Sept-2-19 State Library VOLUME XXIII (Tuesday) WARRENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1918 (Friday) Number 85. $1.50 A YEAR jASEMI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTER ESTS OF WARRENTON AND WARREN COUNTY ,5c A COPY n n lSuD i i y -1 ft- y f i l MB (Q)DD gww ' - ' Local Board Enrolls Power Reserve Huge Without -Man A Hitch pen With Serial iymlbers iraif Oraw Board Handling The Work Very Skillfully Ably assisted by prominent and pa triotic men at the thirteen precincts in the County, the Local Board last Ihursday, September 12th, registered 2149 citizens. The Local Board has given serial Warrenton; Robert Lewis Capps, Ar eola Ernest V. Barbee, Norlina; Wil liam Henry Wright, Macon; John Ollie Hardy, Grove Hill; .Ben Judkins, War ren Plains; Harry Fitz Bonney, Little ton; Arthur Arrington Wood, Warren ton; Hugh Edgar Rodwell, Macon; John Alexander Dameron, Warrenton; Turner Hawkins, Macon; James Curry Lynch, Littleton; Jessie Gardner Als ton, Littleton; Henry Thornton, Macon; James Early Thomas, ; Little ton; John Nelson Harrison, Macon; Kemp Plummer, Jr. : s Warrenton : James Thomas Caldwell, Embro; John w5 to the County's man nower ,a i itidpvin? names Th I Richard Bobbitt, Littleton ; Frank UServe and is indexing names. lhe(Ma M& Van wmiar Hardy, registrants serial number may be ob tained by counting from the key num ber at the first of each 100 names; later the order number or Liability for Service number will be drawn and as drawn your number will determine your standing. The mammoth amount of clerical work, systematized and persistent, has placed the names in order awaiting further word from Washington. Those enrolled in Warren are: Charles Henry Peete, Warrenton ; Littleton; Alec Johnson, Vaughan; June Creek Alston, Inez; Willis Dixon, Vaughan; York Moss Davis, Warren ton; Arthur Arrington, Inez; Haywood Evans, Creek; Lonnie Williams, Inez; Ed Dixon, Littleton; Clemmie Benton Overby, Macon; Alfred Monsieur Als ton, Inez; Charles Henry Morris, Lit tleton; Willie Davis, Creek; Spencer Williams, Norlina; David Boyland, Inez; Pomp Taylor, Littleton; Nerry Politic, Inez; Thomas Evans, Vaughan; Every Johnston, Warren Plains; Jas. Jackson Harriss, Littleton; John Mar shall Millard, Littleton; William Tlios. irgrt Freeny Ward, Warrenton; Wil- Littleton Jimmie Hawkins, 'Elberon; ham H. Burroughs, Warrenton; John iT nwnrMl Ppftitnrrl. Warrenton? EmPSt Pope, Warrenton; York Myrick, War renton; Howard Fort Jones, Elberoh; Willie Kinchin Williams, Shocco; Henry Christmas, Jr., Elberon; Simon Richard Banks, Macon; Durell Boyd, Alston; Sterling Hicks, Norlina; Rob ert Wylie Carter, Littleton; Vadie Fel lowes, Macon; Cuffey Kearney, War renton; Osborn Marriott Ximer, War renton, Warrenton;" Hobart McKinley Thome, Vaughan ; Oscar Davis, El beron; George Alphus Hux, " .orlina; Yarbough Williams, Elberon;. Harry Hawkins, Elberon; John Barnes, Lit- Uleton ; Joe Skelto n, Littleton ; Yancey Settles, Littleton; Erwyn Smith, war Randolph Taylor, Littleton; Willian Thomas Powell, Warrenton; Charlie Williams, Littleton; Robert Emmett Vaughan, Littleton; John Fred Bur ton, Norlina; Walter Jackcon Steven son, Norlina; Samuel Allen Tutor, Norlina; Lafayette Lee Brown, Em bro; Plummer Wheeler, Macon; Siuls buy Cooper, Embro; Horace Clyde Fleming, Norlina; David Hinton Wil liams, Norlina; Hugh Vhite