A II W! 't ' : ..V. : L Ols. W I r I I . f 1 f r -- ' . 1 pi m -- --- i -. -I 1 AU f -w k t -i -Eii i y "W .i U f W Ji MB.x ' . " wm- 1 . I lf- -.Sill ' III Iff" LI L 1 - P.-- , ' VOL. XXII (TUESDAY) C?l-5 A YEAB WARRENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 13TH, 1917 (FRIDAY) ' Number 88 A SEMI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF WARRENTON AND WARREN COUNTY CROSS CHAPTER TO MUSICALE JULY 17 loci1 Red Cross chapter will Th( !o of high order in the ?1VC 'Inton Opera House , on- next Tu- w:;r . w h, at 8:30. e Vinton is especially fortunate , -tv exceptional musical talent, in "w, it the program shows am ' talent is represented. Tiv5 onlorninuM. ' t of Iho people of Warrenton 'l1'11. ntr nnd it is honed 1 IVniM'fM I Villi-. T? - T t larur numbers from neighbor. .J .p in attendance. a fevmer notice stated that the r,;ic.,le Woull bo held in the Acad- 1 ! uiitorium, but it has since found advisnblo to have it in lh0 opora House. H.nvevov, the program which iui--AV? spc:iks for itself: hon ir:e:idins America s!nle..Miss Isabel Broom 1 q0i0 Miss Ililah Tarwater ..Miss Ulivia inirweii Doudas Henderson, 'ettway Bunvell, J. K- Rodwell. ...Miss Crcighton -Thome Iarseillaise ....Miss Jose Dameron Solo. . .Elizabeth Tarry Messrs. Tarwater, Bax- !fhonis . . Vocal Solo, instruments buartetto. . tor, Harris and Dameron. tir,.,,lin!r l If 1,11 luuiiic ttrumontal Solo.. Mr. J. R. Rodweil h'ncal S..I-). Air. Jonn narris k,,ius ..Star Spangled Banner IN AND AROUND MACON Kv. R. H. p.voom,' of Warrenton, m vis-itinj, Mr. and Mrs. Winyfield ar'k'" first, of in ivppV. 't of the week. 'SIX POUND." GYPSY TEA es -lnry pUc:,en and Sue Bur .p.1;' "r-V0 - delightful Gypsy Tea 'peoa Tnov.lay night in -honor of - home guests, Misses Beulah and The ostor. - motored to Pa nnepn nun --".cm iU1 lunch, returning Th mo night. v.! Lu-roughs were: , T'h Ai-y Harris. Mfimi fifivd. 3c A COPY MACOX PICNIC PARTY A i.lolifditfid pisnin was held at Pow l!'s Miil on the "Fourth." The party left Macon at 10 o'clock by cars re- jining in the afternoon. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. John Nowell, Ir. and Mrs. Marvin Drake, Mr. and Mr;;. Edwin Russell, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Agelasto, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nicholson, ?.Ir. and Mrs. S. W. Neal, Mrs. AJice Rodwell, Mr. and Mrs. 01--n, Dr. and .Mrs. M. P. Perry, Misses Alice firitton Rodwell, Rose Perry, Elizabeth Rodwell., Patty Perry, Lu- e Neal and the Misses Nicholson, 'essrs. Clyde Coleman, Douglas Eg- :nn, Brown Coleman, Hiram NichoL on, P. A. Aireiasto. Jr.. Melvin ip, Bill Neal, Mary Perry, Cas- ell Drake, Marvin Drake, Jr., Ilerm- n Rodwell, and the Messrs Kenyon. On Sunday Children's Day was en- w1 by a large crowd at Gardner's Slilif-li. Thero wns nlsn n sprmnn bv kpnstor Rev. J. P. Harris. i-. and Mrs. Bernard Gardner are 'Sting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Oai'dne!-. faster Melvin Thorn returned on i "Nday to his home in Virginia after several weeks' visit to Mr. P. A. gelasto, Jr. Miss Cora Hill Shaw is snendincr 'Kttime at Chapel Hill. and Mrs. John Nicholson visited Henderson last week, is? Nan Gardner is snendincr her :fion at her home here. Teter A gelasto was in Warren- LITTLETON NEWS ITEMS Miss Rebecca Zukerman and cousin, Mr. William Zukerman, of Durham, were pleasant visitors at the home of Mrs. J. B. Boyce latrweek." Mr. J. W.' Martin ' visited relatives at Boykins, Va., las Wednesday. ' Mr.