A Colyiim Of Thoughts From Here There, Yonder i VOLUME XXV WARRENT ON, WARREN COUNTY, TUESDAY, JULY7? Number 60 A SEMI-WEEWLY . NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTER ESTS OP WARRENTON AND "WAR i:KNCOUNTY WW' s . - f' X7 . , x . - It has been said that if fifteen min utes was spent "in thought each day,- irrespective of creed, sect, cult or in clination, one's life would be a bril liant example of cfcistian citizensh'ip. The truth of the statement is ap parent. To daily take stock of resources and opportunities, to concentrate upon the ultimate purpose of existence, to med itate the glorious possibilities of this passing state is to give one's daily walk a wholesome atmosphere and connect one's soul with the eternal. It is when reason is dethroned by the call of the senses, when one falls to the law of riotious impulse, that the great purposes of life are scorn ed and its opportunities neglected. To consider is the first step of re form. Individual happiness and the jjerpetuation of life's ideals are de pendent upon the thought of our cit- izentry. Ally with the true principles of ex istence and never forget to ring true and cleave to their eternal value mat ter it not how beckoning the broad road of fancy. Then here's to the chigre, That is no bigger Than the point of a very fine pin. The bump that he raises, j Is in sight of all gazes, And that's where the scenery comes in. Greenfield (Iowa) Free Press. "The wets have no chance in this community." "None whatever," replied Uncle Bill Bottletop. "Some of us even got absent mind ed and gave three cheers when the news was passed around that the town pump had 'gone dry:" Washington Star. The Fortune Teller "You will marry the one you love," said the fortune teller. "Has he dark hair?" asked Miss Gush. "Yes." , "Has he a cute little mustache?" "Yes." "Is his name George Z":7 - . .. "Yes." "Is he an automobile salesman?" "Yes." X "Does he live on Blank streef ?" "Yes." "Has he given me an engagement ring set with a diamond and- two pearls?" "Yes." "Will he be 24 in August?" "Yes." "My," said Miss Gush, as she turn- td to her companion, "Isn't it perfect-J iy wonderful how a fortune teller can know all these things! And they are all true, too! I can't understand it!" Toronto Telegram. Siunds Like Claims Against Railroad The following paragraphs are said to he extracts from, letters received hy the Bureau of War Risk Insurance it Washington: I ain't got no book learning and I tape I am writing for information. Just a line to let you know I am a widow and four children. He was indicted into the surface. I have a four months baby and he is. toy only support. I am left with a child seven months- hl and one is a baby 'and can't work J and he is my best supporter. I am his wife and only air. You have asked for my allotment ''umber, well I have four boys and two o-iris. . . Please correct my name as I could not and would not go under a consum ed name. From a soldier to his mother, "I am writing in YMCA with a piano play irJ? in my uniform. ' ( I am pleating for a little more time. Please return my marriage certifi cate. Baby hasn't eaten in three days. 1 need him to bee after me. Both sides of my parents are old atid poor. Please send me a wif es form. Dear Mr. Wilson I have already fed am no reply, and if I don't , get one I going to write Uncle Sam him- self T ain't received no pay since my lius ad has gone to nowhere. , Iease let me know if John has put n application for a wife and child. . Yai, 1 . . nave taken away my man to ana he tad. hi- i. w . w is the best fighter I ever tenIy Sn is in Co- 158 infv Please wm? f he is dead or alive and if so IS his nAArm nrii i -r Plover iCisa'miiwauKSe m Mag rBV r nnr mm PI A Dental Clinics Weren't Expect ed Until Fall By County Supt. of Schools Allen FACTS SHOW THAT CRIT ICISM IS UNWARRANTED Some Prospect For New Ven ture Along The Public Health Line This Fall; Complete Har mony Existing. The discontinuance of the schedule of free dental clinics in Warren on account of the lack of interest as re- j ported by this paper at the time of withdrawal from Warren of Dr. S. L. Bobbitt, in charge as representative of the State Board of Health, and the comment . this departure has since caused demand in justification of Supt. of Schools J. Edward Allen a full statement of the affairs in the case. It was the understanding with the State Board, conversant with Supt. Allen's proposed absence from the county, that the dentist would come later and xhis appearance upon the eve of Supt. Allen's departure was unexpected. The Supt., under these circumstances, aided in warking out a schedule and left the work to as sume his duties at Red Springs. The following extracts from a let ter addressed to Supt. Allen-from Dr. G. M. Cooper, director of this work, further clarifies this situation, and also gives an insight into the future pro gram of work along this line: "In the beginning, let me assure you that if there has been any reflec tion whatever on you or your conduct of your office by anybody representing this department you are due an apol ogy. . I am willing to publish