Haith cock, Littleton; James Andrew Ridoutj Warrenton; Ollie Augustus Rose, Nor lina; Grey Kelly Marshall, Norlina; George Nelson Williams, Embro; Ar chie Garter; Littleton ; Robert Garfield Harris, Littleton; Matthew Skipper, Ridgeway; Joe Cook Falkner, Embro; Joe Laspon Erown, Littleton; George Washington Alston, Embro; Jesse Neal Jones, Littleton; Willie Fogg, Macon, William Robert Alston, Em bro; John Henry Fleming; "Vaughan; John Calvin Winston, Norlina; John Armistead Hilliard, Norlina; Charles Bennett Ransome, Norlina; Allen Drew, Norlina; Robert Hunter, Nor lina; Samuel Allen Tucker, Norlina; Ephram Roy Adams, Vaughan; Na thaniel Daniel Morton, Norlina; Willie Boyd, Vaughan; John Clanton, Little ton; Willie Branch Brown, Vaughan; James West. Mountain View; Olin Bernard Cook, Norlina; Hugh Wylie Draffin, Norlina; Edward Marshal Mil er, Littleton; William Alexander Miles, Warrenton; Cleveland Stallings, littieton; Henry Anderson House, Littleton; Ben Frank Stansberry, Lit t eton; Frank Gilbert Newsom, Lit tleton; Wesley Calvin Gunter, Little ton; Sam Benjamin Clanton, Vaughan; Howard Herman Hawks, Norlina; James Edward Redford, Norlina: Eu gene Alston, Norlina; Merrill Early WalW- XT 1! TV T 1 T -lunina; .uavie J-ieonara xew ard Wells Jackson, Richmond,, Va.; David Cook, Warren Plains; Leh Hin ton, Norlina; Wallace Currin, Norlina; Charlie Edgar Snipes, Norlina; May Carlisle Johnson, Norlina; "William Haywood Harris, Norlina; Horton Benjamin Hawks, Norlina; Dennis Privoleos, Norlina; Marvin Jorome Rose, Norlina; Ollie Thomas Hicks, Norlina; Norman Hamilton Gholson, Norlina; James Edward Miles, Nor lina; Gus Panoegiotofolos. Norlina; Earnest George Hecht, Norlina; Wal ter Jordan Banks, Norlina; Lonnie Cleveland Ranes; Edwin Beale Wat kins, Norlina; Henry Milam Palmer, Norlina; Richard Remus Shearin, Norlina; Harrison Mayo, Norlina; Solly Russell Winkins, Norlina; Robt. Edgar Perry, Norlina; Alex Jones, Norlina; James Thomas Joyner, War ren Plains; Jim Vick, Norlina; Thomas Ben Paschall, Norlina; Thomas Jordan Jones, Norlina; Frederick Battle Wig gins, Norlina". 300 Lewis Davis, Warren Plains; Jesse Shearin, Norlina; Edgar Gard ner Gupton, Warren Plains; Richard Barkers Davis, Norlina; Hulis Pitch ford, Norlina; Matt Jackson Conwell, Norlina; Bashan Shearin, Norlina; Henry Green, Norlina; John W. Wil liams, Norlina; Prayey Walker Perry, Norlina; Forest Merritt, Norlina; Jno. Morgan Frazier, Norlina; Ancel Clyde Bizzell, Norlina; Agell Kostopoulos, Norlina; George William Smiley, War ren Plains: Charles Herb.-rt Craft, Norlina; Joseph Jackson Falkener, Norlina; Edward Cain Overby, War ren Plains; Sanford Edwin Woddard, Norlina; Dan L. White, Norlina; Robt. Stephen Register, Norlina; William Edmund Pratt, Norlina; Richard Ker ney, Norlina; Early Day Crossan, Nor lina; Alex Raney, Norlina; Alfred Wright, Norlina; Isaack Weld on Hun ter, Norlina; Robert Taylor, JNornna; Waited Eugene Hundley, Norlina; lioTYi T.ano-ffvrr! Pasrhall. Norlina: renton; Malakial Arrington, Littleton ;. Richard David Medlin, Norlina; Fate William Gains, Elberon; John Luke j Marcus Overby, Warren Plains; Al- Pennington, Macon; Saint Paul Green, Manson; Horace Edward Young, Macon; Julian Hobart Robertson, Macon; John Howard 5rown, macon; Plummer Mayfield Shearin, Vaughan ; I erville. Ridereway; Henry Cole, Man Prince Moore, Macon; William