A Colyum Of Thoughts From Here There, Yonder VOLUME XXV m to M WARRENTYMW A 1?RI?M7vfTTVTrrir rTi ' . , . , ...l, 11 KS )A Y A I If IT TOT IT iaoTT A gTTVTF-wriVr;- -JTZL , . xf x iworAriiiK UKVUTRn TO CORRECTED f LIST OF SERVICE MEN - . v SOME NAMES SECURED ALL OTHERS WANTED Collector of War Records Asks our -operation In This Im portant Task. He Needed the Money Sailors lounging about the rail of an American destroyer that was an chored in a small Philippine harbor were throwing pennies into the water for a crowd of dusky, naked young steis to dive for. It was a lively scene. No sooner was a penny thrown into the water than a native boy dived and brought it. to the surface. Many a times a penny did not reach the bot tom before a boy caught it. On the wharf the native mayor, surrounded by his fellow townsmen, was awaiting the arrival of the Amer ican naval officers to whom he was going to tender a grand reception. He watched the diving with keen interest. A reckless sailor lad began throw ing quarters and then half dollars into the water. Then some one i threw overboard, one after another, a hand- tui oi Dig, glistening silver dollars. . Z Li:e recent war exert vour What a scrambling! it seemed that oenan of a complete and every boy in the town was either in " LC roster It can only be done the air or in the water. ""u -operation. The time is short- buddeniy a ausKy messenger came WHAT WOMENpO WTO THE INTERESTS OF WARRIW-WARkl Number 66 The publication of the list in last week's Record and in part in the Norhna Headlight has aided in locat ing many service men. We give the corrected list below. Will citizen of this county intJ its future and justly proud of the part it nlaved in Vo I Iff mo V.nn t w near irom you. dashing brethlessly down the wharf and shouted to the group of sailors,' "Will you lads please stop throwing those dollars? The mayor's getting nervous; he's already taken off his coat!" Youth's Companion. Truly yours, W. BRODIE JONES, Collector War Records. LIST SERVICE MEN WARREN What the Mind Did Not Know White . i A". Morris C. Allpn p?Q An occasion when ip-nnMnno mo J Coleman W Allies r Alien .... ... , , C. T ait t"v"""' ?icv Ayscue, 'lucii. tjiii n vi a fnM n i we!."! f ?' ?5?nto AbboU 7ohn Crol S.AIsAn' Mrton Alston, Richard GIVES DELIGHTFUL SHOWER PARTY. MRS. HARR Y WAL TERS ENTERTAIN GIVES MISS MACON A DELIGHTFUL SHOWER A Pleasant -Afternoon Afforded Numbers of Warrenton Ladies In Honor Bride-to-be. WHITE SPACES INblcXTE GOOD LEGISLATION, BLACK 8PACES POOp OR.NO LECrfSLATION xuu urn-age states are listed in i Circle 8 Comninrv 0hm. - - j u i k k VH bliss is recalled by Mr. Newton : Mc Tavish m the Canadian Magazine. I recall one woman, he says, who Albert Ayscue' Robert S ain.v an nci uwii uuuer on ner canton Alston, Archibald table But one unfortunate day she ?avis Alston, Willis Faulcon Alston ' discovered a dead mouse in the crock. aJX" Tl ouerc inomas of cream. Not daunted, however, she ' Adcock. did the usual churning and produced Bracey Bobbitt, Louis Bobbiit Jos a fine-looking roll of butter. But she ?ph Bel1' T0t.elia C- Bryant, Willi couldn't eat it, though she knew the K.'rZ r b' Bfllf -James W. butter would satisfy anyone who liH AhR all, not know about the mouse. Sq she Reuben B. Bishop, Henry C. Bennett' took it to the storekeeper, to2? him ame:3 Thomas Bell, McRobert Booth' j .L , James Horace Boltnn T? R t?,.. t ehange it for a ro,l from his cellar. ib. fe' & 1 -MUiui.iU11) im wnai me Ci i " "a u uiiiuei , i vnig, vvaicer Jvinei'. 