V- 1 . Ilffii: - i 9 VOLUME XXIV (Tiiesday) AY, JUNE 6, 191 (Friday) Number 44 ( A SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS PAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTEC ESTS OP WARRENTON AND WAR REN COUNTY 5c. THE COPY M Loud Fraise V 1 Hj? TT ustcal Wins train V14T0RS THANKED BY PRES. WILSON IN PARIS Susan B. Anthony Suffrage Am endment Passes Senate By Big Vote; Austrians Desirious of Signing Peace Treaty. The Hague, June A The Governor General of the Kediri District of Java Reports that 5,100 persons were killed in the recent eruption of the volcano atKalut. r The Senate yesterday ratified the Susan B. Anthony resolution by a vote of 56 to 25. This resolution calls for a submission to the "states the ques tion of suffrage and thus by a two third vote writing it into the Federal constitution. Action is yet to come from the house on this move. Paris, France President .Wilson received the Navy Curtiss command ers of the 3, 1, and 4 seaplanes which endeavored to cross the Atlantic by way of the Azores Tuesday and con gratulated them upon the scientific venture. Though only one-plane the JC 4 made the complete trip, all made valuable contributions to trans-Atlantic aviation knowledge. The com wanders were Read, Bellinger and Towers. The German delegates are to re main in Berlin until the Allied coun cil notifies their readiness to nego tiate. The German cabinet has not yet taken any decision as to its at titude in case the allies-refuse to ne gotiate and demand that Germany sign the terms of peace as presented The Austrian people are anxious to receive the peace terms and thjePjia.ee Conference expects to be able to com plete the missing clauses of the docu ment before this time next week. Closing 'Exercises State High School Closing exercises of the Warrenton State High School will be held in the Opera House toYiight beginning at eight thirty, and the happy event to wore than a hundred and twenty-five school children will draw a large crowd of Warren people, every indica tion points. Interest in school circles in center ed on the debate query "Resolved, That the; United States Government should adopt a policy of requiring one year of military training of all able bodied men before they reach the age of 21" which promises to be well con tested. Misses Josephine Hudgin. and Norma Connell are upholding the affirmative while Sumner Watson and James Y. Kerr are to fill their allotted, time of the forty-five minutes debate with arguments against military training. The Literary Address of Dr. C. E Brewer, president of Meredith college, will follow the debate. Dr. Brewer is. a poeaker of ability. The .Cletaoinsh(hrdlucmfwyp Members of the graduating class in clude: Jean vP. Booth, president, Will Norwood Jones, prophet Flereno fustian, poet, Cate Monroe . Gard ner. Josephine Hudgins, Norma Con r'eH, James Y. Kerr and Sumner Wat sen. ' . " ' The marshals include James Y. Kerr, chfef, Misses Ella Brodie, Jones, Mary S. Burwell, and Tempie Boyd, Messrs. John Allen Hilliard, James K. Polkq, John Henderson and, Armstead Dowtin. The class exercises will be presided over by President Jean P. Booth who . ttill also deliver the president's address aml call the poet and historian to the floor. Presentation of certificates and announcement of promotions will hririg to a happy end the year's work. ALICEH. boyce MARRIED WEDNESDAY Miss Alice H. Boyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Boyce, of Littleton, was happily . married, at the home of her parents Wednesday in Littleton to jjr- J. R. Pordin, of Boykins, Va. Rev. J. Y. Joyner. of the Episcopal chu,ch, officiating. Frllowing the ceremony the couple, amid rice and good wishes, took the ram fr a wedding trip north. - gifl ; ""-"""r- ; 1 safe? fefcL, - mh-mem v.'.v.'.va;. 1 View-of Ponta Delgada, Azores, --'wheuce the American navy plane NC-4 started on the last leg of its transatlantic flight from Newfoundland to Lisbon.-2 A few of the hundreds of New York scliool children who held a demonstration against the war tax on soda water and ice cream. 