over my signature, in the Warren county pap ers, any statement you request setting forth the high esteem in which you and your conduct of the school work in WaiTemeaunty is" held by this depart ment. "After June 26th Dr. Bobbitt's work was dragging so badily and as it costs us about $75 dollars per week, I felt that we were wasting too much time and money to continue the work unless something could be done to rally the children. "Dr. Bobbitt reported that the re sponse at Norlina, Wise, Warren Plains and two or three other places vas all that could be desired, also from various reports, I hear that the work of the negro dentist nas been satisfactory and successful. x "I am not disposed to blame anybody- in Warren county for the lack of public interest the last two or three ! Weeks except the busy season. "In conclusion, if I can possibly fill the two -places of dentists who have resigned soon I shall be glad' to send a good man .there to finish the itinerary as planned and to your com plete satisfaction, also I shall be glad to'place a nurse at your disposal to get up a tonsil clinic this fall if you wish and would be glad for you to state through the papers that there is and has been the fullest harmony and co operation between the head of this de- partment and yourself. "Yours sincerely, G. M. COOPER, Director." IS IT FAIR? Mr. Taxpayer, you pay the black smith who shoes your mule $1700 per year. You pay the bricklayer ' who builds your church, store or dwelling $1900 per year. You pay the machin ist who repairs your automobile $2000 per year. You pay the teacher who attends to the education of your boy and girl an average of only $630 a year the country over. In all justice, is it fair? Are your children worth less than your mule or your automobile.?. Whether, fair ,ov not you might as well prepare now to pay more for schools because unless you do we soon shall have no teachers and no schools. Salary adjustments can no longer be based on pity, condescension, or publio charity in the form of tempor ary bonuses, nor can they be made by fiat increases either in dollars or per cents. . The only business-like, the only satisfactory basis is the basis of salary schedules determined by the economic sociological and educational aspects of the whole situation. L. A. STAT a ase Corored Man Held I For Shooting Wife Willie Dickerson, colored of near Vaughan, shot his wife this morning with a shot gun, the load of shot tak ing effect in her head. Coroner Petar. was summoned and held inquest, and brought in a ver dict that the deceased came to he death from a gunshot wound inflicted by Willie Dickerson. Preliminary hearing was before Squire W. T. Carter, who found suffic ient cause to hold Dickerson for the Superior Court, and to send him on to jail. ' Dickerson claims accidental killing, M ANSON ITEMS i Mrs. J. W. Reavis and grandson Mr. Raymond Reavis, from the Flat Rock community were pleasant visi tors in the home of Mr. L. O. Reavis last week. y Messrs,;. Willis artd Jack Duke, of Middleburg, were in town this week. Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Brack and little daughter Elinor visited in the home of Mr. E. L. Paschal! near OIne Sunday. Arrived in the home of Mr. arid Mrs. C. L. Hayes some days ago, a "little son, Charles Lee, Jr. t Mr. Roy Riggan, of Raleigh, wasra pleasant visitor in our midst recently. Mrs. J. Palmer Fleming and little dau.jhte- spent this week in Richmond visiting her mother Mrs. Adams. Amon those who attended a house party in the hospitable home of Mr. L. N. Kimball last week were Mr. arid Mrs. J. W. Rose, and Mrs. Lucy. A. Rose, of Henderson. Mrs. J. F. Smithf wick and little son, of Carthage, r-f, C, Mr. J. B. Phipps and family oi Petersburg and Mr. Walter"- and Idik Rose, of Henderson. .' Mrs. M. V. Fleming and daughter, Miss Marie, spent last week at Ocean View. Mr. J. W. Dowling and family spent Sunday- of last week at Mr. Eugene White's near Henderson. Mr. CliftW Gill delighted his peopb by a vis.it recently. Mr. Roy-Champion and family, of Greensboro, are pleasant guests in the home of his mother Mrs. S G. Champ ion. Mr. E. L. Hecht and family, of Nor lina, visited their people here a few days ago. Misses Mamie and Thelma Brack, spent the week-end with Miss Lottie Paschall at Drewery. Mrs. W. W. Wilson and son Stand ley are spending this week with her son Mr. Hunter Gill at Portsmouth. Mrs. Macon Rooker, of Norlina, visited in town last Friday. Messrs. Oliver and Maurice Kimball spent last Saturday in Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Holtzman visit ed in town Sunday afternoon. Mr. John Livingstone, who - has been visiting in the home of his cousin, Mr. L. O. Reavis, returned to his home in Nebraska a few days ago." Mr. W. J. James .and wife and Mrs. Harris, of Norlina, spent Sunday in the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. James. Mrs. W. B. Brack spent Wednesday in Henderson shopping. Mrs. B. H. Hawks, of Norlina, spent Tuesday in the home of her father, Mr. C. L. Hayes. MICKIESAYS: mpx voe CAvir pwrr wkvp a. eer -ru1 "MPG A4t PUT rTOM v r MICKIE SAYS: OLD Utt&uOOt