y wifitirifv. 1 r ii it if XXVI. WARRENTON, WARRENCOUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1921 Number 24 A WEEKLY NEWS "APER DEVOTETTTOTHENTEREStS OF WARRENTONAND WARIcEN COUNTY rnLUME rELLS OF KERR'S UNIVERSITY WORK LOCAL AND PER SONAL MENTION OF CAROLINA Mr. Louis Allen, of Enfipln. wnc in MAGAZINE GIVES PRAISE Warrenton Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scoggin and WarrentOIl Man For children of Louisburg were pleasant K Young Excellency of His Work At gtate University During His four Collegiate Years - . The following: write-up was sent Tvre C. Taylor, Elitor.Car- tt : j i? xt4.u .. Magazine, university ui muna ' . . in rll Vft . 1 X Carolina inghono- r to whom honor is due Ed. visitors in Warrenton this week Miss Dora Beck leaves today for Hookerton where she will attend the Allen-Broom wedding next week. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Watson and fam ily spent Sunday afternoon here as guests of Mrs. William A. Burwell. Miss Mary Terrell, after a very pleasant visit to her cousin Miss May Terrell in Portsmouth, has returned home. Hon. T. T. Hicks of Henderson was in town Monday looking after the in- JOURNAIST AT STATE CAPITOL COMMUNITY SINGING AT WISE nv TYRE C. TAYLOR The people of his home town and 'vpn county will take delight in hearing of the splendid record mad terests of clients before the Record i. vo State University Dy jonn xi. 1U . T t T TT TT" X? Kerr Ji'- son 01 Jua&e irJenton. Few men have done so ii"- . . . . ... i uuring rtrtfllTl'f lOCf few men have i. iv, ctndent mncn in ctnv here, and lieu . . ... ut so lasting an imprint on the life of the campus. Let me itemize: er's court Friends of Mr. Forrest Miles are glad to see him at home. Mr. Miles has been at the University of North Carolina the past term Mrs. W. J. Davis returned from Wilmington Wednesday afternoon af In the very beginning oi ius cuncgt ter a vlslt Wltn ner daughter- Louise tarC6r, Wiiuc .y - " " - - i iu uer sun nx i . ii i cii tiii uavia. h 0ke out in the Phi Assembly, and Misses Laura Boyd and Janice on every question that presented it- Fleming left Wednesday for Char- plf argued with so much lorce ana iotte where they will visit Miss Sarah - - . j , i that before the end ol tne year Hawkins for several days. : - ,1 Kit all oa tho nh!. I rni j : 1 . i? Af T . TJ-I-'U r.v tip was recogiuAtru v. - xiie iiienus ui. iur. ii ccni uuuui est first-year man in that body, bince delighted to know that he is rniprov thit time he has held almost every mg from the operation for appendici- ffice in the gift of the Assembly, ana tis at Watts hospital Durham. j, nr thp winter uiwuci, o oww,i,j iVir. waiter uavis is at iiumc iui UUlfe "... .1 . . sident, gave the Assembly an emc- a short While. Mr. Davis has been in j. J nWln o -I vii r i c-Y'Il firm I 1 1 i 1 1 . 4-V. TTviJim.c.Jfir -v-f oomesi mill auic aumiuiovii.i..v... rnt imw xi-in.-tji in liic uiuvcibiu SIR. c""-u"i I ""-v - - ...til In debating he has represented tne i North Carolina the past year. 4-si v I . i w- r xt TT TVT.. rniversitv in two reguiai mtci.- Alr. ana Mrs. w. n. norne, in polledate debates, the first against Graham Horne, Miss Margaret Home John Hopkins, at hxington, Va.,.iast and friends Miss Watkins ot Kock vear and the second at isammoie Mount were in Warrenton tounuay. against Washington and Lee during Messrs. Edward Allen and sister the present Spring quarter. Miss Louise, Grand Matron of the In the field of publications is.err Order of the Eastern Star, returned n : I . ,i o a. i. : -? has been an equally aggressive wunv- yesterday trom tne estate mecung i er writing almost weekly for the stu- the Order at High Point. Miss Mary Crinkley, who has been attending school at Greenville, is at home to the delight of her friends. Miss Maria Graham of East Caro- aota Editor, a position secona m ina Teachers Training acnooi r acui imDortance only to the Editorship it- t has returned to Warrenton sel -Mrs. Spottsxood curwen auu . Rut the 2-reat achievement whicn of Henderson, after a week with her will cause Kerr to be held in grateful sister Mrs. Howard F. Jones returned remembrance by the University and tQ Henderson Sunday. Mr, Burwell his fellow class-mates was his work spent the week end here, returning as Junior President of the class 01 with Mrs. Burwell sunaay artem. 