, ' -- !..--. ..!.'..-;....., " . .:- , r ' " ' .- - . ; i j! .. ' ' . i i . .' ' -. - . ' -; ' ' A' ; - i ' ' . - ' - .:- "!','''' ." ' .' ' ' i -i i - i Net Contents 15TluidDiachm3 i t -rTioT.-fl "PER CENT, f AYelahIelTeparauon- 13- 1 rtLrKndRcstCoiita Iincral. Not rjA"v JiocAelle Salt ihform Sod . glorified Sqar Exact Copy of Wrapper. iiMI jr. .in,. Awantic uo-ast Realty ? Compan Pefeersburir. V :! C. Write wire or phone ufl fat Petek WMTWrrrr T T T fpf d C0" Cntract pj "vvCBf vvasmngton, N. C. PARKER'S Hair f Balsafvj -Ortutt Stops hair faina,. 6iC & 41.00 at Itniid' Hi?v1 Chemical Works. pTf,o- v 6en d Your Job c" -J"!:- ; ' - - ' ... M , , -.-I- 1 t r 4 S 1 M I s-- . . . I ' - " -' f I ' i - : i " .- "'-""!. . j : : ', ;-r.. . " r -:. . I I r- ) . ! f BE YOURSELF AG A) N PEU;najbrai Help You . The chances are that von .!tTIZrr--r uuu am union, systemic ratarrh m. a ev ouengm, nerve accumulated faster thad i t orSs of elSinf ' Way P0180118 have the human machinery has beoomi itLSflW1 on c.ould hxow them off. and the general hea&Sjg fogged to the point of breaking down lfa..".iraS.!?i" ha. i . ""K1"1" especially tor all fnrtn. rr of Pe-ru-na U very direct and H.f-Jf5 : V : ' OI is W ' ! Th. great miVTZJ"' U8e- . t I w s Ml b TOM For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria feears the Signature v of For Over thirty; Years o) fil THC CCNTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. i im 1 ii in I.. THE CENTER OF I THE WHEEL. repairing industry is right here and has been for years. The reason is obvious: we do an honest job for an honest prioe. You also get your wheel at the time we promise it We i i - . - don't j countenance slip-shod methods. rlre you nervous? irritable? unable to concentrate? o you lie awake at nierht? have "spells',' or fits? start at sudden noises? YOU NEED j Dr. Mfles'i Nervine ASK YOUR DRUGGIST Work to Th been performin., W. , tctified by man, W,T;rr.."",D lne actlon catarrh nn n.t. 1 ----- ivr -- i..u.iuiug just tba catarrhal roi,nni. " v"c' "e u worthy of your trial THE PE-niMJA CCLU9S, CHIO U. ?. A. TABLETS O, U0,CI1 1 Always" Use ? I D. R. CUTLER, 1 t "THE BICYCLE MAN." 'S ' Overcome Obstacles. "Don't let obstacles, or harflshipa "Worry you a goodly share of difficul ties and .hardships have the same ef rect upon the right kind of young mat. as blows hare upon) a plece. of steel that is being tempered. Setbacks . train yoy to fight better. The 'Black Friday' panic of 1873 bankrupted me . Just, after I had made my first start in business, when twenty-eight, and I well recall an older manthen say ins .to rate.' by way! of consolation: Happy e.tiS lucky is the man who falla vvhen h is young.' "Robert Doilai is j the Americas Magasina. - Sailors Hard to Get. Newport News, Va-WilUam-J. Ber ry. representative of the Seaman a union here, declares; that it has be come an almost impossible task to. secure a crew for foreign ships, while -he Is triable to accmmoda.te those who wish to skip on Anrorican Fains Were Terrific Read how Mrs. Albert Gregory, of R. F. D. No. l,B?uford, 111.; got rid of her ills. ''During ... I was awfully weak . . . Q My pains were terrific. I beanng-down pains wcflS" Q rj aciuany so severe l couia notsiana we pressure ox my hands on I the, ipwcr Fart of my sTdmach T7 . simply felt as if life was for but a short time. My nusoana was worried . . . One evening, while read"? ing the Birthday Ahna- f . b cna' d Rl DQ nac, he came; across & LJ utsc Minuar mine, anu DO went straight ! for some The Woman's Tonic hO I took it faithfully and O O - uic rcsmis were liaHieui- Q ate ' adds Mrsi rirefrorv. MU pfjp "I continued to get bet El ter, all my "$ left me, and I went thrpKgh . . . rftt with no further trouble. 13 My baby was fat and uZp strong; and myself -thank mJPp' God am once more hale tj and hearty, can walk miles, do my wcrk, O though 44 years old, feel D like a new person. AH I many years Cardui has been found helpful in building tip the system when ron.f'own by dis orders peculfarto women. ;Talie Q ! Cardui a : no - ' - E03 T3 TAKE EH3 - PlWllllI a SAY "BAYER" when you buy Aspirin. -Unless you see name "Bayer" on tbets, you are nof getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physi cians over 22 years and proyed sdfe by million for Colds Toothache Earache ! Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Accent nnlv lt Handy nf& Aspiri,3 Skff .iSS!i;ao Tnrnwi . Lauan on : JOKerfc . We do riot think of M. Clemenceal as the sorf of man on whom practical iokes would be played, yet he was the rictim of an elaborate jest some while ago in pre-war times, needles to . say and he accepted the position with commendable grace. ! A numbf r of Parisians received bo gus invitations to dine at the pre mier's house. Some were total strangers, I and their grateful accept ance mystified M. Clemencoau untl he realized the hoax, - : ; - He did not put Ihem off. He or dered the dinner, and gave his guesti "a nleasanir' evening. Not until th evening was drawing to a close did h Inform thekn that their Invitations had been sent out by some on of whose Identity he had not the remotest knowledge; More Americans In China, j " Foreign firms and the foreign popu lation of China are increasing percex tlbly. The American population In creased in 1917 by 10 per cent over th previous year, and American finn from; 187 to 216; Japanese" advanced from 104,275 persons to 144,492 and. the number of Japanese firms In creased during the year by 0G0; the Russian population decreased by 8 J 325. but firms increased by 1,492; th British populatlpn decreased, but. Brit ish firms Increased by 11. There wa a total Increase over JG16 of 34,872 Id the foreign population of China lat tar :and lof 2.331 firms. Soldier's Appreciation. Recently a woman well known in America, who has devoted all her time to rollef work "since the war be gan, was Visiting a hospital. The com luanding officer had sent a 'military car for her. She entered the car jusi as an ambulance filled with wounded passed by. As she noticed the thin, pale faces, tears came into her eyes. The ; soldier-chauffeur asked - if she was iil. I "No." she said, "these are tears oi gratltix Iad "if 1 tl andprlde." ; nme." renilea tne ooy. esimpiy. thought that my being a soldier was Jworthy of but one of your tears, I should feel that I hal not lived tr .f?!ri." Hod Cross Masxizina i - 666 quickly relieves Colds, Con tipation, Billiousness and Head aches. Aine Tonic. . ! Piles! Ci Cured in 6 to 14 Days V.'-ur UtucricKst win iefund mouev if OINTJIENIl fsils to cure any case of .Ttrrtiir-s. '4::id, BJeeciIi-gor Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The tu si application gives 2Zc.sc and Rest i 5jc EASY TO DflfiKEfJ GRAY HAIR You caii Brin Back Color and x-usrre witn csage l ea and Sulphur. When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, becaiisr it's done so naturallv. sn evenly. I Preparing this mixture, though, at home is mussy and trouble some. At little cost you can buy at any drug jstoro the ready-to-use prep aration, improved by the addition of other ingredients called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur. Compound." You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with 11 ana araw tnis through your hair, ( taking cite small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disappears. i"ci appiicauon or two, your haii? becomes beautlfuiiv arir. ened, glossy and-taxuriant. Gray, faded hair, though no dis- grace, is a sign of old age, and as we nil Hselr a rm V. , .a . v- - vukiixut aiiu attractive appearance, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. This ready totuse preparation is a delightful toi let requisite and not a -medicine. It is not intended for the cure, mitiga tion -or prevention of disease. 1 Rheumatism Neuritis" Pain, Pain ProPer directions. bottles! of 24 and 100-Druists. w fiionoaoetlcacidester o SallcTlicacid YOUR HIST0 Rl C O LD SUN TAVEP.f One of Boston's Landmarks, Built Ir 1690, for Many Years Used at a Fish Market. One of the early taverns of Bostoi was the un tavern wjhlch stood but t few feet from the Water's edge anc. -was built about 1690. j For some, yean it was keDt by a 'Huguenot from Ro Uplift nnmed Cocneaki. He made '.If ! one of the mod f popular p taverns and it was particularly popular with th younc men-of Boston land surrounding country, partly for the reason tha mine host Cogneau had several ver; attractive -and lively jdaughters wh added a great deal to the charms o the hostelry. Their (father had' thi prNtlige of seeing two of them mar lied in the tavern, one of them becoro Ing the wife of ; Col. jVVWliam Paif rej the famous Revolutionary patriot. H became the grandfather of the notec writer, John Q. Palfrey. Another ushter of this genial bos4 of the Sun tavern matried a successfu printer named Flet. During the seg of Boston the British jseiaed the hous and they changed its name to th King's Arms. But when the Red Coati had been chased out of , Boston the slgi of the - King's Arms I quickly dlsap peared and theold jsign of the Sui Tavern took Its