4 i - J L J, L J mtZj vol. xxn (TUESDAY) WARRENTON, N. C, TUESDAY, JULY 10TH, 1917 (FRIDAY) Number 87. $1.50 A YEAR A SEMI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF WARRENTON AND WARREN COUNTY 3c. A COPY IHEZ NEWS ITEMS. cvirc P. Moore has the finest MlV opinion, in the State Corn 01 tton x-aairnificient; he knows as anJ yrcM the needs of a patient, afCtfrini,terr, the right medicine at an" . the riPht u ' nYkA n friend. Mr. Afr Il'VlP "'7." Ul' , r-vi-wllnhia. were visit- " ; 2nd in town last week. 1 v,. in? nvpr last Sun- ,Jt. p. U. AIM"" " , in .ineen of Franklin coun- da-r out. from Louisbnrg, and re- ty, ..,.: "A maiden fair o r-h-aam 11 11 p0lV' " -r in face. Skilled in each in!"lVd'vith every grace" ' ' i h-ir. boon enjoying: airing t'tif ladies n """ hi1 VI- 11 ffll,ch to their aeiij-.. Mi b- A. Fowler has m her pos ! 'Jl m Unster County, N. Y. Ga- ;ptte datel 1800, in mourning u,i " " , WnqVihitrton. with sev- 'luies -iving list of his Pall bear-. , j 0tc. It also mentions iNa- iL Honapavte's return from fiTt and landing at Frejus, France. i quite a eunosuj . lr,.n in Franklin county near here Ire very small and look not even tol- Miw I.iz-zio Alston, wno nas Deen tayinfr with Mrs. Maude Fowler has ;ll to her home in Nash county, :nd Mr. Leo Williams looks as desol- Ue as a deported goose nest under he tumbled down ash hopper ot a iney woous i.im:i. Mr. W. K. Williams has about "laid f his crop, and is now literally sit- Is ino" under nis own vine ju "s laiting for an abundant harvest. More anon. u A FEW FACTS. The South is growing and expanding rapidly that to chronicle the things at it actually leads in would fill d lume. It is being developed by the en who were born and reared here d -vho at their first opportunity ac- i.ired and applied seiontifi, teehnicar id effieinnt knowledge in getting the fort out of our industries. "Southern is today the stndard of the 1-t value for the price.. With cotton monopoly crop and its by-products wealth is at hand that rivals all frrieultuve. It is the basis of cloth- of artificial silk, photographic Ims, celluloid, auto tires, oil cloth and million other uses. Its seed is con 'iled into bread, oils and other foods. :s blossoms and leaves produce ex act?, while that from the roots is irkotable above five dollars a ouart. ; dry stalk is converted ' into the vh--t quality paper. Hove standing timber is here than all other states combined. From o former v.-astcs of the pine a great- wealth is extract .orl thrm the nrice the lumber in the form of ethyl, !d alcohol, tnr nrul nnptnnp oris. pf.p. The dye situation was saved by the nufacture of materials at Kings t, Tenn., and other nlaces. This xluces without effort 45 per cent of f entire harvest of corn. It is pro- lfinrr m per cent of' tho snlnbnr. I1 without sulphuric acid, explosives "u "oi ne made. It is producing! the naval stores, all the manga- ! 