-' and Mrs. JT B. Hardy and daughter, of Weldon, spent Friday ith friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barnes, after spending a- few days with v Mrs. Barnes' sister, Mrs. Williab Johnston, left Friday for their home in Wash in :on: D. C. Mrs. Marcus Allen and daughter. Miss Katherine Allen, of the Calvais section, were shopj.ig in town Thurs day. Miss Louise Forbes, of Townville, Va., who has been attending the Sum mer School in Raleigh, came this week io spend some time with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Millard. iUr. and Mrs. Rom Parker, of En field, have been visiting at the home cf Mrs. Parker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J Myrick, for several days. Mrs. P. E. Shearin, of Weldon, spent Friday with relatives here. Mrs. W B. Sheehan,- Mrs. T. C. Williarns and Mr Johnny Williams, of Essex, were "n town Saturday. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Bet tie Ilollv, of Windson, who had been spending a few days in town. Mrs. A. M. Newsom and children re turned last week from a visit to rel atives at Tray and Leasburg. Mr. J. E. came home Satur day non: Ridgeway w spend Sunday. with his family. Miss Frances Sess'-m? is attending a H.i'ie Party at tht home of her friend. Miss Helen - .?e. at Tha-mu Misses Blanche, 'licks -Mid Carrie M rick were with them lk Friday y etv. ing. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cole and chil dren visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gray last week. The Littleton people are pleased to learn that the School Board has re flected Trof. J. A. Hornady principal of the Littleton High School. Assist ants are Misses Janie Green, Urtie Harrison and Josephine Juarles. musical comedy rendered here on last Friday evening by Weldon local talent was quite a success andthrougn ly enjoyed by all who attended. The proceeds were for the Red Cross Fund cf the Halifax Chapter. Miss Sallie Kie left Monday to spend sometime visiting friends at Carter ville, Va. MACON ITEMS The ladies of our town are very much interested in their new canners, and have been very successful thus tar. A. number of our people in and around Macon attended the burial of Mrs. Charlie Scoggin at Palmers Springs last week. Miss Pattie Perry has returned from a visit to relatives in Littleton. Mrs. i D. Twitty is visiting in the heme of hrr niece Mrs. S. S. Reeks. Misses Virgie and Minnie Rodwell, after having spent a week with frienas and relatives in Axtelle, have return ed home. Miss Lucie M. Reeks, of the M. E. Orphanage, is at home of her vaca tion, o Messrs S. W. Neal and Marvin Drake and Misses Alice Britton and Minnie Rodwell spent Monday in Franklinton. Mrs. T. H. Winborne is spending some time in the home of Prof. Her bert Scholz. Miss Josie Rodwell has just return ed from visiting friends in Middleburg. Miss Bertha Morris, of Franklin ton, is visiting Miss Alice Britton Rodwell Misses Estelle and Florence Perry and Carrie Brame are attending Summer School at Chapel Hill. Mr. Raymond Harris has resumed work on his handsome new bungalow. Master Tom Betts is "at home after spending some time in Sanford and Raleigh. A number of our people attended Children's Day Services at Churchill last Sunday morning. IN AVIATION CORPS We arc in receipt of a copy of the Atlanta Constitution carrying an il lustrated article upon the Georgia Tech. Aviation School, and students taking its preparatory course for av iators for Uncle Sam. Among the thirty-four men in pre paration we note with interests and pride that of Sam M. Connell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Connell, of War ren Plains, and a Warren county boy bred and born. These men are receiving a special course in electrical engineering, the handling of machine guns, and the art of . flying under the direction of army officers. The men came to the school thru the Training camps at Fort Ogle- ! MANSON ITEMS Mrs. Martha Morris, of Raleigh, who has been