H -4 vim fLJp hk i I 4 w a Erm, Shir -sspi ???'Z (TUESDAY) WAIiliENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10TH, 1917 (FRIDAY) Number 96 A SEMI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF WARRENTON AND WARREN COUNTY 2c. A COPY XfffLETQH HEWS at Whiteheaa sjw -nlk last week on business ..t,r snent a few 111'- pleasure. Weldon, El12" of tViA home of 3 time LiljT, Ji' J. 0. Eeptinstall and r..iiFet)tinStall, of Route -2, Hends in town last week. I d Mrs J- 1JL -"- - Mn. c' f,,iv. and are spend Verier lul" " " . r week at , left Tuesday to EXEMPTION BOARD AT WORK The Exemption Board is still hard at work examining men. The examination will be complete Friday of the first two hundred and sixty four. week: Mr. Sam Thome, of Charlotte; Mr. Whit Thome, of Atlanta; Mr. Cy Thorne, of New Orleans, and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bussey and son, of Atlan-'the city were .crowded with wounded he ass .-.rHo Rovce l friends at Jackson ior a xew trip c J filings 3Pent a few days f'SWd Ocean View last week. cnuin. d jfrp. Jas. H. tfobDitt, ivir. Aobbitt, Ir- H- L' Harri3 and Bessie Karris made an automo- to Wake Jb orest aiiu .lcign and returned Monday. J Mrs. W. G. Coppersmith last week to visit relatives at bcth City and other places in L va f Arolina. t. . and Mrs. L. M. Johnston ana and Mrs. B. II. Browning nave np'l from a pleasant trip to Rieh- ji t- li.: h Washington ana oaiumurc., T ' - .1 1 l .4- ; Martha Latnam nas ueen a ik and Ocean View for several OLD TIMES IN WARREN (By. T. J. Taylor, D. D.) SOUTHERN WOMEN TOILED FOR CONFEDERATE TROOPS !. GO. TO BE EQUIPPED. (Concluded in this Issue) In July, 1863, and again in '64 the newspapers were terrible wltn lis.s of the dead and wounded. There was incessant fighting at Battery Wagner, and on James Island; the hospitals in I Walter Daniel, of Weldon, was T . r- 1 the visitors in town v riaay. 3 A . 1 J. M. Millard, alter spending hi days at Farmville, Va., where Millard and cmldren are visiting, ined home Friday. is. Walter A. Bobbitt left last to visit relatives in Patterson, She was accompanied by her frf Tiir. James oiiavv , v u here for several weecs, the guest is. Bobbitt. 133 Agnes Norman, of .Halifax, is t:ie in the city, the guest of Miss !e Mitchell. jrs. W. Albert Johnson and daugh of Baltimore, have returned from lit to relatives at Greensville and feood, and are now the guests of J. B. Boyce . T. F. Maguire, of Greenville, among- the visitors in town last Ess Hattie Hartof Lawrenceville, is visiting at the home of Mr. and A. B. Hart. r. Mavvin Glasgow, af tsr spending Iw days here with his parents, left veek to accept a position in ence, b. j. . Frank Harvey, of Halif ax,made eek end visit to his parents, Mr. Mrs. W. R. Harvey and attended u-rce at Pan-c:a Saturday night. Mrs, Kat3 Ennis, of Jacksonville, i?c the gruess cf their tist?r, H. L. Harris, at her heme cri ta, making a complete family re-un ion. Miss Minnie Daniel left Thursday for a trip to Black Mountain, Ashe- ville, and other places of interest in V estern Carolina. Mr. John Graham, of Warrenton, was here last week, the guest of Mr. nd Mrs. W. D. Daniel. Mrs. P. G. Alston, of Texarkana, Ark., after a pleasant visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Daniel left Monday to visit relatives in Rocky Mount.: She was accompanied by Miss Dollie Daniel who is also visiting in Rocky Mount. Miss Sadie Vinson has returned from a pleasant trip to Asheville and the "Land of the Sky." Mr. S. G. Daniel spent Monday in Warrenton on business. ' - ' Miss Rebecca Zuckerman, after spending a week at the home of Mrs. J. B. Boyce, left Monday for her home in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Home and daughter, Margaret, and son, Graham, of Rocky Mount, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Daniel. . .i-x... o ina. KiKersviue, Mrs. Jim Grant ana cnnaren. aiter