SECOND PAGE THE WARREN RECORD THE WARREN RECORD Telephone Number 17. TUESDAY, APgttb HOVARD F- JONES, Editor and Proprietor. T. J. ?AYLOR, D. D. Contributing Editor. Entered at the Post office at Wax renton, N. C, as second-class matter under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. L - Subscription Price: One Year. .J $1.50 Six Months 75 three Months. t (Payable in Advance). Advertising Rates Upon Request Circulation Books Open to Advertisers and Prospective Patrons. people, and at this time when we are in spirit with the procla mation, spirit with the condi tions at home and abroad, and in spirit with the boys who are leaving we should meet here and hold appropriate exercises. Thus, it is hoped that the Cmintv Defense Council will make arrangements for such a ; A MOTHER'S LOVE What earthly prize is like a mother's love? ; It is a golden link with Heaven above. I Ay J. Heaven ltseil snmes in a Motnera face, E'en though a manger be her biding place! . The gift of life, unselfishly she gives And in her child and for her child she lives; - "" 1 i ET m U T Mim O M E H u v T LLbL. S JIUJ'IIIIIUKlUlLi'-.iLUV:0- Matter sent to The Warren Record for publication must bear the writer's name and address; not neces sarily for publication, riease Address All Correspondence to The Record Printing Co., Warrenton. rally upon Labor Day as they deem best; but let it be a rally whTch will do honor to the honor roll of the county, and to the tra dition which our men are so nob ly to sustain. N ARCOLA ITEMS 'My Country Ti of Thee, Swnt Lmn i f Liberty." Mr. Joe F. King nas treated himself and family to a nice Maxwell car. Messrs Sandy Capps, Walter Conn, ane Joe Hunter, and Mesdames Beau fort Scull, Rosa Conn and Misses Liz zie Davis and Alma Scull are attend ing the Institute at A. & E. College at Raleigh this week. The meeting closed here last Thurs day with much good accomplished and two additions to the church. Rev. M. Y. Self, the pastor,- did some sound gospel preaching, most especially com plimented was his sermon Thursday not TUESDAY, AUGUST, 28TH, 1917 LEAVES FOR OGLETHORPE. ""Mr. Wm. M. Day left us last week for Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., where he goes to enter service for his Government. Mr. Day had been with the Warren Record for over seven years and during that time has been with and materially assist ed the paper in its growth to its present state of efficiency. lie has made many friends here during this time who join with the Warren Record in wish ing that every good thing may i.ttend him in his future career. She wakes and watches' while her darling sleeps; In sickness no . one else such vigil keeps. j She makes, and mends, and sacrifices health In spending her affection's priceless wealth. Then for her child's good she will let him go Tt - Far from her though it fill her heart with woe, So he may fit him for a greater Career; Will wait alone while year, runs into year, N Knowing full well how much of joy she misses, Hungry to see him, thirsty for his kisses, While only dreams her yearning sat isfy; Heroic, patient, 'stifling sob and sigh; jxejoicmg wnen a tender missive tells i ! Of foreign scenes or Art's seductive IT IS NOT IN LARGGE EXPENDITURES THAT EXTRA VA- gance and waste get in their most effective work. It is with the small sums the loose change that is too handy in the purse or pockety " Save pennies. One hundred cents make a dollar every dollar saved is an added step toward financial progress. . . ; ' - A Savings Account in this institution encourages thrift. .'Citizens Bank, HENDERSON, N. C. Littleton Female College The Thirty six Annual Session of Littleton College will begin on Wednesday September 26th. We have an ideal plan by which pupils may live at their own charges in our main dormitory build ing, thus saving about $75 during the scholastic year. For further information address J. M. RHODES, Lake Junaluska, -N. C. till September 5th and after that Littleton, N. C. 7 SALE OF REAL ESTATE PT TITION. K . iy virtue otthep0wOT. . ity confered on me?nTl? autW the superior Court of eeBaet of N. C, in special prweSh Co Bettie Egerton and Sandv Is eRt & al Vs. Walter Purdy EW3 1 8th day of August' ltn ereTd on th the 17th, day of SentPnVk 1 ill on to the h ghit bufiSfe 1?" sS wwmg ianas situated in tv e Township and bounded astou1 being : alotment and lot w .TMnd partition of lands of ACr Lm e deed., and recorded in p