visiting in the home of Mr. S. G. Champion, spent the pass two weeks with Mrs. George Hester at Warren Plains. ;c are sorry to say that Mr. John Seaman's baby continues quite ill. Mrs. W. W. Wilson attended the iage of her son Mr. Hunter Giti at Norfolk this week. She went from there on a trip to Washington, D. C. Since cur last writing Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Reavis have welcomed another lovely little daughter in their home. Mrs. W. B. Brack and children spent several days recently with her parents at Franklinton. . Mrs. Frank Rose, of Henderson, was a pleasant viitor among rela tives here last week. Mr. Earl Faizon, of Raleigh, pent Sunday in our town. uite" a number of our people at tended services at Mt. Auburn Sun day. Mr. William Paschall, of Vaughan, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. B. Brack. Misses Pearl and Marie Fleming spent Monday in Raleigh. Mrs. George Hester and two little daughters, also her son Lee, and Miss Emma Rid out, of Warren Plain, were pleasant visitors here recently. Miss Mamie Brack spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. E. L. Paschall, at Oine. Mr. Robert Harton, of Raleigh, and Mrs. Herbert Harton and little daugh ter, of Norlina, made a pleasant visit to our town last week. Mr. Price Paschall, of this place, and Miss Falkner, of Drewery, were married Sunday afternoon. They have our best wishes. MessrsI John and Thtrrston Allen, of Louisburg, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. L. N. Kimball. Mrs. S. G. Champion spent Tuesday afternoon in - Henderson shopping Mr. Jasper Dortch, of Ridgeway, was in tvn a short time Wednesday.. Mr. George Wyckoff, of Henderson, and Mr. Smith Wyckoff, of Ridgeway, were in our midst Sunday. t.horpe, Georgia, and Fort McPherson, Miss Elsie Hart, of Corns, N. C, Atmore, Alabama, where rigid ex- has been visiting her cousins, Mes-l aminations had to be stood. dames A. B. Hart and H. E. Boyd, for j Nine of the thirty-four in training several days. are North Carolina boys. The others Hall, Jinnie Jeffreys, 0 an,, sue Burroughs, 10 Foster" Mas rin(l William Burroughs. . Ucvl yor Allen. Alex .-t Jcnes, Sidney Rogers, rf:'5 ulln"Lo, John Harris, Han-is. and Mr- an Mrs. A . 'HI )C nn ?at he can f ??. such a bonehead elfSelted 3 by lyinS t0 Mr. J. T. Delbridgo, of Elams, N. C. was in town on business Monday Mrs. D. . MacRae, of Washington, D. C, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Neill MacRae. . Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fetter, Miss Mary and Master Frederick Fetter, and Master MacLeon Ryder motored from Raleigh and spent the week-end with relatives here. Mrs. J. M. Leggett and baby, of Sedley, Va., have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hart for several days. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Thorne and Miss Tempie Patterson, of Airlie, were in town Sunday and attended services at the Presbyterian church. Rev. J. M. Millard, Scout Master, and the Littleton Boy Scouts left Mon day morning to spend the week in camp at Curl's Hjll, near the river. Miss Virginia Bishop, of Weldon, has been the attractive guest of Mrs. J. H. Bancombe for several dayr. Mr. Jas. A. Cree is taking a vaca tion this week, and he and Mrs. Cree left Monday morning to spend the week at Ocean View. Mrs. N. W. Harrison, Mr. Nat Har rison and Misses Frances, Helen and Ethel Harrison were in town Sunday night and attended services at the M. E. Church. Mr. Blake Hardy has accepted a po sition with the Littleton Feed and Grocery Co. and moveddiis family here from Heathsville. Misses Rosa and Pattie Perry, of Macon, were pleasant visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Perry last week, returning