet pi ior to the convention to make up its roll and unless the gold sentiment prevails he 'will place sufiicient delegates on the roil to make a. majority.' This is a bold stateuifnt and s.oes to show to what extremi-R the honest mon ey (?) men are determined to go to. carry their end. If Mr.'Har rity ier&istH in executing this bold i-chemo j he will t-ound the death knell of the Democratic party. . No p&rty can surive the will of tho majority being fitilled by the sharp : tactics of the mi nority. The silver wing of the Democratic party contend hat the two metals prior t' 1873were on an equal basis and the gold standard is a letter day innova tion, tbsl j-? foreign in all the 3 tenantR taught sby the t founder of tha party. Under this basis the prosperity of the country was one continued march of wealth and improvement. The cry of distress was unheard of in the land, prosperity waa confined to the high and low alike and the bloated millionaire of mushroon growth was hardly known. Eut how is it today now, that wo ?-e livii" under (lie T;rd standard that Mr. Harriiy and his friends would go to such extremes to keep saddled 01 the country? Business failures are occu-ring all over the land. Tactories in gold standard New England aie beinst shut down, or running on short time, 1 he cry of abundant harvest is heard, but no money to pav taxes or purchase supplies outside of the home, in faci; our history ha. not recorded such universal depression and ha. tines. The question naturally arises and it is one that-, every voter in the land should ponder, if we are now having alP this financial distress and we. are liy insr under the honest money policy today, what, encourage ment have we that the future has any better in sto-e for us as lonr as it continues. If tho con tinuance of the gold standard is the panacear of our futureosper pcrity, why ire we not pr pros; ous today? If 'honest money is the cure all wliy are the learners leaving New York l-'den with our gold, -and we havinsrro resort to repeated isue of bond3 to keep up the Nation's credif ? If Mr. Ilarrity will answer these question-, to the satisfaction of the silver -delegates5 io Chicago then perhaps they may submii to a little of his bulldozimr. but until this is done he had better move a little cautious. If the silver delegates are in tho majority, which present indications indi cate, they will control the con ention. The gentleman might " Something to The largest piece .of tgbod rooacco ever soia pr 10 cents -r, - .and The 5 cent piece is nearly as? arge as you et of other high grades for 10 cents 171 s-v " , v mental Fund United. Our people can advacce thoj Vance Monumental fuaJ using Jree Coinage Soap, 16-1, and Free Coinage Baking nan: ing Fowders 16-1. On everv box of these goods sold, will be giv- VIANCE jVIONUMENTAL I- UND. Correspondence solicited at .Washington, N. C. 1 confidently expect the co-operation of the ladies. There are 9C counties in tho State, at$S0. a county would orive the monument the hand ?,rm sm ?f so- These goods . 1. uumuij.iu. j. vvrignt,l. H. BUSMAN'S I We don't care il yon are a "ii'old bu" or a "silver bii2v von've heard a silver dollar is vroitli but ffivery 011 more 'oods lar than any other house in the State. We can make your home comfortable with all kinds of Furniture and House Furnishings,: at the lowest prices. As we are agents for the southern lurniture trade, we always lookout ior bargains and divide with our custo mers. All our goods go now for 80 cents on the dollar we need room. rb , V H- SUSIVIAIM, Cheapest and Best House in North Carolina. learn a little profitable experi ence from the history of the last Republican Convention in this State when Chairman Holten tried to fix the. slato to meet his ends but the convention rubbed out the names aud done its own slate making. If the majority of the Chicago corirention are for silver they will nominate a silver candidate for President whether it suits Cbairman Har- rity or not. People find just tho help they bo much need, in Hood's Sarsaparilla. It fur nishes tho desired strength by puri fying, '-vitalizing- and em-icbing tho blood, and thus builds up the nerves, tones the stomach and regulates the whole system. Head this: j "I want to praise Hood's Sarsaparilla. My health ran down, and I had tho grip. After that, my heart and nervous Bystem were badly affected, bo that I could not do my own work. Our physician gave me some help, but did not cure. I to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Soonlc do aU my own nousewui.. . Hood's Pills with Hood's Sarsaparilla, fcn-.r Tifrra done me much good. I will not be without them. I have taken 13 knf fioanf Hood's Sarsaparilla.and through the 'blessing of God, it has cured mo; t nrnrfced as hard as ever the past sum mer, and I am thankful to say I am well. Ilood'a Pills when taken with Hood's Sarsaparilla help very, much." Mbs. M. M. Messejtqkk, Freehold, Penn. This and many other cures prove that Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. tt Prepared only by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. act easily, promptly and rlOOd S KIUS effectively, iscenis. Crow About , are for sale bv E. Peterson, ! J. Stilly and Fenner Phillips J. M. GRAY. - L GO cents. We will for the silver dol gotagt-school rr the children cro to school? AvA and happy? Is school-life a pleasure? . being made ? Or is the opposite true ? ', each day bring a headache ? There is iv, , is imperfect. The color gradually k,-,. only a little effort is followed by cxk,-. school means to come to the end of ll health. What is the best thing to do ? 