11... . I itPnn an f-ianvir U.-... -n 1 , I mind doesn't know the heart .won't 53 rranK ioyd L ni. fv r;iU,v'""6' eip uooaiow tfr the order in which they won suffrage j Circle 1 Industrial Welfare Conrmis? sion to regulate kours, wagel amd working conditions oi women and children. i 2 Child Labw 14 year iimitJ Gserded exemptions during vacations are allowed and poverty exemptions wheii these are neutralized by Mothers' Pensions laws. wide. 4 Eight or nine hour day ftami much merriment. Mrs., W. A. Graham and sistpr Micw Mariam Boyd entertained Monday af ternoon from four to six nVWv- ; honor of Miss Willie Grev Mn Warrenton's fair bride-to-be. The guests were recpivAH handed a heart-shaped'' card - nnn which each guest wrote her rmmp The contest was then to take each setter of the name and write direr. tions how to manace n imCKo commencing each paragranh or sen. tence with the letters in. order of their location in the name of the guest ' Immediately following the Contest as to who could best manae-e a W- band on paper, Miss Sue Willi dressed as. an old-time 'nfphAiii1m Mammy", brought in eift boxos nf fruits-and preserves for the nanfrv shelf. The Bride's cake, upon a table lom. ! ed with arches of yellow tulle and to he by way of the Dalate. I golden rod and lighted with four can- After much thoueht in hrWin. Idle sticks tied with yellow tulle and th th most choice receipts, the Golden rod, was cut first bv Mi s guests were ushered into thp An Philena Macon, sister of the bridc-tn. I room and upon the ornaments nKi be, followed by the other guesth J was a large "pie" represented by a xvii&a cue wunams "cut" the ring, cmer. Mrs. :William Graham an Miss Sue Burroughs the Fleur-de-Hs nounced to each guest, "Put in a and Miss Sarah Macon, the thimble, thmb and pull out a plum," and this Mrs. Harry Walters entertained. Friday afternoon from four tn six- o'clock -at a miscellaneous Shower complimentary to Miss Willie Grey Macon, the charming bride-to-be. When the guests had gather pencil and paper wer distributed and each was asked to write a favorite culinary receipt. When finished they were gathered and will be bound and Dre- sented-to the bride to be used by her, in finding the nearest way to her husband's heart admitted hv women. 6 Minimum WAge. C Mothers' pensions, 7 Equal guardianthi. 8 Age of consent, It enasteNor unckaste. Red light abatemeat. 10 Prohibition. To data of January, 1020.) act, was performed a gift for the i 1 . K J,c..keyon,ljflUVfc T KEn ' RY ITS GREAT ALLIES ffi wn i a a i x' lu vi! i a i ,vnr n mau 1 1 t i . i i 2: , Wt? N.. Browning, Arnold D. Lyerly William E. IS' . A' case t, k k. L,lo au iiKnt: repneu tile elci"";n r-awara uurrouirhs. Willinm hstennen D. LovH V.AJte. v t j w..j .... " pent. storekeeper. "I'm glad to I Aud Burwell; . J. Resell Betts U K, UpyJ&Z I.Vllr.!'