- . - ' ' ' ... A Colyum m a u a m mm ft Of Thoughts From Here There, Yonder (By W. BRODIE JONES) .VOLUME XXT WARRENTON, Ni C, TUESDAY, JUNE 171920 Number 44 A SEMI-WEE WLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS QF WARRENTON AND WARREN COUNTY Thit Man is the master of his fate I tht. captwn of his soul is a truth ?hnt all should grasp. It is not the hand of Circumstance uresence of Luck which un- the possibilities of Life." iris ther the inner and vital conception "heed upon the world of ' action and fv capacity with which one recognizes tT tasks and accepts its opportunities. 1 Vfe is fundamentally a resPonsi" biliy whether you wish to accept the status quo or no. How you accepted its advantages or deride its favors is daily determin ; iff your destiny'. Look well to your life and attune vour inner spirit to the highest and best. You alone are responsible for the only two things eternally worth while jour Character and your Destiny. The reason for a shortage of news nrint probaDiy is mat iaey can get x re for it by putting it in shoes. mo The Melrose Messenger says than an oil company is going to drill 35,000 feet. Why didn't the editor say that they were going to hell and be done with it ? Clovis Journal. "I say, old man, you've never re turned that umbrella I lent you last week." "Hang it all, old man be reasonable its been raining ever since.' Houston Post. . Next! J. WALTER PEELER. Barber and Undertaker. HAIR CUTS, 25 CTS. I am ordering a new line of Coffins andt Caskets'. Ad in Lewis Countr (Tenn) Herald. Let's start a barefoot club. We do not see how such a club could advance the price of shoes. If no one in Amer ica will wear a shoe until September we guarantee that ladies' pumps with" nc more leather in them than there is paper in a postage stamp will not sell for 20 and up Mitchell (Ind) Trib- Kill. 1 An old time country gentleman had sued the city man in a magistrate Court of his county and won. The city man, being highly indignant, stat ed "that he would take it to the Su perior Court." The old countryman says, "I'll be thar." "And if I lose there," continued the man from the city, "I take it to the Supreme Court." "I'll be thar" says the farmer. "And if I lose there I'll take it to H--1," roared the city man. The old farmer rared back on his haunches and said: "My lawyer will be thar." Their Good-Night Message. One of our local citizens tells this story, and he says it happened at a very prominent home: "It occured in the evening. I and several others were calling. As we chatted in the. parlor we heard the patter of little feet at the head of the stairs abovt. The mother of this particular, home raised her hand for silence. 'Hush! The ehilden are going to deliver their good night message,' she said softly. 'It always gives me a feeling of rev revence to hear them. They are so rouch nearer the Creator than we are, and they speak the love that is in their hearts never so fully as when the dark has come. Listen.' Then there was a moment of tense silence. Then, 'Mamma, came the message from above, "Willie found a bedbug!' Elmore (Minn.) Eye. Moonshine Whiskey Captured Here A colored man named Powell bought two gallons of moonshine here Saturday in his buggy. The finger of suspicion pointed him out and Chief k. L. Green located the booze and con fiscated the property. The case was tried before Mayor Gibbs and the Wvner of the buggy and mule placed uder a one hundred dollar bond: PRANK II. GIBBS AfPPOINf ED mayor town of warrenton Tne Board of Town Commissioners ? special session assembled last Fri- uay mom 'mo- inJ T,f T?lr IT mayor to fill the unexpired term Ill 1,1. T John B. Palmer. Mr. Gibbs qualified and was sworn in by Clerk 01 Court John D. Newell, at friends of Mayor Gibbs rejoice the honor conferred and feel that Trenton has a capable executive QUrino- -ri o "use tenure of office a con- UNDER WM Guarantors Hold Live Meeting In Record Office Tuesday Morning At Ten O'clock MR. W. N. BOYD ELECTED PRESIDENT OF GUARANTORS Town Divided Into East And West ..Sections With. McGuire Captain of East and W. Brodie Jones, West. The community chautauqua guaran tors were present this morning for a live conference in the office of th Warren Record. W. Brodie Jones call ed themeeting to order and asked for nominations fo pesident. M. W. N. Boyd was nominated and elected. Mr; Boyd called upon Mr. M C. Mc: Guire, chm. icket committee, to out line ticket campaign. Following an informal conference it was decided t divide the town into East and West sections. W. Brodie Jones was named Captain of the West .division with the following assistants Misses Edith Bur well, Mrs. M. C. McGuire, Miss Mamie Williams, Mrs. J. E. Rooker and W. N. Boyd; M. C. McGuire was named captain of East division with Mrs. "W. D. Rodgers, Jr., Misses Alice Rooker, Hilah Tarwater and Cate Monroe Gardner as assistants. Norlina and Warren Plains was assigned Misses Norma and Hattie Connelly the Turn pike to Messrs. John Daniel and King Pinnell; Macon to Mr. C. B. Overby. It was decided that the price of the season tickets would: be two-fifty, war tax included. Junior tickets would not be placed upon sale until the day before the chautauqua. A saving l four dollars is made by all who buy season tickets if they are to attend all, attractions, and if they-are to attend only four it is advantageous to buy a ticket. The guarantors are benefitted -niy :byth ilefs-siasontic-kets.- Sin gle admissions all go to the chautau qua. The town was well circularized this morning by Hugh Holt, C. R. Rodwell, Jr., James Polk and Armstead Boyd and it is to- be expected that the ticket committee in their drive commencing Wednesday will find the public anxious to buy tickets and attend the commun ity attraction under the big brown tent at the academy grounds, June 12-16th. The Community Chautauqua looks Bigger and ' Better every day. Com mittees in charge of the advertising and sale of tickets vare getting, active and all indications point to a big suc cess. The Cnautauqua begins June 12th and closes five days later. It will bring a notable array of musical art ists, lecturers and entertainers here and the man who holds a, season ticket i& bound to get his money's worth if he doesn't then he is looking for some thing that is better-than the best.- One the season ticket plan each pro gram can be heard for a few .cents a number. In fact, the price is so low that no one need be excluded. The season tickets admit to all sessions there are no extras of any sort. (Continued On Sixth Page) "FINE ?;: : if 1 : fell I " i 1 1 "'f1 " f S, ! ' II . . a. , 8 . ; . - v : is:; b;i a '" BBmmmmmmmmmmmmm you will have many a thrill when yon see be r.reCnted as the big feature attraction of the Commu --Jma'the best Broadway players tothe spec-m sets of wilM HiiUe such well known actors an Krtw.n C lmianf Will III. I UUC . l4- c-A.i Witll With AllT'A 'Ole ; Bernice rarh, , Copperhead - ' " . , was Produced"by Mr. Percival ViTian, . Tins h,g a,,-Prof e10 with a cast of three thousand rlgontfo rellsioiis pageant, 1 be ai . v K fn Chicago. It is the play that made New Yoik think. - . wn DEMONSTRATION WORK ENDORSED I wonder how many women tax pay ers there are in Warren County, aria I wonder if it would not be the part of justice to give them a voice in de teming whether or not our Home Demonstration Agent should bere: tained! I wonder also if all of the women whose husband's are taxpay ers did not contribute' their full share in acquiring that property! -Who does that poperty really belong to anyway ? I also wonder how it is that some men who are so loud in their denuncia tion of our home demonstration woik came to be such good judges of house work. Really how much do they know about it.and how do they know whether the work has been of benefit to the women thus far reached or not ? fit seems to me that these ijften are a little "out of their place'." And I wonder if the wives of thesemen do not belong to that large class ; of women whose work is so hard that they are always too tired to go any where or be interested' in anything. And whose fault is that the, men's or the women's, or the demonstrators ? Miss Schifferrvisited many such homes realizing that this was the only way to reach these women, and I am yery sure that if we were given enough time and that all of 'hem would be leached and helped in one way or another, although this is considerable of a task for one woman to do. The work so far has been very suc cessful in spite of the fact that some small-mipded, selfish men have done all in their power to prouse prejudice and defeat its objects by their contin ual knocking. ( It seems to me that with the co-operation of the board of education much good could be done by demonstration work in our High Schools. Tnc time has not yet come wlte we ca i afford domestic s ne teachers, and Uf.t.l then the home demonstrator can in a moas ne make up for the lack and do much toward paving the way for the "Home 'Economics T T)epartments in our schools. We women who believe in women, and in all that tends toward the edu cation, of our girls, are too disgusted with the petty politics of Warren