1 , ScotlS emu 1 of Cod-liver Oil, with hypopho.spk nourishes the body and makes red The hypopliosphites are tonics to th- i: m-nta? activity during the day cud rd: Don't let you child get thin and v.-ov - Emulsion; insist on a generous a::: cud the vigor of youth will ret;n i:. 4 V- m Establis ed (390. 7 T. Fi Park. Commission. .Morelianls, . fc Shippers. Eecoivors r,' : orn Fruits nnd r : 1314 E. C'.ry St , III Correspondence .solicited. AU cr.'m prompt attention- We cn tfinii -h any Kn.-i " ; Please mention thii paper. rM3w Iron-clad )Liv cry, Feed & Exch;. STABLES Has no equal in safety and convenient-, l! : pess street opposite the stand be form, i i mammoth and well constructed Ki'abh' mid i i Hent. It has an iron roof and kMcs nroiin-l A man on hand day and nisnt ard the v-iy I. to horses stopped "with mc by tl-e (lay or m the livery lino can be furnished satisfactory ' I I' C H. Hill, - Rropric Respess Street, Washington. :.. i' Prizes to be CIveiiAway. !,Tbe fprb ' -be s of T! e IIipv Ilorae u ,'' an e'eg:tt fin toned V , -j ! .-'no, valurl at 3j0 00. atso fret-Jo Jhf 1 er pdn Bending ii?'n tae "a'get 'ijt ol words c iislruo f 013 ihe letters conbvi'ed i'l be tiauia of the r well kuown pi'b'ici'Oti . "THE HAPPY HOME." Additional 'es?nt3 cons;sltnji of Bicycle, Goh- Watches, t'ilver Watchee, Sewirg Machine", Music Boxes JSiitc 1)' esses, China 1) nrer Sets, and man" valuable and jusp ful articles, w'1' a'so he awa:dtd in order of n-e ': acd every pc-scn fendiog not h'-s than len words vrll receive a v ecnt -.f value. Uie either paira' o- fii.r'?r ho-da hut-not bo:L', ari rse no 'e er lu the eaire wo J roo trr?s ttiaa it ai peas i 1 tbe . T U E iiAL'PV HOME." Thisisa pooo'a man ofjpLrc dccvig j.i o r.ew hoa:eJ this pop ular pub :hatT0.i, wh' n bus ;:i its three years ex'stoce received a happy welcome in niary thoiHunds of homee. As the objest in gjvaig awuy these valuable present" is to adver ti;e and attract attfntio i to THE UAl'PY HOME, which is n hand somely illustrated mcni'.Iy publi cation devoted to Literiture, Fashior, Stories nud Art, eveiy liet of words must b cc -jmr-unied with three two-cent stamps (,ix cents) for a Irial ' topr of this fav orite home journal contain rig full particnlirs list of ,p ei?eitP, and rulea regarding conteHt You may receeve 9 valuable award for jour trouble. Addies THE HAPPY HOME. SCO Dearborn St , Chlensjo, III, t Co. IL Sailing between Baltimore and Norfolk, touching at Old Point Com fort via Chesapeake Da? and I tie his torical Hampton Roads. An Inland Sea Route, tbroueh warm boutuern watis. Tiis. tnaK- bifacent eamers "Alabama", "Vir ginia", "Seaboard" and "Caston" leave datly except Sundavs, at 6 30 l'. M. Iioni above ones, anivmz a; destina:ioa at 7 3 a.- The Materoom are large and coinnipdioug, and have 1 lectiic light 1 he cuis.r.e is uiequalied in America. JOHN R. SURKwnOD, (Veueral Manager. E-W. 'i HOMl'SON, Traflic Manaffcr HOOD'S PIDLS are furelv vrcvtable. C. perfectly hortaleRS. tlwavi reliable tA beneficial. E OLD - REUAI A - TRIAL MINT M ; How to Cute V'i Th1 to' u li ) h i'..t until bis ncrv'.i affebtod. : and happsnc--, I " i -too set i f :i li"" '; '' j toba--co t o ;i n i 'i . ' ' 1 ' a tit iiuulu.'t t 1m i li - -icravfu. "l 'i "' cure for tin- lo:: . i forma, cm fully i foni'ut i of an n ' ' cia.i who lian " practice mice i -; it It is purely v.-" t . ' pcii'tcfly hatinlt - ' ttie tobacco y-u " 1 ' 'Haco-l'uro " I 1 when to M"p. We ) atitoe to cure 1 ' 1 ' with .hree 1 : w!.h i p r v .i.t . Cuo" is uoi a m:"' tificcure, that 1 u oi will powe r ii't v. tenrc. It leave- 1 1 . -and free from i.i "'i look 3-our i 1 t iln a ' 1 Cured by r.;;r.- Tlnlv I' f-utti hiniorc 1- ' ! ' origina?s of whic li a to inspection . th f ted. Day ton, rc a la 1 1895 i;nrek.i C lit hu La Crosse, Wm 1 fortv vtars I usril I' ' forin.. For twenty 1 time I was :i rtat 1 1. al dtbility and li it fifteen year 1 In' 1 couldn't, I took among others '' N Indian Tocacco A ' Chloride of GuM," : of them did 111" th.' I'inatly, bowrvei . I lour "llaco-Curo" Cund ire ot the In'"' and i have mcrca- ' weight and nm i' numerous ch'-s .n. I u mind, I 1 on I ' per upo-i 111 y t li 1 -coiidiltaii, "v ovis t esp'. c In! . 1 . I a-itnr , I", 1 ) " 1 Sol.l by a l 1 1, 1 box. three b 1x0 n me nt f 2. 5.) r b 1 " Kuat antee or . p 1 1 ; ' ' 1 of price, Wi lie I it ' 1 Uureka ClitKal Crosse, VVU, aii t ' " , - 4ASl'I'.i'.I 1 I have be'ii . 1 1 abjut two years v 'i tiin of 1! s ' ' trctsing disc3-e 1 " to do my Ii'j.imi t Jiise pain i it in ' been using II'1 ' bow my appi i ii'- 1 -tomache has been S. A. Abjxandey, 1 ' ' Ilocd' egti'j.i. P. 11, On. I