Alston son; Roy William Kersey, Keats, Va.; fred F. Miller. Norlina; Stephen Alex ander Spain, Norlina; Ed Daniel Col lins, Norlina; Moses Hunt, Manson; Willie Marow, Manson; Aaron Bask- Harris. Littleton; Simon Henry Green, Littleton; Walter Amacy Scott, Pitts burg, Pa.; Sylvester Hunt, Macon; Raymond Walker Thornton, Littleton; Jeremiah Harbert Riggan, Littleton; WiUiam Grant Coppersmith, Littleton; Albert Gray, Littleton; Wiley Green Coleman, Maconv 200 Garland. Bost Daniel, Littleton; John Hawkes, Warren Plains; Wil liam Hinton Wesson, Warrenton; Joseph Lambert, Littleton; George Ransom Frazier. Warren Plains; Turner Vann Allen, Warrenton; Sam uel Lewis Hale, Elams; Arthur Lee Smiley, Warren Plains; John Hosea Kerr, Jr., Warrenton; winara Aiireu Freshour, Ridgeway; Willard Waverly Coleman, Warrenton; Jessie Rudolph Richard Davis, Creek; Tillie Young, Inez; Tom Alston, Inez; Henry Davis. Creek; Robert H. Harris, Creek; SimueL Perry, Inez; Matthew Evans, Creek; John Taff Alston, Inez; Wil liam Robert Young, Inez; Cas Alston, Inez; Tom Alston, Inez; Will Hen drick, Inez; Sam Perry, Inez; Zolly Egerton Davis, Inez; Henry Kings bury; Inez; Ned Eggleson, Jr. Inez; Delino Richardson, Inez; June H. Als ton, Inez; Mack Alston, Inez; John Wesley Jones, Warrenton; Levi Kear ney, Afton; Alfred Boyd, Creek; Luke Thomas, Alston; Doctor Samuel Wil liams, Shocco; Walter Williams, Elber on; William Edward Somerville, Als ton: William Joney Brown, Elberon: James Samuel Brown, Shocco; Boyd Malvin James, Manson; Alexander Ball Henderson; Wallace Bennett Al good Ridgeway; Charlie H. Jefferson, Manson; Henry Jeffers, Ridgeway; Richard, Samuel Williams, Norlina; Stephen Jones Cole, Norlina: Edgar Burnett, Norlina; James Waverly Jones, wise ; Ur anvil Brown, Kidge !way; .-Chester Gill, Norlina; Willie Earnest Smith, Norlina; William Henry , Jludd, Ridgeway Jim Brown, Manson ; Walter Russell, Norlina ; George Fornell Burnett, Norlina; Dan iel B. Davis, Elberon; Robert Pool Brown, Henderson; Rogers Champion, Elberon; Plummer A. Fogg, Manson; Ivey W. Watson, Manson; Willis Davis, Elberon; Oscar Boyd Russell, Warrenton; Samuel Edmund Allen, Manson ; , Joseph King Pinnell, ' Afton ; George; D. Pendergrass, Henderson ; John Henry Hicks, Elberon; William Ham, Henderson; Joseph P. Chaplin, Elberon; Busie Lee Pendergrass, Manson; Samuel Dickerson, Hender son; Charles J. Fleming, Henderson; Toney lYancey, Manson ; James H. Newell, Afton; George Marcus Pas chall, .Manson; Early Steed, Manson; Grover C. Brown, Henderson; Alex ander Ricahrdson, Manson; George W. Shearin, Mansdn; Leon Julius Banzet, Ridgeway; Thompson Alexander, Baxter Ridgeway; Eddie Bascom Ste gall, Ridgeway; Thomas Rheubin Williams, Ridgeway; John Douglas Mulchi, Norlina; John Henry Basker ville, Norlina; Samuel J. F. Ayscue, Henderson; Samuel Earnest Steven son, Manson; Robert Jones, Elberon; Clem Porter Fleming, Henderson; Jas. Earlie Mosby, Henderson; Tollie Lee Short, Elberon; James Mustian Stew art, Manson; John Amos Holloway, Norlina; Charlie Tally, Norlina; John Hampton Cole, Norlina; Lewis Davis, Ridgeway; Palmer Mitchell, Ridge way; Joseph Benjamin Jones, Manson; Frank Ernest White, Norlina; Thos. Pell Grant, Ridgeway; James Snow, Macon; Green Robinson, Macon; Alex Milam, Macon. 