.! - ' ' 1 iiuam orovvn liubnitr. W AH am riif IK. Lewrs.-' - 7. uciuue Dractl- I . "7 Uiil I . I I w - - I - obliging accomodate y He disappeared into the cellar ,and a moment later reappeared with a roll of butter similar to the one he had taken down. The woman thanked him and de parted. A few days later she was in the store again. "How did you like the butter I gave the the other day?" the store keeper asked. :'H was just lovely," said the woman, "just lovely. I couldn't have toid it fom my own." neither could I," said the store keeper. -You know that what the mind doesn't know the heart rlnpsn'f rneve about. That butter was. your own." ton Bobbitt. J c'c' luuuennai organisation Geore-P-F itf tt "aiw aim """onai, a parUal Ust fol- John Collins. Nirlr r.u; nu Edward IT. mV;""'!! i'iacn. Iows: M: f!ildman t 0.1-',"" --f.''ooTe, Business OrniuR. Brown Crinklev. Dennis M. rnloman' iTalton Marks. ir.AmA ' if-?n' American Business Women's Amm. . ' iw- y -"viiiivhvi i' - m sirnn - - - - quince A. Cutcheon, Frank Coburn, Kaul W' Majette, Henry C. Montom- c:anon' Women Grain Growers' Asso Kussell Clary. Swainie Clark nnnioi ery, JoseDh J. Mn rrn T?i,- t I elation. Grand ConnHi nf ttti rtrv. TcVii Z r....... -i-v T ' TT rf. .V"' "UUCI1 resile . , . -"'u vulu. vjijij&. reier u PKPrsnn inhn iuviick. nenrv ii pnthov wn t- i i mercjai rravp pra Vol Ari . a t- -r """" j;" Tir ' - i" V, xgiiuill, iu- , -uual MiuiBncail w-n x"i JI 'r',james M- tJordle, yricK, woward Franklin Munn, "er carriers' Association ... yjirtia., jonn uaniei i .cc musuan, iviajor Montgom- Industrial nPftlnii Cameron. Sam M. Cnnnn tto- erv. Morton rniff ivrli tt5 inoustnai Urbanisations. r-i . .. iir.Mi.- ' I ti-c V, ""'"i..11""1311 -national Colored Ministers And Teachers Are Urged to Report. D - . fei Henry Milam, Horace S . ! Wfk58' . ent members of the coWd Delicious refreshments consisting of bride-to-be was withdrawn -from the icea canteloupe cut in fancy shape and - pie and presented, filled with ice creamy and heart-shaped Mrs- w- A- Burwell and Mrs. Adele yellow; mints and' bride's cake. Be- Jones capably assisted Mrs. Walters side each plate was a bouquet of Nas- at this delightful affair, turtiums, and a little bag o'rice. Misses Lucy Palmer Scoggin, Kate The Prize direction" "How to Man- Macon and Dorothy Walters in a age a Husband" was written bv Miss very charming manner served Hp- . I Graham of Charlotte. She was pre- Hcious Neapolitan cream, bride's seniea a bouquet of Snap Dragons. cake,and mints which made a pleasant The Bride's prize, a box of Kitchen Those present were: Misses Willie towelsr was presented in gracious and philena Macon, Mary Uzzell, Sue manner by Mrs. John C. Burwell. Burroughs, Tempie Dameron, Mary A large number of the friends of Russell Burroughs, Sarah Macon, the bride were present and the after- Luise Allen, Mariam Boyd, Emma noon was delightfully and , happily Hall Sue Williams and Josie Cook; Mesdames Hal Macon, V. F. Ward. Va AlstmrrAl Williams, Geore; Scoggin, Frank Allen Edmund White. John Burwell, T. J. Holt, W. H. Dam eron, B. B. Williams, Rob. Watson. ! John