County to attempt to put up much of a fight o retain our demonstration agents.. But we are asking you men who are indifferent, and I believe you are in the majority, and to whom the cost of the work means almost nothing in taxes, to vote to retain our agents another year: ' , If some of you men ai'e so small as to oppose us, we have made up our minds to let you do your worst and abide our time. ' We know that it is surely coming, ' and then perhaps "turn abput is fair play." A WOMAN TAX-PAYER. The Community Chautauqua will af ford a fine worth-while vacation f or you right here at home amid all your tiai-y comforts. Season tickets; for ycurself and family will prove to be a .jrdiuole nyestment. Trey will en joy all of the ten great sessions and you too will be amply repaid for all the tim?. you spend under the big brown tent. FEATHERS" trt.n FIP.n.--th.t Inst seunwii wiui im r: iinuv in ruievn , ...... - . - 1 J 4T7( 4 UP -7 Hf ". On the -second night of our Com munity Chautauqua, Dr. J. W. Skinner, authority on South America, will initi ate us into the wonders of that great continent, which is twice the size of Europe. Dr. Skinner knows South America intimately, for he was born in Peru and has traveled extensively over the continent. His unique illustrated lecture is brimming over with thrills. He-tells of the habits and customs and intimate life of the people and shows the relation of South American enter prise to the future commercial'. life of America. This lecture is so remark ably different from anything you have ever heard that you can't afford to miss it. Each year the Community Chautauquas engage the best lecturers of-Europe to 'come across the water, to entertain, and instruct Community au diences. Dr; Skinner is one of of the seVen big lecturers so engaged for this year. E. L. GREEN FOR SHERIFF E. L. Green a man of might, Sure . to arrest you, if you don't do ; . .right; He treats rich and poor both alike, When offending law or on a -strike. Ha'sV raided the county far andrnea, Brought in the stills, poured out the ' ' 'r:"beerh- - - -. - - :' -.' '" -'. To save corn meal for our food, . Thus helping all'for common good. As policeman he's served fine, So now for sheriff put him in line And it won't be long until you tell, For sheriff he's done his duty well. Now fellow voters on the 5th of June, When for candidates you are in tune Think of the policemen that has been, And elect for sheriff E. L, Green. A VOTER. MISS SCHIFFER'S WORK IS COMMENDED BY OTHERS In the report of Miss Conelia C. Mor ris, district home demonstration agent for this district, we are pleased to note the following reference to Miss Jose phine Schiffer who has just completed her work here: - "Miss Schiffer is working with the mothers in Warrgn County on foods for children for their best develop ment. J3heV has distibuted flower seeds for the improvement of 'homes and schools. ' "Miss Schiffer gave a splendid Dem onstration in making yeast breads in Henderson during Housekeepers' week. "FINE FEATHERS" ..iff great New York play wWchthe I riii liiu-ii -1mss nroduction ha at tr ri j scenery vet it mav be seen for 2( cents tn rne season iick-i ian. -who was' for three seasons with William Farewham and played last winter in -a lie Better t 1. 1. I ii4iiul P.-jprviinirti in I lift A f tur" mill Ii IV( friCK fMlHlU. one of the mot t ees.ful directors in New York City: He recently Staged that peoples-Fine Feather" ran six months straight -m ev Vork and three month, . . ; . - . . " S. M. Gardner Makes Statement To Voters " Spporters of Mr. J. A. Dowfin are stating that they have seen papery in which I asked for exemption from the Army.- Every word of this is false. I volunteered twice to join the Army. The second time I was accepted. They also state that I worked with the -Y. M. C. A. in France. This is'also falst. J Was in active service in the Army I am fighting Mr. Dowtin a fair fight. I am asking the citizens of Warren County to support me upon my record as a soldier and a citizen. I will not be forced 'through politics to make a false statement gainst Mr. Dowtin to win this fight. SIMON M. GARDNER. Club Asks Voters To Support Page We desire to urge upon our fellow democrats the importance of going to the polls next Saturday, June 5th, and supporting by their votes and influence Hon.Robert N. Page for Governor.; Mr. Page's successful experience in handling matters of importance in both private and public affairs, his high character, his clear vision, and unquestioned devotion to the public good, fit him for service in this critical time. He