Jl. - V. v 4 $1 El IBS anadl KaMM (Tuesday) -WMN,JC, FRIDAYMARCH 21; 1919 (Friday) Number 22 7 A Sgig-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TOTHE INTEBESTSOFRRENT AND WARREN COUNTY 5c. THE COPY III -. rnii '" . v ' . - - ' . . : ' H " . - - - - . " . I i ! fa : 2 mm BBBBMEN IN EACH TOWN SHIP IN CHARGE ROADS Tr. TIa AnnointeH To rrki-DP iUcll A " - J. "'rt. V kH- Warrenton Township Not effected ior mu xuo. . Creek, N. C. March 17, 1.11. Editor Record: " .- Please publish the enclosed for the information uj. that they may guv em iucUucico accordingly- It is nopea u.e township supervisors will meet and organize as early as possible so that 6 , i, -.Trill Koo-in TriTYritelv theroaa won. w after the first iuonaay in Ayru. I have ordered a certinea copy ox J i.,t Viotro in WnrrPTi. the new roau. w ton on and after tnat date so as to hasten the operation of it. Respectfully yours J. S. DAVIS. The enclosed Road Bill is as follows: A Bill to Be Entitled, "An Act For the Better Admistration of the Public Roads in Warren County." . The General Assembly of Nortn Carolina do enact: Section 1. That the several boards of Eoad Overseers, Road Commission ers, Koad Supervisors or other admin istration bodies in charge of the con struction, maintenance and repair of public roads in the several townships in Warren County are hereby, each and all, except in Warrenton Town ship, abolished and m lieu thereof there is hereby created for eacn town ship in Warren County a board of three road supervisors as named -below: , River Township Dr. L. J. Picot, S. T. Wilson, T. B. Fleming Roanoke Township H. L. Wall, J. T. Delbridze. W. W. Kidd Six Pound Township J. T. Haithcock, W. H. Palmer, J. A. Nicholson Hawtree Township W. T. Paschall, W. P. Rodwell, W. R. Coleman Smith Creek Township Wm.7 Pas chall, Thos. Williams, H; F. Rooker Sandy Creek Township Sam Allen, J. K. Pinnell . " Nutbush Township N. H. Paschall, John A. Wilson, Nat Williams Shocco Township J. Irvin Egerton, J. W. Burroughs, M. S. Dryden ' Fork Township W.' H. Pridgen, O. F. Clark, L. A. Fowler. Fishing Creek D. L. Robertson, A. S. Bugg, J. T. GuDton Judkins Township Walter Wiggins, J. W. Hudson, W. F. Hayes As soon as Dractical after the rati fication of this act the boards, of sup ervisors shall meet and organize, each board electing a Chairman and Secre tary thereof. Section 2. At the general election of one thousand nine hundred , and twenty and bienniannually thereafter there shall be elected by the voters of each township of Warren County in the manner prescribed for the elec tion of other township officers, three road supervisors who shall take office on the first Monday in December fol lowing their election and remain in of -nee until their successors are elected and qualifies. In case a vacancy is occurs in any board of road super visors said vjimhov oli oil fill or! -fn-r ine unexnirpH t the Board of Countv Commission ers of Warren County. Sec. 3. That each Board of Road Jul1 control of all construction, main tenance and repair of the public roads oj s township and shall be in control fnd responsible for the expenditure 2- e Sulic road funds of said town-.P- Said supervisors shall receive tn Toauuu iur tilt; 11 scivicca "ree (3) dollars per dav for time ac- ioal emPlQyed: Provided, that no 3 suPervisor shall receive compen- for more than twentv-four ONE OF THE FAMOUS INHABITANTS OF PIN EH URST Mass Meeting Gourt , M ouse - . . t ...... . . ' ' v'ut ' '-? esr-h.iion isummtants or I'jnenurst, jN. C.T is an ,apel negro HlIel 'Uncle Joe." Our photo shows uucie joe in none or nis weatnei-Deaten catun, where the little kiddies gather, round each day to hear his .tales of the Sunny South "that wuz." , . r JESSE P. T. HARRIS .v. 'f II . ' - O s i ' " 4 . XX s - ? 