1921. The following, taken from a recent editor in one of the student publications, gives some idea of the magnitude and importance work In Raleigh yesterday were four Columbia University men on an auto mobile tour from New York to San Francisco and back. Three are stu dents in journalism Joseph A. Fleit zer, Altoona, Pa., C. A. Shamel, Gib son City, 111., and. W. Brodie Jones of Warrenton, N. C. The other one, Dixon Shamel, is an A. B. Graduate of Columbia but is engaged in business. The party had a camping outfit with them and plan to camp out each night. They left New York Thursday, June 2 and came to Warrenton wherev thev remained at the home of Mr. Jones until yesterday morning. They left here yesterday afternoon expecting to reach . Greensboro for the night. They had a letter of introduction from May or John F. Hylan, of New York to Mayor James Rolph, Jr., of San Fran cisco, and a letter . from Mr. J. W. Cunliffe director of the Columbia school of journalism. They expect to OT W T 1 -I dent publications, the lar neei ami the Carolina Magazine. On the first of these publications he was, while vet during his Junior year, the Man- The Betterment Association at Wise have arranged for a "Season of Song" beginnings Monday, June 20th in the High School Auditorium. Miss Lucy C. Crisp, Supervisor ol Public School Music at Roanoxt Rapids and a gaduate of the State College for wtomen has been engaged for two weeks as teacher and direc tor. Children under twelve will meet each morning at ten o'clock. All othef s who can do so will meet t 3:30 in the afternoon and every night at 8 there will be a general gathering of the entire community, everbbpdy, young and old. :s Let us forget all our cares and worries, our grudges and annoyances, and come; together and sing. Nothing is more uplifting and inspiring than music and the value to our community of this "Season of Song" cannot be estimated; Littleton Route 5 News Happenings (Omitted Last Week) We are glad to hear that Miss Ethlyn Hardie, who has been ill for some time is well again. . Mrs W. A.-Cloton of Hendrson s islting her sister for a while. Mesdames M. R. Boone and J. V. Shearin visited Mrs. Kate Madden Sunday after nr.vn. - Mr. Wilner Heuay was visiting on Route 5 Sunday afternoon. DENDINGER VIS ITS WARRENTON TO GO BEFORE BOARD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS First Monday in July And Ask v For An Appropriation To Aid In Fight Against Bovine Tu- Berculosis. By BIGNALL JONES Dr. W. C. Dendinger, from Raleigh, of the United States Bureau of Ani- Mr. Henry Shearin called on Mr. ma Industry was in Warrenton Fri- John Wemyss Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pittman and children of Grove Hill visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Warren Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. John Weymss and day. He is co-operating t with the State in the eradication of bovine tuberculosis. Dr. Dendinger's purpose here was to. see the chairman of the Board of Countv Commissioners concerning Camping Party At Amos' Mill Mr. Richard Boyd, Jr., and his Sun day school class are enjoying camp ing at Amos' pond this week. The eet back to New York about October Prty left Tuesday morning and will . . .1 5 t- I 1. spend several days in various spoi ts Ethlyn Hardie Sunday afternoon. family spent the night in the home an app0intment with that body. .The of Mr. J. V. Shearin Saturday. first Monday in July he will appear Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Shearin attended before the Commissioners . and ask the Orphan Singing Class at Vaugh- for an appropriation to aid in this an. Tuesday night. work. The Board of Commissoners Mr. Byrant Reid called in the home have the authority to do this under of Mr. J. V.-Shearin Sunday night. an act 0f the last legislature, ratified Miss Gladys Shearin called on Miss March 9, 1921. The work is to be done on a 50-50 basis; the Government Mr. Fleitzer, who is with the United attendant to camp life. Mesdames . Goodman, Shearin and paying half the cost and the county Press, will represent that organiza- ne campers are mr. xv. Jennie Schofield visited Mrs. Jate paying half. tion on-the tour and will get special Jr- Mi'- uranam voya, oonn vls, Madden one day last week, lhey Meanwhile Dr. Dendinger is going feature stories for it an interesting career. He had been in Germany for four years when the war broke out, visiting Germany, visiting Germany, Russia, Austria and Scandinavia. When the United States entered the war he entered the serv- He has had Thomas Connell, Raymond Loyd, John algo visited Mrs. t. q. Heuay. Burwell; Hugh Holt and Lewis Newell. Mr. Graham Boyd is assisting hi. brother in looking after the youn;4 boys. . . Mr. Earnest Pritchard of Orlando was in town Tuesday. Mr. Pritchard about his work of lining up the people Miss Emma Pike was in Littleton behind