10. Pill tVin v.l -I l j'liosimate rocK, nearly ine pyrites, nil iha nnnvifo Winn of aluminum: one-half of ! i'unoum. and n voimt Uv.n VKm of tho co-h These and more more could be added to prove that -or.th is the greatest section of P COTlUTTm --ii c.uiicry. ivs great as ;(,a?lculture is there is more idle f ful ' v. Ci cuuivaxion. won- f U1 as the textilo mill, -,ri i j ore numerous and whose output . ater than any ection or nnv un' these nvo k4- j. N to tv, iniaiiL inuus- L Jhe near future of this sec- i ' 1 ne Rnnv, !..., Av uas just begun to unrv t0lay the place for a11 h . as its climate is in accord us. j " hospitable and gen- -1 me place to grow any- ce ' ol,unmi a ijom- AINS"uNION r. Tlr barren Pu- t H noxt " 1 lains Local Union will lock. Pll,.aturday. the 14th, at 3 business m- ; p n r ""jjorcance. WELDON, President. ird ere i, Unty Equalization tllsPed off without fHc. SERIAL NUMBER ''AND' There follows a list of names of persons whose registration cards are in the possession of this local Board. This list is posted in Polk Building in the entrance to Mr. Tasker Polk's Law Office above the Hunter Drug Co. The Exemption Board asks that you look 5 over this list when in town. The numbers on the left are the serial numbers by means of which the men in all probability . will be drawn The Postoffice address on the right is always North Carolina unless mention ed to the contrary. The list follows: A. 1 Charles David Ayscue, Inez. 2. Robert Thomas Adams, Norlina. h. Clarence Jerman Adams, Norlina. 4. George Adams, Norlina. 5. Wm. Llewlyn Arrington, Norlina. 6. Johnnie Williams Adcock, Norlina 7. Charlie Morton Aycock, Elberon. 8. Percy Rudolph Ashby, Littleton. 9. William Abbott, Henderson, R 6. 10. Winfred H. Ayscue, Henderson, " 11. Johnnie Abbott, Henderson, R. 6. 12. Shelby Carlton Alston, Areola. 13. Sherley Joseph Avery ,Norlina, R 1 14. John Crowell Alston, Littleton. 15. Robert Mumford Alston, Littleton. 16. Archibald Davis Alston, Warrenton 17. J. M. Alston, Ridgeway. 18. Willis Falcon Alston, Warrenton. 19. John Edward Allen, Warrenton. 20. Charles Pryor Allen, Warrenton. 21. Ernest Algood, Macon. 22. David Alexander, Warren Plains. 23. Miles Cleopas Alexander, Wise. 24. Nat. Richard Alexander, Merry Mt 25. Phil Alston, Macon. 26. Richard Alex. Alston, Warrenton. 27. Shepherd Alston, Warrenton. 28. Thomas Alston, Warrenton. 29. Henry Alston, Warrenton. 30. Austin Alston, Jr., Warrenton. 31. William Mack Alston, Warrenton. 32. Range Alston, Warrenton. 33. Ben Alston, Warrenton. 34. R. J. Alexander, Warrenton. 35. Joe Alston, Warren Plains. 36. Ernest Alston, -Warrenton. 37. Frank Alston, Warrenton. 38. Will Alston, Warrenton. 39. Sam Alston, Ridgeway. 40. Ernest Alston, Warrenton. 41. Robert Alston, Warrenton. 42. Wayman Alston, Ridgeway. 43. Isaac Thomas Alston,-Alston. , r 44. Brinel Alston, Inez. 45. Burnie Alston, Inez. 46. Sol Lindsay Alston, Inez. 47. Sam Alston, Inez. T 48. Henry James Alston, Inez. 49. Walter Edmund Alston, Inez. 50. McKiver Alston, Inez. 51. William Lindsay Alston, Inez. 52. John W. Alston, Inez. 53. James N. Alston, Inez. 54. Anthony Alston, Inez. 55. Jerre Alston, Creek. 56. Taff Alston, Inez. 57. Henry Alston, Inez. 58. Billie Anderson Alston, Inez. 59. Mansfield Alston, Inez. CO. Ollie Alston, Inez. 61. " Sam Edmund Alston, Inez. 62. E. W. Alston, Inez. 63. James Alston, Inez. 64. Edward Lindsay Alston, Inez. 65. Wardell Alston, Inez. 66. Arthur Cuff Alston, Inez. 67. June Pink Alston, Inez. 68. Willie Ruffin Alston, Inez. 69. Billie Alston, Creek. 70. Charlie George Alston, Inez. 71 Pter Allen. Jr.. Afton. 72. Matthew Alston, Jiiioeron. 16. Early Alien, 74. Peter E. Alston, Warrenton, R 1 75. Collin Allen, Alton. 76- James Alexander, Manson. 