A : VM'iiA .- JPA. IPs? CJanPry. and : Preset tStf - "TO ESS. ' t-i - S 1 v i VOL. (TUESDAY) WAREENTON, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST V7TH? 1917 " ' t nog Number 95 ISSfS NWSAPER TJCTOTSD TO IHE INTSiK OF SXON W AKREN COUNTY ..-.- TIE 0BLIVEBE8S i? not prevalent, opinion -C o.iy jusUMbla war s be-- , This as been 1 in r-'.anv fcms and explains ?rS r.:rnt?.i acta. Oar own P Tvo i-'-e war has been re- & ;;iincd cn the srornd that k'S3 . .Trt.V. a ti ,,. i reason wl-y ?icc is free L ri the otiii" nuiuiirt v-u yvw itl7 fitting in aeiente ox www TKIK3S OF -INTEREST. FAilEf!SrB!8-RALLY M Sc. A COPY OH. note to Gerai&n.y after breaking off with the German" nmuster. A reply is expected within eight davs. ' Einj? Alexander of Gracce takes path of office. Venezcla::, tho states tr;ui oi Greece, Tvili d -ubtle33 hold ths Cargo c.t Soy beans lecsived from the Orient for Oil z:llis. Soybean jrlcy.- mm .mmt mm, "& aim. RALEIGH, B. S. WiLLIMIS AND iiU36E KERR 1LS0 mi OF .EXEHPTI8BM:RB.AT,"W03K i-iie Vrr.n.en County Exemption i5oai-a fcfcan physical examination of the nrst trro hundred and sixty four men called, this morning in the Court OF. EDUCATION. i- - A . Saturday dawned bright and ciar, count all else oisecondary importance "vrith a elight brsexo end T?ith the air and devoid thjnseiy3 to this task pl3sant axtex- io.m- rn ideal picnic vntil it is -.accomplished for there has been - placed upon us the respcnaibili i f!flrn7. invader of BoTgium, K of Franco, has plsaded -ht V iistilks-tion for the war f resolutions f-"'opted by tho Center, tcEl f.cd Socialists of tho Ger- t p.eiihstaj. Ik these recmons sdicls that "(iermsiny too: up h d?fn&e o its iiberty and m r'enop fzr the intcgrrty of ;c:-r- i'r,is, however, is :.izz Lv7 oa on brhalf cf Germany, It be plea put forth st th Tory be -ip -,f th rvsr by Cerma rro? ndis'i. I; T--i': ta pe-ado Amer ,s isat Gtmny wa;, fighMngr irs -deffn?? pamphlei r.irHad nth About Germany v Fccta About War") vg3 issued soon after the brsaif cf the vr&v by s cutn:nitl-.'e W.ch wera 6"jcn smmf-iic oerwen bST B'iin. of tho Hamburg-An ki Lhe, Piinc vorA ilulow; Dr. Ncter, Dr. von Harnack, and Dr. - - ' I - 1 1j? f - Ttcsd t: justify Germany s great ;m of v.iil:ta.lsr: for i?i that ir-hlet i; r&s dcolnic thst, "Sinca erxau army, wh.:-n it is Giimnion a war, r .:p i c j-its tliG whol Ger- fe itorlo, and sir.:e the vrhole Ger- people is peaceably dispved, it km that The army can only be 3 isive c-arrirtsticn." This plaa of d.f;??rsc wr.3 us id to justify tlia Islon cf Eelg'tim, for in that paiu- h this invasion was described as Sr ens breach cf ii--atraiit-y, cori- 4 A vdf-dofense" and U wr.s r;:?rtir,n cf .this vio c.t a rr tA-t.-ty that 4;tho -zi- .stu -::.2-:it c. scit-asiense ir-s md:Ti-?ttol, who:.e very eyktonco .t iisiie. the moral liberty to re- to seapens "which would be for- Isr: xc?t -t: times cf ptril' 'And plea of sei'-dof ense was used aven ptiacation of atrocities, for in thi.i ?Lkr, v. - h utmost solemn'ty, iy osehro-:; ths.t "th- German troops a? aeruot-omed to preserve dis- '.h srA. to w.tp-a wr cniy stfinst cr?-,ed fo-ccs cf th hostile state, pt be Asic.Vif, in fart self -de- 33 self-defense i offered as a JV? crime?.' nnnarirllelad in his ' IVls -iha tribute th?t wrong .s to right: and in this case the fj'ght chat TTTons- appsnres to know right of self-defense. - - k-e is, however, a higher riht 3 ihst. It ?.2 the riht of succor, livera:r;e, of n.icue. he vvr ivh.ich the United States raging aga;i..-it Germany is only ?pi' b: war cf self-defence. It Ss ;i'iy a war for the succe of or -jd pGopks, for the delivers" c a of Ration freni the hands of the bar r. for xhs ru-scue cf the public 1 - nations, -nn cv th -iht of , ' t 0-f jl,T..i"arn 2 S'M.es land in Frsnct. and 6 th:-ir piac,-3 in ths line beside -i-ch ,rj the Enelish, as our watch tlie seas for hostile n.aru -?