this important work. shopping one day last week. Hope to ome again soon. CRACKER-JACK. W hpinc. assitrnPd to the Enirineef w pwasanuy rememuweu . t n nH vin iintfi b was shell- ton having worked here for some time elmpVoH nnri hA to rptnrn hnmp. a few years ago. n,.w th vn,,n innmftl. Mr. Earle Macon spent the past ists were in Warrenton tney did the week end with his people here. greater part of the work on the War- Miss Tharrington Entertains "It is estimated that about 2 1-2 per cent of the cattle in North Car olina are infected with bovine tuber culosis," stated Dr. Dendinger. , "In New York and New Jersey about twentv per cent of cattle are in- ren Record owned by Mr. Howard F. Jones, father of W. Brodie Jones, one nf the members of the party. All three wrote special articles, Mr. Flpitzpv discussing "Warrenton the AUNT BECKY MORGAN Aunt Becky Morgan has .passed away, rnis announcement wiu.uimg many recollections of this faithful colored woman. She was faithful over a few things. She had many Yorker in Town for a Day" and also white fiends, who were always glad to an(J cake . . I -l i t... w-!h with . "Aunt I r.?Hpnts nf nolice court. Mr. Shame1 Becky. , x ..u 4.u , without hvDOcracy. We trusc her end urhiia vi v . mnp 111111 Lilt; mui v yjx. a I r , hasebaU eame between Warrenton was peaceful,. and Cokesbury and a womanless wed She was true to her friends and was On last Friday evening from 8:30 fected and it has become one of the to 11:00 Miss Mabel Tharrington of problems of these states. North Creek was hostess to the young peo- Carolina should look after this very pie of the community at an informal mfectious disease before it reaches party. A guessing contest caused .tnig aiarmjng proportion." much merriment, while music and va- studying this question from an rious games were enjoyed by all pre econ0mic viewpoint, Dr. Dendinger ent. . - ; brings statistics to bear showing" that Little Misses Lorena Tharrington durjng the fiscal year ending June and Eva Pettway Williams served the 3Q 192q in packing houses under refreshments, consisting of ice cream GoVernment inspection 228,158 cattle wovp condemned on account of va- Aunt I YTTi it, i,a,. n-P r?ortvtnvp arrived I i a r Qn(- nv npnrlv w lien uic uuui vi v- - i nous aiseaaes. 10 i-"- ""i each guest felt indebted'to Miss Thar- half 11)3,664 were condemned on rington for a very charming evening. account of ..tuberculosis. X VISITORS RESUME TOUR of this Messrs. Brodie Jones, Dixon Shamel, .TnsPnh Fleitzer and Clarence A. "But the biggest thing the Class of shamel, after several days spent de- 21 has done was under the captaincy artfully in Warrenton left last rri of her Junior president, John Kerr. It consisted of a tearing down of the barriers and the building up of a bet ter feeling between Fraternity and non-Fraternity. Today there is scarcely a trace of the old-time bitterness remaining. Class elections split. on no lines that could be called frat. and non-frat. This year the Seniors held a number of their smok ers in fraternity Wis, the percentage of fraternity men in college is larger than ever before and the relations be tween frat. and non-frat. men are in every way most cordial. This happy state of affairs has not always exist ed. Those who attended the Univer sity ten or twenty years ago recall the bitterness that existed between the two lasses of University men, the long drawn out fights, and the gener ally unhealthy spirit that prevailed n the campus and out in the State as a result. It was not until the Class f '21 afire with the nrinciples of democracy and idealism then burned lnto the souls of men everywhere by the great war got on the job with Kerr t the helm that the bid Order f things with its stupidities and fu tilities went by the way to show its head no more." As Chairman of the Greater Uni versity Student Committee, an organ ization which was founded for the Purpose of giving out facts regard lng the reeds of the state's education al institutions during the recent ve for increased appropriations, Ker performed an invaluable ser vice which won for him the thanks of the University and the title among his fellows of the Organizer. As one of the Founders, and this year President of. the Campus Cabi- net, the constructive, upbuilding force ln student government, Kerr has shown what can be done in the way of Riding and directing student opinion J.l0ng proper paths. Under his direc- on the scope of the function of the lakinet has become almost unlimited; NOTICE CONFEDER- ATH PENSIONERS Colored Ball Player Breaks Leg Warrants are in the hands of the day morning