500 Russell Games, Macon; Willie Shelton Clanton, Macon; Ben Hall Harrison, Macon; Haywood Walker, 0 i ESS li IVI If i WEST ft Cf,J"J3 Jimmie Alston, Ridgeway; Joseph Ed wards, isiorima; Buxton Barker Wil liams, Warrenton; Edward Lee Knight, Warrenton; Henry Abner Mosley, Warrenton; Mack Capps, Macon; Willie Bailey Overby, Macon; Edmund White, Warrenton; Joe West, Embro; James Huff Spragins, Little ton; John Clabon Jones, Littleton; John Henry Walker, Littleton; Ed ward Glenn King, Littleton; John Shearin Bell, Warrenton; Frank Ally Overby, Macon; Royal Hock,- War renton; Clarence Elgin Lovell, War renton; Willie M. Dickerson, Warren ton; Perry G. Dickerson, Macon; Ka vanaugh Augustrus Flowers, Norlina; Julius Clyde Newell, Warren Plains; Early Haithcock, Macon; Howard Overby Simpson Davis, Warrenton; William H. Perry, Warrenton; David Glover Jones, Warrenton; Jese Har ris, Warrenton; Jesse Pare, Warren ton; Nathaniel Kearney, Warrenton; Thomas Russell Gray, Littleton; Rob ert Thomas Lynch, Littleton; Clar ence Edmondson Hale, Littleton; Ex um Lewis Whitaker, Littleton; George Macon Pegram, Littleton; John Ed ward Lynch, Littleton; David Dalas Bobbitt, Littleton; William Gray, Lit tleton; Ezra Richardson, Essex; Wiley Richardson, Inez; Sam Shearin', Mar maduke; William Thomas Alston, Mar maduke; James B. Coplin, Inez; Jim Richardson, Areola; Wiliiam Lewis Sil ver, Essex; Willie Richard Strickland, Littleton; Malvern H. Dickerson, Ma con; Hal Thomas Macon, Warrenton; Andrew Cross Holtzman, Manson; Al reater EJatftl Soon Expected Norlina; Charlie Andrew Tally, Nor- ,f?ed Sidney Carroll, Macon; Ben John Una: Uavirt HarprnvP. Nnr inn fipn -tiiliv" uuv-Jlouu Albert Theo Evans, Manson; Jack son Burnette Grant, Ridgeway; Jim William. Darnell, Ridgeway; Amos Andrew Meeder, Ridgeway; John. Hil liard White, Jr.," Norlina; Robert Ira Mulchi, Norlina; Thomas Alexander Tackett, Hidgeway; Herman Foster Hayes, Norlina ; John Henry Burnett, John Hamilton Fleming, Norlinar Wit- j Nwhna; ;ohn rRidley Powell, Grove nm; wimam wooas, marmaauKe; David Jinkin Alston, Marmaduke; Samuel Cheek, Marmaduke; Isaiah Cheek, Grove Hill; Cofield Richard son, Jr., Inez; George Evans, Areola; Joe Henry Martin, Grove Hill; Wil liam West, Grove Hill; John Henry Clanton, Littleton; Isaac Davis, Mar maduke; Roland Ollie Thompson, Vaughan; Willie Junius Spruill, Mar maduke; Charlie Burton Richardson, Areola; Sam Ingram, Marmaduke; ker, Vaughan; Thomas R. Tunstall, Manson; Elma Curtis Green, Warren ton; Samuel Thomas Alston, Areola; Russell. Barnes, Littleton; William R Rogers, Littleton; Tollie--Harris, Lit tleton; Robert N. Taylor, Littleton; George Davis, Vaughan; John H. Bre- J k W UUilttll y J If .IVXggUIij w au ghan ; Henry BoydWilson7-Wa-rren jriams; jonnme wancer, j-iiiueton; wii lie Dalton Martin, Warrenton ; Ben T. Alston, Warrenton; Robt. P. Fleming, Warrenton; Walter Brodie Jones, War, renton; Herbert W. Petar, Ridgeway; Robt. Mclllwaine Davis, Warrenton; Anthony D. Harris, Jr., Warrenton; Plummer Parish, Vaughan; Archibald R. Hiliard, Embro; Major Blake John ston, Littleton; Garfield Copeland, Mt. View; Larkin John Lynch, Littleton; Jeff King, Littleton; Jack W. Allen, Walter Junius Williams Marmaduke- Llttleton; Willis Alston, Littleton; vvuner dumvis wiuiams, iviarmaauKe , . ri , Q rpoto T.ifflofr,. C Tt TfnA. James Boone, Essex; Newell Richard son, Essex; James Albert Johnson, Macon; Willis Richardson, Inez; Jesse