3r-VThe Poi J as, second largest concrete ship in the world, just before it was launched at Long Island City. Graham Writes I New Dictionayr The following from the News and Observer is interesting to many War- 1 ren friends of Mr. Graham who war. once a teacher in the Graham High School here: . " Corporal George Graham, of Char lotte, who served in France with Col. Albert Cox's Artillery . Regiment, 113th, is a contributor and prize winner in the current issue of "Judge," one of the Nation's humor ous magazines. Corporal Graham has written a new dictionary of things military after, this fashion: Second Lieutenant the first sin oi commission.! , A1 u - .," battervoricompanyrwhow'eara-iiwo silver bars and a chip on his shoulder. XT tti novo nrA rsi 1 c; VT1 irll". ... TT i u i . on his sleeve. He can onlv be cussed by the Major,-the; Colonel, the Lieut Colonel and ether officers in ascend ing power the honor ceasing with the General. ? Band Leader The bravest man in ; a regiment, being the only man on the battlefield, other than the enemy, who has to face the music. Regimental Musician A steam-fit ter or boiler-maker in military garb. Mess Hall The' place in which, j three times a day, we live and move and have our beans. ' . Mess Call An atmospheric discord blown by a "wind-jammer" to keea . mi. i Mess Sergeant The survival of the , . ....!. tt ,ia-4. i. iattesi. raincR neiujf . wuiuh i held this job 30 days it was he who exclaimed, "Peas, peas, men may try peas, but there is no peas." Wasn't it the prophetic tongue, of Daniel Webster which said, "In times of war prepare for peas?" - First Call Five-thirty a. m., when you cuss the bugler, who blew "it,'? and then begin scrambling around in the dark in an attempt to put on in the morning what you put off atr night? Pay Day The day on which the en listed man ' feels Mike the SO cents has drawn after his allotments, . in surance, premium, canteen and Lib erty Loan fees have been deducted. He is proud of his 30 cents, but he hates to be warned each "pay day by the Chaplain not to .squander his money on wine, women and song. Band Rehersal The time of ,day when the housewives in the neighbor ing villages on the. outskirts of the camp begin to lower their windows. (Set Steam-Fitter and Boiler-Maker. V Company Quartet A tipsy tenor, v br.ir.dy bass, a boozie baritone, and a cs scade contralto, who keep . y 6 i avake tRe night after you walked guard the night bef pre. Fatigue Compulsory odd jobs pre formed about the : camp - at rest periods, during which time you are sometimes thoroughly convinced that "rolliug stones is not like gathering mb?s" nor shoveling clay as "easy as dirt." " - FieM Shoe The army Drogan .u the march,-accented on the "brogue." Call Meeting LWoman4s Club . There will be a call meeting of the Woman's club next Saturday after noon at 5 o'clock; in the Warrenton High School building. All .members are requested to be present. . MISS JULIA DAMERON, Pres. What's What In fjFork Citizen Is Local Commnnityi LITTLETON ITEMS. ' Dr. W. R. Putney and Chief Cullom made a business trip to,' Richmond ! Mr. John- Swain was a. week-end visiiorvin town. -m j ' I Misses Mary and Annie Lewis, o;a.Wi"""s d LULl Ui meis . conui Enfield, were in town Sunday. Jjtioiv before the trial is to be held. TVTiqq Fnnn?n TMpwsnmp is visiting iri Thls regretable occurence is the re- . . sult of an argument over a Bee tree I (areenville. - t j " i Mr. J. H. Newsome made a business' IInd .a;Z- Patterson asserting that trip to Raleigh and Henderson Mon- had bbfd f he had mar.c- j i ed and previously killed a dog belong-J Miss Sallie Kie is home fromiin to him Words. issued and Pat-'. 01 , , . Mr. H. A. Johnston and little daugh ter. of fc Baltimore. are ivis - v' . . f - nd relatives in town this week. Miss Margie -Rightney spent the - week - end in Vaughan T. Mr. Tom Capell, of Weldon, was in town Sunday. Mr. John Harrison returned Tues- Miss Eva Glasgow, of Newport : ma ir : i iiews, va., is ncic u .visu. Mr. and Mrs. "Spooner" Harrison were visitors in town for the week end. Mr Konlth Kpnnpdav. nf Pnrtsnmnb. , .