g.ertn office for said Countv in bootS8 page 335, beginning at Hf0' 8 ditch East of the old rai 2ak? in a ner of lot No. 1, thence wft cr. N. 31 degrees, E. 6S0 f ceui N l with pointers, corner of W va -k eorge ' Frazier's line, the"" feet S. 31 degree! E 25? stone m fork of path, George .5 a Charlie Jaikson and lot No i Easi No; ong j c 3 W. -545 feet to a stale i au.Z ees old race track, corner of lt v spells afternoon from the text: "Be After the close of the meeting !h"le fcrS a"She SIVeS t0 bim- . . iVn l. Harris estate line. Thpnra "i Ju a-Q ditch 250 feet to the begiS ? taming seven (7) acres more of i?" This property is sold for D r ? purposes. drwtion 8-20.4tc. R-A'c4 This the 20th day of -taS 19??' FOUR THINGS Four things in as many min utes are very interesting describ ed in the first column of this is sue. . This talk of Mr. Simms was made under the management of the "Four Minute-Men," an or ganization of the State with representatives speaking in the moving picture houses of our country, and in this manner disseminating news throughout the country in regard to the war. The article was contributed and it is wTell worth your atten tion, j ' i vo r-r Thursday afternoon the people as. , ...... . I ' will dim semDiea at tne scnooi Dunamg to or ganize a Red Cross Auxilary. Miss Lizzie Davis made a short, appropriate talk on the history, etc., of the Red Cross and urged that all the people do what they could even sacrifice that this great organization may be made equal to the tremendous opportunity to serve our county. Twenty-five members were enrolled with the fol lowing officers: Chairman, Miss Lizzie Davis; Vice Chairman, Mr. Richard B. Hunter; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Eva Duke. The Auxilary has been divided equally, the Reds and Blues, to canvase for new members. Look over the list of names at the Post Ofiicc find out which side you are with and hustle for new members.. We noticed the following among those from a distance at the meeting last week: Mrs. Ivey Allen, Miss Mary Exum Burt, of Louisburg; Mr. Nor man Pleasant, of Laurel; Rev. J. C. Strome, of Wood; Misses Jennie Als ton, Mamie Davis and Miss White, of Shady Grove section; Mrs. Billie Davis, of Creek; Mrs. John Wood and1 sons, Loyd and Edgar, cf Macon; Mrs. Taylor, of Brinkleyville; Mrs. Walter Bobbitt, of Enfield; Messrs. Bobbit and Harriss, of Littleton; Mrs. Linaa Arrington and Mrs. Ross, of Hollister. Miss Lula Hunter secured five Red J Cross members in three days.- Who i can beat it? Mrs. S. W. Duke and daughter have returned from a visit to relatives and friends near Laurel. Messrs. Lewis and Daniel Capps, humble pride her eyes And eager hopes her gentle bosom swejl; She knows that she has done her duty well ; . And then at last he comes: 'tis her reward. Her heart thrills with Love's satisfy ing chord: She, sees his shining eyes; she hears - his voice; His arms around her make .her soul rejeice. The Present atones for weary 'parting borne, i'or so much of life's joyance from her torn. How gladly she forgets the dreary past! The Mother holds her loving son at last! PEACE INSTITUTE FOR THE EDUCATION AND CULTURE OF YOUNG WOMEN Classical, Literary, and Scientific Courses leading to diplomas. Graduate credited by State Department Education for Teachers' Certificates. Special diplomas awarded in Music, Voiced Art, and Expression. Excellent Commer cial Course, Domestic Science. Domestic Art. ' INSTRUCTION: Specialists in all departments. SITUATION: Location in capital city gives special opportunities, de lightful social advantages. ATHLETICS: Supervised indoors and outdoors by athletic director. Special attention, individual development. Climate permits out-door life NIGHT APPOINTMENTS IN Y'ap RENTON CHURCHES. From Nov. 1. to Feb. 287:30 p tt From March 1 to April 30 S-00 B From May 1 to Aug. 31-8:30 p m ' From Sept. 1 to Oct. 81-5:00 p m T. J. TAYLOR'S PASTORATE WRRENTON BAPTIST CHUKCH. all winter. For catalogue or further information, write at once to MISSPMARY OWEN GRAHAM, President. V Li. 4 Macon High School Prepares for College or Life Work PROCLAMATION. ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WARREN COUNTY. Offers Free Tuition to Boys and Girls of Warren County Rooms furnished free. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 10TH For1 other information address TKE PRINCIPAL, MACON, N. C- Whereas, it has been made to ap pear to us that Willie Vyat't,did wil fully, feloniously and m'aliciouslv kill and murder one Simon Watson on the 14th day of August, 1917, at or m Shccco Township, Warren . County, State aforesaid, and did algo wilfully and felonsiously shoot and injure the wife of said Watson, and it has further been made to appear to us that the said Willie Wyatt is. a fugitive from justice, concealing himself and cvad ng arrest, and that the usual process of the law cannot be served upon him, THEREFORE: We do hereby proclaim that said Willie Wyatt an outlaw, and we do hereby command him to - surrender himself to the Sheriff of Warren Coun TTTTTv 1UJ Your attention has been averted to let you know that I have moved into the CITIZENS BANK BUILDING THE PROCLAMATION Governor Bickett has called for & State-wido celebration Septem ber the first, second and third in honor of the men called to the colors. The state is about to sendS, 000 men into battle men who are making a sacrifice in order that liberty may prevail and fchat the integrity and honesty of all nations may be established f orall future. The task of America is no slight one, and the great part North Carolina is to play in the game of war will require that self-some sacrifice, loyalty and patriotism which have always been in evidence in the sons of the Old North State. V Therefore, dovernor Bickett calls, in his proclamation, for the people of ohe State to assemble at the school houses on Septem ber first and hold patriotic erer cises in honor of the men who are to go the front; on Sunday the second, he calls for special ser vices to be held throughout the State, and on Monday for a gen eral patriotic rally at the county seat. It is hoped that the people of Old Warren will enter into tne spirit of the Proclamation ana make the three days mean much to the men who are going go ing in order that we may live in peace and prosperity. A big rally here Labor Day is what- we should have. Such rallies always mean much to qui- Mesdames Lwi Cnnn ol Jnr W ? Ke sucn power witn him as he- r, . j tt t i , shall deem fit and necessarv for tite Gupton and Miss Hargie Reid spent KOnS in search and pursuit of, and ef Sunday in Rocky Mount. factually apprehending the said WTille Mrs. Scull and daughter recently j Wyatt. visited her uncle, Mr. Billie Davis. r,I?d 3e io further warn the said tx . txt.,, . I Willie V yatt that if he fails to sur an nan let mi s, oi minKieyvme, render hi Jf immediately, any citi tlHieS " pcwic ciu jaitiiutii. sen oi tne tate may capture, arrest Mr. and Mrs. Robert Radford and and brner him to justice, and in case little daughter visited there people here recently. Mr. Herbert Tharrington, of Hol lister, visited his people here the first of last week. Cupid is busy the widows and wid owers. ' of flight, or resistance by him, after being called upon and warned to sur render, may slay him without accusa tion or impeachment of any crime. This 23rd August, 1917. JOHN W. ALLEN, EDWARD PETAR, Justices of the Peace for Warren County. and will conduct my jewelry business there in the future. High grade work done at all PnpJkaini Watchmaker, jeweler and Engraver Preaching 1st and 3rd Sunda- 11 a. m., and every Sunday niht Prayer-meeting every Wednesday night. y li. Y. P. U. every Friday night. W. M. U. Monday p. m. after 3rd Sunday. Sunbeams, 2nd Sunday morning & ter Sunday School. Sunday School every Sunday af9:39 a. m. n- BROWNS BAPTIST CHURCH Preaching 2nd Sunday in even- month and Saturday before. Sunday Scho:I every '-i nday mor-. W. M.U. and Sunbeams on 4th Sun. days. MACON BAPTIST CHURCH Preaching 4th Sunday morning. B. Y. P. U. 4th Sunday night. Sunday School every Sunday morn ing. W. M. U. 3rd Sunday morning. Sunbeams 2nd Sunday morning. -r rH WARREN PLAINS BAPTIST CHURCE Prearhing 1st and 3i'd Sunday ai ternoon. Sunday School every Sunday after noon. Orphanage Circle 4th Sunday af B. Y. P. U. every Sunday night. W. M. U. meets at 3 p. m. Saturday before 1st Sunday. No. .Tim is ft prescriptioa prepared especially for MALARIA or CH5LLS. & FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, sad if taksn then at a tonic the Fever wil! not return. It. acts on tte liver better fas Calory cad doc. not or cicksn. "GUIDE Hfe'Pfav. h Pm I immw imAsmmm I I f I ilMMf Mr?4 WaiirBlhodme Opens for Sale of Tobacco . '' ' - We will be. glad .to see vou with a load on that dav. W a HIGH market on all grades. Will Work hard for Your friends, T few