4- - ' ' r V 1 ta-rtc-iwe intern- State-wirle 3EIog Iaw ls IL'esfisiation Wi-eeth J The 1919 session of the General. As- dogs, how--.many of each and the sex, jsembly in passing a State-wide dog owned ;and kept by such person. Any j control law did something that none 4 person coming in possession of any of its predecessors ever dared to put ; dog --or dogs after : listing time shall 1 through. Representative Rays "liter-) immediately ascertain whether such I 1 t m ary gem" was much amended but tne . aog or aogs nave Deen listed ior raxes essential features were, never changed and as finally passed by the Legisla ture had more "teeth" in it than when it was started. Senator Stevens, of or not, and if. so' listed, it is hereby made the duty of such owner or keep er of such dogs or , dogs to go to the sheriff or tax collector ' of his county Buncombe, came down to nut a law S and . list such doe: or dogs for taxes. and it is made the duyr of tne owner son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harris, of Vaughan, volunteered into the service of his country on June 18, 1918, and recently honorably discharged from the service. sation uays' servir-P i Said Board of road super iors shall keep a full, complete and temized account of all receipts and expenditures and the same , shall be tor inspection by any citizen of bp , County at any time, and shall annually published according to Seftlnv- r rr-t . .- ... ' ; n Wat - Anat tne auditor oi srif. A' Ully is nereDy . autnori-ta seDamected t0 keeP a- careful and lected f ecord 01 all road funds col whi. i! om the several townships 1VI1lCh am n mi. 1 . t -luw ui may nereaiter u& ed :, 6 UI1"er tne road law contam- thereof a ninetv-nine except sec. 4 Pub L Tapter five hundred eightyTone hn:., of one thousand eisrht d ninety-nine except sec. 4 1 amendments adonted to of ftilT 081, to set aside as mucn as mL t road fund 'of any township incurri. necessary to Pay the debts other iS. .Warren County or to any public rrTl m the construction of its debts a.5 s' to aPPy said sum to said anyotW ret,urn the remainder and tothe? rod funds of said township we?e cnii.T5 ,p lrom which said funds Se Lea aniacSrIl- That the bonds, notes roads of the several townships of War ren County shall remain unchanged and undistrubed by this act exe pt as is Drovided in section five above. Section 7. That the Game Commis sioners of Warren County shall turn over to the Board of County Commis sioners of Warren County all money in cash on hand or invested in any thing of value which the said Game Commission may now hold, arising from the dog tax of Warren , County in the vears one thousand nine hun dred and sixtesn, seventeen and eigh teen. The said Board of County Com missioners shall divide the assets thus received among the several townships of Warren County in proportion to the amounts contributed by the several townships under the dog tax law dur ine the aforementioned years, and the . 1 A 1 1 . I Said Board shall distrmute tne assets so divided among tne several town shins, as each may be entitled to re ceive, and the same shall be placed among the ro.d funds oi me saiu township. . Sap - 8 That the Road Supervisors of the townships of -Warren County i.ii lAft. annuallv one of the number chairman, and one of their number sec retary who shfill Keep a true ana exau itemized account of all money expend- a u,t Horv. Tnarls culverts auu bridges and such other expenses as may be incurred in the discharge of their duties, and they shall submit itemized accounts to the county com missioners monthly, and the County Commissioners shall pay to the per sons named in said statement the sum due them therein out .of the , funds ; of the townships whose accounts are thus submitted. , r . Sec. 9. The Chairman of the Board of Road Supervisors of the several townships of Warren County shall, on the first Monday in April one thousand nine - hundred, and nineteen, meet m Warrenton and take over all of the teams, tools, machines, drags, scrapes, harness and other accessories of -all de scriptions that may be at that , time owned by Warren County or used m connection with what is now know as Warren County convict force; and the same shall be athe disposal of the aforesaid body of Chairmen for such purposes as may, in their opinion, be to the bes t interest of the above named townships of . Warreir County. The said Chairmen of the said Boards shalL meet on the first Monday m De cember one thousand nine hundred and twenty, and annually thereafter, and at such, other times as may be neces sary. . . .. Sec 10. That at the April meeting 1919, " said Supervisors shall appoint three competent men as the County (Continued On Fourth Pag) through and worked in cooperation with the Macon legislator. - The-.' law. as finally passed is' as follows: An act to tax dogs in North Carolina and to encourage sheep industry. The General Assembly of North .'Carolina do enact: J ,. - Section 1. That Any person owning or keeping about him any open female dog of the age of six months or older shall pay annually a license or. privi lege tax of two dollars. Sec. 2. That any person owning or keeping any male dog, or female dog other than the kind specified in section one of this act of the age of six months or older shall pay annually on each dog so owned or kept, a license or privilege tax of one dollar. , Will Provide Tags. . Sec. 2. To every person paying the license or privilege tax prescribed in sections one and two of this act there shall be issued by the sheriff a metal tag bearing county name, a serial and expiration date wnicn or keeper of such dog or dogs to pay the privilege or license tax as is here in provided for in other cases. r. i ' V'No Roaming AV Night. v ; Sec ; No person shall allow h dog 'oVervsi jc monthsold M;crui-at. large in the night time unaccompanied by the owner or by some member of the owner's family, or some other per son by the owner's permission Any person intentionally, knowingly and willfully violating this' section shall be guilty of a, misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned not exceed ing thirty days, and shall also be liable in damages to, any person in jured or suffering loss to his property on chattels. Sec. 6. It is hereby made the duty of each list taker in the State to see that all dogs are listed for taxation under the provisions ; of this act, and the county commissioners may pay him for his services: such an amount as may be just. Such pay shall be out number shall he attached bv the owner to a collar to be always worn by any dog of the money arising under this act when not on the premises of the own- I Money Goes , to Schools, er or when engaged in hunting. The, Sec. 7. .That the money arising un Commissioner of Agriculture shall atder the provisions of this act shall be all times keep on hand a supply opt appiied to the school funds of the tags to De iurmsneu me siieiiiivu. " county in which said fund is collected: People of All Sections Invited To Be Present Tonight To Make Plans To Welcome Boys Because of the scattered manner in which Warren soldiers have returned to the County and further because our local organization was still on the other side, the county has not accord ed the rousing welcome to the wearers of the khaki and the blue with which its heart, radiates. V With the growing reports that H. Company is homeward bound and on the eve of the Victory Liberty Loan, public sentiment is focussing for a rousing County-wide welcome to the boys at an early date. The meeting in the Court -House tonight is to make plans for this great gala day, and upon it every citizen who appreciates the record made by Warren county in the days of '1718 will attend. - Citizens of every section of Warren are expected "to be present, and those in charge are urging a truly great welcome from every township in the county. Representatives from each township will be welcomed " Friday night. . . V't npAnnr Li3 mm MISS EMILY WALKER OUT LINES NEW PROGRAM Old Clothes Gam paign of Red Crbss several counties: provided that the County Commissioners of each county shall, by order duly made in regular session, make an order determining whether to collar and tag shall be ap plied to that county. Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of every owner or keeper of a dog to list the same for taxes at the same time and place that other personal property is listed, and the various tax listers of the State shall have proper ab stracts furnished them for listing dogs for taxation, and any person fail ing or refusing to list such a dog or dogs shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding: fifty dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days; provided that the owner of the home or lessee of such owner, shall be responsible for listing of any dog belonging to a member of his family. The license nr nrivile-re tax herein imposed shall be due and payable on the first day of October of each and every year, and all persons after December first therer after who own or keep a dog or dogs imon which the license tax or privilege tax is not paid, whether said dog or dogs have been listed or not, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor andupon conviction shall be fined not inore than , fif