-:xj. ; . is visiting relatives in town. Mr. Alex Whitley, of Baltimore, wa in town Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Thornton ed in Wise Sunday. ' Mr. "Sterling Nicholson has return- red from Trmity College., - fa Mr. William. Boyce, of Stokes, is visiting in town this week. Mr. Casper Gregory, of Weldon, was in town Sunday. Miss Grace May spent the week-end with her brother in Portsmouth, Va. Miss Blanche Bryant, of Boykins, Va., spent the week-end; with Mrs. H. A. Boyd. Miss VadaWynne left Saturday for (Continued On Fourth Page) 0 FV r . r ? of.- XV X- Vo4. i W ' fj Shi- I k ( '-sm ! & A l; - , ; -' - . f " 1 'v-v4v-v.v..-:: l .-. s.-. -XT-.. .. v. sAww:.:.;;l.-.!.;.v.v.x..v.w.. ' I mg? : v c K : j '' ' ' 11 CROOPvGAZf NG AT SKOVGAARpS VONDERgUlr; :W':j Western Newspaper Union NmnrtniiMin J V !' - Hit By Hammer Bob Daniel, white citizen , of Fori is in a Tlocky Mount" hospital, badly battered, from a llow delivered by Clarence Patterson last Sunday morn- at the Lhome " of Mr. George P. Moore. Patterson is in jail heic : 4. : x c i- iterson struck JJamel on the .head with j a. hammer. The victim was promptly jiBroughttp Warrenton and examined - by JJrs. Macon ana Kodgers and car- ried to the hospital. His condition is more promising than an first thought, i . .. LT. ERIC NORFLEET RE- TURNS FROM OVER SEAS I The many f rienas of Lieut. Eric T . i l tt 1 i , ' , , . A. member of H. Company and on the Border and in France with that Unit rbut later" assigned as commissioned or- incer to -the 29th division are pleased to welcome him to Warrenton. i Lieut. iNorlleet le4t America in Lieut. Norfleet left America visit-"jMay, 1917, as top Sergt. with H. Company. He was selected from the ranks and sent to Langes,- France, to an Officers Training School from which place he was commissioned a second lieutenant Oct. 1, 1918 and as signed duty with the 29th Division, the -Blue and Gray, composed of Vir- ginia' and Maryland troops. He re- turned to this cpuntry May 20 after over a. ?ear across ne was wounaea , in av"V"-: Lieut. Norfleet is on a fifteen day leave buf expects to be demobolized .upon return to Camp Lee. safe First Night of Commencement Is Acclaimed Big Success By Large Warren Audience The pupils of Miss Lillie Belle Cameron, of the Warrenton State High School faculty, delighted an.au 'dience of Warren' friends last night j at the Opera , House In presenting., a j I musical program of rare beauty and technique as the firstNiights perform ance of the commencement exercises of . the school. , - The program, varied and , well bal- 1 ancedV and proved highly entertaining. The pupils were well trained and the entire program staged with skill. ' .The numbers rendered were: Piano Solo. . . .Gigue. . . . .M. Watson Annie Joe Lancaster Piano Solo Dance of the' Faires ; . . Lillie Dameron . Lucy, Boyd Dance of the Wood-Nymphs . . Katherine Pendleton Piano Solo ' Drifting and , Dreaming . . . C. W. Kern Katherine Taylor Piano Solo. .Illusion Valse . . W. 'Rolf e Elizabeth Johnson -Duet. .You'd Better Ask Me. .H. Lohr J Lucy Boyd and James Connell Piano Solo Jolly Playmates -. . . . . Lillie Dameron Katherine Pendleton r Piano Solo A Merry Elf . .F. A. Williams Doris Morin Piano Solo The Juggler . . . R. Pendleton Leonora Taylor Recitation - """ r . Xeonora Taylor (Dixon Matrimonial Experiment.: . . .Thomas - Josephine Hudgins Piano Solo. ... .ArieL. .C. W. Kern Helen Pipkin j Piano Solo 1 Hunting. rSon j Hilla JJrodie Jones. ;Song- ....... . Killarney ..... .Baefe j Lucy Williams and Music ! class - j Piano Solo Crystal Springs . . . ...... .C. W. Kern . Josephine Hudgins i Piano .Solo Polonaise. . . . .Chopin Lucy Williams Stars Brightly Shining (Ventian Carn Chorus (ival) ..Bronte W. H. S. Chorus I Especially fine for its grace and fantastic am fantastic appeal Was the dance of the Wood-Nymps by little. Miss Katharine Pendleton. . The Duet "You'd Better A 1 Ttr T " T" 1 1 T ask me. i-ucy rsoya ana james oonA nell, was rendered in winsome manner. "Matrimonial Experiment," a recita tion by Miss Josephine Hudgins, was responsible for many smiles as her subject told in. humorous vein some of the experiments of that harmonious period of bliss incased in the parson's i word's "man