Jones; Grove Hill; Raymond Ed Rich ardson, Essex; Robert Young Davis, Marmaduke; Windsor Williams, Mar maduke; John M. Russell, Norlina; Walter Williams, Norlina, Norlina; James Andrew Harrison, Norlina; Robert Jackson Rivers, Ridgeway; Fred James Burton, Norlina; Henry I Charles Williams, Norlina; George Washington Jefferson, Manson; Jim Gayles, Ridgeway; George Robinson, Claud S. Tate, Littleton; C. R. Rod well, Warrenton; Dee Willie Bower, Norlina; Wm. Henry Jenkins, Manson William Carey Porter, Vaughan; Ar thur Marvin Newsom, Littleton; Rich ard D. Fleming, Littleton; Percy D. Hale, Littleton; Thomas Ransom Fra zier, Warren Plains. While the Serbs and their French allies are wresting from the Bulgar ians some of the strongest positions they have held in Macedonia for the -, st two years. Marshal Foch's forces ore nibling, successfully at the Ger man lines oh the western front in the face of more determined resistance. Another victory, has been recorded for the American, British and French in the newly constituted eastern front Detachments of the Allies have rout ed Bolsheyiki forces in the vicinity of Archangel and it is reported many of the Red Guard officers went over to the Allies when their men fled in panic The near east furnished the most tensational news of the day.' The of fensive Which has been launched there seems not only the most successful but the most pretentious in many months. It appears probable that a lurther advance by the 1 Franco-Serb-ian.troops will necessitate the recall of the Bulgarian divisions which have been loaned to Emperior William to bolster the Teuton resistance in France, and Flanders. Serbians Take Prisoners. An official Serbian report declares that the reconstituted army of the battered but not beaten little kingdom has taken not only 3,000 prisoners but -an important park of cannon. The Bulgars admit having retired, but de-' , clare the attack has been checked to the north of Gradeshitza. There is ixothing to indicate, hpwever," that the advance of the Serbs and French has leen definitely held up. Heavy Blow Impending. v The lull in" the fighting in the west is regarded by military critics as merely the prelude to further heavy blows at the foe by the American, British and French armies, v. French Forging Ahead. General Petain's veterans are forg ing ahead slowly but surely in their grim and desperate struggle for the St. Gobain forest which the Germans have been ordered to hold at all costs Not only is the position a natural cit WnvT-pnton? JohnAltmeus Reavis, El- som. T.iHW. w:n;.., nrvu tv. I Hovrm? William Solomon Price, War- Jull, Littleton r Norman ' Alston, Em-'renton; Boyd Massenburg Reams, wo; Jim Walker, Littleton; Jack Nor- Warrenton; Frank Patterson Hunter; et Johnston, Littleton; Walter Blair John narwen isurwen, Warns; John Boyd, Warrenton; Wil liam Eddv Sfnno Prtrtc Wdie Davis, Ridgeway; Homer Rich-! Vinson. Mn tt " -"wvwu f iiciiuau n.iAciiuvi. Littleton; Robert Densmore ?Tcott, Ridsrewav: Richard Hervey "arTis, Littleton; Walter Lorenzo Lewis. Warrenton: Frank Francis Als ton, Warrenton; James Louis Overby, norlina! Hot-Kovf run xr- PUmc Robert Twitty Cheek, Embro; Claud warren, Littleton: Jesse Perkinson, uttleton; Willie Roberts Cheek, Als-A?i:- Rix Rooker. Littieton; Wiley washnvl!irri"ft0,n' Ai'colaJ 9eor i "swu iarK, HiSsex; josepn Tr. ,-,v nunter, Areola; oumi &asPowell Grve Hill;, Clyde uerby Wn"o-r.f t mi. - tj n luoteomprv 4- T5T ..4- "CM. dZ- C;irter. Littleton; Madison Roy avw, Warrenton; Willie Gray Little, . Jjeton; Lewis Swepson Harrison, S3 i?; Gege Albert Thorough- Well txr & a" '"yo ifcusseii cras- Littl, rrentonJ Samuel Dowtin King, ton- if? ; John Hosea Kerr, Warren- Jolm tT641 -oy inarrington, Jbissex; olF6ry' Warrenton. 