i - - wt! ..i i.is?eon: negro hospital, Pending some time wun ur, uru a , . It IT IK r ; T -i, I r"- ' aww - " and dying men. Every day's paper brought sickening lists of casualty, and their columns were crowded with appeals for help for the hospitals and the weary garrisons. It is said in legend that Trapman street hospital was crowded with wounded after the battle of Secession ville, and that fine young men there died like flies for the need of the hos pital and surgical supplies and the contraband- medicines which might have saved them. The Relief begged piteously for cot ton, or for cleaned, dry moss,, from which to make beds for wounded men to lie on; and plead earnestly for rags to dress wounds. And there was small pox among the troops, and but one small hospital for its care. There were eight hospitals in town; the First Louisiana Recovery, Distri bution and Transfer, in King street, just off Cannoe, R. Lebby, surgeon; the Soldiers' Relief Hospital, at the comer of Cooper and Drake, William H. Huger in charge; Third North Car olina Hospital, at 29 Charlotte street, J. G. Thomas in charge; First Georgia corner of Morris and Jasper, J. Dick son Burns in charge; First South Car- G. R. C. Todd, sur- engineer ser- N. T. Wragg, Arord has come to Company F that it will be equipped with uni forms jand guns while here. It is not known definitely what day this equipment will arrive, but it is expected within the next few days. The Company has established a Provost guard, and the tramp, tramp of sentries can be heard upon War renton streets at "all times of night. There follows the. Order of Calls of H. Company their day's work: First Call. . . 6:00 a.'m. Mess Call 6:30 a. m. Drill Call 7:45 a. m. Assembly for Drill. 8:00 a. m. Recall . . 11:00 a. nr 'Mess Call ... .12:30 p. m. School 1 :45 p. m. Assembly 2:00 p. m. Recall .... ... 3:30 p. m. Mess Call 5 :30 p. rn. Tattoo .... . Taps .......... 1 ... . 9:00 p. ,10:00 p. m. m. AFTON ITEMS OAN WISELY AND CAREFULLY THINGS OF INTEREST. S (U. S. Agricultural Bulletin) CAN SAVE MUCH MORE BY CAN NING SCIENTIFICALLY Mr. A. H. Frazier visited relatives; in Vance county Sunday. Mr. Jim Montgomery went to War renton Monday. Messrs. Frank, Charlie and Sam Pinnell are here with their father, Mi. W. A. J. Pinnell, who is critically ill. We hope he may soon be restored to health. Mr. H. P. Reams and family at tended the burial of Mr. J. L. Curl at Warren Plains Saturday. Mr. H. B. Hunter attended the bur ial of Mr. Curl at Warren Plains on Saturday. Mrs. J. P. Temple and children spent the week end in Norlina. Mrs. , L. L. Jones and children, of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. Jerman Hun ter and son, cf Petersburg, and Mr. motner, ivirs. Marion u,, i OTnY kWtal. in Pres Wednesday for their home at Andrews lrwest near Ashley hnd Mrs' Blount. Hunter, of Norfolk, South Carolina. ; Assistant Surgeon Fludd; En- Miss Josephine Johnson left Sunday H ital for Convalescents, to spend the week with relatives at ummfirvilf E. B- Jackson - in Marmaduke. vWa-e miss win '' . . , i 1 All medicine naviug uecn iiwi mv, fby Avenue. J. Vv". Northington, cf Roano.- a ids, vvaa among friends in town May. r. William Parsons returned Sat- ay from a pleasant trip to Norfolk Washington. fas. W. H. Nicholson, Miss Mary I nelson and her guest, Miss Emma hran, of Greenwood, S. C, and Mr. fling Nicholson, spent the week end jvcean view. Norman Moseley visited friends i Weldon Sunday. ss Katherine Ellis, of Ashland, . is visiting at the home of Mr. f M. J. Grant. lr. and Mrs. T. C. Williams and lrdren and Mrs. M. B. Sheehan, of ax, weie among the visitors in P S-turdav ! essrs. J. M. Picot and T. N. Har- i ,0) Jr.. cRfent tV.p wppV prirl nt Nor- ard Ocean View. fir. Pet- Arrinsrton. of Norfolk. s b2f:ti amcn relatives in tovm for el'al days. Davy King, of Raleigh, and Lena Belle Holmes, of Greenville - recent visitors at the home of 1;- 3. Y. Harris, of Essex, was K.ng the vis it tors in town Saturday. H-ss Mavrraret Crater, after a pleas vu.t to hcr aunt Mrs j H New- j e' loffc iat week for her home at Ii5s ?loi :?