place! and the taven rnok on its olden time Dopularlty. T ias for many years been used as a flsl market. '' 8ulu Womn jWarrlors. In the Philippines American soldier. on several occasions came In contac with Sulu women wajrrlors. In one a tho, last battles od the islands tb Ftl us fortified themselves in the boW of an extinct volcano. It was f ushet nnd -captured by American soldier who discovered to their dismay, afte the battle, that a number of their an tegonists had been women. Their fig ores were as slim as those of the men both sexes wore theirj hair long, wit) handkerchiefs ovr ffheir heads, an the women wore trousers similar t those worn in Turkey. ; Thus they weri practically indlstingulf hable from th men. The bravery iof these womei warricfrs appears all fche more remark' able when it is recalled that according to tne Moc&mmeuuu aaiuu & iuu.ii wu ts slain while fightlpg Christians k translated at once to heaven, but ai' he women, are not supposed to hav eouls their sacrifice of life is wlthou Hope of reward la a liereafter. ures malaria, Unills and Fever Denue or Bilious Fever. It Kins tne germs. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores vitality and energy jay purifying and en riching the blood. You canpoon feel its Suenr l -iing, invigorating Enct ? rtice GO.". 666 1 'i iii :::iT til i " J $ mi - 1 . " i EXPECTANTi'lOTI-IER. Prep ID Oc,X?E al th0sands of women never'Tealiy manv OTW'W thouglit with . - jv, ouuuiu Let Mrs. Mattie Panll kfn: . tell you. She i. onerof if: "fc has demonstrated this fact: i jj . 'Ms am a young mother of one baby, I am writing for, free booklet to expectant mothor ' I r .., r two bottles of Mother's Ffenci be fore I waa confined and hH r and easy time through' labor. I can Mviximenu Mother's Friend to all expectant mothers. Iwill never go . tnrough pregnancy without it." You, too, can havejthis booklet for expectant mothers by sending coupon below. IhhU !ipIain ils rJaS" Substitutes iney act only prt the j km and may cause harm without doing good. : r i! ;., Used by Expectant Mothers for Three Generations . - . - IK:. CORNS Lift Off with 'Finders 4 1 Don't hurt a bit! Drop r. "Freezorie' on an aching cor;., i ly the corn stops hurting, tlu r: j -7 you lift it right off with finirer 7; ,; Your druggist selle a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cent.-, s-u rt to remove every hard corn, - f- n or corn between the toes, an- tr.,. c i'. luses, without soreness or iri-:c--. t ri. Use Grandma's Sage Tea Sulphur Recipe and Nobc will Know. r.l The us of Sage and Sulnhur f - r. Btoringr faded, gray hair to its r.r :ril color dates back to grandmo'.:-. - ,i time. She used it to keep li r : r beautifully dark, glossy and u tive. Whenever her hair took or. ti.ut dull, faded or streaked appeara-. this simple mixture was appllei v.r' wonderful effect. But brewing at home Is mii.v ar:-! out-of-date. Nowadays, by ask::.- it any drug store for a bottle of "V,"y , . 3 Bage and Sulphur Compound," ri Will get this famous old prepira'.i 1, improved by the addition of other In gredients, which can be depends! up on to restore natural color and tc?uty to the hair. A well-known downtown dr-: l Bays it darkens the hair so natural:- and evenly that nobody can tell !: :uj eponge or soft brush with it and tnis tnrough your hair, takin-r cm strand at a time. By morniny t.-. 3 gray hair disappears, and after other application or two, it tccon. j beautifully dark and glossy. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur ex pound is a delightful toilet rerju :! for those who desire a more v.nnh: ' .I appearance. It is not intended for the cure,, mitigation or prevention cf disease. aiways be the case. But how? It goes into the features of maternity and gives, in a plain, interesting manner, information about what the mother needs in clothing before baby is born; what clothing will be necessary for th ; baby; an interesting table as to th? probable date of delivery; simple but necessary and helpful rules of hygiene to follow, and much other worth-while infor mation.' This little booklet also U'.h aJft. Mother's Friend and the wonderful good it is doing for expectant mothers. Don't let false modesty keep you from performing this duty to yourself your family and your baby. l ' Send for your copy NOW. r i j BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. I Dept. 20, Atlanta, Ga. ! Kilff 8drne without cost a copy of your j u mU i ncKMOOO and The BAB Y. Name. ......... i St., R. F. D... 3 Town... .State. LADIES! BARKER YOUR 6n