77 Manuel Andrews, Ridgeway. 7n. Charlie Allen, Ridgeway. 79. Howard Allen, Manson. 80. Wilkins Allen, Manson. 81. Anthony Jerry Alston,Marmaduke 82. Eddie. Alston, Littleton, Route 5 83. James Wms. Alston, Marmaduke 84. Colonel Lotea Allen, Essex. 85. Ben Lee Alston, Grove Hill. 86. Alex Alston, Macon, R. b. V. 87. Charlie Alston, Areola. 88. James Jack Alston Areola. 89. Henry Alston, Areola. 90. Edgar Alston, Areola. 91. Sam Alston, Macon, R. F. D. 92. Frank Lewis Alston, Creek. 93. Robert Alston, Marmaduke. 94. John Bap. Arrington, Marmaduke. 95. Joe Alston, Warrenton. 96. Frank Alston, Alston. 97. Jimmie Alston, Alston. 98. Willie Alston, Alston. 99. Samuel L. Alston, Macon, Route x 100. Philip Akins, Macon. 101. Willie Alexander, Norlina, K 1. 102. Eddie Anderson, Littleton. 103. Tom Alston, Littleton 104. Garland Alston, Littleton. 105. Lewis Alston, Littleton. 106. Bennie Arrington, Littleton. 107. Robert Arrington, Littleton. 108. John Alston, Embro. 109. June Alston, Littleton. 110. James Allen Alston, Embro. 111. Wadell Alston, Macon, Route 2. 112. Walter Arrington, Littleton, K l. 113. Richard Alexander, Littleton. 114. John Thomas Alston, Littletonv 115. Frank Alston, Littleton, Route o. 116. Elie Alston, Littleton, Route o. 117 Abe Alston, Littleton, Route o. 118. Trim Alston, Embro. . 119. Robert Louis Alston, Littleton. 120. Major Alston, Littleton, Route. 1. 121. Adam Alston, Norlina. 122. Alfred Alston, Norlina. 122 Robert Alston, Macon. B. 123. Walter Vaughan Brack, Manson. 124. Alfred Brack, Manson. - ' 125. Paul Ernest Brauer, Ridgeway. 126. John Mike Bender, Ridgeway. 1?7. Curtis B. Byrum, Warren Plains. NAMES OF WARREN COUNTY MEN SUBJECT TO TO BE DRAFTED WITHIN NEXT FEW DAYS. 128. Robert D. Bolton, Merry Mount 129. James H. Bolton, Merry Mount. 1 OA T 1 1 T-l i - - .Lou. ueiana r arran liugg, JNorlma. 131. Ben C. Barbee, Norlina. 132. Joe N. Bobbitt, Littleton. 133. Howard R. Browning, Littleton. 134. Wilton B. Browning, Littleton. 135. Willie B. Bobbitt, Littleton, R. 3. 136. Henry Dallas Bobbitt, Littleton. 137. Robert W. Bobbitt, Henderson R2 138. Sam, L. Bobbitt, Henderson, R 2. 139. Wm. T. Bobbitt, Henderson, R 2. 140. Joseph Eli Bailey, Norlina, R F D 141. Louis Edm. Burton, Norlina, R 1. 142. John Arthur Brame, Macon. 143. William Oliver Bell, Macon, R 3 144. Kemp Goodlow Brown, Vaughan. 1 .in Tome .7 Uol TJKVv44- T ; 4-4-1 T A 145. James Hal Bobbitt, Littleton, R 4. 146. Lreorge Van Brown, Vaughan. 147. Willie Bennett, Littleton. 148. Ridley Brown, Vaughan. 149. Willie E. Bryant, Littleton, R 5. 150. Richard B. Boyd, Jr., Warrenton 151. Louis Ryland Baugh, Warrenton. 152. William A. Burwell, Warrenton. 153. Louis Barnes Bowden, Manson. 154. Edward W. Baxter, Warrenton. 155. John McRobt. Booth, Warrenton. 156. William Henry Boyd, Warrenton. 157. Charley Henry Bowen,Warrenton: 158. James Thomas Bell, Warrenton. 159. Stephen E. Burroughs,Warrenton- 160. Ben James Barnett, Warrenton; 161. Frank Floyd Browning,Warrenton 162. Stephen H. Bowden, Warrenton. 163. Melvin Yeaights Baker, Macon. 164. Dark Brown, Norlina. 165. John Brown, Norlina. 166. John Andrew Battle, Norlina. 167. Andrew Jackson Brown, Vaughan. 168. Jesse Pender Brown, Embro. 169. John Loos Brown, Embro. 170. Brutus Brown, Littleton. v - 171. James H. Brown, Littleton, R. 5. 