home Sunday. Quite a delagation' from( Roanoke Rapids and Rosemary, composed of business men, Scout boys, Camp Fire and Canning Club girls, and the Rose mary Brass Band, passed through here last week advertising the Chautauqua that is being held at Roanoke Rapid this week. - Miss Annie Norman, of Halifax, has hail from New York, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Tenn., and Flor ida. The Old North State has well above her pro rata share. Mr". Connell was on the Border last year with Company II., and when the Officers Reserve Camps at Fort Oglethorpe opened in May, he en tered, selected the aviation branch of the service, and comes through with credit. His many friends here wish that success may be with him in his every effort to serve Old Glory Uncle Sam, and the men and women of America. ASPEN ITEMS been visiting for several days at the home of her aunt, Mrs. T. C. Alston. Mrs. C. E. Foster and son, Charles Edward, Jr., returned home last week from New York, where the little boy has been under medical treatment fr several weeks. Mr. M. W. Cooper is spending a few days in Kinston this week on buiness Miss Mary Nicholson is visiting her scool-mate, Miss Mary Cochron, at her home in Greenwood, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. II .Newsome have returned from a visit to Mrs. New som's mother and other relatives at Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. C. T. Capell has returned from a pleasant visit to her sister-in-law, Mrs. D. W. Simpson, at her home in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. J. B. Meadows, of Oxford, was in town on business Wednesday. Miss Margaret Crater, of Greens boro, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. H. Newsom, at her home on Mosby Avenue Mrs. T. N. Harrison spent Wednes day with her dadghter, Mrs. D. A. T. Ricks, at Whitakers. Dr. J. B. Cole, who has been spend ing a few days here with Mrs. Cole at the home of her mother, Mrs. E. D. Leach, returned to his home in Wall gtcn D. C. Sunday. Crops around here have improved since the recent rains. Mrs. P. S. Williams, of Airlie, is visiting relatives here 'this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Harris visited Mrs. Harris' mother Mrs. Ida Wemyss of this place latt Sunday. -Mr. Tom Carter, of Vaughan, was here taking the school census Mon day of this week. Mr. Willie Gray Harris, of Macon, was here a short while last Monday night. Mr. Luther Ball, who has been work ing near Churchill for some time, spent last week at home with his father here helping him on tne farm. Mr. Raymond Harris and Spencer 3 West, of Grove Hill, visited in this j community last Sunday. rVjr. b . H. Neal s son, Wallace, who Jian been very sick is now improving; but is yet right sick. Mrs. Joe Neal, who has been in poor health" for some time, ' is slowly improving but has not been feel quite so well for several dajs. Mrs. C. N. Hardy is on the sick list this week. We hope all the sick may soon be restored back to health. WEDNESDAY NIGHT HOP The young men of Warrenton gave a very enjoyable dance Wednesday night in the new Armory from 9:30 to 1. The armory was attractively and tastefully decorated with Red, White and Blue festoons down the center, and with the electric lights drapped with the national colors. The Stars and Stripes impressively decorated the southern end of the armory. Griffith's orchestra, of Raleigh, furn ished music, and the gay crowd enjoy ed dancing until one o'clock, for "Dancing's a touchstone that true beaiity tries ' Nor suffers charms that nature's hand denies." Those present and dancing werer Misses Mamie Williams, Mariam Jones, Byrd Jones, Will Jones, Sue Palmer, Carey Bachelor, Janice Flem ing, Lulie Price, Mary