Tarwater, Gordon Poindexter, Howard Jones, Charles H. Peete, Palmer Scoggin, Thomas Peck, G. H. Macon, George Davis, W. A. Graham. W. N. Boyd, P. G. Alston, M. C. Wins ton, Avia Winston, Ed Knight and Mrs. R. J. Jones. to women Some Hard She Do you object unnKing; Iiquo6rNOt furnish their own The Juggler. LETTER CARRIERS TO MEET of fjUTn LettGr and Sub Carriers' n c T; Granville' Halax and War len counties are nr u , at .4.:.. . ue Pesenr ovi" TrUng at Macon, N. C, 10:30 .J xuonday Spnt fi iqoa H. C. TUCKER, Pres. Warren Plains, N. C. Roger Dowtin. W. Edward Mitchell. Meade Mitch PV r ' n ??mated Association of Street and w-" ;: "A coiorea race James H. Duke, George T. K T. -Myrrck, Manson Myrick Electric Railway Employees of Amer-I rt . . - Daughtry, James W. Dennis. Rufns ' xr I Ica Western Federation of Minr- . ls imPrtant that every member J. Daniel, John Boyd Davis, Martin Eric Norfleet, James L. Newman UnUed Textile -Workers of America. your race who was a soldier in the 1 in w. Li' T: T 1 . 'I M m . - I rfnonf Tim. U l . t-roressionai Organizations. u namea in the county anuuai uiaitonai Association, In- iou wnicn will be preserved Jones Davis, William McD. Dav. R William Ehnl n Sin' Walter A. ell, Jr., Horace Nel, Earnest E. New-" Davis Robt. M Davis, Henry Her- ell, Graham Lewis Newsome Jessie man Daeke, William Fred Dill, Clar- White Newsome, Henry vSn New ence T. Dryden, George T. Dill, Robt. some, James Newsome, Wade North- Maynard Dunn, Garland Daniel, Geo. mc?ton. -XNOrtl1 Vernon Duke, Henry Davis. - o E John Henry O'Neal, Tasker Polk Henry Edmund Edwards. Clifton O'Marv. Rohprt Jhtyioc n'Mflni " Egerton, Rubie E. Evans. John A. ney Williams Odnm Evans, Andrew H. Ervin. George En tr- I r 1 land, Alfred Jerman Ellinerton. Walter ter, Jjougias egerton. Paere. Henrv O. Pnno v, -n rp -r i . , , Price, Charlie P. Price, Clarence Ed- T. Jack, Fleming, Charlie Thomas e-ar Piorrp' nian t tjiJI" Frazier, Harry G. Forbes, George E. James 0. Pruitt, Claude Foote Pain Flowers. James M. Fishpr. Dnlton T. m-pv t 0,; m;h; j n i. ' " I -iAiiiiaxu jrascnan. Kp.n ternational Council of Nurses, Ameri- the Stae Hall of Historv and Qi can rsursea' AsnWoHnn v0f(nn.i I nnhlicViori u , . ... . , i , .v. iiuuia anu noraries in so 'Many Missing Papers Advertised Received League nf "Nursinc T , " Amen- ui uie atate. it is imnossihlp in fV.Q can Federation of Teachers. NaHni , , p0S.s.1Dle' ln the Educational Association. A.nS- wea to this work, to of Collegiate Alumnae. .Te an absolutely correct roster Relloloua Ort..niMiAM without general cooperation. It is in Methodist Rnis recognizing of this fact that I eral Conferenrp NnHnnBi.oM tore call you to Warrenton npvf waJ s Friends, United Presbyterian Church- nesday -afternpoh, . August 25th, at .Many. tacts of importance are coi- es of North America, Central Confer- three o'clock for a short meeting at tained in the following issues of thu ence of American Rabbis, National the Court House. I urge that you at Warren Record. May I request that Conference of Unitarians, Jewish Ooa- tend without further yon search for' old conies and let eress. PrAshvrior. rh, . anu - . . . " "United Stlte; f Amertca (GeneSl lJT Asssmhi.i o..... ir... thl worthy move Convention of Universalist Churches. lfcounty and State. "f.6 mstory of , the County ? Eastern Council of Reformed Rabbts. Truly yours, J 17 Issues- Fraternal and Benevolent. W. BRODIE JONES, Pctober 23, Aug. 4, 7, June S, National Order of Maccabees, Inter- Collector War Records y 6' 13' ct' 9' 16' 23 30i Nov- 2, national Order of . Good Temolara. 