172. Matthew Branch, Vaughan. 173. William Baker, Vaughan. 174. Samuel Bullock, Macon, Route 2. 175. Murphy Brown, Littleton. 176. Alex Boyd, Littleton. 177. Diamond M. Burgess, Littleton. 178. Elvin Brown, Vaughan. 179. James Boyd, Littleton. 180. Isham Bellifield. Littleton. 181. Henry Bobbitt, Littleton. 182. Rufus Ball, Ridgeway, Route 1. 183. Ollie A. Burnett, Ridgeway. 184. George Boyd, Palmer Springs,Va. 185. Tom Burwell, Norlina, Route 1. 186. Ollie Baskerville, Ridgeway, R. 1. 187. John Wesley Ball, Ridgeway, R 1. 188. Joseph Bullock, Norlina, Route 1. 189. Tom. Eddie Brown, Macon, R.F.D 190. ' Moses Burton, Macon, Route 1. 191. Willie Jackson Brown, Macon. 192. Willie Brown, Macon. 193. Alonzo Brown, Macon. 194. Tom Baborn,xMacon, Route 5. 195. Arome Boyd, Macon, Route 1. 196. Henry Boyd, Macon., 197. Horace Whitty Brown, Macon, R3 198. Walter Boyd, Macon. 199. Rann Boyd, Macon. 200. Tom Brown, Macon. 201. Henry Clay Banks, Macon, R. 3. 202. Park Bryant, Elberon. 203. Peter Christmas Brown, Elberon. 204. Dew Tealie Brown, Shocco. 205. Guilford Brown, Elberon, 206. James Branch, Elberon. 207. Tom Moore Brown, Elberon. 208. Bennie Bryant, Alston. 209. David Boyd, Alston. 210. Grant Bowen,. Afton. 211. Mark Brown, Shocco. 212. Marcellus E. Brown,-Elberon. 213. Roy Branch, Alston. 214. Dorsie Bryant, Creek. 215. Waymouth Burgess, Areola. 216. Eugene Burgess, Areola. 217. Flias Boone, Areola. 218. James Battle, Elams. 219. Dinks Alexander Bonner, Elams 220. Robert Butts, Elams. - 221. Sonny Byrd, Elams Rnfuc Bovd. Elams. 223. James Bullock, Manson, Route l. 224. Henry Bracey, Manson, Route 1. 225. John Robert Bullock, Manson. 226. Ed. Bullock, Manson, Route 1. 227. Ollie Boyd, Ridgeway, Route 1. 228. Caswell Burnett, Norlina. 229. Charlie Burchette, Ridgeway, R 1 230. Burwell Bush, Ridgeway. 231. Oscar Bullock, Manson, Route 2. 232. Junius Bullock, Ridgeway V T. , ' " TT,, 1 233. Arthur i5uhock, manson, xwums 234. Gilbert Bullock, Manson, It. 1. 235. Simon Peter Bullock, Ridgeway 236. Frederick D. Branch, Elberon. 237. Lewis Boyd, Jr., Elberon. 238. Samuel Boyd, Elberon 239. Alonzo Bowles, Henderson, K b. 1 240. Joe .fcsasKei, nenueiBun, 241. George Basket, Henderson, R. 6. 242. Luther Boone, Areola. 243. Robert Bracey, Norlina. 244. Frank Blue, Macon. - 245. Moses Bryant, Warrenton. 246. Albert Burgess, Warrenton. 247. James M. Burchette, Ridgeway. 248. Harvey Brown, Warrenton. 249. Christopher C. Bullock, Afton. 250. Ned Bryant, Warrenton. 251. Louis JBlackwell, Warrenton. ; 252. Jimmie Bryant, Warrenton. 253. Osborn Boyd, Afton. 254. George Bruce, Warrenton. 255. Frank Boyd, Warrenton. 256. Raym'd Burchette, Warren Plains 257. Hollins Bland, Macon, Route 1. 258. George Burchette, W. Plains, Rl 259. Henry Barnes, Wise 260. Kelly Burchette, W. Plains, R. 1. 261. Henry Boone, Wise. ... 262. William Boyd, W. Plains, R. 1. 263. John L. Burchette, W. Plains, Rl. 264. Joseph T. Boyd, W. Plains. c. 265. Swainie Clark, Ridgeway, RFD. 266. Robert Lee Champion, Manson. 267. Jessie P. Capps, Manson, Rt 1. 268. Thomas P. Collins, Ridgeway. 269. Willie Russell Connor, Elams. 270. Cleveland Raleigh Connor, Elams. 271. Russell Clary, Elams. 272. Bernard Collins Clary, Elams. 273. Herod Atwell Clary, Elams. 