Polk,' Fair Polk, Creighton Thorne, of Warren ton; Katherine Darden, of Franklin, Va.; Frances Barrow, Julia Barrow, Mildred Scott, Beatrice Turner, Mary 1 urner, Cornelia Yarbourough, of I Louisburg; Sallie Boyce, Esie Mitchell Urtie Harrison, Bettie Cooper, Susie Gay, and Miss Stewart, of Littleton; Miss-Bishop, of Weldon; Lenoir Mer cer, of Elm City; Helen Swisher, of Charleston, West Va.; Burwell Pat terson, of Airlie; Carrie Cheatam, Elizabeth Corbett, Helen Harris; of Henderson; Estelle White, of Oxford; Miss McGrcgory, of Wilmington, Del.; Mr. and Mrs. Gus Zollizoffer, of Hen derson; Messrs. E. C. Price, Jr., W. II. Burroughs, W. E. Egerton, W. M. Day, Brodie Jones, Hunt Macon, Rob. Fleming, Harwell Burwell, Hal Macon, Rodwell Gardner, Clyde Rodwell, Sidney M. Rogers, William Burwell, William Davis, Boyd Davis, Edward Davis, .Bignall S. Jones, McRobt. Booth, Jack Palmer, Sam Palmer, of Petersburg; A. D. Harris, Jr., and John Harris; Bogart Pretlow, of Franklinr Va.; Tommie Harrison, Louis Harrison, Paul Johnson, Peter Spruill, Mr. Parson, of Littleton; John Mitchell, Sterling Nicholson, -Edward Batten, John. Rose, John Sweeney, Boy Jeffreys, Ben Thorp, of Oxford; Edison Hicks,, Jerry Zollizoffer,, Alex Watkins, Sam Watkins, Dick Corbett, Young Cheatham, of Henderson ;Dr. F. S. Swindell, of Kittrcll; Mrs. Harry Blacknell, of Kitrell; Misses Jessie Carey, of, Savannah; Miss Lassiter, of Wilmington; and Miss Ailcen Hicks, of Oxford. The dance was very pleasantly chaperoned by Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones; burg, Dr. and Mrs. William Rodgers, and Mrs. Harry Loeb. SOME FACTS ABOUT OUR WATER SYSTEM IN JUNE The consumers used 492,000 gallons of water. .The sewerage system used 150,000 gallons. 210,000 gallons were used in flush ing streets, hydrants, and leakage. The deep well pump operated 142 hours during the month. Estimated amount of water pumped, 852,000. Figuring five persons to the family, our per capita consumption was 28 gallons per day. The average per capita figured for the United States, in Cities where water works systems are installed ranges from 20 to 60 gallons per day. The lower figures where meters are installed, the higher figure whre flat rates predominate. Contrary to the opinion of the Con sulting Engineer, who designed the system, and the evpectations of the Board;, the Water Company was self sustaining during its first year of ex- I istence. ,Our rates are the same as most towns in the State with a population under 10,000. . At the annual prize-day of a cer tain school, the head boy rose to give his recitation. "Friends, Romans, Countrymen," he vocif orated, "lend mey our ears!" "There commented the mother of the defeated pupil, sneeringl.y, "that's Mrs. Biggs' boy! H. wouldn't be his mother's son if he didn't want to bor row simething." Tit-Bits. A learned counsel on the defend ant's side lost his temper as well as his case, and remarked rudely to the opposing lawyer, "Why .do you so of ten use the words 'also' and- 'likewise. They both mean exactly the same, a.; far as I can see." "By no means," said the other. "I'll show you the dj !?eron"-e by. example. Csr Ibained"' 'fri lid," the' jadfrf, is a clever lawyer; you are a lawyer, als;, but not likewise." New York Globe. Tony, the otnee janitor, had been working fa:th-fuPy at his job for sev eral years, when he surprised his -employer by asking for a vacation. "We can't get alorg very well with out you," said the boss. "You don't need a vacation. You'll only blow in your money and come back broke." "I likea to have vacation," persisted Toney. "I getta married and I kinda like to be there." The Argonaut. PICNIC COMMITTEES To buy her hat took half a day, So careful her selection, But