and wife." j Miss Lucy Williams und Class ren- aerea "jvinarney in iascinaiing styie and this exceptionally fine musicale production of Baefe . received whole some, applause. The afternoon was concluded with a Venetian Carnival chorus of Bronte ; sung with striking appeal by the en tire high school chorus MICKIE SAYS OEST USSEH t NNWAT; rtOEAa feXSITO'flT- CALL O . OOlsif NiftiWT TO SEE RGWT BEFORE rANteXES EVERN -titAE PICK V)pi f HE PA.PE " i I f I - A DAV I I I KEEP5 I SKVGAARD,LEADING DAN ISH VIOLINIST, TO APPEAR He and Two Associates To Give Entertainment, Opera- House, r Monday Night Under Auspices Woman's Club. ' Warrenton is fortunate in securing the engagement of Alex Skovgaard, the Danish violinist and his two gifted musical associates for a concert at the Warrenton Opera House Monday night, June 9th. Mr. Slovgaard,-(pronounced Scow-gar) produced " a pro gram; of rare beauty last night," says the Maiami Metropolis, Floria Daily, which continues, "FJasily ranking with Ysaye, Kubelik and other great violin ist of today, he plays with authority.. fire and splendid technique the violinist was generous with encore:. playing Traumerei, the Suwanee River a lovely little Danish song and at the last the Star Spangle Banner. ...... Madame Alice McClung Skovgard companied her husband with rare deli cacy and sympathy and in her appear ance alone was enchores with spirit.. ..the vocal numbers of the evening gave a perfect finish to .the program. The singer Miss Blossom Wilcox, an American woman whose voice is fresh sweety and used with artistic freedom. She is entirely free from mannerism and has exceptionally good enuncia tion." " - - "The : Deland Times, of Florida en thusiastically endorses the program rendered in that city as, "art of the highest quality was apparent and art won. - They played in a way that car ried their audience with them." The Enquirer-Sun of Columbus, Ga., in; ccaTimejiting -favorably upon, the? trios appearance in that hustling city of Dixie says "The program was ren dered vfas one of great variety, clas sical in its nature yet intelligent and musical to any lover of music." The attraction comes to Warrenton under the auspices . of the Woman'3 Club, : the town being particular for tunate in securing the date because of several of the larger frowns being book during the coming Week for chautauquas -Wilson and Kinston, ir fact. ; . . . The Manager of the Metropolitan Company, of -New York, states "In presenting Skovgaard, Denmark . 's greatest violinist, and the New York Metropolitan Company to the concert going public of this country, I feci confident that I am offering a most attractive and remarkable attraction of great variety. " Tickets will be on sale immediately under direction of Mrs. W. D. Rod gers, Jr., and this attraction, every indication now points, will play to a. full house here Monday night. J M. GARDNER RESIGNS MEMBER SCHOOL BOARD For ten. years as Chairman of the Board' of Education and Superintends ent of School; I have, been' associated in my . official way with " Mr. J. M. Gardner, Secretary of the School Committee- of . Warrenton Special Tax District, andi T desire-in this manner to bear testimony, to - his- zeaL and. fiT delit in the interest of the school j ! children;' tnd: tax- payers of the. Dis trict. t The-Board regrets that Mr. Gard- 'nef has severed his official -connection with -the -schools of .the District, but are pleased that this action on his part is nok for. lack of interest in the schools,, but entirely, for pressing, personal business reasons. May h'? live to see the-school-nutured by him from a one-teacher school to a Stat? v High School of eight vin the faculty continue to, grow into a Central Higji School of nine months. , housed in a sanitary, modern building, a credit to the district, County and-State and monument-to his faithful service nd those associated with him. HOWARD F. JONES, - , Chm.. Board Education. No Meeting Home Economics Dent. " For "sufficient reasons- their will net. be the. regular monthly meeting of the Home Economics Department of the Woman's Club during June. ' I MRS. W. A. UUJNJNJ.i-J-. unxn. . 1