274. Robert Alston Cheek, Inez. o' alter J1?cso1n Collier, Norlina. usc"c jj. vuieman, merry ivlt. 277. DeArci Paul Coleman, Wise. 278. Henry Evans Coleman, Wise. 279. Leslie P. Coleman, Merry Mount. 280. Zachary F. Crutchfield, W. Plains 281. James Clifton Collins, Wise. 282. James Henry Copley, W. Plains. 283. James Coleman, Wise. 284. Clarence T. Cuthbertson, Norlina. 285. Lennie H. Cawthorne, Norlina. 286. Will Nicholson Clark, Littleton. 287. James H. Cordle, Littleton. 288. Albert Burrell Cooper, Littleton. 289. Irwin A. Coleman. Areola. 290. William Perry Conn, Areola. 291. James R. Clark, Marmaduke. I ono T-v l t i y, ' . 292. Daniel Isham Canns. Areola. 293. George Thomas Collier, Norlina. 294. John W. Conner, Macon, Route 3. 295. John Carter, Macon, Route 3. 296. William Ernest Carson, Macon. ' 297. Herman Bryan Cobb, Vaughan. 298. Thomas W. Coppedge, Littleton. 299. Gerald Robert Cross, Warrenton. 300. Ernest Albert Cross, Warrenton. 301. John Daniel Cameron .Warrenton. 302. Reuben Henry Clark, W. Plains. 303. John Atlas Crocker, Warrenton. 304. James W.' Carroll, Warrenton. 304. Thomas Irvin Cheek, Inez. 305. David Collins, Norlina. - 306. William Carter, Littleton. 307. John Prince Clanton, Vaughan. 308. Nathan Clanton, Embro. 309. Van Copland, Embro. 310. James Cassell, Littleton. 311. Elijah Crosson, Macon, Route 2. 312. Alonzo Clark, Littleton. 313. Mark Carter, Littleton. 314. Major Carter, Littleton. 315. Nathaniel Chase, Littleton. 316. Teat Carter, Littleton. 317. George Carter, Littleton. 318. Thaddeus Carter, Littleton, R. 3. 319. Alex. Battle Carter, Littleton, R3 320. John Collins, Littleton, Route 3. 321. Clarence Chavasse, Norlina, R. 1. 322. Richard Carroll, Norlina, Route 1 323. Macy Crosson, Macon, Route 1. 324. George Cole, Macon. 325. Lem Clanton, Macon. 326. Moses Crosson, Jr., Macon, R. 1. 327. Willie Cheek, Alston. 328. Howard Cheek, Alston. 329. Alston Coplin, Areola. 330. Walter Coplin, Areola. 331. Robert Camil, Manson, Route 1. 332. Raymond Camill, Manson, R. 1. j 333. Thomas Curtis, Ridgeway. 334. David- Carroll, Manson, Route 1. 335. Sandy Clark, Manson, Route 1. 336. Ernest 'Coker, Manson, Route 1. 337. Sam Holloway, Manson. 338. Johnnie Chavis, Ridgeway. 339. Nathaniel Cheek, Elberon. 340. Gillis E. Cheek, Elberon. 341. Richard Carr, Afton. 342. Bird Norris Cheek, Elberon. 343. Benj. Cheek, Jr. Henderson, R. 6. 344. June Clements, Inez. 345. Norfleet Cordle, Inez. . 346. Junius Cordle, Inez. 347. Ernest Cheek, Warrenton. 348. William Crosson, Warrenton 22- Caesar J. Cawthorne, Warrenton. oou. yrus urtis, warrenton. or! ?rar!y S. Christmas, Warrenton. 352. Herbert Edgar Carr, Warrenton. 353. Lemon Cobb, Norlina, Route 1. D. 354. Lewis Dackee, Ridgeway, 355. George Theodore Dill, Manson. 356. William Fred Dill, Manson. 357. Henry Herman Daeke, Manson 358. Albert R. Delbridge, Elams. 359. Sam Davis, Inez. 3(i0. Robert Maynard Dunn, Wise. n A -r Tv "TXT dbi. James yavis, wise. 362. Walter Armistead JJavis, INorlina 363. Clarence Thomas Dryden, Shocco. 364. Henry W. Davis, Warrenton. 365. Maurice Staten Dryden, Afton. 366. Mack Douglass, Littleton. 367. Charlie P Dickerson, Henderson. 368. Stephen P. Dickerson, Alert. 369. Lonnie Dickerson, Henderson, R6. 370. Irving Dickerson, Henderson, R 6. 371 Robert Dickerson, Henderson, R6 372. Peter Dickerson, Henderson, R. 6. Uo va nr, TWi Arr.nl 374! George Tvernor ; Duke,Mmaduke. 