krxxYL ' WARSENTONTWAIIREN C0IlNTYrN7 C FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1921 Number 32 AT WEEKLY NEWS APER DEVOTED TO tHii INTERESTS OF WARRENTON AND WARREN COUNTY WRING SANFRAN- SCO, CALIFORNIA:, (Mr :ter P w Brodie Jones cotinues his ' 4 it week. He was then at Laiwuu., to journey to Lake miles beyond Banff. 4 Hi.'.'!" AU" drove tLt i. m.M-mn2 we The nex. - Touise. We LW 111' r- i We turn iv tv nvtr ". vo Canadian i It - 1 1 ' T ill Ltiv ' long 'the base of these C mountains, not so high as our Bf Knt more crowded wnn jCl vu hine breezed over good dW l' ne-ain we skirtea ) Tu'r .i.iv uilS- ori;tiiHp she! ie l,h ,., Pont.inunuslv Wi i , ?.,.-m-.i ivet'c. 1 " frert n T , t niiion wns rpnch- f I iMKc 1jJCio nt" ... i . the famed laKe ae m 1-T n-riA -ii ;t nraises. 10 its. icxu rves - 0r.;0 with t, mountains , ----- ni ,.,fip it. In the distance n'Zv two so interwoven that one l thev' are a single mountain, nnkb tne with Uhe lake irom ?iue It is late in the evening or ,i ,nv)iinff when Nature L .1,. in Lite iiiu"""ti ,t plays her liana, it i "'see mirrored as clearly as the oil npnr-bv things. The ..tints ;crUiii w he sun the reflection of th snow j? 1,1 ;- n?onrPS e like "apples 01 1,1 rx : nrlYnVf (Kp Ifike near dusk. A good u p lrj. l vn- I v - - ONE -tV4 COV).t 4VE. WNE EUUt' LU COME HCat VSfVH -tHN VtJANl FREE A OOV? Op vow IwtiviSS AOVSKTISS CAPTAIN BURROUGHS GIVES COMPANY TREAT After Company B. had been g-iven some pretty stiff drilling on the acad emy drill ground Tuesday night the company was headed, north with the command forward march. .Previous to this it was whispered that the boys were going to take a hike. When the column reached the ice plant, however, it was halted. Stack arms was given. Then fall out. ' ' v Twenty-two large water melons j were brought out of the storage room and Company B. enjoyed a royal feast.' The writer is certatn that they were the nicest melons that he has seen this season. The same sentM ment has been expressed by other members of the company. They were chilled through, the meat was firm and sweet they couldn't have been better. Coming after a hot dusty march they were all the more enjoyable. This is but one of the many things Captain Burroughs has done for the. enjoyment of his men, and goes to show why he has won the undivided support of the company, for they know that Captain Burroughs will .always look after the comfort of his men. HEV-UO'. WHASSAT? iEsTN I CASH VCfcOlSTER AtlMf 1 WQflKtH'? NWEUL.VSIHAOOA 1 1 REPAIR. SHOP VMHV OOlsiTCMA- TR-f AOveRTiattsjo? -that MAKES' ErA VMO SUO. N NORTH CAROLINA ADVERTISING IS I '! mmm. mmmamm wmmm mmmt I -- ... LEADS THEM ALL VERY NECESSARY TO AOVERTI3HS1&? ;THAf MAKES' 'fihA WORK! ST &ETCHA) Waco Times-Herald. Here before us is a statement to the effect that North Carolina has won distinction in the manufacturing Right now and In the immediate future it is the rate of turnover and not the margin of profit that is going to pull your business out of the hole world largely through the initiative aTld keep it anead. Back in 1919 and enterprise of her own people It occured to North Carolinians who were growing cotton that they might -profitably convert this cotton into cloth, and eminently successful have they been. Three-fourts of all the new looms there was a lot of foolish money in the hands of foolish people. They were not careful about the quality. They didn't give a darn about the price. And many of them thought they would soon be in the millionaire class. However, that beautiful dream and spindles set up in the South in Kas been punctured and nearly every- Palmers Springs Defeats Warrenton that Lal warmed us aim rWikr, ' w ll e-lad to see them on the diamond her. HjiCI an pallia tx in v v... w - -- - - noticed how slowy the Canadians They won the game irom yyarrenxpn, drove ;if one of these drivers would but we trust they will not rest upon A'rA v,;! ;M yoriir? nAtTnit nr I their laurels, out wia come aga-m- l o4-i ,.,;u mn.'riQ Vio I nH we tiredict that they, like the urteiv ocatiic vviiu c uwviaiiiv . the south, is one great grain field. Modern machineiy was everywhere, and each tarm home the center ot a great productive area. We found a forty per cent tax on all automobiles. Gas was 50 An interesting game of baseball was played here last week after we went to prss between Palmers Springs and Warrenton. Palmers Springs has a cents I ball playing aggregation and plays drove into per gallon, oil 50 cents per quart, and clean ball, and Warrenton is always morning we TYio nnstion was recently raised V -- 1 7 whether" the atmosphere of North Carolina was suited to the production of poetry The best answer to this question are poems written by North Carolinians. One each day will ap the News and Observer on this page. Editor.) 