-.. IP THIS PAPER ISN'T WORTH THREE CENTS A WEEK, IT ISN WORTH PRINTING 1.1B VOL. XXH (TUESDAYS WARRENTONN. C. TUESDAY, MAY 2?TH, 1917. (FRIDAY) A YEAR SEMI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS O F WARRENTON AND WARREN COUNTY 3c A COPY r pTl.50 I ITTLETON ITEMS. Arrivedtoo laforFriday edition.) K Neville, of Whitakers, Ir- the city on business Monday. SS m rlnptte Swain, who has been Mi?S lt wilon, N. C, returned 'achU1Lnv to spend the summer aCatln,'r r Wnlker and daughter, of .. 1 :or -ppk. and attending the Lie are t1" tin t rflnt.ivp.s V,;ive ueeu wo. ---- F M Tavlor, of Heathsville, the visitors in town Mon- t - House, of Thelma, was Cl' ,t- nn business. Mhecn T no.l.l nf Airlie. Miss Mary ' , -----Uh friends in town Wednesday. a5'T it Vpwscm made a business Mr. J- . j . toKaieiu y ". rillc To'-rier leic last weeis. lu ;pt a position at Hopewell Va. M s D. A. T. Ricks and children, If Whitakers, Ricks motner, -ui-s.. x. . xxw- i'lP of Brinkley- at,. T M. Harrison, ? rhp Commencement ctitnion Raleitrh. xercisesai i r- - - , ci, onfl hpr Hmierhters his weeK. .- is.es Helen and Ethel, wno naa oeen tending school at that institution, ere here Wednesday enrou Le to tlicii ome. . , , Mrs. D. E. Sles, 01 Tneima, wab Mrs. V. C. Sawyer ana ennaren, 01 lizak-th City, and Mr. Wm. B. Tyer, .t it n ,f Rot ky Mount, are trie guest 01 rtev. nd Mrs. A. I: iyer. Mrs. Cuthbcrt Mosley, of Weldon, -me VI:ielay, and is the guest of .-v T T 1 Irs. A. i. Mr. II. v-- Boyd is again in eharge .I OAT jf the iivties v, :'ent at tne o. a. ij. pee r. Mr. Lee l ucre- returned ay, r.fter' ?pending a few .aleifn. Johnston has the as her guest her J. L. P.ideout and sister Wednes day in Mrs. J:i.mcs i-.. leasnre ci na my wthev. :T Eiss Emraa Pideovt, both of Axtelle. Mr. Harold i.-mi-h had the pleasure 1 havi-.v,,- with him last week bis Mhev, P. II. K. Smith, ot Union b. Miss Helen Hou?e, cf Thelma, spent t first of the week with her friend diss France? Scssoms. and attended e Littleton College Commencement. Miss Helen Anderson, of Aurelian fcpnngr,, was among the visitors at- snding the College Commencement. Mr. R. P. Harris, of Essex, was in pwn on business Friday. Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Broom, of War- enton, have been here this week at ;ending the Littleton -.College Com- iencement. Mr. J. B. Hardy, of Weldon, was mong the visitors here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bobbitt and F. and Mrs. Will Harris, of Wake orest, spent Sunday with relatives we. They were accompanied home y Mr. Bobbin's mother, Mrs. Jas. H. iobbitt. who will snpnd a few davs Siting in Wake Forest and Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Dixon and child- en, of WWdon, spent Sundav here. guests of Mr. Dixon's mother. Mrs. Macon Moore was taken to a forfolk Hospital Sundav for medical eatment. Her friends hone for her apid recovery to bpnlt-Vi Mr. Spurgeon Pecram snpnt. Sundav fith relativPQ of v Misses Clara. Hand and Mnrv TIrs. i Aurelian Snrinp's. wprp nmnnc fiends in town nvcn Mrs. C. E. o1io.V,ot. rvf FH?h, have been visiting Mrs. BelHs lister, Mrs. C. S. Tate, for several ays. Misses Lollie Mansfield, Bertha ohnston and Sallie Bovce. and Messrs aul Johnston :,n( 1,,;, Uovoat, tended the Dance in Warrmton last nursday night. Messrs M. Shaw and C. D.JHouae, Ahelma, were in tno n?fTr e last Thursday. vir-andMvC a c m Wk ' f " ul'Pny, oi iNor- fst Fridav visitors in town r. and Mre -r , vmiam r. jonnston "teen v;u- 1 -l"Uicwb, o. nave ARCOLA ITEMS. Ice cream will be served by the Young People's Missionary Society at the school building here Wednesday night. Come, bring your friends and enjoy the time with us. Proceeds for Missions. A large number of our people were present at Heedy Creek Sunday to hear Rev. G. M. Duke. All spoke in high terms of his messages. Another little girl has arrived to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Capps. Mr. Linnie Gupton has treated him