-c- Cobb, of Franklin,Va., ; ! ling the week with her friend, Vxva Harvey, f-'haihs Miller, of Enfield, was Ir.ji o" 4.1. . . ve 3 in tovm Sunday K S rj'& Pesram is spending the 111 vT h "r sister Mrs- J- p-- os" n a he? home at Haw River.' t'J Vinsn, of Brinkleyville, k s'lvn friends in town Friday. " L't. lla nitaker and daughter, U 12zie Tiitaker, spent last week .uia3 at Warrenton and Ridge- is spending the summer at Ocean View made a week end visit to her sister, Mrs. William Farber. . Mr. I. L. Zuckerman and cousin,Miss Rebecca Zuckerman, spent Sunday with friends at Ocean View. Mrs. Garland Crews left Wednesday to visit relatives at Oxford. Major and Mrs. Will Graham, of Warrenton, were pleasant week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Irs. W. D. Daniel. - Mrs. M. Fried and children, of Wel don, Mrs. Fried, of Kingston, N. Y.; Miss Rebe:ca Zukerman, of Durham, and Miss Sarah Marks, of Martins ville, Va., were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Farber last week. Miss Ellen Mitchell left Tuesday for a visit of several weeks to rela tives in Asheville.. Mr3. Ben Lewis and daughter, Lucy Douglas, of Charlie Hope, Va., came Tuesday to visit Miss Annie May and Dr. Willis Alston. Mrs. Celia Etheridge, after spending some time at the home of Mrs. J. B. Boyce, left Tuesday for her home at Windsor. Mr. and Mr" L. Glasgow have the pie? r j hii-.-lng as their guests, r?.. S. B. Butts, ox Halifax; Mrs. vv. H. Hayes and son, cf. Newport News; and Mr. and Mrs. Kayward Lla.ow and baby, of Hampton, Va. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Tayl r have Careful, painstaking canning is the only, kind of canning that pays, de clares the United States Department cf Agriculture in a statement issued today warning housewives against carelessness in putting up' fruits ana vegetables. "The faithful following of approved methods and directions is the only safe road to success in canning," says ihe statement. "Housewives who carelessly practice methods that are new to them, or who attempt to 'im prove on the methods, or to make short cuts, are taking a risk cf spoil ing good food. Canning is essentially .1 scientific process, however much it may have been simplified for home Method Should Be Followed in Detail "In the canning methods which the department advocates careful study has been made of the essentials for the preservation of food products, and all steps not absolutely necessary have been eliminated. There is good reason, therefore, for each step which is advocated. If home canners pro fess to follow a department method, they should follow it in detail; and if they fail so to follow it, they should frankly recognize that not the meth od but the application of it is at fault. Especially there should be no mixing of methods, whether those of the de partment or others. One method should be adopted and followed care fully in canning any given batch "of products. One-Period Cold-Pack Method. "In the one-period cold-pack method of canning, in particular, canning has been simplified greatly as compared with some other methods. For this very reason every step called for in are spending some time with' their father, Mr. H. B. Hunter We are glad to know that Mr. M. S. jtne directions is essential, and not a iew yJXXi days this week. Miss Hattie Spruill, after sImg some time with her sister at i ng- ton, Va., East Orange, N. J- ana -;ew York City, returned home Tuesjy. Mrs. T. P. Grant, of ladgswav, is a pleasant visitor at the home ci xVlr. and Mrs. M. J. Grant. Miss Laura Weller, o Baltir : is visiting at the home of her au:i, -xrs. Dora Vinson. Mr and Mrs. John Tyer an- ,on, i .