1920 were set up in Noi'th Carolina There are now 513 textile mills in the State, compared with 180 in South Carolina and 173 in Georgia. North Carolina embraces - 'more mills that dye and finish their own products than any other Southern state. The largest hosiery mills in the world ai;e located at Duxham, N. C The largest towel mills in the world are located at Kannapolis, N. C The largest denim mills in the Unit N. C. .The larerest damask mills in the United States are located at Koa ed States are located at Greensboro, noke Rapids, N. C body everywhere is down to hard pan and hard tack. You have got to show 'em these days or the buyer's strike continues striking. Therefore, it behooves you to offer the right merchandise at the right prices, and to advertise it consistently and persistently so that you will hav rapid turnovers instead of slow turnovers. If your goods are no fresher or bet ter or more reasonably priced, or your service no more satisfactory, then there is no particular reason why peo ple should patronize you; but if you offer' an especially high grade of goods, if your prices are appealing, and if your service is of a type which Winston-Salem contains the. largest meet? some real need not met by oth en two hundred Redskins witn me.r ws and war accoutrements pa- Lde in the town's annual Indian aaj. iter coffee there we started tor oi- r retracing steps because we ' . . i- - .:j-V. Lll not set over the itocKies wim- fut returning to the South. We were Mkine" the car in low gear, and . u l-Jrr'U c Wp bunk- 1011 Out veiii Le ii&iivt.. - there until morning and went on bColgary. After breaKiasx. we uiuvc Lthto McLead, leaving our old L:i nf n few Hflvs nrevious and siau ti " ' i A STORM AT DAWNING .VinHp nn the lamns of Heaven, And the banner of storm is unfurled, underwear factory in Amrie-a, Gaston county, with around 100 mills, is the center of fine-combed yarn of the South, Texas grows more cotton than any state in the Union, but as yet Texas ers, then you can ana snouia stress these points as features of your ser vice, for they will be good and suf ficient reasons why people should favor you with their trade. A lot of people who are in business ... ... . 1 1 ii 4. n A would be run over m a minute, we "1HJM w T" . niA w V,p wind are driven often, and Warrenton will win tne t ' Across the dark dome of the woi la. game. I . 1 knai. n-e fv. rinwn- fTnmft nn hovs and eive us another sw WiC vt insr game. never saw any of them drive more than the conservative rate of twenty miles per hour. The reckless may vpnt.urp to thirtv miles, and the roads are good too. We enjoyed several good meals for 50 cents. The food was well cooKea, and served in variety and abundance. Warrenton Beats Macon Quite a good game of ball was play ed here Wednesday afternoon between Warrenton and Macon a nice, hard- i j I tt P Vr roctonranhs ar run bv -ain turned West. Aioerta receuea OK c fnvht. friendlv trame. with a score . . it -r vj i i ninpsp. liitraieitea wcic uu .K.xva o j - 4weneared irows ne -a v.w. mokin to-1 of two to fiVe in WarrentonV f avor. fcw point of the Canadian tocKieb. r- I'e crossed just before sunset, wne, - . hftl, and Warrenton is always glad to a ot.o hpan- I ine next mgut vvc I ' ...... ermng was u u,, ball stand at Brownie's 'Ferry; see you. as?amst tne skv. ine unvc i . , Will blush with the kiss of the sun, And the lips of the fair young morn ing Will laugh when the long night is done. See! the clouds are all drifting asun der, And the lightnings are dying afar is only incidentally in the business of keep thinking about themselves in- convertmg cotton into ciotn. stead of thinking about the customer. Right recently two mills of consiu- g Vandeleer expressed a real truth erable size have been started up here wnen he said: Waco, with the latest improvea "Just -remember that the nublic machinery, one a twine mill and the doesn't care a tinker's darn about you, other -a cloth mill. the condition of your exchequer, what The matter of another mill is under -ail were in last or whether you consideration; it should be pressed stutter- or have a harelip. All it until the final consummation. wants to know is what you have and what vou want for it. and you must COLONEL W. T. POWELL, iiu&i keep ever before them, the name of rm. :i -nA wi.hip- W. t. your product and a reminder of its X lit; genial auu iiw.v.