Wtfet Atf TUa OFFICE ON -tuc PVK3 M4W OVtf. WeXT?. VOC feO N040CVC OUT eOWCC V4TN CSWB QT )Kr ; TO. Warren County Sum mer School Opens The Warren County Summer School opened at the academy this morning under the direction of Supt. -J. Ed ward Allen. The other members of the faculty are Misses Ila Justice, of Rutherfordton and Miss Louise Dow tin, of this city. The course of study is planned for six weeks, five study days to the week. Over a dozen teachers are enrolled for this required training. It is of interest to know in this connection that over fifteen other school teachers of the county are tak ing this training at accredited sum-me-jschools , and that.", the Z'-Warden, teaching--force" is making preparation for their duties the coming year. Several social features will be ten dered the school "while here and ef forts exerted to make, the six week period one of enjoyment as of profit. READER ENDORSES EDITORIAL We read with Jones' editorial on last week's Record, it would be if all interest Bignail fault-finding in What a blessing fault-finders and neighborhood gossipers could find a better employment of their spare hours. HowAshocking it is to see women (I do not know how it is with men) go from house to house to talk about neighbor So & So's children, or what Mrs. has done or left Undone. If these hours of leisure were spent in the silence of , the home in prayer for the ones who" are the topic of con versation they would soon be so filled with the love of God that no fault could be seen in neighbors or their lit tle erring children. What a blessing if we all had eyes to see no evil, ears to hear no evil, and lips to speak no-evil. May it soon be said of all of us. READER. "Huckleberry Finn" Coming Beloved Mark Twain lives again in "Huckleberry Finn," which has been presented on the screen for the mil lions who have laughed over the im mortal works of the great American humorist. It will be shown at the Warrenton Opera House for two days commencing Friday next. Not only was every character selected with ut most care by Director William Tay lor with a View to adhering strictly to every type associated with "the one and- only" Huck, but the Mark Twain atmosphere was carried out in every detail. The film version of "Huckleberry Finn follows closely the adventures of the beloved vagabond. Only Possible Answer An "armorous young man met a mathematical maid. He was keen on flirtations as she was on problems, and he asked her, in theconservatory, to tell him her age. "How old am I?" replied the girl. "Well, when I am as old as my sister was when -she was old as I will be when she is twice as old a& I then was I will be twice as old as I now am." j The young man, eager to please, looked at her in polite astonishment and exclaimed : "Never!" Stray Stores.' m I s r- Items Local Interest To People Of Warren Mr. Harry Williams, of Fork, was a business visitor here this week. Messrs. W. T. Davis, Dempsey Odom and J. F. King wer business visitors here today. Lieut-Col. Arthur Pendleton, of Washington, is the guest of his moth er, Mrs. V. L. Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dameron and baby left Friday morning for Virginia Beach for rest and recuperation. Friends of Major W. A. Graham, of Wilmington, were glad to see him in Warrenton the past week-end. Born Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cole announce the birth, of Louise Holt on July 20th. Weight, 7 1-2 pounds. Some Cabbage Raiser Mr. J. L. Smiley brought us last week a fourteen and one half pound cabbage which ?he raised. The head measured over 12 inches in diameter and the vegetable was a fine specimen in every particular. Bank of Macon Robbed Friends of the Bank of Macon re gret that it was entered ; last Thurs day night by professional burglars and , several thousands dollars worth of Liberty Bonds and Stamps taken. We presume the customers were pro tected by insurance. Entertains Iiv Honor Miss Cahoon Mrs. Mamie Burwell entertained from five to seven yesterday after noon in hono of little Miss' Anna Cahoon, of Suffolk. The yard was the scene of many games which were sources of delight. Delicious refresh ments of cream and cake were served and the happy occasion much enjoyed by all the young people present;. Fined For Disturbing Singing John Mitchell, colored youth of Fork, came into Judge. Rodwell's Court yesterday irr a reperltant frame of mind to submit to a charge of dis- turbing public worship at a colored church of Fork township Sunday,( July 18th. It appeared from the records brought up from J. T. -Lassiler's court that the colored youth was in an ugly mood as a result of too much booze and that his boisterous conduct caus ed consternation at the church. Twenty-five dollars and cost was the fine imposed by the Recorder. EMMANUEL CHURCH As I shall not leave on my vacation until about the 3rd of August there will be the usual services on the first Sunday: Holy Communion and sermon 11 a. m. Evening Service, 8 p. m. Good Sheppard Ridgeway: Service on first Sunday at 5 p. m., all welcome. - - ' E. W. BAXTER. A LOCAL;. EDITORIAL AND ADv.ltu" " . ""T u , J j