-.I. virQ Koon snenQiiVT tne summer nere wim , Rev. and Mrs. A. P. Tyer, ifti, .on day to spend a few days in N--v oric before sailing for their home mi .lel c;t.. Finland. They were lecoxn- I,uh-L i v paniea as - Txror'a sister. Miss Edna Tyer. Mrs. C. G. Patrick, of Greensboro, the guest of her sister, x,rs. - first declared to be contraband, and not even ot be had for prisoners of war, the- surTerirlg was unspeakable, indescribable. . Friends in Liverpool, James Calder principally, tried desperately to run in quinie, morphine, opium and" harts horn; but got little through compared to the great and increasing need. Chas B. Farmer, near Walterboro, made he roic efferts in 1863 to raise poppies enough to furnish an anodyne; da tura sramonium was used to soothe; and the papers were full 'of sugges tions of substitutes for medicines. For prophylactics the Oonieuerate Physician was compelled to supply the place of quinine with willow DarK, ana poplar bark, in whiskey or rum, while eifeher lasted; the fruit of the dogberry was used to break fever; a decoction of parsley seed as a febrifuge; or the breast was wrapped is a cloth damped with oil of turpentine half an hour before the chill. In July, '63, Dr. J. J. Chisholm, medical purveyor to the Confederate army, called for herbs, seeds, roots, Ipps. their stalks and leaves, all' of. which he needed desperately as substitutions for standard drugs ns could not in any way obtain; and beg ged also for potato beetles as a suo- it.nt. for cantharides, fcpamsn uy, to be scalded and dried, or killed with the fumes of turpentine. From them a tincture was made for treatment of fever and exhaustion, typhus and typhoid forms. The common stinging nettle, also, was used; ana uncwuw of red ants in brandy, for their formic acid, internally, or mascerated m bland fat: even the black beetle was used, so great was the need, so smi. the supply. ' Broom straws were used to prom gunshot wounds, jerked from the hos pital broom, no other proper appliance being supplied; often the broom naa but just swept the ward; wounded men, waiting for their turn,nopea amy the straw would not be used upon them. , Early in the war wounds had been packed in line; now there was no lint; wounds were packed no more, but drained. . . . For cooling the terrible, inflamed mnds which absence of antiseptics Dryden, who has Typhoid lever m Hospital in Henderson is improving. We hope he may soon be Well and at home, Mrs. Sam - Brummette' and son, of Henderson, spent Tuesdajr and Wed nesday with Mrs. L. L. Fuller. Sirs. Delia King, of Warrenton, spent the week end with her brother Mr. H. B. Hunter.' RED CROSS MEETING The Red Cross Society meets as us ual on Thursday morning at ten o' clock in the Academy Auditorium. Members and visitors are welcomed any time during the morning. is Tvfir. ' -r m TiwMr rf Flame, was Mr. J. -- i"uiiu6v' ir, tWcitv Wednesday on busine?. tt. ,.4- T5MMf. after spor.nng i i-.ft.rft witn his a two wee.Ks vatvw parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3 H; MrS. A. H. N-vcorn has the pleas ure of hnvi:- as her guests her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pulliam of Leeburg; and brother and wife, Mr. Ld Mrs Henry Pulliam, of Winston-Salem. one should be omitted or performed otherwise than as indicated. Special ists who have worked out and demon strated this method of canning for the" last five years have investigated ill" report" cf the spoilage of pro ducts and have' found in every case that the trouble was due to faulty equipment, including poor rubbers and containers, to failure to follow te directions carefully, to the use of old or spoiled vegetables or fruits, or to the local occurrence in certain veg etables cf unusual spores which prove troublesome even under commercial canning practices. By following the simple directions exactly the special i ists themselves have put up with -i j-Trr--iJ.---!