tv dollars or be imprisoned not more than thirty days. Upon the payment to the sheriff or tax collector of the license or privilege-tax aforesaid, such sheriff or tax collector snail give tne owner or keeper of such dog or dogs a receipt for the same, which shall be constituted a license under the pro vision of this act. v Shall Make Diligent Inquiry, r Sec. 4. The tax listers for each town ship, town and city in this State shall annually, at 'the time of -listing prop-' erty as required by law, make diligent inquiry as to the number of dogs, own ed, harbored or kept by any person subject to taxation. The list takers shall on or before the first day of July ineach year make a complete - report to the sheriff or tax collector on a blank form furnished them by the proper authority, setting forth the nam of vry owner of any dog or i. . - Provided, it shall be : the duty of. the county commissioners upon complaint made to them of injury-to person or injury to or destruction of property by any dog upon satisfactory proof of such injury or destruction to appoint three freeholders to ascertain the amount, of damages done, including necessary ; treatment, if any, and - all reasonable expenses incurred, and upon the comming in of the report of such jury of the damage as afore said, the said county commissioners shall order the same to be paid but of any ; money arising from the tax on dogs as provided for in this att. And in cases where the owner of such dog or dogs is known or can be ascertain ed he shall reimburse the county to the amount ..paid out for such injury or destruction; To enforce collection of this amount, the county commission ers are hereby authorized and empow er to sue for the same. , Sec. 8 Any person may kill any3 mad dog, and also any dog f if? he is killing sheep, cattle, hogs,: goats or poultry. . Sec. 9. That all dogs when listed for taxes shall ' become personal prop erty and shall be governed by the laws governing ? other personal prop erty;? provided, the1 larceny of any dog upon which aforesaid tax has been paid ,shall be a misdemeanor. Penalty For Violation. Sec. 10. Any person failing to dis charge any duty imposed upon him by this act. shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction shall-pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars or be imprisoned not more ; than thirty days. - ' " Sec. 11. All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this actare hereby le pealed; provided, this act shall not have the effect to prevent any? county from increasing, the '.amount of the license or privilege i tax on dog under the provisions of chapter two hun dred and six, Public Laws of North Carolina, - ession one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, but shall" be construed to repeal that part of same allowing counties to vote off said tax. Sec.. 12,' Thisact :shall;be ?intforce from and after Its ratification. ; " ' '' The 1 Red Cross has appointed Mrs. John G. Tarwater, of this city, chair man' of the Old Clothes Campaign for Warren county to be v launched from March 24th to 30th. V Branches and auxiliaries are to ap point canvassing . 'committees and every effort made to bring the Chap ter's total to the mark requested from divisional headquarters. ' ' , - . ' The' quota for this" chapter has" not as yet been furnished. 1 '. Every kind of -gaimenti fqrall ages and both sexes, is urgently needed." In sditi0n;ipe ton flannel and oth eir-kinds of -loth from which to make; garments; for new born babies, ticking, sheeting, 'and blankets, woolen goods of any kind and shoes of every size are asked for. Scrap " leather is needed for " repairing footwear. Since ; the - clothes ' will be subjected to the hardest kind of wear, only gar ments of strong and durable materials should be sent. It is useless to offer to any afflicted population garments on flimsy material. Make the gifts prac tical. ; n ; ' Garments need not be in perfect con dition. Many t thousand destitute women in the occupied regions are eager to earn a small livelihood by re pairing gift clothing and making new garments adaptedto needs with which they are familiar MENS WEAR Shirts (preferably b! light colored flannels), Undershirts, underdrawers, -Trousers, Goats, Work suits, suits, 'shoes, overcoats, Jerseys, Sweaters, Sweater-vests, socks. WOMEN'S WEAR Skirts, Draw