ME J VOLUME XXIII $1.50 A YEAR f TVl Qc rt o -r WARRENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1918 (Friday) III S?c:-U a. J . .; I Oommittee1 i jiwMiiiMMB&aaiaiiM' Our beloved President said : "I summon you to the comradeship in the Red Cross; I summon you to say how sincerely, and how unanimously you sustain the heart of the world." It is not alone the' unanimous financial support that is asked for by the Red Cross in its great appeal, for "universal membership"; but it is the tremendous moral effect universal membership wiil produce. Universal membership will emphasize unanimous loyalty, the keynote of American citizenship, and the unanimity of the Christian spirit of America. The Red Cross Christmas Roll Call has been staged on a mighty scale of action. The goal set is for one Hundred Million Members. What is the analysis of the success of such a stupendous undertaking? IT IS YOUR INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT. YOUR heart YOUR dollar. These must unite for the victory. You must view YU UK SELF as the vital factor in the success of the Christmas Roll Call. It is your sacred privilege, it must be your serious aim to join the world's greatest humanitarian organization, whose mission carries its emblem to the four cor ners of the earth to relieve suffering and dis tress in its every phase. Let your Dollar follow its banners throughout the war wrecked lands over the sea, to express the finest ideals of service and ministry. . Warrem C This page contributed to the success of the PPP spirit of Christmas. ' iiiisjiiyi Red Cross Christmas Roll Call mtmty PuiJbl Make your Red Cross Dollar the coin of a higher conscience. To give this dollar is more than a privilege; more than a duty. It is a gift that sym bolizes the highest sentiments of Christianity. Don't look upon your Red Cross Dollar as a charity; but a dollar conse crated to the highest principles of SERVICE. SERVICE TO HUMANITY. The curtain has dropped on the last act of the world wrar; but behind the scenes of this fearful drama, humanity gasps its helplessness in its suffering and distress; its homelessness ; its grief and its sorrow. Peace leaves in its wake a heroic task for the Red Cross. It confronts a new and more fearful condition of want than has ever been known in the history of mankind. Millions are homeless, suffering and destitute. Hunger, disease and death menaces them. Quick and overwhelm ing relief is necessary to save them. Their salvation depends on YOUR dollar. Your dollar, because every jreader of Red Cross appeals is the unit of a mighty legion whose power de pends on unity. Whose universal response makes possible the restoration of war crushed lands, and the relief and recov ery of their peoples. And through the agency of UNIVERSAL MEMBERSHIP the greatest work of the American Red Cross can be aecom lished. Enroll your name with joyful good will, and add a new and greater happiness to the EE -- -iTiiir Jinf inrmi r uirnanm mini Number 104 5c A COPY 3E