- aRd cur aviators give hat the air, they are asserting the Aw. a- j - itv of rrPriGrvifiW f.rt TYisiv.'lr-In'' fa H u.g cf) .or oil. Ffts are nesdea to t- i-.. .i.. ;yr-.o- Tbw k'.f tk, ,.oci!- v'u r u rna"f Imorring frn t,U actions of the conn- oil, ana tne meat faens the stock. and- by 30:S0 .a rresentative i.nere id no aangsr oi overproduction for years to come. As staple as cot ton; as useful fcr-foccUas corn. Cotton Market has fluctuated up crowd, esMtalcd at eoven hundred, of but i fear tho vu:aiertflkmg ' is . a . ser ious one. F shall r t attempt, to dis cuss th? 3".mt3;leadinr-; up to our en- Warren county .men, women and ehil- ' trance into tss fWcrld dren "had .gathered in Farm Demon-; jestri'y. our petition. atratcr Nyell's i?.re grove. The t'rovro fimiwhea an ideal picric r wrijL-,. i i a hslf irilHon bal3 crop in - prospect, 1&rgt Jakti, and upo a'hiU where a prospects arc for a good price. Cot ton seed, on account rf tho sre&.t da- ntcnd fcr oil, will bring- record brea'x- ir.. prices. Save every s-eed they are Valc&bls. freeze is continuously' in evidence. Beneath svcial iarg3 oaka ovi the e?.t sidft of the grove, the benches w.r, or even to This hss been Monday, August 6th, 1917. Beard met at 10:30 a. m., all mem bers present, and was called to ordor by ' the chairman and lead in prayer by Superintendent Joaes. Tho minutes of July meeting read and apprdv-td. Tho chairman stated that the directions authorizing the Supt. of Schools to pay routine ex penses be amended to authorize such expenditures "not to exceed the amt. set aside by the Board for such pur- i pose." I XT TT -r-i - hrk f r iU8' . ascnau and J. IS. c,l dZZSZZ Elgtcn, of-Ellington District, made The Board IZi U-1 application for a loan of Fiv3 a day. S ?lSfhty men Hundred dollars I y the State for the Room. Dr. C. H. Peete examiring physi cian authorizes us to say that of the men examined, ' that most of them are remarkably good specimen of phy ical manhood. , Dr. N. D. Morton, of JSTorlina, pass es upon all men of whom there is eny doubt in Dr. Peste5s mind as to their physical qualifications. It is believ- day, Ifcev. R. W. Baxter, Messrs. R. T. don? by vnser inen than I, and I be- Watson George Scogg'm and Edmund wait?, e-re assisting the Board today. The men are standing the same ex amination practically as is stood by men entering the National Guard iieve to the- complete satisfaction . of every one oZ usr "Seme have said that the farmers mu&t "win this war; others that the manufacturers' OA steel and rounitions, and still others': that the f:h:nbuilutrs were ?rrar.2"cd and .a' sjaker'3 table tstusr izir it. I do; not beli-ive tho item edge of the j privilege Rr.d responsibility rest on anj xne class, l?at rthor thai, the whole Amecan people must do their pait in this etrus&'e or "1? to their placed. Or the we gr3V2 the Newcli'3 boys sold ice creani Elihu Rcct, Commissioner to Ru3- .and kmonnde; at the foot cf the sia, has. returned.. He is rsportod to 'grove stood the picak table.?, Plain hR-re said when he lauded on the Fa- in their neatness, awaiting the recast ! everlasting - disgrace, ' they may see to be spread thereon; ! iuunan-liberty perish .from the face ot tno earth. - :The farmer must do his part under the dictates nc$ only of patriotism but of -sound judgment as well. Kis boast that he feds and cicelies the world will be strained to the utmost 11m jt. Lict'us mske up cur minds to put patriotism above profit. , Let us mo- IbGlize our farms for the fii'ht. and u?i ehlc Cos,3t, 'V. s sure t.i the s.m shil rise tomorrow if this war ends with the triumph of Germany, thi coun try will become a subjected nation. but he, however; had r:o f-ars of such an end. We bring, back from Rusrr.a the sympathy and greatest admira tion for-.tlat ycung democracy. We bring back an abiding faith that thi3 grejvb, free, self -governing democracy z-n.rv.1 Liv! mainta;nei. we sec. now which later was to further, - at tho very foot cf the