---:::,r .rr-, home made water-bath outfits, with in all this section were borrowed, or ! out loss, thousands of jars and cans given for hospital use, and, filled with ! of led products, moss from the oak trees, and saturat. j , "The following points especially j i.n .ni Hrin nn ! should be kept m mind when canning ed with water, kept up a cool anp on . . , W.-ir tine nn.nrmH onlr-rapc method: the terrible wounds where men lay in agony insupportable. Constant ev- j Let 3 anoration in the heated air produced ! 1 fiaw Ains lilrft'that. nroduced bv a Mex- use ican water jar. There was no thought j -''"'""g8- of sterlizing cans, rags or calabashes; J only fresh, sound vegetables they were simply kept as clean as mj" "--"' General B. S. Royster, Acting Ad jutant General, has resigned and Gen eral Lawrence W. Young on the 1st of September assumes that office. It will be remembered that Gen. Young was excluded from the call for Fed eral service when the National Guard was mustered in for foreign service. Gen. Young is regarded as an able, efficient officer. s)c sfc sjc afc a: Davis, the Farmer candidate for Governor of Virginia, is nominated over his opponents. Campaign is on for one billion bushels of wheat for 1918. It is es timated it will take that amount of wheat to prevent a serious shortage in breadstuffs. It is not claiming too much for th3 newspapers of the country to say they have been-a factor in preventing a food panic throughout the country another evidence that "the pen is mightier than the sword." 3j 3C jjt 3$ if! SS Cotton Oil Mills in North Carolina are getting soy beans from Manchuria coming by way of the Panama Canal to Wilmington. Report cf C. B. Wil liams, State Experiment Station: the oil and meal of this bean furnish a valuable addition to the food supply. Fayetteville has been visited by General Wood and the citizens much encouraged by his assertion that it is highly probab1 ";at a training camp . may be yi vjjd i' ;re. General Julian S. Cxi- V ' ignated as assistant, to I :: ev in focd conservation. . f-:cn is a citizen ox lJuvnr.m, c -". of the Army of North ern V:-. erate Veterans, and a ir crii his generous fidelity and J ery ' public good. Corn crop of the U..S. 70111 ise of 67 million bushels ;-Icj. over July estimates. August let 0- 7 re port of. Department of AL: :Iture puts the crop of corn now 0 3.191,000,000 'bushels. Tha c estimate vinter and sprine: ' C33,000,000 bushels or 12,0tK : than harvested last year. 1; 1 toes 467,000,000 bushels. f-;r; tatoes 86,000,000 bushels. With good crops and recoil ing prices it looks like the ixn.-.-ir is coming into his own. 1 aes LOOV- Carr nder if ed I for ev- ';ii?ed . it ia riore )c-ta- j po- eak- HOUSE PART1 mgs ouso at aks" an--' -t Mrins" alone were employed, 1 j? .niViocVio3 or Ol wo c Drios were tin cans, when such a thing as "a an can was to be had. Through a hole pierced in the bottom, a wisp of cot- a. miliary attraction let fail steadily, drop upon drop of water cool- sary v onnron. with wmch tfle.can such or calabash was filled. The calabash container was suspended by a ii.ae allows-across the bed of the wounded nr After the fight at Secesswn ville; the jelly bags of-the housewives -rV.0 nirrimitances was nossible. As for sterlising the jelly bags such a thing was unthought of -then. But the need of anaesthetics was the most terrible need of all, and of anodynes; men died pleading piteous ly for morphine, "Just one grain, in God's name!" And the limbs of men were taken off in the long, dusty gras3 by the roadside, the wounded man held by his comrades or aides, white to the lips and writhing with tne un- endurable pain cf an amputation with out the merciful breath of that an aesthetic oblivion which makes such operations possible. These things must, and cannot, hap pen again, if all do their duty. Today, in the face of-the most gi gantic, most portentious, most dread ful conflict of human history, this life