- ' 1 - I . ... pwpII wKst -host eanesday to tne m nM,.A rt-r rnuntv C..6mmissioners'' and "Advertising will make friends and JLVM VI v - ( Whilst" inie hlack 'track of the thun, many -frletids . ' i. I TJni,n anA ivrtvA int.A Snokane. Wash een around many lakes ana uirou8 - - PLAkY AT ARCOLA s. . , , e 1 tv,d nlov "OaW Farm" will be eriven trood after desertea stretcnes ja . - - aj okv fcWU , I i. a i Vnnoa ti Woinpsfiflv I And tne sKy, Rritish Columbia. We visited tne ai MnoltM - - - - I . . M A 4 MIL after monHin? another night August ltn lor nuncture (one of many in the past Young Peoples Missionary Society. ten days) we left there late for Se attle. 345 miles to the west. - .i. o ... j i: We ate a good meal or inea uvei, ountry thickly timbered The general character of the coun ty was more rugged and a little fiore timbered as we crosscu i British Columbia. We x drove on to ernie near midnight calling it 'a day fter 269 miles. We were misdirected next morning and Admission 15 and 25 cents. MACON ROUTE 2 ITEMS There was a fine meeting at Gard- Our 1 ner's last week. . Mr. and -Mrs. R. E. Shearin were der , Shines the morning's bright hai binger star, how it reddens blushes, As Aurora awakes, at the lay Of the linnets, the larks and thrushes That sing in the meadow at day lerienced in the Dominion. omt the American Custom o Idvised us to return 35 miles and lake another trail for Spokane. The . s OW-Pear hanr) hnrt hiirned out. ana e couldn't go back. We had to rive thirteen miles further down to F-'ji'tk sady for another jog, and with a new re turned back. The officials re- wned our permits and we were mak- Rgood time until our engine stuck e slept with the car. I walked to sawmill the next morning for oil a the heart of British Columbia filds I saw two Hindus approaching. asked for a drink of water and &rae oil. Thev sent me to the cook fjiack. a Chinaman treated me cor- 1' and sent me to the blacksmith, fother turbaned Hindu. He point ful to the 1 T found I Canadian woman who let me have garage man) h oil and told me that many Hindu fOrkers werp thvnn o-h r.nnnrla in the aItber mills With the oil, but still a healthy? pgmH kno-k. ,ivnvp 40 miles to , ..v. 0(1 was burned because of faulty i'VOl't ii' i i J i 4- in (hit I r (v ivr trf nonn in i u r sn - preka. Near night, the car once more in jaPe, we headed for King's Gate, jdr'd after some rllnv Vpcause it was n Ql'IYI i tt.pd uin wc WCiC Jugh the gate and to return home. one side of the line it was nintr 'clock on the American side eight. 'e moved 'dock, to , 1 u: ...-i nmr-n nmflt.ftps. iam and COl Gateway. After we had bumped ibu.e wf i -p qmH t.j.rrprt tor oeatuc. rerthe only bad roads we had ex- . . j At this "S" ioo vidta in the home of Mr. ramn bv. the wayside, sunaay raum- t"'" - . ji t Air Tomic loct simiiav. ?v, xTrr wo?p nfider wav eany wiu " j linvf ;mn imil wp reach- , k;.. viitdi siftPv noon. ! ana flaigs fumurv owauu "P1" '"" . , . .jfii.. I ;o;nr3 in the home of Mr. J. W . This great stretch ot water w , - r - - n- to the sea over a desert at that James last ruy. runs to the sea ovex " T.. Harris is very often mi . ...-UA ma in viirni.. xw. a. - w I I II 1 1 1 1 L, A Alt' A ' a, iuonta. There we were numc - i.,- iQic oinne Sage orusn aim ucacxv iv, And so. when our hearts are in sor row, The occasion was the annual meet- two, but the. quality must oe tnere u i- the customer is to become a repeater. ing oi tne dohiu ui vjuuuiji vv. ...... . - sioners at the Home of the Aged and and it is the repeater tnat pays tne Infirm, over which Mr. Powell is sup- freight. No advertiser of a trade erintendent. Quite a number of War- marked article expects to sell enough thfc rentonians, including the County offir- one time orders from an advertise- ials were present and enjoyed the oc- ment to pay tne cost oi tne aaverus- i ing. ii we couia, an we wouw imve casion. 