5 lev pKWardT Petar Ridgeway; Wy in Littleton; Stephen Eras- RoirtoT??' Littleton; Will Taylor tl':iK.ris Macon: William MnKinlev Overhv iMlttletonJ Walter Abram Over-Si iyrdeway: Herman Taylor PaliS' Wrre Plains; John Brame Bobbitt t -renton: Jack Wiggins Harr S Aeton; Matthew Thomas let, p' C,rove Hill; Sam Davis Ham iIac0n.pexJ ?erry Daniel Wright, Williani v7eX1 Taylor Smiley, Macon; hhlrnv.,! Tv..l- t t . t-j VjGirm'OM, Shocco; Geo Anderson Jones, x a.iici,yt " -n T7i i iffnn- A nflprcnn Warn. Afton! Ko4- and Kearney, Alston; David Lee Fogg, Henderson; Austin . Bryant, Alston; Richard Kearney, Afton; Bray King, Inez; Gilbert Watson, Inez; Sidney Alston, Inez; Willis Leslie Williams, Creek; William Caesar Alston, Inez; Matthew Kirchen Williams. Inez; Wil lis Williams, Inez; Willie Coleman; Inez; Nick Richardson, Inez; John Williams, Jr., Shocco; Junius Brandt, Jr., Shocco; Adam Alston, Inez; Thos. Bennett Richardson, Inez; George Bob Alston, Inez: Willie Eugene- Pearcy, Ridgeway; Frank Gregory, Hender son: Boyd Edward Davis, Elberon; Horace Alexandria Joraan, nenaer William Brown Crinkley, Macon; - meet T.npkfl Huderins. Warrenton; Homer William Rose, Warrenton; Will A ll An Connell. Jr.. Warren -iams; ev. Wnr.f. tt ..t. -4.4.1 tza : t jmiiq Jntips. Warren Plains; Romie Jy; Willie Jones, Warrenton; Na- Jonah Liles, Warrenton; Gideon Hunt "laniel Dnvic WoxQ Millpr. Warrenton: James cryam, 11 Snloi T ard Duke, Norlina; Big vu- ii i i hiii iiri ' ' r i h.tIi.iii Areola; William Speed Davis, William Clinton Hudson; Julius Edward Banzet Jr.; Howard Peter Stevenson, Warren Plains; Clarence Norman Loyd, War ren Plains; Alfred J. Newell, Warren- i i i TT., .1 i r-i A i vron hon: Lamei n.awaru xauumo, --- ttik . aiOTo. 7 i XT',, rr.-iv, n w lenn vv arret son; tii iluih, jjiuciuu. Aau- ton; Samwl Won, WMi , A War renton; Marvin Alston, Elberon; Robt. Jones, Afton. 400 Isaac Harrison, Henderson; Frank Tatum, Manson; Armistead Prince Edwards, Norlina; Bray Cheek, Norlina: "Horace Palmer Mayfield, kNTorlina; Ernest Linwood Paschall, Norlina; Massenburg Kearney, War renton: John Bernice Davis, Warren ton; Nathaniel Southerland, Hender son; George Clyde Cheek, Elberon; Hannibal Russell, Norlina; Jacob Herman Hicks, Norlina; Henry Foote Rooker, Norlina Carl Brietze, Ridge way : Edward Alston, Afton ; Early Pendergrass, Manson; Eugene Dick erson, Henderson; William Henry Hayes, Henderson; Lewis Bullock, Manson; Plummer Brodie, Henderson; Lucius Taylor, Manson; Plummer Carroll, Henderson; Haywood Foster, Manson; George Henry O'Neal, El- orlol Knt Vio Ton 700 James Thomas Plummer, Mar- . ,, . . ; maduke; Charlie E. Spruill, Embro; CVCi vva uu mgwiuuy wuuiuc- Elzie Richardson, Essex; Alfred Wil-vise. Notwithstanding the difficulty liams, Grove Hill; Mason Wesley Car-j of their task, however, the French are ter, Essex; Jessie Hedgepeth, Inez; I mov:nsr on takinsr nrisoners as thev o . - , - a. - - v Roht. Powell. Inez: Walter R. Powell