375. Ray Mack Duke, Areola 376. Robert Lee Darnell, Ridgeway. Oil. 1VUU. JJ"lllv-') " 378 Leonard Dunn, Warrenton q70 TtTartin Jones Davis. Warr 379. Martin Jones Davis, Warrenton. 380. Wm. McDowell Day, Warrenton. 381. John Andrew DanieL Warrenton. 382. Roy Gilliland Daniel, Warrenton. 383. Sandy Davis, Norlina 3g4 Spencer Davis, Norlina. 385. Johnnie Davis, Norlina 386. Daniel Dowtin, Littleton. 387. Robert Drake, Littleton, Route 2. '388. Henry Davis, Vaughan. 389. Major Davis, Vaughan. 390. Edward Drumgold, Vaughan. 391. Claude Davis, Littleton, Route 3. 392. Mack Jeffreys Davis, Littleton. 393. Alphonzo Davis, Littleton. 394. Henry Davis, Littleton. 395. Tom B. Davis, Littleton, Route 3. 396. Joe Davis, Littleton. 397. Charlie Knotts Davis, Littleton. 398. Phil Davis, Littleton. 399. Richard Davis, Littleton, Route 4. 400. William Davis, Ridgeway, R. 1. 401. Norman Beaman Davis, Macon. 402. Stephen Davis, Macon,' Route 3. 403. Henry Davis, Elberon. 404. Lewis Davis, Elberon. 405. Geo. Washington Dowtin, Afton. 406. Samuel Davis, Shocco. 407. Tom Davis, Shocco. 408. Alfred Davis, Elberon. 409. Edward Davis, Elberon. 410. Frank Davis, Creek. 411. Joseph Davis, Shocco. 412. Sandy Davis, Elberon. 413. Jonas Davis, Jr., Alston.. 414. Joseph Davis, Elberon. 415. Junius Davis, Elberon.- 416. Henry Davis, Inez, R. F. D. 417. Roy Davis, Areola. 418. Willis Davis, Marmaduke. 419. Wade Dowtin, .Marmaduke. 420. Ben Davis, Marmaduke. 421. Ike Lem Davis, Grove Hill. CALL FOR THE ARMY 422. Oliver Daily, Manson. 423. Sonnie Durham, Manson, R. 1. 424. Lee Durham, Manson, Route 1. 425. Charlie L. Davis, Ridgeway. 426. Herbert Davis, Manson. 427. Emmett Davis, Manson, Route 1 428. Elijah Davis, Elberon. 429. George F. Davis, Elberon. 430. Norman Davis, Elberon. 431. Nathaniel W. Davis, Elberon. 432. William T. Davis, Elberon. 433. Manly Durham, Manson, R. 2. 434. Frank Davis, Elberon. 435. Peter Davis, Jr., Elberon. 436. Charlie Davis, Elberon. 437. Richard Davis, Elberon. 438. Eugene Davis, Elberon. 439. Ed. Davis, Warrenton. Route 1. 440. Emmanuel Green Davis, Inez. 441. Henry Dent, Inez. 442. Isaac Davis, Inez. 443. Charlie Early Davis, Creek. 444. Khoden Davis, Inez. 445. John Dixon. Inez. 446. Weldon Davis, Shocco. 44 1. Howard Dent, Inez. 448. Anthony Davis, Inez. 449. Samuel Dent, Inez. 450. Bony Dent, Inez. 451. Alsey Dunston, Inez. 452. William Davis, Shocco. 453. Seneca Dent, Inez. 454. Solomon Davis, Creek. 455. Joseph Davis, Warren Plains. 456. James Davis, Warrenton. 457. St. Lawrence Davis, Warrenton. 458. Ed. Davis, Warren Plains. 459. Peter Davis, Warren Plains. 460. Ben Davis, Warren Plains. 461. Charles Dortch, Ridgeway. 462. John Alexander Davis,Warrenton. 463. Frank Davis, Warrenton. 464. Major Dortch, Ridgeway. 465. Clarence Davis, Warrenton. 466. Daniel Davis, Jr., Afton. 467. Peter K. Davis, Afton. 468. Richard Drake, Warrenton. 469. Elijah Dedman, Macon, Route 1. 470. St. Peter Davis, Warrenton. 471. William Dowtin, Warrenton. 1472. Phil C. Davis, Warrenton. 473. Walter Davis, Warren Plains. 474. John Cheek Davis, Warrenton. 475. George Daniel, Warrenton. 476. Peter Dortch, Ridgeway. 477. Sidney Davis, Warrenton, R.F.D. 478. James G. Davis, Warrenton. 479. Henry Davis, Macon, Route 1. 480. Willie Davis, Wise. 481. Wesley Davis, Warren Plains. 