6 . . Mr. Powell's dinners are always to do is to advertise a. lot oi poor stuu abundant' and appetizing, . for Mrs. and sell it, change tne name ana se . Powell knows how to prepare food to it again, and so on until we had all the money we wantea. And our errief seems too heavy to j t "t the most fastidious guest hear. I Barbecue, fried chicken, ham, vege- in other words, the man who is in ' r?-T m,, qhearin Let us looker for a brighter to-mor- tables pickles, eake and cream -were my kind of business and who. expects Mr. Didkerson, Mr. Ifomas bnearm '.!. a hp ht of Qtnnenrimia and snectacular re- row. in Dan u i tne mum, fc - r- And defy the dark demon Despair. all is tnat the aged and infirm under suits from one-time - advetising, or lough the lightnings of midnight Mr Powell's care always profit by from a spurt once in a while of pub- our watches to eight Coast time, making ree hours diffprpnfA in time here r'd in' Warrenton. I suppose you are w at Hankoff's Movie Palace, while just getting ready for seven -. amner. , he things that impressed us about ada were its many scenic treats, l nvtionfnt! hp dear Picp tAaup, v.- c lOV r,n1 n ov.o r.c nil nfl of Enable. nave wvifiv, i4. ...T nolr hooded slopes, but Alberta, to grew in the sandy earth. The river was in a small canyon, we crossea on a steam ferry. Road conditions held us back and at dusk we were 100 miles. away. The second blow out of the day used our last tube. We cooked dinner and took the road at ten o'clock. We made f air time, and flat tire thumped into town at 4 o'clock a. m. yesterday. The Ford went to the hospital for new brake bands (because of defec Hvp work of that Eureka, Montana, i) and two new tires.. nr. 1 1 5 We had a cup of conee arm ev breakfast. Seattle, the livest town on the coast during the Government ship building period, has suffered a busi ness slump. No one would think so from the appearance of its citizens ox the general attendance upon places of amusement. Tomorrow morning we leave tor drive down the Coast to Portland, Oregon, 200 miles away. San Fran cisco is 750 miles further South. By the time this reaches you I suppose we will be there. Suffers Snakebite seen on Route 2. Mr. F. C. Robertson was a pleasant visitor in the home of Mr. George Adams a few days ago. Though - " 1 I.... . ..i' i t are flashing, Mr. Powell's hospitality to his many hcity, is expecting a miracie wnicn us hone that the day yet Un- friends, for they too share in the wm not happen. Occasionally sur- horn hountiful feast. ... N prising results will be gained from a Will follow the clouds and the crash- "Long may you wave" Colonel, for first advertisement, but if this is the mg an realize that the popr and unfortun- case the advertising itselt has been With the calm of a radiant morn. ate under your care have in you a particularly cleverly done, great em ; TASKER POLK. friend- and the fortunate who 'are phasis has been placed upon some un- The above poem by our gifted your friends and guests on these an- usual or outstanding talking point, t t m1 -DIU r.QO-r 1 . . -Pull" for 1lt-MViQ nA wpII nlaced W. D. NEWMAN DIES tv,p fvienH5 of Mr. W. D. Newman 1 M. U A. M- AWAAAW w I s ,Q hi nassin? from earthly townsman Hon. Tasker Folk appear- nual occasions are u jt o v,o Wnenf his pH first in the New York Home Jour- Iterance, hence, the scenes, nc uicu tv , , , on Mr W A. Newman on last Sat- nal, and is quite properly introduced spokesman -w - . i i yxi -- furday and was buried in Elmwood by the News and uoseiver w, "liQf thp at.mns- cemetery, Henderson, sunaay aiier- reaaers a boon He was 75 years, six months phere of North Carolina was (is and nine days old, and left ten living suited to the production of poetry. i j ii... .wiv.;ir!