ers, Corset-slips, Petticoats, Blouses, shirts, coats, suits (2 piece) , shoes, cloth hats, knitted caps, Stockings. BOYS' WEAR Dresses, Skirts, union : suits, - undershirts, coats, suits, trousers, shoes, overcoats, . jerseys, (Continued On Fourth Page) Divisional Headquarters Repre sentative Urges Employment of Whole Time Home Service Worker At Conference Here. Miss Emiily H. Walker, Supervisor Home Service, American Red Cross, headquarters Atlanta, Ga., Tuesday afternoon ; gave a most beneficial and instructive talk upon the post-war pro gram of the' Red Cross to members oi the Executive Committee of the Coun ty Organization assembled in the of fice of. County "Chairman W.N. Boyd. , Chairman Boyd turned' the meeting over to Miss Walker and she, imbucu with interest, told of the opportunity for -reconstruction work before the Home Service' Department of the Chapter. Miss Walker told that the sphere of" such a department was to see that every wife or mother due an allottment for a husband or son in the army receives it, to urge every soldier and sailor to keep up insurance, to im prove health conditions in every home, to lend sunshine and love to the' fami lies' of those men who are stiir away, to tactfully labor to make every home a nappier place and to figuratively Vturn the dark clouds inside out 'til the boys come home." Most emphatically she stressed the need of all-time home service workers, in the pay of the chapter, to see that that National, pro gram of this . great . humanitarian organization was placed in direct con tact with the field of need, such a field being in evidence everywhere. Miss Walker also tpld of the Health Crusade in" the .schools it embodying ten Health rules which, each s pupil pledges to keep. This individual honor pledge to health, she forcefully em- iphasizdi wou ldJg,veeffect,ppontic,. general neaitn conditions m any com-mttnity',-iand she urged the". extension of the program already in practice here to all schools of the County. The Chapter's guest had nothing but praise for the work under Mrs. J. E. Rooker, charge of suppliesv, for during the life of the Chapter only one; allot ment, has been returned unfilled this only because of the influenza epidemic of last fall..The committee was grati fied to hear a report of esteem for the ' entire chapter from this representa tive of divisonal headquarters : Those present ' were: W. N. Boyd, chm; J. Edward Allen, treas.; Mrs. E. A. Thorne, secty.) Mrs. J. E. Rookei, head of work room; Miss Nan Jonta, vice-chairman ; ,W. Brodie Jones, chair man publicity, and Miss Mamie Wil liams, Mrs. Marvin Drake and Mrs. A. F. Brame. Chmn. Macon Auxiliary. MiCKfE SAYS -TWfrrC G1HUNG OP At THE POSTAGE , WITH MOTUU ON ThE EMM ELOPE SOS "'THE' K.1H TELL NHO' "0 EKN ' "TO, sw'o THmK VJOULO E A GOOD 40EA PER' EVERN- BODN '"T. HAOE OS PRMT .hK A SO. OF CMNJELOPES ANXfH 0 -THt.R NAME AND AOORESS UP th4 OfE CORMER V POSTMASTERl , r Oxford O. Singing Class Here 28th It is with unalloyed pleasure that the people of Warrenton and the coun ty learn of the approaching engage ment of the Masonic Orphanage Sing ing Class which is to be held in the Opera House here next Friday night, March the 28th beginning at 8:00. The .tone of the attractions staged by this" institution is of the highest and possess the merit which wins its way to the heart of the public. The program this year consists of readings, dialogues, and songs measuring in every particular to the high standards set by previous? performances here. The work is under control of the fol lowing committee from Johnston Caswell Lodge: J. Edward Allen, Chm; W, S. Terrell,Nf Warren Plains, J. S. Nowell, of Macon, Alex Macon and J. G. Ellis, of this city. Homes of the city will gladly open wide their doors to entertain the visitors. The following pupils of the Warren ton; State High School are working enthusiasm by asking upon every oc casion, "Let me sell you a ticket:" Norma Connell, Hattie Connell, Pettus Terrell, Margie Green, Eula Wilson, Louise Davis, Roberta Williams, Doris Morin, Gladys Modlin, Lucy Marshall Johnson, Mildred Allen, Elizabeth Wil liams, Pelen Duke, Mattie Marks, John Davis, John Dowtin, Ethel Hicks, Thurmudes Lloyd,-Edward Cauble and Lewis Newell. Tickets are selling at 35c. arid 25c. with no reserved seats. V r

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