when she tried it on at home It clashed with her complexion If what she did yeu're guessing at Wo know she didn't change the hat. 3 an Francisco Chronicle, The undersigned committee chosen by the County Farmers Union in ses sion at the Court House, July 4th 1917 to draw up resolution for said Union as follows: On August 4th, 1917, that all the people in Warren county arerespect fulky invited to attend a Farmers Rally Day at F. B. Newell's Grove for the purpose of acquainting the Farmers with the present conditions of the country, and our future for the next twelve months in regards to ourselves and our obligations to our country, and what we might have to furnish and what we might not be able to order during the present war. fWe have invited to explain these mat ters Dr. Brarford Knapp and Secre tary of Agriculture Houston, of Wash ington, D. C. We have also invited leading men from Raleigh to speak. Overby, Leonard Killian, Sidney Cham Everybody is invited to attend and j pion. brin? a full basket as this will be Value of Vegetable Garden A vegetable garden never hurt the locks of any lot. It doesn't take a dreamer to rave over a 30 by 40 foot plat of growing lettuce, ripening to matoes or sturdy potato plants not in these days of high prices. Indeed, if a piece of ground has demonstrated its productiveness, it is more saleable than ever when put on the market. Winconsis State Journal. RED CROSS NOTICE American Red Cross meets Thurs day morning from 9 to 1 o'clock in Academy Auditorium. New members for this week are: Mrs. W. T. Johnson, Miss Emily Hilliard, Mr. W. B. Massenburg, Mr. R. B. Boyd, Jr., and Mf. Kearney Williams. Henry Martin, H. T. Egerton, Howard Jones, Hugh Reams, John Daniel, John Wood, J. A. Dowtin, H. A. Boyd, A. D. Harriss, J. W. Allen, Jerry Dra per, Howard Overby. JUDKINS Mrs. W. R. Vaughan, Frank Neal, Charlie Hardy, John Stallings, Wil liam Harriss, Tom Skinner," J. J. My rick, E. W. Thompson, Fletcher Bob bitt, John Harriss. SHOCCO Mrs. W. A. J. Pinnell, Harry Limer, Ben Reavis, Haywood Aycock. FORK Mrs. Wiley Pridgen, Louis Thomp son, R. E. Williams, Tom Cheek, Ben Tharrington, J. C. Powell, Miss Jim mie Clark. - FISHING CREEK Mrs. W. T. Hardy, Tom Harris, M. T. Duke, S. K. Clark, John T. Powell, Walter Duke, J. F. Hunter, W. G. Robinson, Beauford Scull. NUTBUSH Mrs. S. J. Satterwhite, J. W. Dow ling, A. P. -Paschall, Byrd Ellington, Peter Seaman, J. C. Brauer, W. A. the only way of getting dinner. A first class band will make music for the occasion. The table will be conducted strictly by the ladies as follows: SMITH CREEK Mrs. A. G. Hayes, H. P. Mayfield, Robt. M. White, E. J. Hicks, J. a. Meeder, J. P. "Harton, W. F. Pas chall, J. R. Loyd, Miss Willie Gooch. HAWTREE " Mrs. M. "H. Hayes, T. J. Holt, W. F. Paschall, J. W. King, W. Y. Finch, Howard Palmer, J. D. Newell, Peter M. Stallings, E. P. Fitts, Frank Tuck er, Stephen Tucker, Miss Carrie Dunn. SIX POUND Mrs. Chas Burroughs, J. T. Haith cock, Waddie Shaw, Walter Hunt, Sam Reeks, .J F. Coleman, W. F. Gardner. WARRENTON Mrs. J. W. Adcock, J. II. Frazler, SANDY CREEK Mrs. Walter Smithwick, D. P. Ays cue, Sid Pritchard, Sam Allen, Wil liam James, Fate Weaver. ROANOKE Mrs. Henry Wall. RIVER Mrs. Kinch King, W. T. Carter, Fletcher Bobbitt, Lindsay Price, Lee Pope, Bob King, Dick Fleming. These ladies are expected to do all in their power to get as many ladies to go to the Farmers' Rally as possi ble and carry a full basket of nice food. These exercises - will begin at 10 o'clock sharp, Saturday August 4th 1917 at F. B. Newell's .grove, where everybody is expected to come and feel welcome. F. B. NEWELL, R. .M. WHITE, Committee for County Union.

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