self to a five passenger Overland car. Mr. Walter Conn has presented his little niece Bettie, a nice organ. The Revival at Hollister was well attended by the people of our com munity. - Miss Lula Hunter, a Littleton CoU lege student, is at home for vacation to the delight of home folks and friends. . For the first time in many years the Duke brothers enjoyed Saturday afternoon and night together. They are Rev. G. M. Duke, of Mapleville, Messrs M. T. and S. R: Duke, of Mamsduke, and J. Walter Duke, o,f '.'lis place. The afternoon was spent " i the homes of Mr. J. Walter and Mrs. S. W.'Duke. Mark C. Duke, of Marmauuke and George Duke,' Jr., oi Mapleville, enjoyed the occasion also. Late in the afternoon they "motored to Marmaduke, where they spent the night with Mr. S. R. Duke. We hope that they may enjoy many more such occasions and the next time the only sister, Mrs. A. M. Cullom, of Sanford, miy be with them. The entire community will try their luck with the "finn tribe" tonight (Monday) supper will be served at the creek. All anticipate a jolly time "An old time fish fry." Mr- S. B. Reid has finished chopping cotton, so' he says. He is one of our best and earliest farmers this year. . Mr. and Mrs.. Bobbit Shearin and children, of Rocky Mount, visited in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gupton, recently. 'Mr. Johhny Gupton lost a nice mule from getting checked since " our last' writting. MASS MEETING FRIDAY NIGHT. AFTON ITEMS Mr. W. A. J. Pinnell is on a business trip to Norfolk, Va., this week. Miss Katie Burroughs is visiting friends in Durham this week. Mrs. J. K. Pinnell went to Warren ton shopping Monday. Judge O. H. Allen was a pleasant visitor in the home of his kinsman, Mr. H. P. Reams, Tuesday night. Miss Sadie Limer is visiting friends in Essex, N. C, this week. Mrs. D. C. Williams and daughter, Miss Ruth, visited friends in Wi ron ton Wednesday. Mr.. W. G. Witson went to Warren ton Monday. . Mr. H. B. Hunter, spent the week end with relatives near Macon and attended. Children's Day services at The Mass Meeting called by Mayor John B. "Palmer for recruiting Co. H. to War Strength will be held in the Court House in "Warrenton on Friday night at eight o'clock. Hon. Tasker Polk, Col. S.- WF Minor, Maj. S. C. Chambers and others will make speeches. -A call for VOLUNTEERS will be made. - The Committe named by Mayor Palmer and recejntly announced through these columns met in the Court House on Saturday morning and in making final plans for the mass meeting -decided to request several men in their respective neighbors to co-operate inv carrying out the plans of the local committee. The men .who are -requested to give publicity to the mass meeting and to assistrin recruit ing work are named below: ""Messrs. A. G. Hayes, Earnest Paschall,-A. P. Paschall, William Stewart, R. H. Southerland, W. K. Williams, P. T.. Ayscue, L. W. Gupton, Vernon Duke, J. L. Coleman, H. E. Rodwell, Wallace Paschall, A. W. Limer, M. S. Dryden, L. H. Hawks, J. C. Hardy, R. b. Reg ister. . - No gentlemen are named from the vicinity of Littleton for the reason that a similar mass meeting is being planned for Littleton to be held .on the night of June 4th: - The Provost Marshall General who is in charge of registration has direct ed the members of the National Guard and the National Guard Reserve need not register on June 5th. tor this reason it is believed that young men will prefer to volunteer before the date for registration and thereby escape the necessity of registration. Everybody is invited to attend the mass meeting. AN ACT TO REQUIRE A RECORD OF PURCHASES OF BRASS. The General Assembly of -Norm Carolina do enact: Section : ; Every person, firm or corporation buying brass or copper, or any other metal, or any rubber, leath er and rubber belts and belting as junk, -shall keep a register and shall keep therein a true arid accurate rec ord of each purchase, showing the de scription of the article purchased, the name (of party or parties) from whom purchased, the amount paid for same, the date thereof, and also any and all marks or brands upon said metal, rubber or leather and rubber belts and belting. The V said register and the metal and rubber, and leather and rub ber belts and - belting purchased shall be at alL times open to the inspection of the public. - Sec. 2. Any person buying or sell ing brass, copper or other junk metal, or rubber,5 or leather, or rubber belts or belting, without complying with section One of this act, or any per son making a. false entry concerning such metals, rubber, or leather, or rub ber belts or belting, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. T Sec. 3. This act shall not apply to the countfes ofAnson, Caldwell, Davidson, Randolph, Roberson, or Buncombe (but does apply to Warren) Sec. 4. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified this the 2rst day of Febru ary, A. D., 1917. CONNER-GRIFFITH A .quiet marriage was solemized at the Methodist parsonage here last Sat urday afternoon, when Rev. R. H. Broom united in matrimony Mr. Jos eph A. Griffith and JMiss MarxJF. Con ner, of Laurence ville Brunswick county, Va. Th couple was chap eroned by Mr. E. E. Corning. EPWORTH LEAGUE ANIVER SARY AT HEBRON The Epworth League Anniversary at Hebron church, Warrenton circuit, next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock promises to be interesting and enjoy able, the President, Mr. Russell Palm er, would be pleased to see a large at tendance by the church and communi ty. ' SENTENCED TO ROAD FOR CARRYING CONCEAL ED WEAPON James Rhodes, a negro who had just finished serving a twelve months road, sentence, was before the Recorders Coui;t Monday for carrying a pistol. Hebron Sunday. - The last Legislature made the pen- Mr. H. P. Rams and son. Oliver. jalty very severe for carrying conceal went to Warrenton Tuesday. .ed weapons. The minimum fine is $50. Messrs J. W. Allen. C. R. Rodwell n7. ro rfavs on roads. The maximum and Herbert" Jones, of . VSarrenton, were in Afton a short while Tuesday. HOME DEMONSTRATION ft. visiting Mr. .Tfllmorin'c. novantc' and mm ii- . ' natives here for several davs. kSfran: f Halifax, was. I Miss Ev V Thursday, klia hn5 v Eart'nolomene, of Cas- rs. Will- p gUest of her sister. is Perkins, fnr Re 1. T mn? fr'i. ishe1' of Vaughan, was I s fiends in t.nw cj4-,.j I have been appointed as . Canning Club, and Home Demonstration Agt. for Warren County for a term ending Nov. 1st. I will appreciate the hearty co-operation of the ladies of the" coun ty and of our citizens generally The cans "have been ordered and will be distributed from car at Warrenton. Those able to pay cash are expected to do so, or give an endorsed note. Will publish dates of meetings later. I will be in Raleigh at canning school from 4th to sixth. MRS. WILL CONNELL. Mr I --une af v. i fa- A p o e home of her slsf "T T -1 oonnston is spending E. c. Mr. M. W. Cooper has been in Kins ton this week on business. Mr. Arthur House, of Weldon, was among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr. Jim Boyce, after a short, visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B Boyce, has returned to fiis work at Fairmont, N. C. " . Mrs W. H. Nicholson went to Ral eigh Monday to attend the commence ment at Peace Institute, where her daughter, Miss Mary Nicholson, has been attending school. Mr. Clarenc.5 Hale Jeft the nrst ox the week to accept a position Soring Hill. - V Oi fine is $200 or two years on road. This young man drew 30 days. If you don t want to spend a good deal of your time on the road, you had better leave the pistol home. . RED CROSS MEETING U. D. C. TO MEET JUNE 1ST. TOWN'S ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Report of R. J. JONES, Secretary and Treas. for month ending Dec. 5, 1916 FOR CORPORATION PURPOSES Receipts To Balance on hand. . ................ ... . To cash from Spark's Circus. To cash from sale of coal, H. A, Mosley. . To cash from Sale coal by H. A. Mosley. . . To cash from G. W. Hay, Paym't Taxes. . :: To cash from G; W. Hay, Cemetery permits. . To cash from G..W,' Hayf Fines Collected To cash from G. W. Hay, Corp Taxes. . ...... To cash from G. ' W. Hay, Corp. Poll Taxes. . . To cash borrowed from Municipal Bond acct 9-4-16. .... . To cash from Water and Sewerage 1916. Nov. 7. Nov. 10. Nov. 27. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 29. 5. 5? 5. 5. $1,723.19 17.50 ' 11.52 ' 4.57 5.00 1.00 23.00 161.65 33.00 60.62 Dec. o. 9. 9. '9. 9. 9. 9." 11. 11. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 11. Nov. 11. Nov. 18. Dec. 18. Dec. 25. Dec. 28. Dec. 4. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec; . 1916. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5. Dec. 5. Bond Acct June 28, '16.. ...... 274.68 Disbursements By Cash paid order J. S. Plummer. ..... 10.00 " " " " R.T.Watson, Agt...... 80.00 " " " " H. T. Macon Ins. Agcy. 15.00 " " " " G. W. Hay; Const.;.... 32.07 " " " War'n. Water Co...... 50.00 " " " - " Frank Serls . 33.2v5 " " Fate Weaver........... 3.00 " " " G. W. Hay, Const 30.95 " " War'n. Garage 2?5D " " " " John Jenkines. .... 2.00 g. W: Hay, Const...... . 22.35 " ", " John S. BelL .' . . . . . 3.00 . " " " " G. W, Hay, Const ...... 2J.35 By cash paid Miles & Co. for Book for Taxes . N .35 By cash paid order R. J. Jones T. ..... . 5.00 " " " " John W.. Allen. .......... 25.00 " " " " - G. W. Hay. 00 0u " " " G. W.. Hay, Const. .... . 29.23 " " " War'n. Water Co 50.00 By Balance on hand. ...... .-.. . ......... 1,821.05 9 . $2,315.73 $2,315.73 To balance on hand . $1,821.05 The U. D. C. will meet in their room over Allen & Fleming's store, Friday after at 3:30 o'clock. The fol lowing is the program of the meeting. JUNE PROGRAM, 1917 Topics ior June Tapers: Events of bZ iQig June 3. Memorial Serrices Commera - orating -Jefferson Davis, President J "of "the Southern Coiifederxcy; Naval Battl at -Hampton Roads, March 8, 1862: The "Virginia" engages the Federal fleet; give names of Federal vessels she sank, and those she ran aground. Battle of the "Virginia" ("Merri mac") and Monitor,. March 9; first battle between ironclads. Fall of New Orleans, May l;'Fall ol Memphir., June 6. What was accom plished by the Federals in capturing these places? Battles of Seven Pines, May 30; Malvern Hill, July 13; Cedar Mountain, August B; Second Manassas, August 30. Battle of Antietam, Md., September 16 and 17. Describe this battle in de tail. ' What celebrated proclamation fol lowed this? Battles in Mississippi: Iuka, Sep tember 19; Corinth, October 3; Big Hatchie River, October 5; attacks on Vicksburg, May and December, 1862. Battle of Perryville, Kentucky, Oc tober 8. Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. December IS. Round-Table Discussion Report of R. J. JONES, Secty. and Treasurer for month ending Dec. 5, 1916 FOR MUNICIPAL BOND ACCOUNT 1916. Receipts Nov. 7. To balance on hand ...................... '. $ 28.13 Dec. 5. To cash from taxes collected. , 46.18 Disbursements Dec. 5. By amt. pd. Cor acct. borrowed Sept. 4, '16. .. ? 60.62 Dec. 5. , By Balance on hand........ 13.69 $ 74.31 $ 74.31 Dec. 5. To Balance on hand. is $13.69 Report 6FK. J. Jones, Secty. and Treasurer for "month ending Dec. 5, 1916 FOR WATER AND SEWERAGE BOND ACCOUNT 1916. Receipts Nov. 7. To Amt. on hand. .1 ............... . . . . $ 154.71 Dec. 5. To cash from Taxes collected. 254.03 Disbursements Dec; 5. By amt. pd. Corp. acct. borrowed June-28-'l 6. $ 274.6S Dec. 5. By Balance on hand. 134.07 1916. Dec. ' 5. To Balance on lis $ 408.75 $ 408.7; nd $ 134.07 Respectfully submitted, R." J. JONES, Secty. and treasurer. "" ' - " ' O - ' Report of R. J. JONES, Secty. and treas. for month ending Jan. 2, 1917 FOR CORPORATION PURPOSES. Receipts " ' ' To Balance on hand $1,821.05 1916 Dec! Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. o. 12. 12. 12. 12. 14. 