hill a spring gave forth its refreshing Tv-.ter. Over this three acie plot, barren county farmers and citizens strolled, jostled et-c.ji other, rubbed tsHiOws hi a ceneral get-together, have a good time picnic. "Hsilo, Tom, how's your crap?'"'; "Fine day, ain't it?" these and other such salu- t'j j'ors were heard on every hand, and States is 1-2 glass milk per day, 1-2 ib. butter and 1-100 pound cheese,and two toaspecnaful of ic crz-ui ach day. Mrs. W. A. Connell, Warren County Canning demonstrator, made a short talk. She - asked for co-operation among 'the men- and women of the county and for their aid in every way in the conservation of . all foodstuffs at this crisis in our national life. - Mr. John Skinner, member County Board of Education, and a farmer of experience and ability made, a very interesting talk. Dinner was served about one thirty, and a gocd dinner it wag. Fried chick en, ham, barbecued lamb, cake, sand- , , . . " T . 1 . . , " 7 , oojiza oar xarma ior me ngnc5 ana u?i en, nam, barbecued iamb, cake, sand- Iff '2r- eimiiS:rmdd?y was r. becter-acquamtance j &uch Iabor a8 hVC in tko ?I0dnc- wiches and many other good edibles rt-.u-tiZQ tnat the fciao ;ms coy c when ; one. i American liberty and justice and th? independence and freI-Iom cf every 1 .Jr. F. B. Newell presided ?.nd in- ; 'troduced the. spftahers of the day. one ot U3 isocht staO for wmch we Mr. Newei! iocrducsd Dr. "P.idick, of must fi'ht. j ihe A. & Cone, Ralegh, the ?y-"."CTrr'u .--trwW, ; principal speaker of the day -a istv servi our country in this, its time cf trial. . "Mr. lie over has congratulated ths farmers c'-ov?r Patipn, but the cud is rot even in siglit. Let.ua continue ;auso .they have alrcadv done ?o much icuch with th- ccientln meass of cur ffcr-s iii- food promotion with larmrig;. ana .-a mm mzozesi.zc- in tne increased energy, -and for God and- T S , l f r agricultural, educational and mater ial progress of North Carolina. Dr. K'ddick's talk was hiirhiy in- ! &irur;t:ve. Ke spoke- of tho advsnce- t .reeuer- themsehies.- -' They', are coming to the rescue of that nation.- the latest of the great crii tries cf Europe to achieve lt-2 own 'hhe-rjivien, thht ,-iation that has "beer leaded the crownvd i -mubl Ttalv. t hi farming i a the. St? te-in -the '.ih.-sy -r comir.g to the- rescue of ( P3St forty years: of th-s value of pub-bac-vwsrd, impoverished, oppressed lic schools and the co-operaticn cf -oeooie of Europe and Asia--tc the jthe citizens with the educational rys rescne of the Serbians, and Montene- t ?m; of the good road movement its r'rlns, who chose to n t rt- ther Chan. 2Plac -n a ocd ccmnmnity. Ke ask- jhe importance cf rood production aa conservation as a war measure, but! become vassals of an arrogant- ed for di ersification in fanning; for Austria; to the rercue of tho ?oios '005 'incdern machinery, and for the! do not understand mo to anssn that whose continued subjection is esr--, jiarmera to . :anr, tai tiurx.. narver . cle, country people Lhcula t?k3 no ijeneof those crops which will bestlfro the hom?s of the farm 3rs of the county. After dinner, Hon. B. B. Williams, cf Warrenton; made a stirring address upon the Government Farm Loan, and the opportunity fcr farm ownership offered by co-operating with Uncle Sa.n. Mr. Williams disclosed the fact that th-re are more white than color ed farm tenant.? in Warren county. He stated that under the Farm Loan, every farmer is able and should exert himself to own some land that a farmer could best improve land of his own, and fs.imi.rg would become a pleasure rather than a means of keep ing off starvation. Mr. Williams also pled fcr co-operation between the land owner and tenant a plea to the your country's I sakedon't nullify your efforts' by allowing a largg ' partef what is produced to go to wast?, and using extravagantly v'hs.t is left. T shall not attempt. to go intt de tails i to food conservation, others -.v-hl t.lk to you upon this Lr.portant subject. "Wo cannot, however, overestimate tial toihe remnants' of the old t.n-l-.oly Holy Alliance to the rescue of the Armenians, vho have sinfored at the hands of the brutal Turk-and Kurd and from the. designs of the ry.'