for their tour ot tne great West. Their first extended stop will be at the home ot uocror of Gibson City, 111., father ot tne Messrs. Shamel. The latest reports from the Four in A Ford" were from Asheville, and the chicken, ham and biscuit were but fragments. The cake must have been devoured before they got out of town, as cake at that time news to live Journalists ana was not mentioned. MISS ISABEL DAVIS HOSTESS Miss Isabel Davis of Inez gave the young people of Inez and Creek a LstgdeUghtful "moonlight picnic pn last Wednesday evening. The picnic was in honor of her cousin M Claudia Tant of Raleigh. A large truck was comfortably fit- ding. The traveling journalists called on former Secretary Daniels and had 1 a -.,;V 4-Viqtv -fmr niftlirp Jwv, will hP onP of the souvenirs of Clerk of the Superior Court for the ..x ...;!-,.r?n following named Pensioners: Mr. Jones, who was with his fath- Jas. R. Darnell, Richard H. Harris, ' w.vo o-mno- to B. E. King, W. T. M. Marks, Wm. B. eJS rj:r; V- . Pearce. J.-W. H. Paschall, Charles S. UoiumDia, uesiucs vuu'& j j txr T alistic stories at (Jolumma, aunng wi wS6.M . ---- . , . v, o aif, in tho Shearin, Jas. R. Stansbury, M. M. . . xt I xr;io n S. Wncrht. Robt. MC- proof reading department 01 tne ixew " A wil W D Yancev Tin,.From Saturday's News Croden, A, J. Wilson, W. D. Yancey rrnC: I and John H. White. i . . Unlesg the pensioners come m per- Warrenton Colored Team Wins son it win be necessary for the Clerk A rather one-sided game was played to have written authority to turn the The Government inspects only about 65" per. cent of "cattle -slaughtered.' It is estimated that 30,000 carloads ot feed were wasted in this manner dur ing the fiscal year 1920, besides the The 4-aA f nr the . i , ... iu hie-hway down me wiv Lighter and song synono. hay rides made the night merry; imw nay . manner Davis in her usual ""V f seeing that there were good times for A beautiful spread of sandwiches, pickles, cakes and other pic- were served. A. chaperonea X Mrs. Davis odates to make speeches m lul , student body ?erra I to inaugurate and a successful completion a general campus and dormitory w up movement. . tinue in on one T . And so definitely the stnrv ol " v , i college. He has oeeu achievement - r .ority of. hift a fighter aim ,r T Auirie af- at Leaeue Park Warrenton last Fri day between the Tar Heel's of Raleigh tV Warrenton team, both color- CW ' " bd. t-classed in both uaicig" Qii wnrV and batting:. The" liciu score warrants over to any other person. Widows Pensions Elizabeth P. Botton, Martha A. Burchett; Rosa Beale, Lizzie Cheek, Eugenie D. Edwads, Mary A. Felts, Mary F. Hicks, Lucy A. King, now- Edwin Capehart, colored ball playr er broke his left leg Friday afternoon. wQrk attendant to raising these cattle In the last half of the first inning a But the financial loss is the smal- Warrenton runner was caught be- legt part of this disease. Besides the tween second and third and in the en- money ioss set forth above, the dis- suing chase Capehart's leg was brok- eage .g yery contageous to children, en when runner slid for second. The Dr william h. Parker, Director break was at the calf of his leg. of Labratory New York City Public Capehart was shortstop for the Tar Health states: "In children under 5 .Heels, the Raleigh club. in tuberculosis cervical adnetis 57 rr Rode-ers and Doctor Haywood . f those Aue to bovine tuber . gave medical attention to the injured culogis (This is given cause tuber man who was carried to St. Agnes culosis) That 68 per cent of abdom hospital Raleigh. Capehart is a son inal tuberculosis,' 26 per cent general Dr. Capehart, prominent negro physi- and lg per cent of tuberculosis men .cian of Raleigh. ineitis is due to bovine tuberculosis. While older people are not as suscep- Deputy .Sheriff Ellington Active. tible to this disease, it is contageous Deputy Sheriff Ellington has been enough to adults to be alarming, keeping. the moonshiners on the dodge The importance of this work is of late. Since the nrst oi iviay ne iui realized wnen we consmer c'c " was one to- iniiieeii m r" ann xv. jvins, uutj fe , Warrenton team. souria A. Newsom, O. A. Newell, M. J. Newsom, P. J. O'Mary, Mafgart A CARD OF THANKS I a Paschall. Missouri A. Robertson, In behalf of the colored people of Sarah A. Shearin, Nancy D. Williams Warren county who had tneir cnuuien and ousan o. Yn-n.xo. fvont0ri at. the clinic last Friday, 1 v-""" . L. . , j I . .. m...... I T:...4x .:i, VmnV thP State and-county Austin lwiuy m WlOIl V" V" - . .1 - .. ... 