482. Frank Davis, Macon, Route 1. 483. Strethorn Drumgo, W. Plains. 484. Emerson ' - Davis, Merry Mount." 485. William Arthur Davis, Wise. E. 486. Leroy Jackson Ellis, Macon, Rl. 487. Clinton Wms. Egerton, Macon. 488. Ambrose H. Ellis, Norlina. 489. Halbert L. Edge, Norlina. 490. Alpheus Palmer Ellis, Norlina. 491. Geo. Cutler Edmunds, Littleton. 492. Geo. W. Ellington, Vaughan. 493. Elijah Ellington, Vaughan. 494. Rickie C. Edwards,Henderson, R6 496 Waiter Douglas Egerton, Macon! 497 Winiam N. Edmunds, Macon, R3. 498 John Russell Ellis, Macon, R. 1. 499 Waiter E. Egerton, Warrenton. 500 Ed R Ellington, Warrenton. 501. Alfred J. Ellington, .Warrenton. 502. Sidney Eaton, Littleton. 503. Walter Eavins, Littleton. 504. Aaron Evans, Manson, Route 1. 505. Pleasant Edwards, Norlina. 506. John Ellis, Macon, Route 3. 507. Elige Evans, Shocco. 508. Arch Evans, Elberon. Care R. E. Aycock. 509 James Evans, Essex, R. F. D. 511 me Evans Essex 512' Walter jerry Evans, Essex. 513 Robert Epps Jr.f Ridgeway, R 1. 514 Lewis Edwards, Ridgeway. 5W Walter Evans, Manson, Route 2. 516 Gerard Epps, Wise. F ' . 5J7. Clyde W. Fleming Manson R 1. 518. Willie Crawford Fleming, Manson 519. Thelma John Fleming, Manson. 520. John Palmer Fleming Manson. 521. Lucien Argo Fowler, Inez. 522. Obediah Wm. Felts, Merry Mt. 523. Charlie T. Frazier, Warren Plains 524. John H. Frazier, Warren Plains. 525. John Thomas Felts, Norlina, R 1. 526. Lewis R. Felts, Macon, Route 1. 527. Robert H. Frazier, W. Plains. 528. Wm. Henry Fleming, Norlina. 529. Henry M. Fuller, Afton. 530. Sol Buck Fishel, Vaughan. 531. Harry O. Fishel, Vaughan. 532. Charlie P. Faucette, Littleton. 533. Robt. Fleming, Henderson, R 6. 534. Solomon B. Fleming, Areola. 535. Emmett O. Frazier, Norlina R. 1. 536. John Franklin Foster, Vaughan. 537. Jack Fisher, Vaughan. 538. Arthur Carl Flowers, Warrenton. 539. Milton G. Flowers, Warrenton. 540. Henry C. Fleming, Warrenton. 541. Wm. Thomas Felts,Jr., W. Plains. 542. Philip Friedenburg, Warrenton. 543. Rufus H. Fishel, Warrenton. 544. Otto Adolph Brauer, Ridgeway. 545. Everard Fields, Norlina. 546. James Falkener, Littleton. 547. Joe Faulcon, Littleton. 548. Herbert Fogg, Vaughan. 549. William Faulcon, Embro. 550. Raymond Fitts, Littleton. 551. Tony Fitts, Littleton, Route 5. 552. Clarence Conkling Fitts, Littleton 553. Frank Fitts, Littleton. 554. Howard Monroe Fitts, Littleton. 555. Bud Fain, Ridgeway. 556. Joseph H. Fitts, Macon, Route 1. 557. Roger Hopkins Fitts, Macon, R 1. 558. Nathan Fields, Elberon. 559. Henry Foster, Henderson, R 6. 560. Geo. Fields, Henderson, R. 6. 561. Alfred Foote, Macon. 562. Nat Curl Fields, Warrenton. 563. Turner B. Fields, Warrenton, R 1. 564. Samuel Ferrall, Warrenton. (Continued on Second Page) AFTOII IIEVS ITEMS. Messrs. Austin Allen, Whit Wat son, and II. B. Hunter spent last Thursday at the State farm in Hal- if ax county. Mr. J. G. Ellis and Miss Burwell, of Warrenton, were in Afton a short while Sunday. Mr. Charlie Pinnell, of Richmond, is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. J. Pinnell. Mr. Jeff Williams and family, of Warrenton, visited his brother, Mr. D. C. Williams Sunday. Mrs. Bettie Overby and grandchil dren, Mabel and Warren Overby, of Macon, spent Saturday night and Sun day with her daughter, Mrs. H. P. Reams. Mr, and Mrs. Walter