.7-.- r-- "", a; r.r mora resoTivesf vsl. j mind of the ruthless Prussian; to j the rescue of the Greeks from the I cor? sequences of their trust in their c.va faithless ruler. L Jjy r-73 coming to the rescue of jthe fabric of tks public law of na : ti&ns the sirred obyervanee of trest . -cc g.rfd of the principles cf morality. hi -the conduct of nations which is the only fabric from which there can ever be '"erer -ted permanent pe?;;. And, n :t ii-aL of al, they pre corn - jmg to tto 'rescue of tho-peoples, of the Central Empires themseley . who have been denied by their rulers even the knowledge cf what civil liberty means. Those who with unconscious perver. outlined tho far?.ner of the future as a man of thought, a man cf business, other par; hi this war. The young men cf military i.-tz en the farms should conbhier it' their' duty as well a man of tft'airs. 'This deeper aignif- j as their privilege" to to th front icance which was comLng to tern life it hen called. The fighting strength is the outgrowth of high&r ednction ! of a natr-.t?. lk-3 i:i the Great msss cf and evolution in fanning. He showed it. country people, and v;os to the rty, and the pur- ! sity or with deliberate 'intent restrain J comething besides making money" ; tho '-places of the pleygro'j.nd, the church, of the public health service in a community.. Dr. Riddh-k mention ed with justifiable pvl-hv the rrork of farm extension at the A. E. Col lege. President Riduiek pointed cut the fact that with cotton at twenty-five cents a pound, and tobacco nehing at almost any pvice, farmers may begin to think about other things than -making- a hvii-.g. Dr...F.ir3ck Ltated the u?e!essness of . exp-scting to keep the l-oytf girla en thf. farms unless better frrn life was developed: "If you vvsi.l them to stay talk about ths Am-rlcan people to de-th2"-'"es, i-heir 3h?us, and their. i' .hey are doing Eome p mcie than that. u-.:i, corvu to tee rufce of ir 7 -! flTuS e1'03" a to r" it:t 3 PP'S unspeakable v ?.r2 corrinw f.r t. j.ho:e treasuiT cf Irt and --j "ave UilxC3 Oeen plt into Hi its' .i-tef-4.i -J .1-- ii ---inuii ox tne zncn- cm. delay the men who are-goii to fight our battles in Europe, these who arfftie fcr peace with compromise, those wi: try to di?ccurage snd a;s- v e should make life worth living by n.ct:cn th?.t tries to carry on a w:.r without tli?m." Dr. Piddiek'c talk was straight from the heart of one of the State's big men a man in touch and ac quainted with hi3 subject, and his talk w&s well listened to and thor oughly enjoyed. Mr. Mason Speaks Mr. Yt. H. Mason, representing the Dairy department of farm activities cf tho A. .& E. College, made a short talk. Mr. I-Tason ws.3 s-.n interesting speaker. Tbe following facts and figures disclosed by him shows us the enormity ot the cattle and dairy in dustry: There are 21,000,000 dairy cows in hearten the men who are forging our and running water, bth rooms, elec weauons or the men who 11i wield; trie lights sad telephones should he 'jpeniing Ziouey ard reducing farm jthe -United States, constituting cne dmdgery; we should provide book? j third of all the cattle in cur country, and nL?.yzmi'i xcr tnir enjoymant, ;na o-ie-eignca t?x an nve sicck ex cepting poultry. The value of these cows is one billion dollars or the value them, are acting from various mo tives; but. whatever . the motivor in provided .in cur cova:try hcr-ifs. He showed how these things were at - ar.v case the effect.' ie the same. The cainabie by community life being de-j stunid r-erson who gets in the vay ! veioped and a cc-operatJVo spmt ex fay fr 13 vhich i y , - w tne rescue oi e have inherited from of the fireman and