and death struggle of freedom and liberty against despotic power, shall Americans let those who battle suf fer their bravest and the best, the misery and tht unimaginable pain of the past which was unprepared? To day is a day of devotion not a whit less than the past. The time has come, as a great Carolinian once said, "to talk less idly and less often about the nobility of our ancestors, and to imitate them more." "If we do our duty by the Red Croas as it lies plain before each of us, we shall have assured our soldiery, on land and sea. freedom from unneces Varrenton, Aug. 5th Today to a close a most delight f.;l party given by Mr. Eugcna es Essie, Mary and Minnie vvli their lovely country hora "the near Warrenton. The folowincf wers the Miss Donhie Gr.onrd ':' ?.'?". O. L-(jrfarnes, of McDcnnH. N. C.; Misses Elise and Minnc i.ycock. and Mary Rowland, of Henderson; Misses Kate and Helen Saintsing, of Wake Forest; Miss Jane1 and Mr. M. E. Cousins, of Enfield; -a s m t y-1 1 Wash nroducts thoroughly. Miss Eva Carroll, ot lurKey, in. ana "Blanch in boiling water or live .Mr. Paul S. Daniel, of Oxford, steam hot water or vapor will not do. j These young people have been hav "Dip into 'cold water not tepid or I ing quite, a gay time for the past warm water. omy and use only those free good quality live rub- "Dip quickly into and out of cold water Hlo not soakT "Pack into jars immediately dp not let the dipped products stand un covered while you attend to some thing else. "Be sure the jars are hot when tne y-w nor .1 : 4-1. lllf-. vseK. un ivionaay evening t"e ixio-co Wilson gave a large party in their honor. The home was attractively decorated in the National colors, and an appropriate contest was a special feature of the evening. Misses Con nie Greyard, Mary Rowland and Mr. Ernest Frazier presided at the punch product is put into them. They can i bowl. ! On Tuesday evening xne pai . wes ha kent hot in vessels of boiling water "rn -j-v n.-r-.A rnWicr nn ourli i ftntftrtained at the home of Mrs. Ji. I 14- ic mi0A An nn" waif, nri.i! i Tucker, of Warren Plains. Severe al ;ar as VD is miea ao nox wait umu uuuaci, a - , -. t - 45ii j ffVior- rrrvnis? r.rtairs were Kiv;ii n all the jars "Place the jars in boiling (not merely hot) .water deep enough to cover thsin entirely (not merely part vay up the 'side of the jars;. "Sterilize for the full time indicated in the directions. Count time after boiling point has been reached. "After sealing, turn jars upside dswn to cool, so that those with leaky seals may be found easily and so that their contents may be resterilized in tight-sealing containers. "Store in a cool place not in a hot place or attic. "Above all, plan so that you will j not be interrupted. Then work quick ly and devote , your whole attention to the work in hand. Let all other housework go, if possible, until all the jars are in the sterilizer. Any tyrdoms of suffering and pain j delay in performing the steps be ien sustained in the piteous .ween Diancmngana tenuous "joy riaes their honor and many were enjoyed vy the party. The young people of Warrentcn and 1 surrounding community have been f re quent visitors at "The Oaks"-during the past week and all regret the. breaking up of such a delightful house party. NEW MEMBERS RED CROSS New Red Cross members for this week are: Mrs. J. R. Rodwell, Mrs. Adele Jones, Mrs. W. R. White, Miss Mamie Gardner, Miss Temple Boyd. mar as sixties. tcli is a time for devoted deeds. Let us all, men and women, do our parts as nobly as the men and women of the heroic past did theirs. teans Make every action in life be a step ping stone to better things. Ti-ri Public Law3 cf 1917 have been received by. Clerk ox Die Superior I . e-r-- aulinea o i . sa is nti-.ld to-cr.capv, mndr.. at vtr-e Clerk's, office each J. have a:'copy. ; ut 11 can Ui navmg with them this

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