is making his appeal direct to the voters, and not relying upon po litical leaders. If nominated he will be the peoples choice. - T. O. RODWELL, President, W. G. ROGERS, Vice-Pres, FRANK H. GIBBS, Sec-Treas Warren Co. Page-for-Gov. Club. i Give Miscellaneous Shower Friday Night Misses Lucy and Edith Burwell were hospitable hostesses at-their home in south Warrenton last Friday evening at a miscellaneous shower in honor of the charming Miss Elizabeth Tarry, of Mecklenburg county, Va., who be comes the bride of -Mr. R. B. Boyd, Jr., June 15th. The home was tastefully decorated in pink sweet peas and roses. The shower was suspended from a chande lier to the center of which was a beau tiful cluster of sweetpeas in-a bride's bouquet. The gifts with their appropriate-messages were read, by Miss Mamie Williams, and the spirit of en joyment was rife. Delicious ice cream and cake were served by Misses Wll and Byrd Jones and Olivia Burwell. Those present in cluded: Mesdames John G. Ellis, T. J. Holt, Edmund White, James Horner, oi Oxford, M..C. McGuire, J. B. Boyce, Jr., Herman Rodwell, C. H. Peete; Misses Elizabeth Tarry, Mamie Wil liams, Rowe Jones, Elizabeth Hunter, Belle Dameron, Kate White Williams and Sarah Moore. Work for others as you Would have them work for you Type Metal Mag azine. ft'.! ' t, ; J i A X ft "tfimmb.. i uiiig in ii ..".-. " " - piucu Tim '' 1 n Dentist Arrives To Conduct Free Clinics In Twenty Two romts of Warren DR. S. L. BOBBITT HAS WORK UNDER WAY IN COUNTY School Committeemen To Make Arrangements For Clinics At' School Buildings Says Supt. J. Edward Allen. Dr. S. L. Bobbitt, son of Mr. S. L. Bobbitt of Sandy Creek, who has re turned to his home county as a special representative, of the North Carolina Board of Health, opened today at Ax tell the-first of a series of free dental clinics for the school children of War ren between the ageaof six and twelve inclusive. ' This is one phase of the medical in spection, of school children which the Board of Health has adopted in its constructive policy of better health as the basis of better citizenship. Dr. Bobbitt will remain in Warren for two ihonths'in this work. Supt. 3. Edward Allen inan inter view with this paper urged that al parents take advantage of this oppor tunity; that all school committeemen in every instance of the twenty-two appointments of Dr. Bobbitt make ar rangements for the clinic . at the school house, and that interested ladies of the community extend aid by being present upon days of the appointments to look after the children and keep records. Any trouble with teeth by children between the ages of six and twelve inclusive will be treated by Dr. Bob bitt absolutely free of all cost. He is a graduate of one of the best medical colleges in the country, is equipped by the State Board of Health and is qualified to give the children of War re A' bestservlce. ' The appointments announced are Norlina June 1-5; Wise, June 7-10; Warren Plains, June 11-12; Macon, June 14th-18th. Other appointments will" be announced later. Appoint ments for colored pupils between these ages will be announced upon arrival of a colored dentist who will perform the work for Warren's colored citi zens. ' , Other diseases of school children will be treated, by specialists who will visit Warren later in the summer an nounced Supt. J. Edward Allen. POLITICAL ADVICE (By Grantland Rice and J. N. Ding) The Irate Citizen in his den Or office, where the Push can't mix, Complains about the brand of men In politics. He curses thugs out for the graft, The saffron-backs, and none may doubt it, - Who seeks to steer the nation's craft, And rail about it. And then he puts it all away, He has a lot of work to do, Or else a game of golf to play s Like me or you. But when it comes to who shall rule His destiny, he loudly chatters, "I, haven't any time to fool With outside matters." The Citizen sits in his den, Too busy, much, for outside knitting, Until Election Day and then He, keeps on sitting. He has but little now to say While counting up his coin or chick ens; But on a somewhat later day He'll raise the dickens. When it's too late to raise a howl,' To heaven, then, his voice is lifted; You'll find then with the Yawp and Yowl How well he's gifted. - The Politician's safer plan Has no complaint that's worth the not- ing; He merely hustles for his man, And does the voting) Sc if you've anything to say That may perhaps stop later growling, This is the hour and the day To do your howling. structiv e policy will be pursued.

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