prevents him from carrying a child from a burning- build ing may have pity, but he is an ally oi thf. pii-iiers 'flames. Tt-erj ij iv act performed or word said in ob struction o.f prompt,-effective, and vic torious warfare on the part of Amer ica that, does not prolong the enslave- imrnt of. the Belgians, -inere'is ' the j peril to civilization r.nd iir.erty in France, weaken the resisting powers of the free institutions of the 5ng-lissh-spe.aking peoples,' "impede the pro gress ol'the Italians and Russians to- TvT,rd liberation, add to the miser?o fcilt ""'r. our own rrecciom r-V arc. p,.: , . ., W 10 the rescue of h otsiae wnom it ior liberty be- ist.ing. Wlien this is done, no, longer will it be necessary to persuade peo ple to live in the country. This pic ture cf an id 3a! country life, Dr. id dick continued, is net over painted, fcr in the light cf past events the" tele phone and telegraph, the automobile wirless telegraphy, r.nd the improve ment in cur State educational sys tem thi; ideal country life can be and will -be rccliEei-in 'the not far distant future. "But ladies and gentlemen, today their - stands between us and the real- rs.'.fcicn of" cur hopes, a mighty giant. ovths ,-m.oEt nvlsorsbl of European who must- be put. dewn,.. before . the cf all th reilroads in ths .Carolinas. Five iniiiicn people milk thtse cows night and morning, cr labor .quai to nve hundred thousand men- working eight hours. These cows cor sum a conn cf feed daily. They ccn their own ya"uc in ffed yearly, or one-eighth of the total output cf cur rcil. Allowing three feet fcr each cow, these cows would extend half way around the --world. Seventy-f ve per cent of first value of feed consumed i- returned to soil in form of manure, or reported to be worth $30.00 each. Minyre not only sluabie as a fm lizer, but adds humus and its decay xnakes insoluble plant food - available. Every 100 units cf dry-stable fee 2 consumed by a cow returns 20 units of purpose of paying the District's share of expense of a school building for white race under Pian 0n3 of tho De partment of Education. The Board authorized the loan; the Supt. having arranged the matter with the State authorities. A delegation from Areola, with Mr. IV Hunter, as spokesman, was jjres ent" -asking for a consolidation of the Etisex and Areola schools. The Board approved tho suggestion, -provided it can be done with the approve! of the fcssex patrons. The Board also sug gested the formation of a Special Tax District as the besh plan for a first class thre6 teacher school, Messrs. Bell and Nicholson, two of the Committee of Churchill iOistrict were present asking aid for Jordan :Hi!l colored school. The Board an- ncrtioned S12D.00 for that purpose, th di3trist and patrons . to furnish remainder needed. It was ordered that Buffalo Colored school, Fishing Creek township,' be ' moved to Swift's liiii, and that the timber and old house and .sit-? .-f "Buf falo" be sole. Mr. W. T. H&rdy, Com mitteeman, was instructed to iet bids for the property and report t- Board at September meeting. It was ordered that a teacher be employed for "Cleveland" colored school in Fork township the building to .be furnished, free of cost to the School fund. Board ordered T. H. Cheek uaid $10 for fuel fcr Inez School, 191S-17. W. T. Turner, colored, appeared be fore the Beard, representing Ihe Bet terment Association of ih.-.t school, and stated that the Association had on hand and in -Bank $o0.00 "for the purchase of desks, and dei-ed aid frcm the Board. The Boaiv directed him to turn over that amourt to the General School fund and tb?rt the Su perintendent would then mirc-bftse one hundred dollars worth of deska for the school. Dr. Jchn H. Harrison, chri. board of Trustees of Littleton School dis trict, appeared before the Fosp-d ask ing that' tho sinking Ihrn-i belonging' to the district be ph.ccd in the Bank of Liivletrn at 4 per cent compound ed quarterly. The Board directed thi3 to bo done whenever the Bank gave, bond to cover the amount deposited inefficiency in life. He showed hew V " A,s JT , . 