Ridsrewav: John Nick Wvnn. Ridere- ! Grove Hill: Frank Ricardson. Areola: i0. way; Simon Duke White, Ridgeway; ! Sidney Wm. Ricardson, Inez; James On the American front the past 24 Will Heart Simmons, Norlina; Gen- Henry Person, Grove Hill; John R era! it.ssex Fields, Norlina; Liennie Tioir.o- Wi ham Jvepnei rm.ciici, Warrenton; Roger Patterson Dowtin, Warrenton; Sam Suggs, Dunn; Van Kearney Davis, Warrenton; James Frederick Bobbitt, Norlina; Thomas Edward Powell, Jr., Warren Flams; Charles Henry Keith, Warrenton; Wil bur Ricks Strickland, Warrenton; Ed Ward Warren Blalock, Warrenton, John Kenneth Dudley, Norlina; Na than Verser, Littleton; Burton Rich ard Felts, Warrenton; John M. Ellis, Warrenton; Perry Sylvester Hedrick. Warrenton William .Worth ' Myrick, Warren Plains; William Norwood Boyd, Warrenton; Claud G. Falkener, Macon; Stellie Gibson Baker, Henderson- John Fedrick White, Norlina; j 'F. Stewart, Churchill; George Robert Scoggin, Warjenton; George Seb Sinn, Manson; Rufus Marks, Lit tleton; John Edie Cox, Macon; Bonnie vie bun, T;fiofrtn William Clarence pTrw' heron: William Bryant Fleming Hen RoAl Flyd ers Edwards Hen- Robert AUen,muru, derson; James Closs, Henderson; olson Hardy, .Littleton, win vv Alston. Henderson; Walter Littleton jZ?a Shearin Littleton; Robinson, Henderson; Clarence Au Vaughan; J ames SnggJjJ Josiah gustus Davis, Elberon;. William" Haw-" Ira Oliver Renaj, Littleton, d u Tlenriersnn: .Tosenh T. Souther- Lee Hayes, Norlina; James A. Moss, Norlina; Lonnie, Byrd Hicks, Norlina; Martin Frederick Hayes, Norlina; Junius Spruill, Mt. View; Harrison Brinkley Alston. Creek; Wiley Daniel Perry, Marmaduke; Alexander Alston, Areola; Lewis Edwards, Marmaduke; Haywood Henry Kearney, Marma duke; Robert Bedford Arrington, Mar maduke: Lafayette M. Williams, Lit tleton; William Rock Alston, Creek; Matthew Lassiter, Marmaduke; Jas. Henry Taylor, Grove Hill; Willie King Davis, Marmaduke; Edward Williams, Areola; George Webb, Areola; Nor man Richardson, Areola: Enoch Solo mon, Grove Hill; Bennett Oliver Rich ardson, Essex; Thomas Powell, Mar maduke; James Richardson, Essex; Thomas Anstel Richardson, Inez; Johnnie Dallas Richardson. Areola; Willie Fletcher Powell, Areola; Bal die Tevie Davis, Marmaduke; Hugene Powell, Marmaduke; Kelcy Branch, Areola; Ernest Turner, Marmaduke; William Thomas Davis, Areola: John Richardson, Inez; Geo. D. Williams, Littleton; Archie Alston, Marmaduke; Glandy Allen Harris, Inez; William Burgess, Areola; Lindsey Thomas Davis, Macon; Henry A. Spruill, Mar maduke; Alex Cheek, Marmaduke; Gamiell Johnson, Macon; John Henry West, Areola; Huly Harris, Hollister; Hervey N. Johnson, Littleton; Elmus Ballard Person, Grove Hill; Henry T. Richardson, Jr., Areola; George Wilson, Grove Hill; Corbin Samuel Wiliams,-Littleton; H,enry Allen Sil ver, Grove Hill; Wm Chesley Wil liams, Areola; Aaron S. Kearney, Mar hours have been the quietest since General Pershing's command launch ed its irresistible drive against the St. Mihiel salient. There are indications that the Germans intend to retire be hind the Hindenburg line in this sec tor. They are burning villages albn : the Moselle and in other sections. This procedure usually is a prelimi nary to a retreat. Ancient History Already. The Austrian peace note appears al ready to have become almost ancient history. The blunt and unmistakable