15. Regular Red Cross meeting Thurs day afternoon at o'clock, at Acad emy, Everybody should help in this cause. Dec. 29. Dec. 30. 1917., at .,x . t- . HanIPrs III. Prin?s ' "axier near Aurelian I --Mr. Leon joyner, - ' v5 ' 0n ccount nf ... T.-irents. Rev. and Mrs. ,xr. . fifit. mf-Hkf week. CLOSING EXERCISES The closing exercises of the "vTar renton (Graham) High School took place this week, commencing Friday night with a Musicale by . Miss Belie Dameron's class. Sunday the Bac calaureate sermon was delivered by Rev. R. H. Willis, i of Oxford, m the Methodist church before a large au; dience who 'Sieard him gladly.' Mon day morning was Class Day, with di plomas delivered to the graduating class. Monday night" was given over to the Societies, with their respective debaters, followed by an enjoyable Concert program. , We regret- that we .have not been able to get a full account of the clos ing exercises, and to give a more Tie tailed report; but the absence from town this, afternoon -of a gentleman upon whom we relied for the informa tion needed prevents our giving a de served and lengthy account of the clos ing exercises of this widely known and popular shel. , 'What effect did the Battle of Hamp- ( ton Roads have on the navies of the world? . . Summarize the situation at the close of the second year of the war, 1862. "History of the United States (An drews), Chap. XXXIX. Address, "Sins of Omission and Com mission," (M. Rutherford, p. 318. ' RED CROSS The first Aid Class will meet at Mr. Tasker Polk's office Thursday evening, Mav 31 at 8:30 All who wish are in vited to attend. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. To cash from cold sold Lassiter & Co. . . . .'. . . To cash Strickland for curbing to driveway. . To cash from Coal sold Lassiter & Co. ...... . To cash from Cert, of Deposit C. Bk. &-Int.. To cash from Water Co. for taps on street ... To cash from R. G'. Lassiter& Co. for rock and curbing ............ To cash War. E. L'g't Co., note and Int (Bal) To cash from Div. cx War. R. Road Co. . ...... To cash from G. W. Hay, Const, fines........ To cash from G. W. Hay, cemetery permits. . . -To cash G. W. Hay, Paym't Tax., J oe Harper To cash G. W. Hay, Paym't tax., Jule Harris To cash from G. W. Hay, Corporation taxes. . To cash from G. W. Hay, Poll Taxes.-. . . . . . . To amt. borrowed from Municipal Bond" Acct . 15.55 12.12 25.15 2,068.88 20,00 1,339.00 1,278.50 4,950.00 27.00 2.00 8.67 8.53 2,016.a0 197.00 156.72 IN MEMORI AM. ' - - ' ' On May 19th5 1917, Angels came with glittering wings, and bore away the soul of Rev. E. P. Green to that home above there, to wait Resurrec tion Day. He passed peacefully away, at his home, Augusta, Ga. God be with us. (Mrs.) T. B. SLADE, Hamilton, N. C. 1916. Dec. - 5. Dec. 5. Dec. 5. Dec, -9. Dec. 9. Dec. 12. Dec 12. Dec. 15. Dec. 15. : Dec. 15. Dec. 16. Dec. 16. Dec. 16. Dec. 16. Dec. 23 Dec. 23. Dec.' 23. Dec. 23. Dec. 30. 1917. Jan. 2. Jan. 2. Jan. - 2. . Jan. 2. Jan. 2. Jan. 2. 7 fy Mrs. Sue E. Pretlow and daughter, Miss Sue, Fraaklin, Va., are Visit iag Mrs. KaU A. TT2LUa- Disbursements. paid order War. E. Light Co. 1. ..... $ 101.71 " " War. Highway Com...-. ' 9.35 " " G. W. Hay, Const...... ' .. ' 32.25 " " John S. Plummer. . 20.00 " " . John S. Plummer. .... . 5.25 " " C. R, Rodwell for " Lassiter & Co. . ...... 2,832.75 " " R. T. Watson, Agt 14.00 " " James Burroughs 3.60 " " Frank Serls........... - 3.50 " Miss Lou Hall..' 4.00 " " G. W. Hay,.X!onst. - 8.00 " ". Otis M.Green ..... ' ' 5.25 : " T. V. Allen. r: 8.00. y v War. Water Co. for taps 92.75 " 1V G. W. Hay, Const. ..... s 8.50 " " John S. Plummer. . 10.00 " " W. B. Boyd & Co... 13.56 " " E. L. Green.... . 1.50 " " 'cx R. G. Lassiter &Co. . . 5,638.25 " " cx R. G. Lassiter & Co. . - 5,000.00 " " G. W. Hay, Const. . .'. . . 6.80 "-fgt., brooms and handles .45 " R. J". Jones .... - 15.00 " " John W- Allen......... 25.00 " " G. W. Hay. ........ 67.50 v $13,926.97 13,926.97 (Cemtinued a page 4) B runei

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