7 education was an all powerful fa.r -T, r" . fl,P.. thp Tit. hA of AflRmw. 5 IQr hoi Duuamgs. ah members that it controlled the balance cf dow- jvotin aye- er.at all tiinw. and esDeciallv was in Tht? Boyrd took recsS3 to 2-30 P- m- evidence in the war cf today. He told of the inefficiency in the United States, useless meniciency, due to lack of knoviedge, but inefficiency which waa on the decline as education as cended. He disclosed the fact that six hundred million dollars the "price of a wheat or cf a yearly cotton crop in-the United States was expended annually fcr crime suppression and punishment of offenders in this coun try; that ten million people were non supporters,r,ot making their own meat and bread, in our country; that around sevep- per cent wer ignorant. Judge land owner not to see the eagle on tho dollar before he sees to hi3 ten ants welfare and his county and his St&tiSn prosperity. His talk was splendid, and ?r,sny farmers went tc their licraci with thair Vision en larged by hearing such cn address, Mr. K swell then called upon Judge John II. .rr. Judge Kerr reviewed, complimented, and sanctioned tho ppceche? of Dr.- Itiddiek and Mr. Wil liams. He paid high tribute to both of these gentlemen. -Then Mr. Kerr made an address upon efficiency and The Board convened at 2:45 p. m. Mr. A. B. Wilson, of River No. 2, was instructed to haye certain neces sary repairs made at a cost not to exceed $15.00. Bill for $25.00 salary Mrs. May Connel, for June. 1217, for Canning Club work was ordered paid. Mr. C. N. Hardy wa3 ' directed to expend net to exceed in repairs and seats fyr Baker colored school, Jud kins township. " It was ordered that $100.00 le ap portioned to Liberia colored school erf: however, told of the growth" of I Warrantor, township to supplement efficiency in our country, an- good f labor and money furnished by the ?a- d Asian p-onles "Ive aid an i com-J World can go forward in its develop- digestible "focd.; These :ccws produce vrhich was coming from this growing love for efficiency. Judge Kerr expressed his thanks to Warren people -for -their past support, and al30 expressed the thanks of the people and cf himself to Mr. F. B. Newell who made. the gathering pos sible. Judge Kerr was heard with pleasure. The Third Regiment band furnish ed music during the day, and with its lively ejections kept the Lpirito of the crowd at the highest. The picnic crowd left for their ! homes about three, p. m., and the big Farmers Kally Day closed a thor ough success. A broader, deeper and fort to the -transgressors' of interna- j meat. ticnal ; law and .morality,- and--delay. "Xms giant is tne. monster ox lm- ! even tc the enemies of the Entente . pev?.hsr.i and autocracy as personrneu Uv, nf fbo rlftv of freedom. in the. Knlscr cf Germany. !ThQ Outlook. "The great American people zrwst tion cf dairy products in the LTnited each other better. 30,000,000 tons of milk yearly which trcna of that school for the purpose of erecting a new school building. The Supt. was instructed to pay biil for desks due Virginia School Sup ply Co., and A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. for desks purchased in 1916-17. The Board adjourned. HOWARD F. JONES, Secretary. Fort Og'fthorpe men in camp will get Commissions. Two hundred of men who took the course were elim inated. Eerenski again takes the leader- would Tnake a wagen train that would extent around tho world ceven times. It is ' ajtlr-iatfcd that our cHr?unp- ship which means a stronger revo- better understanding of our fellow luticn government in Russia, man always comes from such associa-' tion with him, and a deper, better Congress hopes to get the Focd Con life will result when we understand rol Bill to the President in final form 1 by end cf the week.