17-20 Picn Thei ic and Mission Rally At Areola ;re will - , , . . raliv , . piLnic and mission - Auo;ribyed at Arcoia Friday win be a h i are invited. There a basket ai, dinner' pIease brin kecrj: ."are ured to come. ream Wlll be for sale. seven ni. , ernoon from five entertain T Mrs- Gid stained in hnnn, Sn' brfde-to-be at Del' ' irleT !Gfreshmes were dainti SaH tomnCrr ot Peapple Miches. ' lcea tea and sand- T1 TJ "VT CUJ TTt.-H TT I . "It" a , V H , " , V nTaVy OOK Lowell, William T. Polk, Willie O Fished, Sol Buck Fishel, John James Paschall, Davis L. Peck, Luther Palmer Fleming, Thomas Felts. Morton Painter, Frank E. Pinnell Many of the copies advertised for in last week's issue have been found and removed from the list. We extend thanks to Mr. C. R. Rodwell and Mrs. W; K. Williams, of Inez, for these ENTERTAINS eon TTnv.4- tt -"CU in hnM C Ttir. , i W1 U1 imss Wlllie delightful a Was on rinKnv, i 18 Presented tT .er b0quet' and J 1 t0 Mrs- W. H. Darner- Sented a cor, pnde"to-be was pre , Thoe pi;? b0(uet of violets. " Iary UZ2e T' Philena Man, T;ghs' Mari Newber Sue - Bur- Jnes ti er van AifnM r T G Harvey Gilliland, Otto Gardnex, Alton Gardner, Tommy J. Gray, John Rodwell Gardner, Lso R. Gardner, W. A. Graham, James Hawkins Gilliland, Simon Malone Gardner, Edwin Char ley Gray, Walter Myrick Gardner, Willis Garland Gupton, James Herbert Gardner, Eric F.'Gleen, Clarence Wil liam Gooeh, Amos Dorcey Gooch, Al- pheus Presley Gooch, .Willie Terry Gooch, Charlie Geoghegan. H Leslie Harris, E. B. Harris, Howard Hayes, Mark Shearin Harris, Joseph L. Hardison, Joe R. Hardison, Harvey P. Hazlewood, Romie C. Heuay, Ridley I. Harris, Marvin W. Hardy, Fred Wil liam Herring, Leonidas Young Harris, John Wesley Hudson, Malvern Hill Harris, William Leslie Harris, Grover B. Harris, Chas. Anthony Harris, John Thomas Harris, C. Maynaru Hale, Allie H. Hicks, Walter Henry Harris, Walter Milliken Haskms, Wil Keith Hawks, Robert Thomas Hary John Harrison, John Harris, .Ed ware Harrison, Wilbur Hayes, John Thomas Harris. Rosco Dewit Hux, Claude Hid muhd Harris, John Fleming Hilliard, Dallas Ward Harton, Frank P. Hun ter. Luke Ham. John Hall, William Branch Hardy. Tasker Jerman nicies, William Henry Harrison, Lewis iar- rison, Walte M. Haithcock, Fred Leon idas Harris, Dan Hugh Heflin, Lemuel Robert Harris, George Washington lams, Roy Davis Hardy, Frank John Harris. J Thedford Jordan. Henry C. Jenkins, William J. James, Henry L. James, Malvern H. Palmer, John B. Powell,' (Continued on Fouth Page) .n KtulbTtK A I NT WORKIN'? VNLL,NHAOOA I CARE? NOP6,tH6 ANT THE cw'- SHOP WHV. OOMTCWA- Kl advertising? tHAt V MAKES n oagers T uianam, i vviiiiani j. dames, iicmji xj. Perk . ' Jr, Cnrpv Tv.,. m tTTwnrrl CI .Tnvtipv