sell, and that hehad been working for Mr. N. A. Twisdale was in townfhis father io Pst six months. Mr. today and called and re-subscribed for the Record. We say "re-subscribed" because Mr. Twisdale had allow ed his subscription to lapse, hoping to drop in and renew before it did lapse, but failed to do so. The point we appreciate most was the fact that he said "A man must take his Coun ty paper; my brother takes the paper near me, but I. just missed it so from my own home that I had to come in and resucscribe." In this day of high cost of living the .one thing that has remained one hundred per cent in value is . the County paper. With the paper we use to make the Warren Record cost ing six times as much as it did before the great war, the paper has only advanced in price one cent per week for the two issues. WISE BETTERMENT TO MEET The regular meeting of the Better ment Association will be held on Thursday, August 5th, in the school auditorium at 3:30 p. m. Miss Julia Dameron, President of the Warrenton Woman's club will speak on "Some Results of the Greensboro Conference on Education." ' Beginning in September Miss Hin nah, Red NCross Public Health Nurse, will instruct a class of women in Home Hygiene and Care, of the Sick. Those wishing to join the; cfass will please notify Mrs. Charlotte Perkinson. Miss Hinnah will also instruct a class of colored women at Wise. 00W I 3 3 UU y A Colored Youth And Stolen Cow Tracked To Henderson Monday Morning TRIED TO SELL STOLEN PROPERTY TO SHERIFF Couldn't Answer Questions And Was Arrested; Tried Before Justice Allen This Morning And Bound Over To Court. "Foot prints on the sands of Time" told their story to the poet, and to come from the sublime to the ridicu ulous, the cow's tracks in the sands of the road between the home of old "aunt" Gracie Alston and the town of Henderson pointed the way to the ar rest of Robert Lee Jones, charged with "making tracks with the cow" for un lawful purposes. Monday morning "aun" Gracie could not find her cow at the usual place and made dillig'ent search. Look ing in the sands of the road she dis covered the tracks of a cow and the footprints of a heelless shoe. Trac ing this sign of past events and of probable coming events, she was con vinced that the tracks of the cow wera made by her bovine. Telling her story to Mr. John D. Newell, the second, with whom she had "a crop" he proceded to investi gate. Following the tracks and get ting Elias Christmas, colored, to help him, they found, themselves in the town of Henderson. Inquiry develop ed the fact that a colored boy was of fering a cow for sale, and in fact was in the custody of the Sheriff. Inves tigation proved the cow to be the prop erty of "aunt" Gracie and the boy in custody to be Robert Lee Jones. Jones denied stealing the cow, but said he was offering her for sale for another boy. "Jon js was brought to Warrenton-and a jjreliminary investi gation was made esteday. Upon his statement that he could prove him self innocent the, case was continued to ten o'clock this morning. This morning the evidence of the "sands of the road" was told by the trackers the tracks of a cow from "aunt" Gracie Alt ton's house to the town of' Henderson, and the tracks made by a heelless shoe. Robert Lee Jones in v.Mtosc custody the cow was found has heelless shoes on his feet. Sheriff Royster of Vance county testi fied that Jones told him thaj; he came from down towards Louisburg; that the cow was the property of his fath er; that his father told him to ask $65., but to take $60. if he had U. On being asked about his white neighbors, Jones could not teli the name of a single one; on being asked about his colored neighbors, he could not tell the name of a single one; upon being ask ed his own name, said he "didn't know." W. B. Lancstons said Jones iu Trni: t-.. j Martin, who operates a Meat Market in Henderson testified that Jones told him that the cow was his father's. The Defendant did not go on tht stand, under the advice - of his At torney, Mr. B. B. Williams. Upon the testimony Justice John Allen bound Jones over to September term of Warren Superior Court under a bond of $200.00, and failing to give it he was lodged in jail. And thus the "Footprints" on the sands of the road pointed the eye of Justice to the trail of the thief, and the cow is restored to her owner, and society is freed for a while, at leant, of one who, forgetting the Command ment "Thou shalt not steal," finds himself in the hands of the Law, and doubtless wishing that he had not broken both the law of God and of Man. "Be sure your sins will find you out." And She Didn't Know Little Girl (looking over newspaper advertisement) "Mamma, why do all these boarding houses object to chil dren?" Fond Mother "I'm sure I don't know. Go and seo what the baby is howling about and tell Johnny to stop throwing things at people in the street and make George and Kate stop fight ing and- tell Dick if he doesn't stop banging that drum so hard I'll take it 'away from him." Edinburg Scotsman 'Pep is the self starter of achievement azme. 4. W,

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