A. Overby, of Ridgeway, visited in the home of Mr. H. P. Reams Saturday. Mr. L. L. Fuller visited his father in Vance county Sunday. Mr. J. A. Temple and wife, of Nor lina, spent Sunday night with Mr. J. W. Burroughs. ADVANCEMENT I held in truth, with him who sings, To one clear harp in silver tones, That men may rise on stepping stones Of their dead selves to higher things. Tennyson. There can be no inaction in life either you advance or retire. As soon as , action ceases, then comes death. Rest there can and should be with out rest the human machine would soon wear out but even during the periods of rest there is action, be cause new tissues and energies are being formed while the-complex being called man is resting from his labors. Man is the product of ages, his ev olution having been slow, but mar velous, and the heights to which he may rise are limited only by the in telligence he displays in handling the problems of life. The greatest of all. the aids that man possesses for waging the battle for continued advancement is exper ience the knowledge that comes from being brought into direct contact with life in its manifold aspects and forms. No matter what may be one's action it will not be in vain provided some good comes of it; consequently, the one who commits an error, sees and acknowledges it, repents its commis sion and refrains from repeating it. may, if he so desires, place foot upon it and rise to higher . and nobler things. Remember, it is not so much what you were, as what you are that counts m the making of character. Com mence to build now. Today is yours see that it is used to good purpose before it fades away To the young man, a day counts into a yesterday. but as an unimportant incident; to the middle aged, an event; to the advanc ed in years, a day! As one looks back over the vanish ed years, and views the desert of wasted days it seems as though he is gazing upon a graveyard wherein lie buried still-born hopes, aspiration and dreams. No matter how industrious one may have been, he cannot but see with the eye of retrospection the monuments that mark the graves of. days that have passed beyond recall. To the youth and maiden it is given to learn from" the experiences of others. Will they do so? Only in a few instances. If they would heark en to the voices of those who have gone before, heed the counsel of those whose days are yesterdays, what trials, disappointments and failures they would be spared! But no. In the great majority of cases the son stumbles over the same obstacles that beset the feet of the father, and the daughter commits similar errors as the mother, each generation of business men and of business women repeat the things that brought ruin upon their predecessors and the mass of humanity goes blind ly on its way, unheedful of the lignt that experience stands ready to cast upon its pathway. Young men and young women,pause while yet you have the chance. Make your days count. Employ every hour of the 24 that constitute the day, u. mg a fair proportion for play, for work and for rest. Remember that a day is a day over which you have no control. If you grasp the one that is now within your reach, your tomorrows will be days of accomplishment, and your yester days will have few regrets. Edwin Gordon Lawrence, in Merchants Jour nal and Commerce.