11 1. rr, tho pffiripnt 1 TVTt- Austin lWlttV. wcu-miu".. doctors and nurses for the kind serv- Warren County man, takes part in aa w tbpm dunne: the the nicfure. rassionaxe yt"S""' atment: and also to the good ladies the Warrenton Opera House Friday for the interest shown by and Saturday nignt. nis iiiea ice tre the town them bv their presence and kind words of cheer, and the milk am other necessities given by them f or the nourishment and comfort of the children. v There were twenty two collored children and, as far as I can ascertain, they are all getting on fine. While we regret that all the chil dren who needed treatment were not able to be treated last Friday, we hope in the near future it will be made possible for them to receive treatment also. Respectfully ' OSSIAN E. ELLIS. come this opportunity of seeing him in the silent drama. brought in seven stills, destroyed ap proximately 1000 gallons ot beer, ana captured one man. The man captur ed was Alfred Winbush who was op erating a still in Nutbush township. score of tuberculosis infected cows may result in the death of many War ren county children from this dread ed disease. Dr. Dendinger states that about Six of the seven stills brought in U15oo will be required from the coun- were of galvanized iron'.. ty if the vork can be completed in ' In these raids Sheriff Ellington has one year and says this is veiy prob- been assisted by Alfred Ellington and able- Fnulk Alston. Warrenton .played Littleton last at Littleton but Mrs. Howard F. Jones Entertains. irl Tjrowi tt .Tnnps entertained Friday afternoon lviia. xiu"i " - i - , . . ... Thnrsdav morning of last from the accounts reaching this office, week in honor of Messons Dixon and V ,omhftr Wltn gen" tenows i vnAt fection anu P thought voW Scotchman who, eJ ; thP riffht, woum w""& lie - i,0 tlcure ot tne vho, if he it. would w re m.L ic ;r; ' defV the whole and without new "I' to fight for his cause. Children's Day Exercise ' We are asked by the Superintend ent of Jerusalem Sunday school to announce that they will have their Children's Day exercises Sunday evening, June 19th at &0. Mr James Y. Kerr has returned home to the delight of his friends. Mr. Kerr has been attending school at the University of North Carolina the past year. Clarence Shamel and Joseph Fleitzer, I a -a TIT T" 3A T-k-rtC R. W. H. STONE TO TALK guefts ot , 1 nose piesun i- wcj.. i-ijuov-o and Fair Polk, Laura Boyd, Annie Burwell, Lenoir Merqer and Ella B. Jones; Messrs. Joe Macon, Alpheus Jones, William Burwell, C. A. and Dixon Shamel and Joseph Fleitzer. Mr. R. W. H. Stone of Ureensooro, N. C, State President of the Farmers' Union, will make an interesting talk on organization and co-operation, at the Court House in Warrenton at Warrenton at 3:30 Saturday after noon, June 18th. Every farmer in the county is urged to be present. Mr. Stone is a well known man throughout the State and attends meetings of the farmers in Washing ton as well as in his own State. Every one wiUMo well to hear him, so let's give him a good crowd. Ice Cream Supper at Grove Hill There will be an ice cream supper at. Grove Hill school house Saturday night, June 18th. .T W'arrenton-Macon Warrenton will play Macon League Park Friday afternoon 4 p. m. Community Picnic , The Sunday Schools of Warrenton joined in a Community picnic Thurs day and enjoyed the outing very much. The picnic was given at tne Crinkley place, and found ideal for the purpose. at at Womanless Wedding Repeated The Womanless Wedding will be repeated in the Warrenton Opera House next Tuesday. Last Wednes day it played here to a crowded house onri thp talent nas mhuiv vuiwvuw - c ?o repeat the "wedding farce. Pro- Miss Elizabeth Rodwell and Miss to repeat tne weu & riii rcmp nf Macon, were pleas- ceeds'are for the benent oi tne u- f . ' a' An. our boys were not up to their usual form. The score was thirteen to one in favor of Littleton. Warrenton had previously taken-the laurels from Lit tleton on the Warrenton diamond, and in this game, Littleton returned the score with added interest. The deciding game remains to be played. Town Building Mr. Walter Fleming has almost completed his home, in South Warren ton. Mr. Frank Serls, Jr., and Mr. Troy Height are also building in South Warrenton. North Warrenton is building apace. Mr. Edward Allen, Mr. Moses Winston and Mr. Avey Winston are all building in the north em section of the city. A new shoe shop has opened here this month and Mr. George Side is opening a cafe on main street. tary company mess fund. I ant visitors in Warrenton Wednesday. one month it had all the GubernatoT- campus

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