-roTi I rnu corimpnt. of the Doem tnroDs m AkilHfan a Tin 43 llVIill Eittiiui.Him.v.. i xuc -"v'--- I ::; 9Q OTPAterandchildren. with a-hope for a brighter tomorrow; nary purveys onv. o i . ... j-:4 With the Spirit OX uyimnaui too full" for ut- the. advertising has been well placed Record is their and made very appealing to the eye. More often than not, however, adver tising has to be continuous and con- Highway Engineers fidence built up in an establishment as to quality, fair treatment, and an The State Highway Engineers are that sort of thing. It is the estab- Frank Brown Allen, young son of c a Mr F N. Allen, had the mis- r a to he 'bitten by a highland moccasin Friday afternoon of last vveek He was looking for a baseball otns of his home when the t.:i lj the foot. His me snaKe dh x" . , , . is due to the presence of mind of his mother who sucked the poison blood om the wound. Frank has now re covered to the delight of friends The sne was killed by Mr. Phil Allen. rin fighter Born Announcement has been received WORK ON LOUISBURG of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Graham M. Rodwell of Eliza beth, N. J., on August 1st, 1921. Mr. Ben Rodwell of Weldon spent the week end in Warrenton. KILLS WIFE; SHOOTS SON Thursday morning information reached this office that Irwin Reid, a one-legged negro living in Nutbush township killed his wife ajid shot his son Wednesday night. Mr. EdwaTd Petar was appointed Coroner to make investigation and left Thursday morn ing for the scene of the crime. ,As we go to press Thursday after noon no report has been received from the Coroner. Mr G. EamesiL Miles of Greens boro is visiting his mother Mrs. M. J. Miles here. "Asking people to buy is what makes them buy' in many cases. Keep up your asking by advertising and by salesmanship." Warren county making prelimi- j snment . of confidence aid good will for the btate nign- which brines the stream of customers 1 J 4.Vtr.s rt-rr Vl way. - I wno are repeaxei , aim mcoc w These gentlemen ,under the direc- ones upon wh0m the real profit is tihn of chief engineer L. E. Wooten d DftAn PROGRESSING arrived in Warrenon 1 hursday anu Merchant's Journal and Commerce. : i . rm imrr.ediatelv got to work, iney are now making a preliminary survey of Via vmit.e. hv Macon, ana we unu- stand will make other surveys. Messrs. L. E. Wooten, E. G. Sin io.,r W a McCov. C. R. Wilson The road force, following the State survey uetween vaucuiuu Louisburg are making fine progress with their work. The road is being made a standard road, in accordance with the State's requirements, with double width - bridge over Shocco creek. Following the Turnpike from the Hyman place it passes Afton, .Montgomery's Store, Elberon, ana leaving the turnpike beyond Elberon it follows the original Stage road crossing , Shocco. below the present (Turnpike) bridge, passing through the front of Jones' Springs Lawn and across the lot north of the lawn, then on towards Hightower . Bridge over Sandy Creek. This road makes an inlet, to Warrenton from Alert, Franklin county and from that ter ritory below Jones Springs in Shocco township. A splendid bridge on good rock or concrete pillars high above highwater of Shocco makes t a road tnat can be traveled in all weather. Misses Mamie Williams and Olivia Burwell left yesterday for a visit to friends and relatives in New xorK City. Mis T.ucv Palmer Scoggin accom- and J. L. Greenleaf compose the sur- , , cousin Miss Annie Rowe veying party. Misses Sue and Mary R. Burroughs and brother Mr. William Burroughs are spending a few days at Virginia Beach. House to her home at Weldon Wed nesday. Miss House has been th guest of Miss Scoggin for the past few days. Mr. 'Lee D. Williams f Inez wa3 in ffiee Thursday. He has been in Miss Janice Fleming has retu ne after an extended visit Western North Carolina. .aA spending a few days with his friend r iemmg Mr. r. L. Bell near Macon. home after an extended visit to s cnn,w iVIr. XVUUUipii i' aiiikj " 1 few days at White Lakes. Mr. Graham V. Boyd, who has been on the Southern market for some time has returned to Warrenton. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scoggin and family who have been at Virginia Rpach for a few davs are visiting "When your business gets to where advertising and pushing will no long- er do anything for it, it is time to quit. It is dead." The best way we know to turn a scrub cow into a thoroughbred is -to f their relatives nere on mtui ,u4u let a train hit her. theii home in Louisburg.

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