Rie-nall S. Jones. ters and W trUnd Whfte, H. N Wal" CIyde N' Johnson, George William W' H- Dameron ' Jones, Ernest Jones, Joseph Speed (Junes, Duua dunes. V MAKES M VMORK V'BETCHA) jm Grand Lodge ; National Women's Re- I DELIGHTFUL PI a iv i-rnDPDj lief Coros: the Gront niv i.n J n" UL LAY OPERA the Modern Maccabees ; Women's Be- HOUSE .THURSDAY NIGHT 1918 Issues nevoient Association of Maccabees. A i , . . . I A rleli orlrf ful 1 n -v . nyncuiiurai organizations. I -6""ui ",y, uur Aunt irom National Grange, Farmers' National I California," was given in the War Congress, renton Onera Hon night by local talent under th 16, 20, 30; Dec. 14, Nov. 2, 9, 13, 9, 23; Oct. 2; Nov. 2, 13, 16, 20, 23; Oct. 30; Dec. 18, 21. . international Council of Women, ces of the ' Warren Fair Association representing over 7,000,000 women: Th n9,.f0 ASSOC atl0n- i7- - I " "cu ttxo.cn ana. per fectly acted and the play furnished uenerai Federation of Women's Clubs, representing over 2,500,000 wo men; forty State federations df wo men's clubs, Women's Christian Tem perance Union. MISS FRAZIER ENTERTAINS mny smne to the audience. Es pciaily was this true when SalhV i . . .. ' i eiaest daughter, impersonated the aunt from California to that worth v 1J,.. .e. T.. ... a oesiaes tne piav read ings, lnstrnwiontol n-nA i t Miss Prnrioi- nm ... . v 'v music iSSUeS tuoiiiuiig noscess j was ; enjoyed. Jany. 8, 1. Feb. 22, 15, 22, 15, 8, 26, 19, 12, 1. Mch. 2, 19, 29, 5, 8, 26, 15. April 4, 19, 30, 926, 30, 23. May 7, 28, 7, 10, 14, 17, 24, 7, 14, 21, 28, 3, 10, 21, 31, 2 28. June 4, 11, 14, 21, 4, 25. July 16, 9, 21, 19, 12 August 27, 27, 27, 9, 23, 13, 12 Sept. 6, 6, 6, 6, 1717, 3. Oct. 18, 14, 22, 25 Nov.. 11,. 12,. 15, 5, 19. Dec. 13, 22, 24,18, 3 1 4- TM j . ... I?, even:nfr?m et nn. This is but one of the means the : ?Jr? m,?n0r f her fair ciatron is using to arouse in- a miss Mann. terest in the fair. During the fair . - Various games afforded amusement, the business men of Warrenton will Miss Pn.n113 Tvf rCndered by Ve a barbecue to the fair workers. Miss Pinnell and others. Other nlans will h Act , T X r- . X ""U'".CU -ilCr. .o ii vycij, jeap i ear Miss Frazier . . . demies oi eacn noy on a sliD Mrs. R. P. WW of paper; the girls tried their luck by Elizabeth, of Deland, Fla., are pleas drawmg a slip of paper. Then the ant visifnrc in krhrviA -r i girls ushered the boys to the'dinine- Mrs. H. N Waf0.0 - - - VVAU room, wnere delicious cake and cream Misses Ria and Laura Alston are was served. spending a few days in Greensboro. At a late hour the guest left for Miss Alice and Ann Taylor, of Su XerrZi fClarine Miss Frazier a da" Va., are pleasant guests in the charming hostess. home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Boyd. Jan. 3, 14, 28, 31 Feb. 14, 21, 25, 14, 18, 21, 20, 11, 4 Mch. 4, 11, 14, 28. Apr. 25, 18, 18, 25, 29. May 2, 69, 13, 16 July 1, 22, 23. Sept. 23. Oct. 10, 28, 31 Oct. 10, 28, 31 Nov. 4, 7, 14. Where two or three same date is noted all wanted. Please be kind enough to look thru any old papers on hand in an effort to. locate these editions. W. BRODIE JONES, Collector War Records Warren. numbers of papers are