sell, Norlina; Henry Hunt. Norlina; Charlie Johnson, Ridgeway; Vance Champion, Manson; Nicholas Valen tine,. Ridgeway; Wm Holloway, Ridge- Lee, Marmaduke; Sidney Thomas way; Anthony Thomas Johnson, Nor - 1 TTk 1 1 TT ' A 1 II' -T7T11- TlLJllI .1 J- T Z 1 maduke: Jack Hariss, Jr., Essex; Pe J. T71- TJ XT 11 TT i Tl. verieius, xn uriuiu , o oixih rt fUSal of President Wilson to parley James Russell, Norlina; Solomon Gig-jwith the Central Powers except upon getts, Manson;- Liwie E Hendrick, the terms he previously has laid down Norlina; James A. Harris, Norlina; seems to have voiced the sentiments of Horace S. v Hicks, Ridgeway; Lawsonifl,a Ffafl ti,o i,i . , . f, , ! -I 1 1 T i Wt UIimitEi J.UCV CC; 11UC1V 1KJ ICb 11 V 111 -1 K.t llUbL) UUUli Norlina; JfeSr Soav Nwlina; ter, Warrenton; Thomas Allen, War lina; Charles Amber Soay, Nori i . H. -Davis, Manson; George """fVj' Clarence i Mansoirjv Robert Bureress, Areola; Richard Henry Als ton, Marmaduke ; Charless Lee Cheek, Marmaduke; Walter Daniel Williams, Littleton ;". Charlie James Streeter, Grove Hill; Charles Williams Alston, Jr.; Marmaduke; Samuel Stephenson, Essex; Richard Davis, Marmaduke; Scott Junius Baker, Grove Hill; Con rad Boyd Williams, Marmaduke; Geo. Pulley, Areola: Jerry Eaton Alston. Marmaduke; Robert Cheek, Grove Hill; Richard Arkenbow Williams, Lit tleton; Walter Coplin, Essex; Jessie James Silver,, Essex. 600 Samuel Davis King, Jr., Little ton; James Henry Sumvill, Macon; Burkley Scott, Macon; Paul Crossan, Macon; Silvester King, Littleton; Jar vis Allen, Manson; Johnnie Arthur Boyd, Littleton; James Henry Manly, Littleton; Moses Blackwell, Manson; Jaster Greggr; Macon pWill Roy Palm er, Macon; 'Willie Roberts Robertson, Macon; Govan Russell. Warrenton; lina; Ellis Phillips Fields, Ridgeway; John Hyman Knuckles, Ridgeway ;Wal ter Alston, Norlina; Hugh Alston Vaughan, Norlina; -Robt. H. Harton, Norlina; Harris Ben Jones, Norlina; Louis Jones, Norlina; . Robt. Henry Patillo, Norlina; Nathaniel Jones, Nor lina; Johnnie Davis, Ridgeway; Rich ard Brown, Manson; Troy W. Hight, Warrenton; Robt. S. Thompson, War ren Plains; Willie Jones Waddell, Ral eigh; Robt Lee Gray, Warrenton; Wm Henry Dameron. Warrenton ;Raymond Lee Miller, Warrenton; Thomas Alton Shearin, Warrentonr Alpha Omega Evans, Warrenton ; Richard Wpodlief , Warrenton; De Berni ere Hooper Als ton, Littleton; Jerman W. Hunter, Nor lina; Booker T. Hunt, Norlina; Hollis Hunter: Norlina; Cane Jerman, Nor nali; Fletcher Person, Norlina; Gil bert Lewis Hill, Norlina; Wm Viggil Hicks, Ridgeway; Louis W. Edwards, (Continued on Third Page) the reply of the United States suffice for all as they did in the case of th Papal peace proposal. Towns and Villages Captured by Allies London, Sept. 18 The British have, penetrated the enemy's defenses north west of St. Quentin to a depth of three miles and captured more than 6,000 irisioners, Field Marshal Haig rep jrts tonight. The high ground south of Gouzeau court has been carried by the British, who reached the outskirts of Villers Guislain and occupied Gauche wood. - British Bomb Bruges. London, Sent. 19. British army tmd navy aviators in the last 48 hours have dropped thirteen tons of bombs on the docks at Bruges and a German t irdrcme in Belgium - says an official statement from the Admiralty today. In air fighting 11 German airplanes were . destroyed. "Hi"